BUS 200 Syllabus - Term 233
BUS 200 Syllabus - Term 233
BUS 200 Syllabus - Term 233
Course Description
Overview of the industrial revolutions; economy, legal system, business ethics, socio-cultural factors;
managerial functions, business strategies, organizational structures; consumer behavior, marketing
strategies and mix; financial statements and analysis; financial markets, time value of money, risk
and return; entrepreneurial process, innovation, business model and digital entrepreneurship.
Course Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Course Design
As the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is said to be approaching, the success of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be dependent on having talent who possess the skills to excel in ever-
changing business environments. The Introduction to Business & Entrepreneurship is a requirement
for all KFUPM students and is meant to provide students with a foundation in the principles of
business and entrepreneurship, so that the graduates of KFUPM will emerge with a strong business
sense and the skills set needed to thrive in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business
climate. Upon completion of the course, students will have learned how to understand & adapt to
changing business environments, work with employees & customers, manage organizational assets
and how to create & establish a business startup.
Course Materials
1. Ron Poff. (2023). Fundamentals of Business – 4th Edition, Virginia Tech Libraries.
Note: This book is an open source online ebook available at: Fundamentals of Business, 4th
edition (vt.edu)
2. External materials will be provided.
Attendance is mandatory in all class sessions. The attendance will be taken in the first minute of the
class. Any student who comes after the calling of names up to the first 15 minutes of the class time
will be considered late (arriving late three times is equivalent to one absence). Any student who
arrives after 15 minutes will be considered absent; however, the student is welcome to attend the
class. A grade of "DN" will be given to students who their unexcused and/or excused absences
exceed the allowable limits set by the University Council (i.e., for this course: 6 class periods for
unexcused absences, 9 class periods for excused and unexcused absences). Only an official excuse
by Student Affairs will be accepted, and no excuse will be accepted if presented more than two
weeks after the absence.
Students should be prepared and are expected to participate in class discussions. Answering
questions, presenting class activities, and highlighting important points related to discussed material
are examples of class participation. Student Attendance and Participation is worth 5% of your final
An important objective of this course is to experientially learn how to form and to manage a
business team, effectively and efficiently. You are used to managing yourself, but in this course, you
need to learn how to manage yourself in addition to your colleagues and their work in a professional
way. In other words, this course is about not only learning and practicing specific knowledge but also
how to interact effectively with your team members. The followings are some rules that you need to
follow as well as some suggestions to enhance your performance:
Each formed team should have a maximum of 5 members, depending on the total number
of students per class.
Diversity in forming teams is found as an important factor in the success of teamwork (i.e.,
hence your grade). It is suggested that each team member should have a different
major/class level from other members, as much as possible.
Each team needs to select a leader for the whole semester or alternate this position among
team members.
You need to develop a system and standards to manage your team, its activities, and
performance. If the performance of a team member is not up to the team standards, the
team should inform him/her. If there is no satisfactory improvement, the team may fire
him/her and needs to report it immediately to the instructor. At least one written notice via
email must be sent to the team member before he/she can be fired, and the email must also
be sent to the instructor. All other team members must agree to remove the inactive team
member. Upon the approval of the instructor, removed students will have to work on their
own projects alone. The peer evaluation will still be applied.
You will be given a peer evaluation at the end of semester to evaluate the contribution of
each team member to the team activities. You need to be honest and fair when you evaluate
the team members. Moreover, you need to be careful in filling out the evaluation and make
sure that you evaluate all team members.
The peer evaluation will be worth 5% of the final grade. It is important to highlight that the
peer evaluation will not be redone again to satisfy underperformed members. Accordingly,
every team member needs to manage his/her tasks and relationships effectively from the
beginning of the course.
This should reflect all team-based assignments throughout the semester and is completed at
the end of the semester.
Because the issues of peer evaluations are confidential, it will be handled at the end of the
course without revealing evaluators’ names. In other words, you will be notified of any
deduction in your teamwork grade due to peer evaluation, but you will not be given the details
of who and what.
o If a student’s peer evaluation average is 90 or above, he/she will receive the full 5%
of the peer evaluation grade.
o If a student’s peer evaluation average is between 60 and 90, he/she will receive a
deduction in the peer evaluation grade.
o If a student’s peer evaluation average is below 60, he/she will receive a deduction on
both the peer evaluation grade and his/her Entrepreneurship Project grade. For
example, a student who has a peer evaluation average of 50, will lose 50% of his/her
peer evaluation grade and 50% of his/her Entrepreneurship Project grade.
A Midterm Exam and a Final Exam will be given during the course. The Exams will have multiple-
choice questions. The questions of any Exam will be taken from the assigned textbook chapters,
lectures, assigned reading materials, cases, class discussions, and/or course oral and written
The Exams must be taken at the specified date and time. Makeup Exams will only be given upon
receiving an official excuse from Students Affairs.
During the semester, three team assignments/case studies will be given that will involve one or
more areas of the business module, i.e., accounting, finance, marketing, management, etc. These
will help students to develop a deeper understanding of the covered business area(s).
The weighting will be 15% total for these team assignments/case studies.
Turnitin will be used for all submissions, i.e., written project report, assignments, peer evaluation,
etc. A 20% deduction will be made for each day a submission is late.
Entrepreneurship Project
This project will help teams to develop the entrepreneurial mindset needed to become effective
entrepreneurs. Each team needs to find a business opportunity that can be turned into a business.
Based on the founded business opportunity, each team needs to develop as well as to validate a
business model canvas, as will be explained and practiced throughout this course. Finally, each team
needs to pitch the founded business opportunity, develop a business model, and discuss what it has
learned though this project.
The deliverable of this activity is 1-Project Report, 1-PowerPoint Slides, and 1-Class Presentation. The
weightings will be 15% for the team report, and 5% for the team presentation (all team members
must present). If a student fails to give his/her presentation, he/she will receive 0/5 for the
presentation grade.
Students must adhere to the standards of academic conduct set by the University Council:
All academic work or requirements assigned to a student must be carried out by him or her
without any unauthorized aid of any kind.
If it has been determined that a team has committed plagiarism on their written report or
oral presentation slides, appropriate measures will be taken.
Cheating, attempting to cheat, or violating instructions and examination regulations shall
render the offender subject to punishment in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Rules
as issued by the University Council.
Your performance in this course will be determined by a weighted average of your grades on the
following course activities/assignments:
The final course grade will be according to the following grading scale:
A+ : 95 - 100%
A : 90 - less than 95%
B+ : 85 - less than 90%
B : 80 - less than 85%
C+ : 75 - less than 80%
C : 70 - less than 75%
D+ : 65 - less than 70%
D : 60 - less than 65%
F : Less than 60%
Note: The course coordinator in collaboration with the course instructors reserves the right to make
any necessary changes to this syllabus as may be deemed necessary to enhance the learning
experience of students. These changes will be announced in class, University Blackboard, and/or by
Course Outline
Week Textbook
Discussion Topics Due dates
# Readings
Ch 10
Operations Management;
4 Ch 17
Accounting and Financial Information