04 - Soils That Are Sediments
04 - Soils That Are Sediments
04 - Soils That Are Sediments
4.1.1 Overview
Most soils used in engineering actually are sediments instead of residual soils that
have been developed in place by weathering. Their properties therefore relate to
sedimentation processes instead of weathering.
Sediments are geologically young compared with sedimentary rocks, and have
not undergone significant lithification or hardening. Sand is a sediment, sandstone
a rock. Sedimentary soils may subsequently be altered by weathering, which is
the topic of the next chapter.
Sand and gravel deposited in river bars are readily recognized as sediments,
as is sand that has been shaped by wind into dunes. However, other sediments that
are less obvious are much more plentiful and play a more significant role in
engineering. These include broad swaths of soils left plastered across the northern
parts of the continents by continental glaciers and blankets of dust that were
carried and deposited by winds.
60 Geotechnical Engineering
Sorting refers to a tendency for sediments to be separated into uniform grain sizes,
which varies according to the transporting agent. Landslide and glacial till soils
exhibit little or no sorting action, particularly when compared with water- and
wind-deposited soils.
4.2.2 Settlement
Sediments that are in equilibrium with their own weight are said to be normally
consolidated. Venice is an example of a city that is situated on a soil that still is
normally consolidating, which explains why Venice is sinking. Both the amount
and rate of settlement are important considerations for any design.
The position of a groundwater table also affects settlement because of the buoyant
reduction in soil weight—the lower the weight, the less a soil will tend to con-
solidate under its own weight. For example, consider the weight of a bucket
of sand both in and out of the water. According to a principle first put forth
by Archimedes, the weight of the submerged object is reduced by the weight of
the water that it displaces. This difference is readily calculated by knowing the
density of the soil and of the water.
62 Geotechnical Engineering
Another option in areas of soft soils is to support structures on piles that extend
down to underlying hard strata or bedrock. In this case settlement of adjacent
unsupported areas can create the illusion that buildings are rising up out of the
ground. In places like Mexico City a common countermeasure is to support a
structure on hydraulic jacks that can be lowered to keep pace with the settlement.
For example, courses of masonry in the famous Leaning Tower indicate that
as tilting occurred during construction and was compensated by increasing the
height on the low side. Tilting then pursued in a different direction because, as
soil under the low side was compressed, it became stronger and less compressible.
Had the corrections not been made, the increasingly eccentric loading would
have caused the tower to topple, and after each correction was made a new cycle
of tilting proceeded in a different direction. It was only after the tower was
completed that there was no further correction and an increasing danger of falling
over. The latest correction devised by English and Italian geotechnical engineers
involved adding a temporary surcharge load to the high side, which arrested
further tilting, and then augering soil out from under the high side to bring it back
to a safer position. What makes this tower so unique is because it survived;
most medieval towers collapsed.
4.2.4 Surcharging
Fourteenth century construction scheduling does not fit a modern mold, and
a simple procedure that can be used to reduce or control settlement is to preload
the soil with a weight and pressure that are equal to that of a proposed structure,
allow time for the soil to compress, and then remove the weight and build the
structure. Extra weight may be used to hurry things along, and normally does
no harm so long as it does not punch down into the soil sufficiently to cause
a shear failure. This method of construction is called surcharging.
Surcharge loads usually are piles of soil that can be moved to successive
building sites in a complex. Another option is to store all building materials
on a site footprint slab; then as the structure is built the weight stays the
same. Surcharging is common where a new highway must cross soft, compressible
terrain. Surcharging can save money but requires time, and owners see time as
money. It therefore is important to be able to predict the time that will be required
and monitor the progress of settlement. A method described later in this book
shows how to predict future settlement from measurements made over a period
of time.
4.3.1 Talus
Steeply sloping heaps of rock fragments at the bases of rock outcrops are called
talus or scree. The rubble deposits have fallen off and slid down to a marginally
stable, relatively steep slope angle, Fig. 4.1. The deposits tend to be cone-shaped
with the apex pointing to the source.
The stability of a talus slope is readily measured by simply walking on it, as the
weight of a foot can start things sliding. For obvious reasons such a slope is not
a satisfactory foundation but it sometimes cannot be avoided, particularly when
building roads in mountainous areas. In that case vibration or blasting may be
used to cause the deposit to settle into a more comfortable slope angle, while
recognizing that more scree will be on the way. As mountainous areas usually are
earthquake areas, a good shake may accomplish the same thing until the next
shake that may be bigger.
Figure 4.1
Road constructed
across a talus
slope where there
was not much
Highway, Pakistan.
64 Geotechnical Engineering
The marginally stable slope angle of gravity deposits is called the angle of repose.
It typically is around 358, but may be as high as 458 in coarse, angular rubble.
The angle of repose also may be observed where sand, gravel, rock, or grain are
dumped onto a pile from a conveyor belt, and occurs in nature on the back sides
of active sand dunes.
4.3.3 Creep
Creep is an imperceptibly slow downhill movement. Creep occurring in advance
of a rock avalanche can be monitored by careful measurements of the ground
movement, or may be indicated by fences that gradually move out of line. Special
microphones may be used to detect and monitor subaudible ‘‘rock noises’’ that
come off as minute clicking noises associated with stick-slip. The more scientific
name is acoustic emissions, and an increase in the rate of occurrence is a precursor
to mass movement.
Colluvium is soil that has been moved to the toe of a slope by creep or by
a combination of creep and periodic alluvial activity.
4.3.4 Landslides
Landslides progress more slowly than rock avalanches and faster than creep.
It must be emphasized that landslides are not the same as erosion, but involve
mass downslope movements of soil or rock masses along discrete shear zones.
As in the case of faults, landslides tend to grind and stir soils along the slip
surfaces, creating thickened slip zones.
Landslides occur when acting forces from the weight of a soil mass equal the
maximum resistance to shearing. They usually occur after prolonged periods of
rain, as frictional restraint is reduced by buoyancy from a rising groundwater
table. The causative factors, analysis, prevention, and repair are major concerns of
the geotechnical engineer. Structures involved in landslides often are a total loss,
Fig. 4.2. Insurance companies put losses from ground movements in the same
category as those from nuclear war, in that they are not covered by ordinary
homeowner insurance policies.
Figure 4.2
Split level in
Tarzana, Cal.:
the house was
level and then it
split. A landslide
not only can pull
down structures,
the sites are
66 Geotechnical Engineering
Counting tree rings therefore can help date the first start of a landslide. Large
trees that move with a landslide usually die if their tap roots are broken.
Soil in a shear zone is weakened because cohesive bonds are disrupted, and as soil
grains roll over one another they dilate and increase in volume, and suck in more
water. As this process continues, the basal soil in a landslide can turn into a
viscous mud that squeezes out in the toe area and can make access very difficult.
Test boring often requires the use of track-mounted drilling machines, and even
then the toe areas may be inaccessible.
Creeks or rivers running at the toe of a landslide often are pinched and may be
temporarily dammed by the moving mass of soil. Since the dam is loose, uncon-
solidated soil, as soon as it is overtopped by flowing water, it will be breached by
erosion, causing a flood downstream. Cutting a channel to prevent damming also
is risky because removal of restraint at the toe will allow more sliding.
Another way to abuse a landslide is to remove soil from the toe, because it
is the weight and resistance from the toe area that stops sliding. This caper often is
accomplished when the landslide is old and covered with vegetation so that its
existence is not recognized or appreciated. Landslides also are triggered by natural
removal of soil from the toe by erosion, in particular by lateral cutting by a river.
Case History
Creep was observed but was a futile warning for a huge landslide that
occurred in 1964 in northern Italy. The slide completely filled the reservoir
above Vaiont Dam and created such a monstrous splash that the wind broke
windows over a mile (1.6 km) away. The wave overtopped the dam by about
100 m (300 ft) and washed down through the valley, taking the lives of over
2000 people. Creep was observed and monitored prior to the slide, and an
attempt was made to drain the reservoir, but drainage did not keep up with
the rate of soil creep so the lake level kept rising. As buoyancy reduced
friction at the toe, creep turned into a landslide encompassing an area of
about 1.6 2.4 km (1 1.5 miles). Some of the engineers at the dam were
convicted of negligence because of failure to initiate a timely evacuation.
68 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 4.3
Boulders that
have been faceted
and striated are
evidence for
dragging by
moving ice. The
grinding action of
glaciers was the
ultimate source for
most agricultural
soils, whether
deposited by ice
or by wind or
glaciers, may have made some people question his sobriety. Aggasiz’s spe-
cialty at the time was the study of fossil fish. However, he was a competent and
critical observer, and he saw similarities between deposits in North America and
glacial deposits in the Alps. In particular he saw linear drag marks with a roughly
north-south orientation scored into bedrock, which reminded him of home.
Boulders within glacial deposits also show scrape marks and often are flat-
tened on one or more sides, Fig. 4.3. Agassiz became a professor at Harvard
and revolutionized the teaching of natural sciences by emphasizing field study,
an emphasis that also has a home in geotechnical engineering.
4.4.2 Extent
Prior to continental glaciation the Missouri River flowed north into what now
is Hudson Bay, which occupies a basin that was pushed down below sea level
by the weight of the glacial ice.
Figure 4.4
Glaciated areas in
the U.S. Vertical
shading indicates
(Wisconsin age)
glacial advances
that are dominated
by glacial features.
shows earlier
glacial deposits
that are incised by
streams and
covered with
wind-blown silt or
Glaciation was a temporary inconvenience for mankind, but after the development
of agriculture it has been a huge plus because it created a mantle of fertile soil.
Several soil deposits are associated with continental glaciation—soil deposited
from the ice itself, soil deposited by water from melting ice, and soil picked up by
winds crossing exposed river bars that deposited dust across broad areas of
70 Geotechnical Engineering
Tilted strandlines also indicate rebound around Great Salt Lake as the lake level
lowered as a result of desiccation. The ancestral lake, known as Lake Bonneville,
was about 330 m (1000 ft) higher during the Pleistocene, and the land has risen
about 70 m (230 ft).
The early Pleistocene saw the emergence of man, who now probably would be
referred to as intellectually challenged. The stocky and large-brained Neanderthal
man appeared about 100,000 years ago, and the taller and equally large-brained
Cro-Magnon man first appeared about 35,000 ybp (years before present) and
threw his weight around. Modern man is Cro-Magnon with shoes and a haircut.
Question: What volume of glacial ice would be required to lower sea level 100 m?
The total surface area of the Earth is approximately 509,600,000 km2, of which
oceans cover about 71 percent.
Answer: 36,200,000 km3 ¼ 8,700,000 cubic miles. This does not include displace-
ment as the weight of the ice pushed down the Earth’s crust.
72 Geotechnical Engineering
have been found in glacial deposits, and back-tracking has led to the discovery of
valuable diamond-bearing kimberlite rocks in the Northwest Territories.
Subglacial till has been been run over and compressed into a hard mass by
the weight of the glacier. In engineering terms such a soil is said to be
overconsolidated, meaning that it has been consolidated under a pressure that is
in excess of that which exists today. The pressure involved in overconsolidation
is called the overconsolidation pressure, also called the preconsolidation pressure.
This is an important measure in foundation engineering because it represents
a pressure that can be replaced without causing appreciable settlement. It is
surcharge imposed by the weight of a glacier.
During the final retreat large blocks of ice may stagnate and be incorporated into
the moraines. Later when the blocks of ice melt they leave steep-sided depressions
called ‘‘kettle lakes.’’ Kettle lakes are common in the northern U.S. and in the
British Isles.
Superglacial till, being less dense than subglacial till, more readily weathers, so
a distinction also may be made on the basis of soil color, brown on top of gray.
Erosion by surface runoff water gradually removes soil from the shallow hills
of a ground moraine and deposits it in adjacent swales, where the soil tends to
be wet, clayey, and highly compressible. Swale soils also can contain expansive
clay minerals, so drainage may dry them out and make them vulnerable to later
74 Geotechnical Engineering
Although glacial melting normally proceeds from the glacier surface down-
ward, the water released by melting readily infiltrates downward through
cracks and flows as a river underneath the ice. After the ice has melted the
alluvial deposit remains as a ridge of sand and gravel, called an esker, as shown
in Fig. 4.5.
Kames are sand-gravel mounds that accumulated in pockets in the ice. They
often occur in association with kettle lakes. Kame terraces are deposited along
edges of glaciers confined in valleys, and show evidence of collapse after the ice
in the valley melted. Eskers and kames may be used as local sources for sand and
gravel, and appear as light areas on airphotos because of good drainage.
4.5.2 Outwash
Glacial sediment carried down river valleys is referred to as outwash and typi-
cally consists of a wide range of coarse particle sizes, from sand up to gravel
and even boulders. Outwash-carrying streams do not meander lazily down
their floodplains, but race downhill in a wild series of interconnecting, rapidly
shifting channels called a braided stream, as shown in Fig. 4.6. The rapid
current in a braided stream leaves deposits of sand and gravel that may be
covered with silt during waning stages of the river.
Figure 4.5
Subglacial stream
actively forming
an esker and
emerging at the
terminus of the
glacier, Alaska.
Note the heavy
concentration of
sediment in the
basal ice.
Figure 4.6
Aerial photograph
of a braided river
carrying glacial
outwash in Alaska.
Outwash plains are created where outwash streams spill out over their banks to
deposit a broad deposit of sand and gravel. Outwash plains tend to be fan-shaped
as they spread out from a glacial front. Long Island and Cape Cod contain a series
of such fans.
Outwash terraces are alluvial terraces that are elevated remnants of former
floodplains that were abandoned when the river entrenched or cut downward.
Outwash terraces are common along rivers that carried glacial outwash because,
as the nature of the sediment being carried by the river changed, its downslope
gradient changed. Generally the downhill gradient of a river carrying a full load of
coarse granular outwash is steeper than that of the modern floodplain, so outwash
terraces are high close to a glacial front and decrease in relative elevation with
distance downstream, eventually merging into and plunging below the modern
As a glacial front does its final retreat and the river starting point moves
northward, the river normally will entrench and leave a series of step-like terraces,
the oldest being the highest and the most extensively dissected by later stream
Outwash terraces are prime sources for sand and gravel. Intelligent prospecting
for gravel in these areas requires an appreciation of the landforms and recognition
of stream terraces. These generally appear lighter on airphotos and are confirmed
with test borings.
76 Geotechnical Engineering
As will be pointed out, braided streams are not limited to glacial rivers, but
also occur in arid and semiarid climates where sediment is abundant and
water limited.
Another feature of glacial valleys that differentiates them from stream valleys is
that tributary glaciers have elevations that are even at the top of the ice, whereas
tributary streams cut down to elevations dictated by the bottom. Therefore after
the valley glaciers have melted, tributary valleys are ‘‘hanging valleys’’ marked
by waterfalls.
Many other explanations also have been suggested, including climatic oscilla-
tions caused by surges of glaciers in Antarctica, or changes in reflectance of the
Sun’s energy as snow cover accumulated during a series of harsh winters. The
Ewing-Donn hypothesis, first proposed in the 1950s and modified in the 1960s,
suggested that melting of the Arctic ice pack created a source for snow that then
accumulated sufficiently to depress global temperatures, which led to freezing
over of the source for snow, thereby setting up a cycle.
The discovery of lithified glacial till called ‘‘tillite’’ indicates that continental
glaciation also occurred during earlier geological eras. The causal factors affect-
ing such dramatic climatic changes are relevant to the interpretation of global
Alluvial deposits from youthful streams are confined to narrow valleys and
generally are thin and temporary, being washed away by the next major runoff
event. They often co-mingle with colluvial soil brought down by gravity and sheet
wash from adjacent slopes. The combined deposit can arbitrarily be called ‘‘local
Headward erosion by youthful streams slows down when the collection area
for rainfall diminishes, and essentially stops at the previously mentioned
‘‘critical distance.’’ This distance defines the width of intervening hilltops, or
78 Geotechnical Engineering
Because of the existence of an ultimate base level, the gradient or slope of rivers
generally increases upstream, and in general the lower the stream order, the higher
the stream gradient.
Point Bars
Probably the most conspicuous deposit of a meandering river is sand that
occupies the inner area of each meander loop. The term ‘‘point bar,’’ like many
other terms used to describe rivers, comes from river navigation. As meander
loops migrate downstream the point bars are like footprints forming a line
down the river. Because the point bar inside one meander loop is directly
across the river from the next one, they form a continuous band of sand that
is criss-crossed by the river channel. Bridges across meandering rivers there-
fore, at least in part, are supported on point bars. After they are deposited,
point bars soon are covered by vegetation, but their identity still can be deter-
mined from their position relative to existing or former channels of a meandering
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Soils That Are Sediments
80 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 4.7
Filled former river channels (clay plugs) occur at curved outer margins of the extensive point bar
sand deposits. A newer channel has remnants of an oxbow lake. The downstream progress of this
meander was halted by the older clay plug, which caused the cutoff. The smaller oxbow probably
involves a tributary river. At the lower right, patterns on older parts of the floodplain are obscured by
trees and surficial backswamp clay deposits. The lighter area rimming the larger clay plug has a
road and is a natural levee silt deposit. (USDA photo.)
Meander migration is not smooth owing to periodic bank caving and flood surges,
so point bars typically contain arcuate ridges that represent former river margins.
During high river stages the shallow channels across a point bar may be reoccu-
pied and can even develop their own scaled-down meander patterns. Riverboat
pilots called these channels ‘‘chutes,’’ and used them as shortcuts during high
water. The risk was in getting stuck when the river level went down.
The thickness of a clay plug depends on the depth of the river channel at the time
of the cutoff, which, as it occurred during a period of high water, will tend to be
deeper than the existing channel. Clay plugs are thicker in the central area of
the meander where the river channel was deeper.
Occasionally a river will escape from its meander belt and start a new series
of cutoffs and clay plugs that will define a new meander belt. This has occurred
Figure 4.8
Diagram showing
deposits on a
floodplain and
associated terrace
of a meandering
river. Most of the
area within the
meander belt is
point bar.
82 Geotechnical Engineering
repeatedly in the Mississippi River above New Orleans, each time forming
a new delta. As the delta extends outward, the river level must rise in order to
preserve a downhill gradient, so the system becomes unstable and the river will
seek to escape the confines of its meander belt and levees. This is the situation at
New Orleans.
Some floodplain areas will have a lighter color on airphotos and appear to have a
braided pattern indicating a sand deposit, but this is misleading because the sand
may only be a meter or so thick. This is a sand splay, which occurs where a levee
has been breached at some time in the past.
Clay carried overbank or through a breach is slow to settle out, and forms
a continuous blanket on top of older deposits. This clay is called a ‘‘backswamp’’
or ‘‘slackwater’’ deposit, and can be meters thick. It frequently is expansive clay
and therefore can be of critical importance in engineering. Desiccation at the
surface creates a harder crust that can be utilized for supporting lightly loaded
As a delta builds out into a sea, the river is extended and natural levees are
built up higher during flood. A river level that is higher than the adjacent
floodplain is a recipe for disaster. The most famous example of delta extension
is the heavily loess-laden Yellow River (Huang Ho) in China, considered to be
the muddiest major river in the world. In some locations the delta has extended
as much as 8 km (5 miles) in one year, and natural levees have been built up to
the extent that the river as much as 21 m (70 ft) above the adjacent floodplain.
Sudden breakouts are almost impossible to contain, and have killed hundreds
of thousands of people, giving the river its name ‘‘River of Sorrow.’’ Dams are
being constructed to control flooding, but a river carrying such a heavy load of
sediment will quickly silt up the reservoirs and reduce their effectiveness. One plan
is to allow the river to flow on through during periods when it is most heavily
laden with silt.
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Soils That Are Sediments
River entrenchment was world-wide during the Pleistocene glaciation as sea level
was lowered over 100 m as water was held as ice. Then as glaciers melted and sea
level rose, the deeply entrenched river valleys were drowned to become estuaries.
Rivers carrying glacial outwash filled their valleys with alluvial gravel and sand.
Glacial sand and gravel outwash deposits extend over 100 m (300 ft) below the
modern floodplain, indicating the extent to which sea level was lowered.
Deposits in alluvial terraces reflect their origin: for example, terraces of rivers that
did not carry glacial outwash may have approximately the same composition
as the modern floodplain, whereas those associated with glacial outwash mainly
contain sand and gravel. Older terraces that were formed prior to loess deposition
may be covered by wind-blown loess, discussed in a later section.
The youngest terraces may be so low that they are best seen from the ground by
observing slight differences in ground elevation. Low terraces also may be subject
to flooding, then being referred to as ‘‘second bottoms.’’
Two common occurrences of braided streams are: (1) in arid/semiarid areas where
there is a shortage of water, and (2) as previously indicated, as glacial outwash in
which case there is an excess of sediment, Fig. 4.9. In arid areas streams are
intermittent and may flow only briefly after a rain, but the rare heavy rain can
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Soils That Are Sediments
84 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 4.9
A braided
stream carrying
glacial outwash
and a source for
loess. A dust
cloud is
silhouetted against
the mountain.
Matanuska River,
create a ‘‘flash flood’’ and channel instability that washes out roads and bridges.
Heavy rains therefore can create extremely hazardous driving conditions in the
desert, particularly at night when vision is obscured.
Figure 4.10
Illustration of
graded bedding
and cross-bedding.
Figure 4.11
The large alluvial
fan at the center
has been cut off at
the toe by the
river. A large,
steep talus slope is
at the right of the
fan, and a road
may be seen
running across the
fan. Indus River,
Karakorum Range,
susceptible to wind erosion, and silt may be observed billowing upward from
exposed sand bars in Alaska. The silt then is deposed as loess.
Terraces left by braided streams are important sources for aggregate, and may
be recognized on airphotos from darker, branching channels enclosing lighter
almond-shaped sand bars.
86 Geotechnical Engineering
In desert areas where there is no outlet, fans can build up until they submerge
bases of mountains. Some formidable examples in the U.S. are the Basin and
Range Province of Nevada, Utah, and southern California, and Death Valley in
California. Alluvial fan deposits reflect their localized sources but also exhibit
some sorting action because as a fan builds outward, coarser particles are depos-
ited first and fines are carried farther out. In closed desert basins the fine particles
that are not deposited in fans are carried into an intermittent lake or playa,
to build up a clay deposit that may be alkaline and highly expansive.
Braided streams and alluvial fans may be seen in miniature in roadside ditches
after rain.
4.7.1 Deltas
Deltas were named by Herodotus in the fifth century B.C.E., from the shape of the
Nile delta, like a Greek with the apex pointing upstream. However, most deltas
extend outward so a delta shape is not necessarily an identifying feature. A delta
is deposited as a river or stream flowing into a lake or ocean loses velocity and
deposits its sediment.
As in the case of alluvial fans, coarser particles carried into a delta are deposited
first and finer materials are carried farther out to constitute ‘‘bottomset beds.’’
As the delta builds outward, the bottomset beds are covered with ‘‘foreset beds’’
that are deposited on a steeper slope, as illustrated in Fig. 4.12. The last materials
to be deposited are the ‘‘topset beds.’’
Figure 4.12
cross-section of a
electrical charge that normally keeps particles repellent to one another changes
so they attract one another; the clay becomes flocculated into silt-size particles
that settle out and make up most of the foreset beds. In fresh water, clays remain
suspended and slowly settle out into the lakebed and as bottomset beds in a delta.
Foreset beds in a freshwater delta are mainly sand and silt.
Topset beds in both types of deltas are similar to river floodplain deposits, being
extensions of the channel sands, natural levees, and backswamp clays. A ‘‘bird’s
foot’’ delta, such as that of the Mississippi, is defined by natural levees that
continue and channelize the river for a distance out into the sea.
As the delta grows and the reservoir becomes silted in, uses of the lake gradually
will be compromised. A clue is growing mud flats that eventually will become
floodplain. In the U.S., a minimum reservoir design life of 100 years has been
considered acceptable, but sedimentation rates often show that estimates that
were used as a basis for dam building were overly optimistic. Reducing soil
erosion in the drainage area has obvious benefits, and where feasible smaller check
dams can be built upstream from a main reservoir to catch sediment in areas
that can more easily be cleaned out. Adding height to a dam is far more difficult,
and dredging is expensive and may cost more than the dam while posing
a problem of where to put the spoil.
The seriousness of the coming problem is shown by reservoirs that already have
become silted in 15 years after construction. By the time a dam was completed on
the Yellow River in China in the 1970s, the capacity of the reservoir for power
generation had been reduced by three-fourths. If sedimentation continues at the
present rate, the reservoir will be completely filled with loess-derived silt by 2050,
80 years after completion of the dam
88 Geotechnical Engineering
the sediment. After completion of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in
China in 2009, the plan is to draw the reservoir down during the flood season, which
will allow 90 percent of the annual sediment load to pass through with 60 percent
of the annual inflow of water. The procedure undoubtedly will be rife with
controversy, because managing a dam to prevent sedimentation also means
managing it to allow flooding. Even though it should extend the reservoir life by
a factor of 10, the anticipated life still is only 100 years. Thus, while hydroelectric
power is widely regarded as a renewable resource, the reservoirs created by
damming are not readily renewable.
Sediment depletion by a reservoir also impacts the delta downstream that holds
a tenuous balance against wave erosion. The delta of the Colorado River guards
the Imperial Valley of California, one of the richest agricultural areas in the world,
against invasion by the sea, but the sea has been advancing since completion of the
Hoover Dam in 1934.
Wave erosion of deltas is the primary source for beach sand that is distributed
by longshore currents. Thus as a delta becomes depleted, beaches may require
protection from wave erosion. Current policy in many areas is to prohibit building
closer to the sea than the anticipated beach position after 50 or 100 years.
Longshore currents that carry sands along the lengths of beaches are products of
winds blowing toward the beach at an angle. With certain wind directions two
opposing longshore currents can come together in a bay and create a dangerous
rip tide that flows offshore. Swimmers or boaters caught in a rip tide should move
parallel with the shore instead of trying to fight against it, which is a losing battle.
Breaking dissipates energy, so sand deposition occurs to the landward side of the
break zone and builds a submerged offshore bar. The bar can be built above sea
level during storms, in which case it becomes a barrier beach that is separated from
the shore by a lagoon. The lagoon then tends to trap fine-grained sediments
brought in by streams and rivers.
Barrier beaches are common along many coastlines, including the eastern and
southern coasts of the United States, and are shown on maps. They tend to erode
on the seaward side and build up on the landward side, so a beach slowly migrates
landward and covers the associated clayey lagoon sediments. The clay helps to
prevent intermingling of fresh and salt water in the groundwater supply, but also
forms a soft zone for foundations.
4.8.1 Dunes
Sand dunes are among the most easily recognized sedimentary deposits because of
their sweeping curves and frequently blowing sand. Less obvious are sand dunes
that no longer are active and are referred to as stable dunes. Stable dunes support
protective vegetation but nevertheless often are pock-marked with wind-eroded
Active dunes require a continuous source of sand, and therefore occur adjacent
to beaches or alluvial sand, particularly along braided rivers. Desert dunes derive
from the extensive alluvial fans in deserts. Contrary to popular conceptions, sand
dunes cover only about one-fourth to one-third of desert areas, the rest being
mainly exposed rock and alluvium.
90 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 4.13
Anatomy of a sand
This is the angle of repose, and normally is less than 358, although it can
give the impression of being much steeper.
Example 4.1
Your brother-in-law asks to borrow money to invest in a beach motel that has a swimming
pool and tennis court, and is about 200 m downwind from a beautiful, active, 10-m-high
sand dune. How long will he have before the motel is part of the scenery and he has
to apply for government aid?
92 Geotechnical Engineering
Answer: R ¼ 180/10 ¼ 18 m/y. To go 200 m will require 200/18 ¼ 11 years. The ‘‘For Sale’’
sign probably will appear after about 10 years, as soon as they get the drift.
4.9.1 Definition
Loess is eolian dust that, as shown in the background of Fig. 4.9, still may be seen
blowing off glacial outwash to be deposited on nearby terraces and upland. Loess
is mainly silt, having grain sizes that are finer than sand and for the most part are
coarser than clay. The name is Anglicized from the German löss, which literally
means loose. The German pronunciation is approximated by ‘‘lerse’’ but more
common pronunciations are ‘‘luss,’’ ‘‘less,’’ and ‘‘lo-ess.’’
While loess is mostly silt, it also can contain some clay and minor amounts of
fine sand. The silt and sand are mainly quartz and feldspars, and the clay fraction
often consists of expansive clay minerals that usually are not in a sufficient
amount to make the soil expansive. However, weathering processes discussed
in the next chapter can turn it into expansive clay.
Loess deposits are thickest close to source areas and thin exponentially with
distance. A common assumption is that this reflects a prevailing wind direction,
but that does not explain deposition on both sides of a source. A more logical
Figure 4.14
Major eolian
surface deposits
in the U.S.
The maximum loess thickness in the U.S. is about 50 m (150 ft), and the loess
cover extends from Nebraska and Kansas eastward to southern Ohio, and
southward along the Mississippi floodplain into Tennessee and Mississippi. Other
areas include the Palouse loess in southeastern Washington. Loess deposits in the
U.S. are shown in Fig. 4.14. The approximate extent of loess deposits in Europe is
shown in Fig. 4.15.
The thickest loess deposits in the world are in China, where the soil is believed to
have been blown from high Asian desert areas over a period of 2.4 million years.
The total thickness exceeds 120 m (370 ft), and the ease of erosion of loess is
a major factor contributing to the silt content, color, and difficulties experienced
with the Yellow River.
94 Geotechnical Engineering
Figure 4.15
extents of
glaciation and of
loess deposition in
Eurasia. Loess
map is from
Russian sources,
reprinted in Loess
Letter 48,
Nottingham Trent
University, Ian
Smalley, ed.
Figure 4.16
Intrepid student
suspended on a
bosun’s chair in
order to collect
samples of loess in
western Iowa.Here
the soil is so
porous that it will
collapse if it
saturated with
water. A vertical
tension crack and
landslide are at the
soil grains together, but this is not borne out by microscopic examination or
by the fact that loess close to a source can collapse under its own weight if wet
with water. The cohesive mechanism therefore appears to involve capillary
forces or ‘‘suction’’ of water enhanced by clay surface activity and that is reduced
by wetting.
The problem for the engineer is to keep a collapsible loess from ever becoming
saturated. Saturation can occur at leaky joints in pavement gutters, near leaky
water or sewer pipes, or near downspouts. Close attention must be paid to surface
drainage to prevent ponding, and roof water should be carried several meters
away from foundations.
4.10.1 Overview
As the best building sites become used and re-used, random fill becomes more
commonplace and can contain everything from concrete rubble to tree limbs and
old refrigerators. The recognition of landfill can be one of the easiest but
nevertheless most critical duties of the geotechnical engineer. Random fill usually
is not compacted, and even if it is compacted it can contain open voids.
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Soils That Are Sediments
96 Geotechnical Engineering
4.10.2 Clues
Fill soil is out of place—that is, it does not fit a natural order. This requires an
appreciation for the natural order, which is a reason for emphasis in this and the
next chapter. Fill soil does not follow the dictates or conditions imposed by
geology or by weathering. Fill soil is a mix. A common evidence for fill is a buried
layer of topsoil that under normal circumstances would be on top.
Other critical evidence is bits of glass, concrete, brick fragments, bones, coal ashes,
lumber, bedsprings, soup cans, etc. Such clues to landfill must be recorded in boring
logs and soil reports, which are legal records and can be subject to subpoena.
Fill containing organic material or garbage can generate methane and if allowed
to accumulate inside a building can cause an explosion. Buildings should be
separated from such fill with a plastic liner and/or ventilation system.
Landfills that include toxic or radioactive wastes add another dimension to the
problem, and are addressed by specialists in geoenvironmental engineering.
The failure to recognize random fill and take it into account in design almost
inevitably leads to future difficulties.
Most geotechnical problems are not the result of mathematical errors or use of the
wrong formulas, although such errors obviously must be avoided. Some problems
result from poor or inappropriate construction practices, but most derive from
an inadequate appreciation for the soil, its properties, and its variability.
A geotechnical engineer learns to have a critical eye in order to see problems
before they happen.
4.1. Explain how the weight of a continental glacier can affect properties of the
underlying soil deposits. How may this relate to allowable foundation
pressure to minimize settlement?
4.2. How can a continental glacier move so far on such a low slope angle?
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Soils That Are Sediments
4.3. Explain how one might identify the following from airphotos, and discuss
engineering features:
(a) Alluvial terrace composed of sand and gravel deposited by a braided
(b) Peat bog.
(c) Terminal moraine.
(d) Esker.
(e) Stable sand dunes.
(f) Point bar and clay plug.
(g) Landslides.
(h) Alluvial fans.
(i) Talus.
4.4. Differentiate between a youthful stream, a braided stream, and a
meandering stream.
4.5. What confines a meander belt within a broad floodplain? Which are
most effective for containment, clay plugs or natural levees? Why? Draw a
cross-section showing a clay plug and associated point bar, backswamp
clay, and a natural levee.
4.6. Sketch a cross-section for a stream valley that has a succession of progres-
sively lower floodplain levels. What are these levels called? Which is the
4.7. The transportation agent for sand dunes and for loess silt is the same, wind.
Which deposit do you expect to be closer to a source? Why?
4.8. What changes occur in loess with increasing distance from a source?
Explain the changes.
4.9. How do deposits from a braided stream differ from those from a
meandering stream? Make a list of deposits from a meandering stream.
4.10. Radiocarbon dating shows that Wisconsin-age loess in the United States
was deposited during the period between 29,000 to 14,000 ybp (years before
present). How does the average thickness accumulation per year of the
thickest loess deposits compare with the accumulation of dust alongside
a dusty road, measured to be as much as 2.5 mm/y (0.1 in./y)?
4.11. Suggest ways to keep sand dunes from encroaching on a housing
4.12. The edge of a field of barchans 6 m high is located 2.4 km (1.1 miles) upwind
from an express highway. Estimate the time of arrival.
4.13. Would you expect to find any gravel terraces along the Mississippi River
floodplain? Why?
4.14. If you did find gravel terraces along the Mississippi River floodplain, would
they be loess covered? Why?
4.15. Which should give the better prediction of maximum scour depth that
might be anticipated during a flood, the deepest water depth in the river, or
the maximum clay thickness in a nearby oxbow? Why?
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Soils That Are Sediments
98 Geotechnical Engineering
4.16. Where would you prospect for sources of coarse aggregate in Fig. 4.9?
4.17. An association of property owners around a small artificial lake has come
to the conclusion that the lake is filling with sediment. What are some
4.18. How can extension of a river delta lead to more flooding upstream?
4.19. How does a dam contribute to erosion by a river downstream from the
dam? To the reduction of the river delta?
4.20. Why and at what depth do waves break?
4.21. In the open sea a tsunami has a very long wavelength and is barely
noticeable. Why is it so devastating when it reaches land?
4.22. Install the free version of Google Earth on your computer.
(a) Go the Grand Canyon, tilt the image, and see if there is evidence for
sedimentary rock layers overlying an igneous rock complex.
(b) Zoom in on your area and browse for some of the features listed in
Problem 4.3.
(c) Check out Greenland for evidence of global warming.
(d) Find a mountain range that has the appearance of having been eroded
by streams. What mountains are constructive?
(e) It may be a small world but it’s complicated. Play.
Further Reading
Bagnold, R. A. (1941). The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes. Methuen, London.
Reproduced by Dover, New York, 1965.
Chorlton, Windsor (1983). Planet Earth Ice Ages. Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Va.
Flint, Richard Foster (1971). Glacial and Pleistocene Geology, 3rd ed. Wiley, New York.
Google Earth (high-speed internet connection is required).
Handy, Richard L. (1972). ‘‘Alluvial Cutoff Dating from Subsequent Growth of a
Meander.’’ Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 83, 475–480.
Handy, Richard L., et al. (1975). ‘‘Unpaved Roads as Sources for Fugitive Dust.’’
Transportation Res. Bd. News, 60, 6–9.
Handy, Richard L. (1976). ‘‘Loess Distribution by Variable Winds.’’ Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.
87, 915–927.
Jackson, Julia A., ed. (1997). Glossary of Geology, 4th ed. American Geological Institute,
Alexandria, Va.
Kehew, Alan E. (1995). Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists, 2nd ed.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Kiersch, George A. (1964). ‘‘Vaiont Reservoir Disaster.’’ ASCE Civil Engineering 34(3),
Leopold, Luna B., Wolman, M. Gordon and Miller, John P. (1964). Fluvial Processes
in Geomorphology. Freeman, San Francisco.
Miller, Russell (1983). Planet Earth Continents in Collision. Time-Life Books,
Alexandria, Va.
Philipson, Warren, ed. (1997). Manual of Photographic Interpretation, 2nd ed. American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Md.
Strahler, Arthur N. (1971). The Earth Sciences, 2nd ed. Harper and Row, New York, 1971.