How To Write A Recommendation Letter
How To Write A Recommendation Letter
How To Write A Recommendation Letter
Brought to you by: How to write a recommendation letter How to write a recommendation letter Recommendation letters are letters written by professors who know you,assessing you capacity to meet the requirements of a program you areapplying for. They're supposed to help decisionmakers to get a betterpicture of your potential. The sure thing is, if you apply for aMaster? program, or for a PhD, sometimes even for a summer school, youcannot avoid them. Another part of the harsh reality is that due todifferent reasons, if you are a student in Eastern Europe you willoften find yourself in the position to write these letters yourself.The professor will, in this case, only proof-read and sign the text. Incase you belong to the lucky ones who don't have to writerecommendation letters themselves, you should still read this section.You will find useful hints about how to handle properly this delicatepart of the application process. How to deal with them. Usually, recommendation letters have to bewritten on especially designed sheets of paper that come as part ofyour application form. In some cases, letters on letterhead will beaccepted, if for some reasons, you can? use those special pieces ofpaper. Read carefully what has been written in the application bookletabout such situations. Fill in the fields at the beginning at the formthat ask for your name, department, etc. Take the forms to a professorwho knows you and is familiar with your skills or activity. Allow theprofessor as much time as possible (ideally 23 weeks) to write yourletter. Try to make sure the professor is aware of who you are, whatyour interests are and understands what you are applying for. A smalltalk when you are handing the recommendation forms or a printed summaryof all that that accompanies the forms can help to this respect. Try,with politeness and attention, to make sure the professor will writeyou a recommendation in warm terms. Recommendations tend to be, eventhough not always, somewhat bombastic in vocabulary. If you ever getyour eyes on such a text, you might upgrade the opinion you had aboutyourself. Be prepared with envelope and stamps, in case the professorwants to send the letter him-or herself. You should also read therelated lines from the application booklet about this point. Someuniversities prefer to receive the recommendation letters together withthe rest of the application, while some would rather get themseparately, sent directly by the professor who recommends you. It isusual practice that envelopes are signed by the professor over the lid,in such a way that one cannot open the envelope without deterioratingthe lid. In order to increase the confidence the recruiters put in theletter when you have to send the recommendation together with the restof the application, we advise you to request such a signature and/or anofficial seal. Content. Sometimes, a busy professor will suggest more or less directlythat you produce a first draft of the text that he or she will correctand sign. In other cases, this is the only way you can get a letterthat differs from the standard text every student gets from thatprofessor. Our goal is not to discuss the reality of Eastern Europeancampuses here. Still, if you think you might be offended
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by thepractice of writing your own recommendation letters, it is probablybetter that you do not read the rest of the text. A recommendation letter ideally starts by stating the name of theprofessor who writes the letter and his/her title, together with thename of the student for whom the letter is written. The professorshould also state since when has s/he known the students: year, classor other activity. It should in any case be clear that the professorhad the opportunity to get to know the student well and assess his/hercapabilities. The assessment of the student? capabilities should be made from amultiple point of view over the next 3-4 paragraphs. From aprofessional point of view, it should give account of the student? knowledge, interests and capabilities, activities and results, workcapacity, etc. Personally, it should assess the student? personalcharacteristics, character, social skills, his or her relations withthe students and professors. Same as in other application documents,the direction should be from facts/experience to qualifications, andfrom those, to value judgments. Especially those skills relevant forthe desired program should be outlined throughout the paper. The final paragraph should provide an overall assessment of thestudent? potential to fulfill the requirements of the program, eventhough partial judgments can and should be provided in the body of theletter. Some of the graduate study programs supply you with forms for therecommendation letters that ask the professor to ask a number ofspecific questions about your skills and qualifications. Sometimes,space for the answer is allowed after each question, and there is wherethe answers should be written, rather than on a separate sheet ofpaper. Other times, the questions come as a block, an in this case youhave the option to answer the question still in the form of a letter.Should you chose this option, make sure the letter answers clearlyevery single question, preferably in the order in which they are askedon the form. Don't forget to write the date and the name of the home university. Thename of the program you are applying for should come out explicitly inthe body of the text, in order to make clear that the letter has beenwritten for that occasion. Unless the format of the paper on which theletter should be written makes this difficult, you can print the text.Even better, have the text on a disk with you, in case the professorwill consider any changes necessary. Be ready to give the professortime to read your draft and make those changes. Most recommendation forms contain a certain number of fields, themultiple-choice kind, where the professor has to assess, by checkingcells, your abilities. Make sure those fields are checked and insertthe text in the place left for additional remarks. We strongly suggestthat you do not leave blank that portion of the form, but use itinstead as a self-standing recommendation letter.
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