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Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

No seat... Just eat!

Have you ever thought about opening a restaurant but

you don’t have enough budget? Then a food truck will
be an ideal option.

Driving question:
How can you use system of linear equations to manage your own food truck and find the
most sold item?
8.EE.C.7 Solve linear equations in one variable
8.EE.C.8a Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to
points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously
8.EE.C.8b Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically (using substitution and
elimination strategies), and estimate solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by
inspection. For example, 3x + 2y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 6 have no solution because 3x+ 2y cannot
simultaneously be 5 and 6
8.EE.C.8c Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables.
For example, given coordinates for two pairs of points, determine whether the line through the first pair of
points intersects the line through the second pair.

This project has been designed to evaluate students’ ability to:

 Solve linear equations with one variable
 Graph linear equations
 Solve system of line equations by graphing.
 Solve system of linear equations algebraically.
 Interpret the meaning of the solution of a system of linear equations.

Due date: June 24,2022

Math Project Rubric

Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

Criteria 4 3 2 1
90% to 100% of mathematical 80% to 90% of 70% to 80% of Fewer than 70% of
concepts are completely mathematical mathematical concepts mathematical
Math understood. All terminology concepts are are completely concepts are
and notations are used completely understood. Some understood.
Knowledge appropriately. understood. Most terminology and Terminology and
terminology and notations are used. notations are
notations are used misused.

Math 90% to 100% of the 80% to 90% of the 70% to 80% of the Fewer than 70% of
Accuracy calculations are correct. calculations are calculations are correct the calculations are
correct correct

All steps for solving problems Most steps for Some steps for solving Student didn’t show
are meticulously shown. solving problems are problems are any work.
Correct Mathematical terms are meticulously shown. meticulously shown. Mathematical terms
always used and all answers Correct Mathematical terms are are not used
are labeled with units when Mathematical terms used sometimes and correctly and the
Work shown needed.
are used and most they are sometimes answers are not
of the answers are correct. Some answers labelled with units
labeled with units are labeled with units when needed.
when needed. when needed.

The student worked through The student worked The student worked The student could
the entire project without through the through the project with not work through the
Independent external help and consistently project with little some external help and project
work during showed progress over time. external help and inconsistently showed independently and
class time consistently showed progress over time. was unable to
progress over time. demonstrate progress
over time.

The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is

exceptionally neat and neat and organized. acceptably neat though distractingly messy.
organized. The content is The content is it may be a bit messy. The content lacks a
written clearly and concisely written with a The content is vague. logical sequence of
with a logical progression of logical progression Some of the information information. Includes
ideas and supporting of ideas and may not seem to fit. little only one or two
information. supporting facts about the topic.

Reflection The reflection articulates The reflection The reflection attempts The reflection does
multiple connections articulates to articulate connections not articulate any
between this learning connections between this learning connection to other
experience and content from between this experience and content learning or
other courses, past learning from other courses, past experiences.
learning, life experiences experience and learning experiences, or Student’s response to
and/or future goals. content from other personal goals, but the the driving question
Student’s response to the courses, past connection is vague or is not completed
driving question is deep, learning unclear. and/or shows a
meaningful, and effective and experiences, and/or misunderstanding of
shows a strong understanding future goals. The students’ response the project.
of the project. The students’ to the driving question is
response to the superficial showing a
driving question is very little understanding
effective and shows of the project.
good understanding
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

of the project.

Part 1:
It has always been a dream of yours to own and manage a food truck and the opportunity
has finally presented itself. Before your food truck business can take off, you first have to
come up with a business plan.
Fill out the tables below to help you come up with your business plan and the list of Menu
items included in your food truck

Food truck name

Number of employees
(Choose a number between 2 and 6)

Type of food sold. (below are some

options for you)
Burger, pizza, seafood, pasta, fried
chicken, crepes and waffles...

List of Menu items

Item A

Item B

Item C

Item D

Item E

Item F
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

Part 2:
Now it is time to purchase a food truck that will meet your needs.
Answer the questions below to help you buy the truck that will carry out your dream
1. You found two trucks for sale that would be perfect for your business.
 The blue food truck is in perfect condition, but costs $ 8,000 more than the green
food truck.
 The green food truck is in need of repairs to make it fully functional.
 The two trucks together cost $172,000.
Write and solve an equation to find the cost of each truck.

2. You decide to get an estimate on the cost of repairs for the green food truck. The
mechanic explains that the cost of the repairs comes out to be about $3,562. Decide
which food truck would you like to purchase and explain why.
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

Part 3:
You have the truck and now it is time to make the final preparations before the opening
1. You ordered paper plates and plastic utensils for your food truck. Paper plates cost $8
per package and plastic utensils cost $5 per package. Your supplier delivered 15
packages for a total cost of $90. How many paper plastic and plastic utensils did you
order? Show your work.

2. You need to pay monthly permits for your food truck. You contacted two companies to
check their plans. Company A charges a one-time fee of $150 and $ 40 per month.
Company B charges a one-time fee of $ 120 and $50 per month. You have to decide
which company plan is the best deal for you.
Keep in mind that your food truck business is not one-day business. It could last for

a. Write an equation for each company.

Company a: company b:
y=40(0)+150 y=50(0)+120
y=150 y=120
y=40(2)+150 y=50(2)+120
y=230 y=220
y=40(3)+150 y=50(3)+120
y=270 y=270
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

After how many months the charges of both companies will be the same?

Three months
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

b. Which company plan is the best deal? Explain your answer in 1-2 sentences using
Mathematical terms.
Company b has the best plan because company b monthly permits cost less expensive than
company a, for each month.
c. What are the charges of the company you chose in part c in the first month?

The charges of company b for the first mouth is 170


3. You used $3000 of your budget for training your employees. Each hour of training costs
$40 per employee plus a one-time $200 fee.

a. How many hours of training can your purchase?

Equation; 3000 = 40x + 200
3000 = 40x + 200 3000-200=40x+200-200 X=70
x = hours 2800 = 40x

This means that you can get 70 hours of training for each of your employees
b. How many hours of training will each of your employees receive?
Remember how many employees do you have? (Refer to Part 1)
4. You need a parking for your food truck, so you purchased 26 “parking hours” that you
can use over the next month to park your food truck at the fair. Weekday hours cost
$2/hour and weekend hours cost $10/hour. You spent a total of $220. How many
weekday hours did you purchase?
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

5. If the weekday hours tripled but your budget of $220 for 26 parking hours remain the
same. How many weekend hours can you purchase now that the weekday hours have


6. No that you are done with the preparations for your food truck, you need to find the
total expenses of your food truck during the first month.
(Since the truck was leased, its cost is excluded)

(Refer to part 3)
Paper plates and plastic utensils

Monthly permit


Parking hours

Total expenses
Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

Part 4
Today is your first day in business. You’ve done all of the preparation work and now it is
time to cook delicious food, make your customers happy, and earn money. Your accountant
presented the prices of the items in the form of equations. You need to find the price of
each item in your food truck.
1. In the table below, fill in the name of each menu item and solve the systems of equations
to find the price of each item. (show you work in the space below the table)

Menu item Equations Price(in dollars)

(Refer to part 1)
A a + b = $7
a + 2b = $11
C c + d = $15
D 3c + 2d = $36

E e + f = $12
F 4e + f = $33

Show your work:

Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

Part 5
After a long day of work, it’s time to analyze your sales and determine which of your menu
items were best sellers and brought in the most money.

1. You sold a combined total of 25 of item A and item B. You made $88. Refer to the prices
of these items in the table (in part 4) and find how much of each item did you sell.

2. Item C sold half as many times as item D. Altogether, you sold 54 of these items. How
many of items C did you sell today? How many of items D did you sell?

3. Write a situation about today’s sales for the following system of equations and then
determine how much of each menu item you sold: e + f = 36 and e = 3f.

4. Which item did you sell the most?

Math, Grade 8 AMB, Capstone Project S2 21-22

5. If the number of items sold was the same each day for the first month, how much money
did you earn during this month? Did you have any profit? If yes write how much. If no,
what can you do to have a profit?

6. Explain how you can use system of linear equations to manage your own food truck and
find the most sold item?? Reflect on your work in the previous parts and write 3-4
sentences using mathematical terms

Refer to part 4, question 1 and create new systems of liner equations, solve it and find the
new price of each menu item.

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