Constitution 2
Constitution 2
Constitution 2
UNIT – 1
1. Write a short note on special status given to jammu & Kashmir under article 370.
2. Special provision relating to article 371-j.
3. Briefly explain the provisions of the constitution relating panchayaths in india.
4. Short note on
• Local self government.
• Official language.
• Federalism.
• Co-operative federalism
• Finance commission
• Commission & committee of parliament on official language.
• Doctrine of colourable legislation.
• Restrictions on trade & commerce.
UNIT – 2
1. Short note on
• Governor
• Appointment of CM
• Position of PM
• Bicameralism
• Council of minister.
• Collective responsibility
• Legislative powers of the president
• Attorney general of india
UNIT – 3
1. Critically evaluate the procedure for appointment of the chief justice of SC.
2. What is money bill? Explain the procedure of passing of money bill & ordinary bill.
3. What is bill? Discuss the various kinds of bills & the corresponding procedures in passing
them by the parliament.
4. What is ordinary bill? How is it passed in parliament?
5. Explain the nature & extent of the appellate jurisdiction of the SC.
6. Explain original jurisdiction of the SC
7. Explain the scope of original jurisdiction of the SC
8. Explain the powers & functions of the lok sabha speaker.
9. Explain the writ jurisdiction of the HC.
10. Examine whether the anti-defection law is a suppression of healthy party debate & dissent.
11. Discuss the powers, privileges & immunities of the MP
12. Examine whether parliamentary privilege is an anti-thesis to equality before law.
13. “jurisdiction of the SC cannot be barred”. Discuss.
UNIT – 5
1. What is an amendment? Explain the power of the parliament to amend constitution & the
procedure followed by the parliament.
2. What is amendment? Discuss amendment of fundamental rights with references to decided
3. What is amendment? State the types & procedure for amending the constitution of india.
4. What are the kinds of emergencies envisaged under the constitution?
5. Discuss the circumstances under which national emergency may proclaimed. What are it
6. Explain state emergency with decided cases (Art 356)
7. Discuss declaration of emergency under article 352 & its consequences.
8. Examine the powers of the president of india to declare a state emergency and state its
effect on federalism.
9. Explain basic structure theory.
10. Discuss the president’s rule in the sight of federal character of the constitution of india.
1. Short note on
• S.R. Bommai v. union of india
• Theory of basic structure of constitution
• State emergency
• Indra Gandhi v. raj Narayan
• Methods of amendment of the constitution
• 9th schedule of the constitution of india
• Financial emergency