Dragon Cult Airship Statblock
Dragon Cult Airship Statblock
Dragon Cult Airship Statblock
Have a neat and handy statblock for the Dragon Cult
Airship as it is encountered in Storm King’s Thunder!
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by Mister Esel
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Dragon Cult Airship Balloon
Gargantuan Vehicle (60 ft. by 20ft.) Armor Class 11 (Dyed Dragon Hide)
Creature Capacity 2 (4) crew, 6 passengers Hit Points 50
Cargo Capacity up to 1 ton
Travel Pace 4/8/12 mph.; 30 / 60 / 90 ft. per round Armor Class 15 (Bronze)
Ascend/Descend Rate 0/0.7/1.4 mp/h.; 0/5/10 ft. per Additional Damage Immunity Fire
Hit Points 30 (Damage threshold 10)
(Fire Ballista The ship fires its balista (crew action Hit Points 50
needed)) It takes one action to load, one action to aim the gun
and one action to fire it.
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft.,
Armor Class 13 (fitted with steel runners) one target. Hit: 16 (3d10) piercing damage.
Hit Points 250 (damage threshold 10)
Crew? Operatable?
is according to how the furnace is used.
The ship is, generally speaking, operable with only two A fun idea
crewmates; one steering with the propeller, one operating
I used this ship in my campaign in a way that was not
the furnace. I put the number 4 in brackets because one
inteded for it, I gave it to my players and let the OG crew
would need 2 other crewmates to sufficiently operate the
introduce them to it so that they may use it as they like.
ship's weapons. According to that I put 2 of the ship's
In order for them to successfully work the ship I let them
actions in brackets as well but the 2 minimum crewmates
give each other roles, like captain, steersman, armorer,
could always move and let the ship ascend/descend and
treasurer, lookout, etc.
move as propeller/furnace/wind alonend it.
If you want to use the ship in a similar way, consider this!
It's fun!