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1. Subject Code: HY-511 Course Title: Hydrologic Elements and Analysis

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: To provide necessary background about various hydrological processes,

storages, instrumentation, recording of data and analytical techniques.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Hydrological cycle, storage, water balance. 2
2. Atmospheric Water System:Characteristics of Atmosphere, Atmospheric 4
circulation patterns, weather systems, water vapour, precipitable water.
3. Precipitation: Precipitation types, measurements, analysis, mean precipitation, 4
IDF and DAD analysis.
4. Hydrologic Abstractions: Interception and depression storage; Evaporation: 6
Evaporation processes, Influencing factors, measurement and estimation;
Evapotranspiration: measurement and estimation; Infiltration: Infiltration
processes, factors affecting infiltration, measurement of infiltration, empirical
and analytical models of infiltration.
5. Hydrometry: Gauge and discharge sites, site suitability, river stage, velocity 5
measurement, area-velocity method, tracer techniques, stage-discharge relation.
6. Runoff: Factor affecting, runoff characteristics of stream, hydrograph-unit 10
hydrograph, S-hydrograph, IUH, Clark and Nash IUH;flow duration analysis,
flow mass analysis, estimation of peak runoff, time-area method of runoff
7. Frequency Analysis: Random variables, Probability distribution functions: 4
normal, log-normal, Gumbel, Pearson type-3 uniform distributions; Frequency
analysis; Goodness of fit measures.
8. Groundwater: Types of aquifers, Darcy’s Law, Flow and storage parameters, 3
well hydraulics.
9. Flood Routing: Governing equations, Hydrologic routing: Reservoir flood 4
routing, Muskingum method.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill 2013
2 Dingman, S.L., Physical Hydrology, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall. 2008
3. Todd D.K. and Mays L., “Ground Water Hydrology”, John Wiley 2005
& Sons
4. Mays, L.W., “Water Resources Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons 2001
5. Hornberger, G.M., Elements of Physical Hydrology, The John 1998
Hopkins University Press, Maryland, USA
6. Singh, V.P., "Elementary Hydrology", Prentice Hall of India 1994
7. Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., and Mays, L., "Applied 1988
Hydrology", McGraw-Hill Book Company
8. Linsley, R.K., Kohler, M.A., and Paulhus, J.L.H., “Hydrology for 1982
Engineers”, McGraw Hill
9. Herschy, R.W.(Ed.), “Hydrometry: Principles and Practices”, 1978
Wiley Intersciences
10. Chow, V.T., “Handbook of Applied Hydrology”, McGraw Hill 1964
Name of the Department /Centre: DEPARTMENT OF HYDROLOGY

1. Subject Code: HY- 512 Course Title: Computer Programming

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 110 PRS 15 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective is to introduce computer programming

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Number System: Binary and decimal numbers system, integer and 6
floating point representation
2. Programming Fundamentals: Principle of object oriented programming, 7
introduction to keywords, identifiers, constants, operators, expressions,
type conversions
3. Conditional and Loop Control Structures: if, if...else, switch, while 5
and do...while, for loops
4. Arrays: Single and multi-dimension arrays, pointers and strings 5
5. Functions: Function prototyping and scope, passing parameters to 5
functions including arrays, values return by functions
Total 28

List of Practicals:

i. Development of programs for statistical analysis of hydrological time series viz rainfall,
discharge and temperature etc.
ii. Development of programs for randomness and trend analysis of hydrological data.
iii. Development of programs for discharge computations using area-velocity methods,
time-area methods etc.
iv. Development of programs for spatial interpolation and areal distribution of hydrological
data like rainfall, high frequency groundwater levels etc.
v. Development of program using OOP in C++ for systematic data storage and retrieval
for a river catchment.
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Hubbard, S.R., “Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++”, 2005
McGraw Hill International.
2. Krishnamurthy, E.V. and Sen, S.K., " Programming in MATLAB", 2003
East-West Press
3. Schildt, H., “The Complete Reference C++”, Tata McGraw Hill 2001
4. Stallings, W., “Computer Architecture &Organization”; Prentice Hall 1998
5. Lafore, R., “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Galgotia 1994

1. Subject Code: HY- 513 Course Title: Hydrometeorology and Climate Change

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the principles of atmospheric science for understanding impact of

climate change.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Atmosphere: General circulation, composition and structure of 4
atmosphere, role of meteorology in hydrology
2. Precipitation Process: Adiabatic process, stability and instability of 2
3. Atmospheric Thermodynamics: Equation of state, Dalton’s of 6
partial pressure, Poisson'slaw, equivalent potential temperature,
concept of air parcel, virtual temperature, dry adiabatic lapse rate
and saturated adiabatic lapse rate, hydrostatic equilibrium equation,
dispersion of air pollutants
4. Clouds: Classification, formation and characteristics,Monsoon 4
circulation, monsoon troughs, monsoon depression and tropical
5. Climate and Climate Change: Components, Phenomena, 6
radiative forces, Energy budget and transport, atmospheric
circulation, ocean circulation, land-surface process, carbon cycle
6. Physical processes:Conservation of momentum, equation of state, 2
temperature equation, continuity equation, conservation of mass
7. Climate Models: Introduction to GCM and RCM simulations, 6
SRES, downscaling GCM outputs
8. ENSO: El Niño basic, Tropical pacific climatology, El Niño 3
mechanism, ENSO indices, predictions and teleconnections
9. Greenhouse effects and climate feedbacks:Global energy model, 3
greenhouse effect and global warming, climate feedback
10. Climate Model scenarios for global warming: Greenhouse 6
gases, aerosols forcing, global-average response to GhG warming
scenarios on temperature, rainfall, sea, ice/snow, extreme events
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Assessment Report 5, IPCC, WMO 2014
2. David, J., “Climate change and Climate modelling”, Cambridge 2011
University Press.
3. Shelton, ML, “Hydroclimatology”, Cambridge University Press. 2009
4. Singh, V.P. and Rakhecha, P. Book, Applied Hydrometeorology 2009
5. Cotton R and Pielke RA, Human Impacts on Weather and Climate, 2007
Cambridge University Press.
6. Wallace, J.M. and Hubbs, P.V., “Atmospheric science – An 1977
Introductory Survey”, Academic Press
7. Donn , W.,“Meteorology”,Mc Graw Hill 1975
8. Berry I.A., “Handbook of Meteorology”, Mc Graw Hill 1973

1. Subject Code: HY- 514 Course Title: Hydrogeology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective is to introduce the basic geological concepts in occurrence and
movement of groundwater.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Hydrogeology and its scope, hydrologic cycle and its 4
relation to groundwater, classification of natural waters, merits and
demerits of groundwater age of groundwater, basic geology
2. Classification of Aquifers:Hydrological classification of geological 4
materials, types of aquifers, geological formations as aquifers.
3. Hydraulic properties of aquifers and related materials: Porosity 4
and its estimation, factors controlling porosity, hydraulic conductivity
and methods of its estimation, transmissivity, storativity, specific yield
leakage factor, hydraulic resistance and specific capacity.
4. Occurrence and Movement of Groundwater:Geological controls in 4
occurrence and movement of groundwater, role of land forms,
geological structures, stratigraphic and sedimentation controls,
geographic distribution of aquifer materials
5. Methods of Groundwater Exploration: Geomorphological and 5
geological techniques, hydrological techniques, remote sensing andits
application in groundwater targeting, indicators of groundwater, use of
geophysical techniques in pinpointing water well locations
6. Drilling Techniques: Methods of shallow well drilling, percussion, 3
hydraulic rotary, reverse rotary and down the hole hammer techniques
7. Ground Water in Different Geological Formations:Hydrogeology of 6
crystalline rocks, volcanic rocks, clastic and carbonates rocks and
unindurated sedimentary formations, ground water quality in various
geological formations.
8. Preparation of Hydrogeologic Maps: Geologic 4
andhydrogeologicmaps, field methods of hydrgeological mapping,
representation of hydrogeological data on geological maps
9. Ground Water in Regions of Climatic Extremes: Occurrence and 4
movement of groundwater in Arid &semi arid regions and in glacial
regions, groundwater management and quality in different regions
10. Hydrogeological Divisions of India: Groundwater provinces of India 4
and their hydrogeological features, aquifer characteristics and yield of
wells, management of groundwater
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Singhal, B.B.S. and Gupta, R.P., “Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured 2010
Rocks”, Springer
2. Fletcher, F.W., “Basic Hydrogeologic Methods”, Technomic Publishing 1997
3. Soliman, M. M., La Moreaux, P.E., Memon, B.A. , Assad, F.A. and La 1998
Moreaux, J.W., “Environmental Hydrogeology”, Lewis Publishers
4. Karanth, K.R., “Hydrogeology”, McGraw Hill 1989
5. Davis, S. and Dewiest, R.J.M., “Hydrogeology”, John Wiley& Sons 1966

1. Subject Code: HY- 516 Course Title: Channel and Fluvial Hydraulics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective is to introduce the fundamentals of hydraulics of open channel

flow and fluvial hydraulics.

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact

1. Introduction:Review of fundamentals of hydraulics, hydrostatics and 3
2. Energy Depth Relationships: Open channel flow, basic features, 8
uniform flow, critical flow, specific energy, specific energy diagram,
flow transitions, momentum principles, hydraulic jumps and computer
assisted calculations
3. Gradually-Varied Flow Theory:Steady state gradually varied flow, 8
governing differential equation, characteristics and classification; step
methods, direct integration method, graphical integration method of
water surface profiles, computer oriented algorithms
4. Unsteady Flow:Transient gradually varied flow, Saint Venant’s 8
equations, simplified hydraulic routing methods- diffusion wave
theory, kinematic wave theory, approximate convection–diffusion
equations, overland flow theory, computer oriented algorithms
5. Fluvial Hydraulics:Introduction, bed forms, incipient condition, 8
sediment load-bed, suspended and total loads, field measurements
6. Design of Channels:Regime channels, design of stable channels- 4
critical tractive force approach
7. Softwares:Overview of hydraulic modeling softwares 3
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

1. Ranga Raju, K.G., “Flow Through Open Channels”, Tata-Mc 2009
Graw Hill Publisher Company Ltd.
2. Subramanya, K., “Flow in Open Channels”, Tata-Mc Graw Hill 2009
Publisher Company Ltd.
3. Chanson, H., “The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An 2004
Introduction”, Elsevier-Butterworth-Heinemann Company
4. Garde, R.J. and Rangaraju, K.G., “Mechanics of Sediment 2000
Transportation and Alluvial Stream Problems”, New Age
5. Henderson, F.M., “Open Channel Flow”, Macmillan Publishing 1966
Company, Inc.
6. Chow, V.T., “Open Channel Hydraulics”, Mc Graw Hill 1959

1. Subject Code: HY- 518 Course Title: Water Resources Planning and Management

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective is to introduce the principles of water resources planning and
management including engineering and economic aspects.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction:Introduction to water resources planning and 2
2. Reservoir Capacity and Yield:Finding reservoir capacity and yield 3
using mass curves
3. Flow-duration Curve: Determination of flows of various 3
dependabilities using Ranking method and Class interval method
4. Reservoir Sediment Distribution: Sediment distribution using 2
empirical area reduction method and area increment method
5. Conjunctive Water-use Planning: Combined use of surface and 3
6. Reservoir Operation and Flood Routing: Reservoir routing using 5
Pul’s method for flood control, reservoir operation using SOP and
Zoning methods
7. Integrated River-basin Development: Interbasin river water 9
transfers - modeling for trans-boundary river basins in India, river
water disputes - modeling of various Indian river water disputes
using reservoir yield models, environmental aspects of water
resources projects
8. Cost benefit Analysis: Mathematic of finance, discounting 5
technique; Financial analysis
9. Reservoir Planning:single purpose reservoir and multipurpose 4
10. Software Application:Use of MIKE – BASIN software and 6
CROPWAT software for planning water resources projects
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Dandekar, M.M., and Sharma, K.N., “Water Power Engineering”, 2008
Vikas Publishing House
2. Mays, L.W., “Water Resources Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons 2007
3. Mays, L.W., “Water Resources Sustainability”, McGraw Hill 2007
4. Wood, A.J. and Wollenberg, B.F., “Power Generation, Operation 2003
and Control”, John Wiley & Sons
5. Stephenson, D., “Water Resources Management”, A.A. Balkema 2003
6. Mays, L.W., “Water Resources Handbook”, McGraw-Hill 1996
7. Warnic, C.C., “Hydropower Engineering”, Prentice Hall Inc 1984
8. Goodman, A.S., “Principles of Water Resources Planning”, 1984
Prentice Hall Inc
9. James, L.D. and Lee, R.R., “Economics of Water Resources 1971
Planning”, Mc Graw Hill

1. Subject Code : HY - 522 Course Title: Stochastic Hydrology

2. Contact Hour: L:3 T:1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory : 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS : 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits : 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce various probability and stochastic models for the modelling of
hydrologic processes and the basic tools required for forecasting, simulation
and frequency prediction.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Definition, objectives, components and importance of time series analysis 4
2. Analysis for trends and periodicityusing non-parametric and parametric 10
tests, peridogram, and, Pmax and Pmin test for selection of significant
harmonics; spectral analysis,Tests for short term and long term dependence
3. Auto correlation analysis, AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA models and their 6
application in data generation and forecasting
4. Synthetic data generation for various distributions and their transformations 4
5. Generation of streamflows usingThomas Fiering models, and other 5
disagreegation and agreegation models, and multisite models
Generation of rainfall using transition probability matrix method and
multisite models
6. At site, at site regional and regional frequency analysis; graphical and 9
analytical methods for normal lognormal Gumbel GEV and generalized
logistic distributions, L moments based methods, Goodness of fit tests like
Chi square, K-S test and L moments based tests,
Partial duration series, standard error of estimates, Risk analysis
7. Analysis of low flows, forecasting of low and high flows, graphical and 4
analytical methods, models adopted by Central Water Commission
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

Sl. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1. Hosking J. R. M. and Wallis J. R., “Regional Frequency Analysis: An 2005
Approach Based on L-Moments”, Cambridge UniversityPress
2. Maidment, D.R., “Handbook of Hydrology”, Mc Graw Hill Inc 1993
3. “Manual on Flood Forecasting”, River Management Wing, Central Water 1989
Commission, India
4. Reddy P.J., “Stochastic Hydrology”, Laxmi Publications Ltd 1987
5. Kottegoda N.T., “Stochastic Water Resources Technology”, John Wiley & 1980
6. Salas J.D., Delleur J.W., Yevjevich V. and Lane W.L., “Applied Modeling 1980
of Hydrologic Time Series”, Water Resources Publications
7. Haan C.T., “Statistical Methods in Hydrology”, The lowa State University 1977
8. Box G. P. and Jenkins G.M., “Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and 1976
Control”, Holden Day Publisher
9. Clarke R.T., “Mathematical models in Hydrology”, FAO Publication no. 19 1973
10. Yevjevich, V., “Stochastic Processes in Hydrology”, Water Resources 1972

1. Subject Code: HY-523 Course Title: Surface Water Modeling and Simulation

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 4

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 110 PRS 15 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: The course aims at introducing Surface water modelling tools and techniques

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Hydrologic Simulation overview: Classification of Hydrological 4
Models, Components of Hydrological Simulation Models, System
identification, conceptualization, implementation and documentation,
2. Overview of event based models and theoretical background 3
3. Overview of continuous modelsand theoretical background 3
4. Numerical solution techniques, parameter optimization, calibration 6
and validation
5. Overview of open source and commercial simulation models for 5
hydrological modelling and forecasting
6. Catchment scale modeling using TOPMODEL; Large scale modeling 7
using VIC Model, Ethics in modeling
Total 28

List of Practicals:

i. Hydrological Modelling using open source software like HEC-HMS, HEC-GeoHMS.

ii. Hydrodynamic modelling of River systems using open source softwarelike HEC-RAS,
iii. Hydrodynamic modelling of River systems using licensed software like Mike family
iv. Theoretical background of snow-melt runoff modelling including practical using open
source software like WINSRM.
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Singh VP, “Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology”, Water 2012
Resources Publications, Littleton
2. MIKE 11 Reference and Technical Manuals 2011
3. HEC-RAS River Analysis System-Reference Manual 2010
4. Hydrologic Modelling System HEC-HMS-Reference Manual 2010
5. Gao H et al, Water Budget Record from Variable Infiltration Capacity 2009
(VIC) Model Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, University of
6. Martinec et al, Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) User’s Manual 2008
7. Anderson, M.G., and P.D. Bates. Model Validation: Perspectives in 2001
Hydrological Science. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. England.
8. Beven, K. J. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling: The Primer. John Wiley and 2000
Sons, NY.

1. Subject Code: HY- 525 Course Title: Systems Analysis and Surface Water Planning

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective of the course is to introduce systems analysis techniques, i.e.,
linear, dynamic and non-linear programming and simulation of water
resources systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction to Systems Analysis 2
2. Linear Programming, simplex method, graphical method, dual 9
of linear programming, multipurpose reservoir planning (Single
reservoir application, multi reservoir application), reservoir
yield model (Complete model, implicit stochastic model)
3. Dynamic programming, Bellman’s principle, water allocation 5
to different water users, distribution of canal water to different
4. Use of uncontrolled inventory DP model for water import, 6
capacity expansion & sequencing, unit commitment,
5. Non-linear programming, unconstrained non linear 5
programming , constrained non linear programming, Kahn-
Tucker conditions
6. Reservoir planning - Single reservoir and multi reservoir 8
applications using controlled output DP model and controlled
inventory DP model, Multi-objective optimization
7. Simulation techniques, reservoir planning 4
8. Application of LINDO software to linear programming 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
Simonovic, S. P., “Managing Water Resources: Methods and Tools for 2009
a Systems Approach”, UNESCO Publishing, France.
Jain, S.K. and Singh, V.P, “Water Resources Systems Planning and 2006
Management”, Elsevier
Loucks D.P. and van Beek E., “Water Resources Systems Planning 2005
and Management”, UNESCO Publishing, The Netherlands.
Vedula, S., and Mujumdar, P.P., “Water Resources Systems”, Tata 2005
Mc Graw Hill
Ravindran, A., “Operations Research Principles and Practice”, John 2000
Wiley & Sons
6. Chaturvedi, M.C., “Water Resources System Planning and 1987
Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
7. Rao, S.S., “Optimization Theory and Practice”, Wiley Eastern Ltd 1985
8. Loucks D.P., “Water Resources System Planning and Analysis”, 1981
Prentice Hall Inc.
9. Hall, W.A. and Dracup, J.A., “Water Resources Systems 1970
Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill
10. Dantzig, G.B., “Linear Programming and Extensions”, Princeton 1963
University Press

1. Subject Code: HY- 526 Course Title: Deterministic Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: HY-511 or equivalent

9. Objective: To introduce the deterministic models for flood analysis and estimation

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
Systems Concept: Nature of systems approach, systems terminology, types of 3
systems:linear, time invariant and time variant systems and nonlinear systems
Hydrological Systems: The hydrological cycle as a system, unit hydrograph 5
2. methods, identification of hydrological systems, simulation of hydrological
Linear Conceptual Models of Direct Runoff: Conceptual models such as 8
3. Nash, Dooge, Clark, Muskingum models; Comparison of conceptual models,
generalized linear system models and their limiting forms
Calibration of Conceptual Models: Use of moment matching, effect of data 5
errors of conceptual models; parsimonious models, parameters optimisation ,
equi-finality concept in model parameters estimation, model evaluation
Physically Based Surface Flow Models:Overland flow models, channel 5
5. routing models - multilinear models, simplified hydraulic model, V-catchment
model- Top model, basic concepts
Nonlinear Deterministic Models: Nonlinearity in hydrology, nonlinear black- 4
6. box models, problem of overland flow, linearization of nonlinear systems using
multi-linear systems
Watershed Models: Necessity for modeling, modeling philosophy, modeling 3
protocol, event based hydrological models, continuous simulation models
Prediction in ungauged basins: regional data analysis; development of 3
8. relationships between parameters and catchment and flow characteristics,
Design storm and design flood estimation for gauged and ungauged basins- 6
CWC methods;
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Beven, Keith, “Rainfall Runoff modelling –The Primer” 2nd edition, 2012
Wiley- Blackwell
2. Dooge, J.C.I., and O’Kane, J.P., “Deterministic Methods in Systems 2003
Hydrology”, A.A. Balkema
3. Singh, V.P., “Hydrologic Systems; Watershed Modelling Modelling” 1989
Vol. II, Prentice Hall
4. Singh, V.P., “Hydrologic Systems; Rainfall Runoff Modelling”, 1988
Vol. I, Prentice Hall
5. Chow, V.T. , “Handbook of Applied Hydrology: A Compendium of 1964
Water Resources Technology”, McGraw Hill

1. Subject Code: HY- 527 Course Title: Groundwater Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To develop an overall comprehension of principles, methods and practices of

well hydraulics & concepts of groundwater management.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Scope of groundwater hydrology and its historical development, aquifer 6
types and properties, compressibility of aquifers, methods of estimation of
hydraulic conductivity, anisotropy and heterogeneity of aquifers.
2. Concept of representative elementary volume, Darcy law of groundwater 10
flow in porous media and its validity, continuity equation, Derivation of
groundwater flow equation, Dupits theory, Flow in ditches and galleries
tapping confined, leaky confined aquifersflow in unconfined aquifers with
and without surface recharge, unsaturated flow
3. Steady and unsteady flow into wells, Unsteady radial flow in aquifers, 12
equilibrium and nonequilibrium well pumping equations, analysis of test
pumping data of wells tapping confined, semi confined and unconfined
aquifers, recovery test, groundwater flow in partially penetrated aquifers,
flow near aquifer boundaries, multiple well systems
4. Evaluation of well loss parameters, specific capacity of wells, well 4
development and design,artificialand natural gravel pack wells
5. Groundwater budgeting and assessment, Methods of artificial 4
groundwater recharge, Induced recharge and rain water harvesting, river
bank filtration
6. Groundwater quality, seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers and its 6
abatement, Groundwater legislation in India and case histories
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Todd. D.K. and Mays, L.W., “Groundwater Hydrology”, John 2005
Wiley & Sons
2. Schwartz, F.W. and Zhang, H., “Fundamentals of Groundwater”, 2003
John Wiley & Sons
3. Kruseman, G.P. and Deridder, N.A., “Analysis and Evaluation of 1991
Pumping Test Data”, ILRI Publication No. 47
4. Karanth, K.R., “Groundwater, Assessment, Development and 1987
Management”, MC Graw Hill Publishing Company
5. Freeze, R.A. and Cherry, J., “Groundwater”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1979

1. Subject Code: HY- 528 Course Title: Groundwater Systems Analysis

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the basic tools of systems analysis and their role in planning of
groundwater development under various conditions and constraints.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Systems Concepts: System characteristics, component, 4
typesandconstraints, groundwater development, calibration and validation
2. Linear Programming: Graphical method, simplex method, big-M method 6
and dual simplex method
3. Dynamic Programming: Principal of optimality, recursive equation 6
representation, tabular method, example applications of dynamic
4. Non Linear Programming: Classical optimization techniques, 6
constrained and unconstrained nonlinear algorithms, Lagrange multiplier
method and Kuhn- Tucker conditions
5. Numerical Modelling of Groundwater Flow:Review of differential 10
equations, finite difference approach, one-dimensional flow solution using
explicit, implicit methods, and Crank-Nicolson method, iterative methods,
Thomas algorithm, inverse modeling, stream-aquifer interaction, recent
modeling tools, embedded system
6. Planning of Groundwater Development: Water balance, assessment of 6
recharge, utilizable recharge, Indian practices, constraints on groundwater
development, feasibility check, optimal groundwater developments,
planning of groundwater development in canal command areas, planning
of groundwater development in coastal aquifers
7. Groundwater Models: Overview of existing modeling tools, Introduction 4
to MODFLOW and its application
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Vedula, S., and Mujumdar, P.P., “Water Resources Systems”, Tata Mc 2005
Graw Hill
2. Schwartz, F.W. and Zang, H., “Fundamentals of Ground Water”, John 2003
Wiley & Sons
3. Ravindran, A., “Operations Research Principles and Practice”, John 2000
Wiley & Sons
4. Srinath, L.S, “Linear Programming: Principles and Applications”, 1982
Affiliated East –West Press
5. Wang, J.F., Anderson, M.P., 1982. Introduction to Groundwater 1982
Modelling. Freeman, San Francisco, CA: 237 pp
6. Remson, I., Hornberger, G.M. and Molz, F.J., “Numerical Methods in 1971
Subsurface Hydrology”, Wiley-Interscience

1. Subject Code: HY- 529 Course Title: Geophysical Investigations

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of geophysical techniques in groundwater exploration.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Overview of geophysical techniques and their application in groundwater 3
2. Electrical resistivity methods for groundwater investigation; Principles, 14
electric-potential distribution in homogenous half space; Apparent
resistivity for common electrode configurations, current flow in
horizontally stratified earth, Vertical electrical sounding; Electrical
resistivity profiling and tomography; Inversion of Wenner and
Schlumberger apparent resistivity field data by partial curve matching and
Direct methods, correlation of interpreted resistivity data with local
geology, summation of resistivity in geoelectric section, Dar Zarrouk
parameters; Estimation of Transmissivity and Hydraulic conductivity
from resistivity data
3. Very low frequency (VLF), Ground penetration radar (GPR) methodsin 8
groundwater exploration, use of TDEM method in groundwater
4. Induced polarisationmethod and its application in groundwater 3
exploration of sandy zones in alluvial regions
5. Seismic refraction method for evaluation of bedrock investigation; 4
Applications in groundwater prospecting and limitations
6. Magnetic and gravity methods in groundwater targetting, applications and 3
their limitations
7. Geophysical well logging and its applications in evaluation of 5
aquifers,normal and lateral resistivity logs, self potential logs, natural
gamma log, neutron gamma log, miscellaneous logs, estimation of aquifer
properties and groundwater quality from geophysical logs
8. Case studies 2
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Zhdanov, M.S., “Geophysical electromagnetic theory and methods” 2009
2. Nath, S.K., Patra, H.P. and Shahid, S., “Geophysical Prospecting for 2000
Groundwater”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company
3. Parasnis, D.S., “Principles of Applied Geophysics”,Chapman & Hall 1997
4. Bhattacharya, P.K and Patra, H.P. “Direct Current Geoelectric 1968
Sounding: Principles and Interpretation”, Elsevier
5. Keller, G.V. and Frischkhnechdt, F.C., “Electrical Methods in 1966
Geophysical Prospecting”, PergamonPress
6. Lynch, E.J., “Formation Evaluation”, Harper & Row 1962

1. Subject Code: HY-530 Course Title: Planning and Management of Watersheds

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge about planning of watershed projects using system

concepts and economic aspects.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction:Principles of watershed management, objectives of 4
planning watershed projects, watershed delineation, determination of
priority critical areas, hydrological soil survey, land use survey and land
suitability analysis, concepts of land use planning
2. Systems Concepts: System component and constraints 2
3. Linear Programming: Graphical method, simplex method, duality and 8
dual simplex method
4. Nonlinear programming: Classical optimization techniques, 6
constrained and unconstrained nonlinear algorithms, Lagrange’s function,
Kuhn- Tucker conditions
5. Dynamic Programming: Principal of optimality recursive equation 6
representation, tabular method, water allocation to different water users
6. Economic Aspects: Basic frame work of economic analysis, steps in 6
economic analysis, discounting factors and discounting techniques;
Project economics–pattern of financing and credit and economic
7. Multiple Use Concept: Watershed resources management with multiple 2
use concept
8. Modelling and Simulation Techniques: Model taxonomy, model 6
formulation, watershed simulation models, concept of integrated
watershed modeling
9. Watershed Monitoring: Watershed monitoring and impact evaluation 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Vedula, S., and Mujumdar, P.P., “Water Resources Systems”, Tata 2005
Mc Graw Hill
2. Ravindran, A., “Operations Research Principles and Practice”, John 2000
Wiley & Sons
3. Chaturvedi, M.C., “Water Resources System Planning and 1987
Management”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Vajda, S., “Theory of Linear and Non-linear Programming”, Longman 1974
5. Hall, W.A. and Dracup, J.A., “Water Resources Systems 1970
Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill
6. Dantzig, G.B., “Linear Programming and Extensions”, Princeton 1963
University Press, Princeton

1. Subject Code: HY- 531 Course Title: Watershed Behavior and Conservation
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To understand the impact of land use changes on various hydrological cycle
components, estimation of peak runoff, soil erosion, its measurement and
control measures.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Physical elements of a watershed, effects of land use changes on 3
hydrological cycle components
2. Concept of vegetative management of water yield and quality; 3
Ecosystem Services: Benefits to Human Societies
3. Natural and Human-induced watershed changes: Agents of watershed 4
changes; Climate change effects
4. Watershed planning, monitoring and assessment, Watershed 4
experiments, extrapolation of results from representative and
experimental basins, regional studies; Natural resource inventories
5. Estimation of Runoff using SCS and Rational Method suggested for 3
Indian conditions
6. Land capability classification 2
7. Watershed development in India, Common Guidelines 2008, 4
Institutional arrangements at National, State, District, Project and
Village level, Allocation of funds, case studies; Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
8. Watershed management - experiences and challenges; Role of socio- 3
economic drivers
9. Water erosion process, factors affecting erosion, types of erosion, 6
assessment of erosion, universal soil loss equation, control measures
for erosion, temporary and permanent measures
10. Wind erosion and its assessment, vegetative and mechanical control 4
11. Special Topics: Wetland systems, watershed consideration in 6
engineering applications, Water harvesting techniques, elements,
development of modern harvesting techniques; Watershed Ecology
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Brooks,K.N., P.F.Ffolliott, andJ.A.Magner.“Hydrology and 2012
theManagement of Watersheds”,4thedition.Ames, Iowa:Wiley
2. Krishnaswamy, J., Lele, S., Jayakumar, R., “Hydrology and watershed 2006
services in the Western Ghats, India.”. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. Paul DeBarry, “Watersheds: Processes, Assessment and 2004
Management”, John Wiley andSons, New York, NY
4. Frevert, R.K., Schwab, G.O., Edminster, T.W. and Barnes, K.K., “Soil 2003
and Water Conservation Practices”, John Wiley & Sons
5. Tideman E.M. Watershed Management–Guidelines for Indian 1999
Conditions, Omega Scientific Publishers, New Delhi
6. F.A.O. Conservation Guide No.l.“Guidelines for Watershed 1990
7. Lee, R., “Forest Hydrology”, Columbia University Press 1977

1. Subject Code: HY-532 Course Title: Environment Planning & Assessment of Projects

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course aims at developing understanding of the basic principles of

planning and assessment in respect of field projects without endangering the
environment and ecosystems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No Hours
1. Environment components and communities, concepts of integrative 6
level and environmental planning, projection of human population
growth and related demands; Type of projects, propelling issues and
problem definition in planning,
2. Description of environmental setting and indicators, assessments of 6
physical environment; Geologic, hydrologic, climate and ecological
considerations, Biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity resources
and their classification, equitable use and conservation
3. International and national legislation on environmental planning and 5
assessment of projects; Introduction to various acts (Water, Air, Land
and Wild Life), network and role of agencies involved at various
stages of planning and implementation
4. Assessment of natural and manmade hazards, Air, water and soil 8
pollution: sources and impacts, vulnerability analysis, carrying
capacity analysis, water and ecological footprint: concepts and
assessment, environmental flows
5. Environmental modeling and simulation process, prediction and 6
scenario projection, introduction of appropriate air and water
pollution models
6. Impact assessment frameworks and methodologies, decision support 6
prespective, conflict resolution, mitigation of hazards
7. Case studies related to environmental planning and assessment of 5
major projects
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No Publication/
1. Jorgensen, S.E.,”Introduction to Systems Ecology”, CRC 2012
2. Philippe Quevauviller et al., “The Water Framework Directive: Action 2011
programmes and adaptation to climate change”, RSC
3. Hoekstra, A. Y. and A.K. Chapagain, “Globalization of Water: 2009
Sharing the planet’s freshwater resources”, Blackwell
4. Eccleston, C..H., “NEPA and Environmental Planning’ , CRC 2008
5. Adolf, E. and Vili, T.D., “Air water and Soil Quality Modelling for 2007
Risk and Impact Assessment”, Springer
6. Edward J.K, “Concepts of Ecology”, 4th Ed. Pearson Education 2007
7. Lein J.K, “Integrated Environmental Planning”, Blackwell Publishing 2003
8. Robert, L.F., (Ed), “Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and 2002
Design”, CRC Press
9. Liu, D.H.F., Liptal, B.G. and Boris, P.A “Environmental Engineer’s 1997
Handbook”, Lewis Publishers
10. Canter, L.W., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, McGraw Hill 1996
11. Odum E.P., “Ecology”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company 1975
12. Acts, Rules, Guidelines available from various National and Various
International agencies (and their subsequent amendments)

1. Subject Code: HY-535 Course Title : Environmental Quality

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course aims to provide basic background for understanding the
atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial environment characteristics and skills for
assessment of their quality.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No Hours
1. Overview of Environment, components of environment and their 2
interaction, source and uses of water.
2. Concepts from water, soil and air pollution chemistry, Microbiology 8
and ecology, solution, electroneutrality, equilibrium, reaction
kinetics, microbes in aquatic/terrestrial systems, types and functions,
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
3. Introduction to water, soil and air quality concepts, impurities and 8
quality characterization, physical, chemical and biological
parameters, Soil and water quality issues, transport and
transformation processes in surface and groundwater systems
4. Introduction to analytical methods and instruments, field sampling 10
methods, storage and preservation of samples, analytical estimation,
analytical quality control and error analysis modeling concepts
5. Mandates and existing monitoring networks of field surface and 5
groundwater organizations, design and review of monitoring
networks, evaluation and rationalization of networks, case studies.
6. Analysis and interpretation of quality data, concepts of statistical 6
techniques for data analysis, analysis for correlations, variability
trends, violations, reporting and graphical presentation
7. Legislation and management in environment quality, water and air 3
quality criteria and standards, national and international perspective.

Total 42
List of Practicals:

i. Concepts and methods of Gravimetric analysis, Measurement of Total Solids, Total

Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Measurement of Sulphates and Oil and
ii. Concepts and methods of Electrometric analysis, Measurement of EC, Types of
sensors and their application in measurement of Fluoride, Nitrate and Dissolved
iii. Concepts and methods of Volumetric and optical analysis, Measurement of Total
Alkalinity, Hardness and its constituents and Chloride, Measurement of Turbidity and
iv. Measurement of Organics viz, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
v. Introduction to advanced instruments viz. Ion Chromatograph, Gas Chromatograph,

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No Publication/
1. Ahuja S., “Monitoring Water Quality: Pollution Assessment, 2013
Analysis, and Remediation”, Elsevier
2. Li Y., Migliaccio K., “Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and 2010
Analyses”, CRC Press
3. Kim, Y.J and Platt, U., “Advanced Environmental Monitoring”, 2008
4. Masters, G.M., “Introduction to Environmental Science and 2007
Engineering’, Pearson Education
5. “Standard Methods for Water & Wastewater Analysis” 21st 2005
Edition, APHA
6. Crompton, T.R., ‘Soil Analysis: Handbook for Reference 2000
Methods”, CRC Press
7. Chapman, D., “Water Quality Assessment”, 2nd Edition, Imprint 1992
of Chapman & Hall
8. Sawyer, C.N., and McCarty, P.L. “Chemistry for Environmental 1987
Engineering’, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
9. Lloyd, J.W. and J.A. Heathcote, “ Natural Inorganic 1985
Hydrogeochemistry in relation to Groundwater”, Clarendon
press, Oxford
10. Mathess, G., “The properties of Groundwater”, John Wiley & 1982
11. Acts, guidelines, standards as published by National and Various
International agencies (and subsequent amendments)

1. Subject Code: HY- 537 Course Title: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 110 PRS 15 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the fundamentals of Remote Sensing and geographical

information systems (GIS) and their applications in hydrology.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Principal of Remote Sensing: Definition, active and passive remote 2
sensing, aerial and space platforms
2. Electromagnetic Radiation: EMR interaction with atmosphere, 8
atmospheric windows and their significance, interaction with earth
surface materials, specular and diffuse reflection surfaces, spectral
reflectance curves and spectral signature, spectral reflectance curves
of water, soil and vegetation
3. Satellite Programs and Sensors: Classification, description of multi 4
spectral scanning – along and across track scanners satellite sensors ,
resolution types, description of sensors in Landsat, SPOT, IRS series
4. Satellite Image Interpretations: Basic principles of image 6
interpretation, visual interpretation, elements of image interpretation,
digital image processing, supervised and unsupervised classification
5. Introduction to GIS: Components, data types – spatial, attribute and 3
metadata, raster and vector data and their comparison, data
abstraction, maps and map scale
6. Coordinate System: Datum, geographical coordinate system, 4
projected coordinate system and their need, basic projection types,
polyconic and UTM projections
7. Data Input and Editing: Raster and vector data formats, 2
georeferencing, data input using scanner and on-screen digitization,
input using XY data, data editing, attribute data
8. Basic Analysis: Union, Intersection, clip, merge, append, map algebra 2
9. Spatial Analysis: Reclassification, overlaying, buffering, unions, 4
intersections; DEM, DEM analysis, contour and cut-fill analysis,
process modeling using GIS, IDW, spline and kriging, interpolation
10. GPS and KML:Introduction to global positioning system and KML 2
11. Remote Sensing and GIS Applications: LULC Classification,flood 5
plain mapping and zoning, ground water studies, erosion
sedimentation studies, watershed and drainage delineation
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Lillesand, T.M. and Kieffer, “Remote Sensing and Image 2012
Interpretation”, - 6th Reprint, Joh Wiley and Sons
2. Chang, K, “Introduction to Geographical Systems”, 4th Edition, Tata 2010
3. DeMers, M.N., “Fundamentals of Geographical Information 2009
Systems”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons
4. Schowengerdt, R.A., “Remote Sensing Models and Methods for 2007
Image Processing”, 3rd Edition, Academic Press
5. Jensen, J.R., “Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote 1996
Sensing Perspective”, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall

1. Subject Code : HY - 538 Course Title: Hydrological Data Collection, Processing

and Analysis

2. Contact Hours : L:3 T:1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The objective is to present the details of various methods for hydro-
meteorological data collection, processing and analysis.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Types of hydro-meteorological data and their importance, time oriented, space 3
oriented and relational data
2. Observation of hydro-meteorological data - rainfall, temperature, evaporation, 4
discharge and other parameters, observational and instrumental errors and
quality control
3. Storage, transmission and retrieval of data, different formats adopted by IMD, 2
4. Design and optimization of monitoring systems for rainfall, evaporation, gauge 4
and discharge networks and groundwater data monitoring stations
5. Simple and multiple linear and non-linear regression; hypothesis testing 4
6. Estimation of missing data in rainfall, runoff and other parameters, record 5
extension for rainfall and runoff data, interpolation and Kriging techniques,
statistical rainfall- runoff models
7. Development of stage discharge curves using graphical, physical and analytical 3
methods for various types of streams
8. Automatic weather stations, types, data storage and retrieval, automatic water 3
level recorders, types, data storage,retrieval and analysis
9. Analysis of randomness and trends in hydro-meteorological data; Computation 5
of statistical parameters and standards errors, components of time series,
concepts of short and long term dependence in hydro-meteorological data
10. Estimation of extremes using frequency analysis; Graphical and analytical 4
methods for normal, lognormal and Gumbel distributions
11. Open sources of data and software assisted processing 5
Total 42
List of Practical:

i. Observation of rainfall, temperature and evaporation.

ii. Observation of groundwater levels in observatory.
iii. Observation of gauge and discharge in lab/field.
iv. Demonstration of hydrological processes using Total Hydrologic Station.
v. Measurement of infiltration rates.

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd. 2008
2. Viessman W. and Lewis G. L., “Introduction to Hydrology”, Pearson 2007
3. Hornberger G. M., Raffensperger J. P., Woberg P. L and Eshleman K. N., 1998
“Elements of Physical Hydrology”, The Johns Hopkins University Press
4. Gupta R.S., “Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems”, Prentice Hall 1997
5. Singh V. P., “Elementary Hydrology”, Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd. 1994
6. Maidment, D.R., “Handbook of Hydrology”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1993
7. Chow V. T., Maidment D. R. and Mays L. W., “Applied Hydrology”, 1988
8. Kottegoda N.T., “Stochastic Water Resources Technology”, John Wiley & 1980

1. Subject Code: HY- 539 Course Title: Isotope Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course discusses the basic concepts of Isotopes, principles of their
detection and related instruments and their applications in hydrology.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Isotopes, their classifications and characteristics, law of radioactivity 6
and radio isotopes and basic principles of absorption and scattering of
alpha and beta particles, gamma rays and neutrons
2. Principles of detection of radioactive and stable isotopes and related 4
3. Environmental isotopes and their variations in nature 5
4. Isotope applications to hydrology; Isotopes as tracers for surface 7
water and ground water studies
5. Isotopes as sealed sources for soil moisture variation, recharge to 6
ground water, snow melt equivalent and suspended sediment
concentration studies
6. Sediment and ground water dating technique for studying 8
sedimentation in water bodies and dynamics of surface and ground
water bodies
7. Use of isotopes for study of interrelation of hydrologic elements and 6
interconnection of water bodies
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. “Guide Book on Nuclear Techniques in Hydrology”, IAEA, Vienna, 2000
Austria Technical Report Series No. 91
2. “Stable Isotope Hydrology, Deuterium and Oxygen- 18 in Water 2000
Cycle”, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, Technical report series no. 210
3. Mazor, E., “Chemical and Isotopic Groundwater Hydrology”,2nd 1997
Edition. Marcel Dekker Inc.
4. Clark, I. And Fritz. P, “Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology”, 1997
Lewis Publishers
5. Fritz, P. and Fontes, J. Ch (Editors), “Handbook of Applied Isotope 1989
Hydrogeochemistry; The Marine Environment” Vol. 3., Elselvier
6. Hoefs, J., “Stable Isotope Geochemistry”, 3rd Edition Springer- 1987
7. Fritz, P. andFontes, J. Ch (Editors), “Handbook of Applied Isotope 1986
Hydrogeochemistry; The Terrestrial Environment”, Vol 2. Elselvier
8. Faure, G., “Principles of Isotope Geology”, 2nd edition, Wiley 1986
Fritz, P. and Fontes, J. Ch (Editors), “Handbook of Applied Isotope 1980
9. Hydrogeochemistry”. Vol. 1. Elselvier

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Hydrology

1. Subject Code: HY- 540 Course Title: Water Resources Economics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the concepts of water resources economics for optimal design of
water resource projects.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Project evaluation, Benfit-cost measurement; Discounting factors: 4
single payment factor, uniform annual series factors, uniform gradient series etc.
2. Discounting Techniques: Present worth, annual cost, cost benefit ratio and 4
internal rate of return methods
3. Cost Estimation: Investigation cost, project cost 2
4. Economic Planning of Project Purpose: Irrigation benefit at farmers level and 8
at project level, hydropower benefits using alternate cost method, benefits from
floods control measures (crops and urban floods)
5. Graphical Optimization: Cost-benefit, marginal analysis. 3
6. Systems Applications: Basics of linear programming, basics of dynamic 6
7. Multiobjective and Multipurpose Analysis: Weighing method, method of 7
constraints, goal programming, surrogate worth trade-off method
8. Economic and Financial Analysis: Economic feasibility, financial feasibility, 4
cost allocation to different water uses in a multipurpose reservoir
9. Case Studies: Single purpose projects, multi purpose projects 4
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Jeffrey J., Jack H. and Jeffrey M., “Water Resources Economics: Theory, 2010
Institutions and Applications”, Routledge Publishers
2. Griffin, R.C., “Water Resources Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity”, 2006
Policies and Projects, The MIT Press
3. Stephen M., “Introduction to the Economics of Water Resources: An 1997
International Perspective”, Rowman and Littltfield, Inc.
4. Goodman, A.S., “Principles of Water Resources Planning”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1984
5. Warnic, C.C., “Hydropower Engineering”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1984
6. James, L.D. and Lee, R.R., “Water Resources Economics”, McGraw Hill, Inc. 1971

1. Subject Code: HY- 542 Course Title: Urban Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125

15 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To study the process of urbanization and its influence on urban hydrological
processes and urban water supply system including, storm water modeling.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Urbanization process, urban planning, landuse/landcover changes, 5
hydrological impacts of urbanization
2. Urban hydrologic cycle and processes, rainfall analysis, IDF 8
Curves and design storm computation,
3. Urban runoff computations; Abstractions, Rational Method, 8
Computation of overland flow at design point, empirical methods,
SCS method, time-area and unit hydrograph approaches, Stream
flow routing
4. Guidelines for the design of Urban drain and other structure 6
5. Storages inside urban areas, storm run-off, piped and open channel 3
drainage, mixed transport of storm and waste water
6. Urban water supply; Estimate of demand, sources of surface and 4
ground water, potable water quality
7. Urban flood modelling using urban hydrologic models namely 6
8. Rain water harvesting 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Iyyer, M.J., “Urban Water Supply and Sanitation A Management 2008
Perspective”, ICFAI University Press
2. Shamsi, U.M., “GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and 2005
Stormwater Systems”, CRC Press
3. Debo,T.N and Reese, A., “Municipal Stormwater Management”, 2002
2nd Edition, CRC Press
4. Twort, A.C. and Ratnayaka, D.D., “Water Supply”, 2001
5th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann
5. James, W., “Advances in Modeling the Management of Stormwater 1997
Impacts”, CRC Press
6. Akan, O.S., “Urban Stormwater Hydrology”, CRC Press 1993
7. Chow, V.T., “Applied Hydrology”, Mc Graw Hill 1988
8. Lazaro, T.R. “Urban Hydrology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective”, 1979
Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc.

1. Subject Code : HY-543 Course Title: Flood Forecasting

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) : Theory : 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits : 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce the details of various methods of flood estimation, forecasting
and control.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
Definitions, objectives and importance of flood estimation and real time 3
forecasting; Classification of hydrological forecasts
Flood estimation and forecasting methods, statistical and deterministic 4
approaches, basic concepts and formulations
Monitoring networks;Site selection and installation of instruments, river 4
3. monitoring and raingauge networks design, automatic weather stations and
G and D station; Data transmission
4. Meteorological forecasting and quantitative precipitation forecasting 5
Graphical and statistical models for flood forecasting adopted by CWC and 6
other operational models; Case studies
Unit hydrograph and Soil conservation service – curve number based 6
deterministic models for flood forecasting; Autoregrenive (AR), Moving
Average (MA), Autoregrenive moving average (ARMA) models: basic
6. concepts, formulations and updating of parameters using adaptive filter
Physically based models for flood forecasting;Fundamentals and overview 6
7. of operational models, Choice of appropriate methods or models for flood
Calibration and validation of forecasts, dissemination of forecast, Early 4
warning system
9. Potential applications from emerging technologies 4
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

Sl. Name of Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Manual on flood forecasting and warning- WMO publication no. 1072 2011
2. Montgomery, D.C., Jennings, C.L. and Kulahci M., “Introduction to 2008
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting”, John Wiley & Sons
3. Abraham, B. and Ledolter, J., “Statistical Methods for Forecasting”, 2005
John Wiley & Sons
4. Maidment, D.R., “Handbook of Hydrology”, McGraw Hill 1993
5. “Manual on Flood Forecasting, River Management Wing”, Central 1989
Water Commission, India
6. “Manual on Flood Forecasting, Central Flood Forecasting 1980
Organisation”, Central Water Commission, India
7. Kottegoda N.T., “Stochastic Water Resources Technology”, John Wiley 1980
& Sons
8. “Hydrological Forecasting Practices, Operational Hydrology”, World 1975
Meteorological Organization, Report No. 6

1. Subject Code: HY- 544 Course Title: Hydrogeology of Hard Rocks

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce principles of groundwater occurrence & movement in fractured

heterogeneous geological formations.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Geographical distribution of consolidated geological formations in 2
2. Groundwater occurrence in crystalline rocks, hydraulic properties of 6
fractured rock formations, porosity and hydraulic conductivity, Darcy
law and Cubic law, groundwater flow in fractured rocks, flow models
3. Hydrogeology of volcanic rocks and karstic formations, development 3
of lava vesicles and nature of groundwater flow, development of
cavernous zones in carbonate rocks and groundwater movement,
hydraulic parameters of volcanic and karstic aquifers.
4. Estimation of hydraulic parameters of fractured aquifers-relationship of 8
permeability with depth, slug tests; interpretation of pumping test data
of wells; fractured anisotropic aquifers, Equivalent porous medium
models, double porosity models and discrete fracture models,
Streltsova –Adams method and Warren and Roots method of
interpretation of pumping test data
5. Interpretation of pumping test data of large diameter wells in hard 6
rocks,Papadopulousand Cooper method, and Boulton&Strelsova
6. Estimation of well characteristics by Jacob and Rorabaugh methods, 5
step draw down tests;Evaluation of minimum spacing of wells by
different approaches
7. Groundwater assessment in hardrock areas; Evaluation of rainfall 3
recharge and CGWB methodology of groundwater resources
estimation,its limitations; stage of groundwater development
8. Quality of groundwater in fractured crystalline and karstic aquifers, 3
rock-water interaction and implications for groundwater geochemistry
9. Artificial groundwater recharge in fractured aquifers, applicability of 3
various methods of managed aquifer recharge, rainwater harvesting
10. Groundwater legislation and implications in implementation, case 3
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Singhal, B.B.S., and Gupta, R.P., “Applied Hydrogeology of 2010
Fractured Rocks”, Springer
2. Ahmed, S., Jayakumar, R. and Salih, A. (Eds.) “Groundwater 2007
Dynamics in Hardrock Aquifers”, Capital Publishing Company
3. Kruseman, G.P., & Deridder, N.A., “Analysis and Evaluation of 1990
Pumping Test Data”, 2nd Edition, ILRI Publication No. 47
4. Freeze, R.A.,and Cherry, J., “Groundwater”, Prentice Hall Inc 1979

1. Subject Code: HY-545 Course Title : Surface Water Quality Modeling

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective is to provide basic understanding of the transport and fate of
contaminants and relationships of various processes in the surface water

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No Hours
1. Review of Water Quality: Concept, Characterization and assessment, 5
water quality issues in surface and groundwater bodies, monitoring and
analysis protocol
2. Modeling: Concept and process, Classification of models, selection of 3
models, spatial and temporal resolution
3. Mathematical framework and solution techniques: 4
Overview of differential/ partial differential equations, analytical and
numerical solutions, error and sensitivity analysis
4. Hydrodynamic Processes and Parameters in Surface and 6
Groundwater Bodies: Conservations laws, advection and dispersion,
mass balance equation, governing equations in Cartesian and
curvilinear coordinates, initial and boundary conditions
5 Fate and transport of pollutants in aquatic environment: 6
Point and nonpoint sources of pollutants, sedimentation, degradation,
decay, sorption processes and their kinetics, processes and governing
equations for water quality variables (dissolved oxygen, biochemical
oxygen demand, pathogens nutrients and algae etc.)
6 Data Concerns: Model needs, review of available monitoring 4
networks, design of new networks, rationalization, field collection,
storage and transportation of samples
7. Available Water Quality Models: Introduction to QUAL2E, AWSP, 10
AGNPS etc: Model frame work, process equations, solution
techniques, boundary conditions, data formats, calibration and
validation schedule, error analysis, TMDL concept and application,
case studies
8. Water Quality Management: Systems engineering concepts design of 4
experiments, available methods, application to the polluted
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/Books/ Publisher Year of

No Publication
1. Chin, D.A.,”Water Quality Engineering in Natural Systems: Fate 2012
and Transport processes in the water environment”, Wiley
2. Zhen-Gang Ji, “Hydro-dynamics and Water Quality: Modeling 2008
Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries”, John Wiley & Sons
3. Novonty, V., “Water Quality: Diffuse Pollution and watershed 2003
Management” , John Wiley & Sons
4. Wu Seng Lung, “Water Quality Modeling for Wasteload 2001
Allocation and TMDLs”, John Wiley & Sons
5. Chapra, S. C., “Surface Water Quality Modeling”, McGraw Hill 1997
6. Thomann, R.V. and Mueller, “Principles of Surface Water Quality 1997
Modelling and Control”, Prentice Hall
7. James A., “An Introduction to Water Quality Modelling”, 2nd 1993
Edition, John Wiley & Sons
8. Jorgensen, S.E “Application of Ecological Modelling in 1983
Environmental Management”, Part A & B, Elsevier

1. Subject Code: HY- 546 Course Title: Hydroinformatics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 10 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Computer Programming at UG or equivalent

9. Objective: The course aims at introducing emerging techniques and tools developed in
information and communication technology field to solve hydrological

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction to hydroinformatics and overview of emerging 3
2. Introduction to basics of Programing 8
3. HTML, XML, Internet and their use for information display 4
4. Databases design and connectivity 5
5. Introduction to information systems, decision support system, spatial 6
decision support systems, web-based information system, expert
6. Data mining, artificial neural networks and their application in 6
7. Introduction to fuzzy logic and applications 5
8. Application of ANN and fuzzy logic using software like MATLAB 5
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Ross, T.J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Application”, 2nd Edition, 2004
John Wiley & Sons
2. Mallach, E.G., “Decision Support System and Data Warehouses 2000
Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Witten, I.H., and Frank E, “Data Mining”, Morgan Kaufmann 2000
4. Waterman, D.A., “A Guide to Expert Systems”, Addision-Wesley 1999
Longman Inc.
5. Babovic, V and Larsem, L.C., “Hydroinformatics '98”, AA Balkema 1998
6. Rao, V.B. and Rao, H.V., “Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic”, BPB 1996
7. Fu, L., “Neural Networks and Fuzy Logic”, Mc Graw-Hill Inc 1994
Name of the Department /Centre: DEPARTMENT OF HYDROLOGY

1. Subject Code: HY- 551 Course Title: Physical Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: To explain the theoretical basis and modelling of hydrological processes

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Introduction to Hydrologic Science: Hydrology, a distinct 4
geo- science; The global hydrologic cycle; Multidisciplinary hydrology
and its relation to other geosciences
2. Earth's Energy Budget: Surface radiation distribution; Elementary 4
radiation physics; Short wave radiation; Long wave radiation
3. Earth-Atmosphere System: Atmospheric composition and structure; 4
Pressure, temperature, moisture distributions; Principles of atmospheric
thermodynamics; Principles of atmospheric stability.
4. Precipitation: Rainfall generating mechanisms; Cloud physics; Storm 6
structure; Precipitation modeling; Applications.
5. Evaporation and Transpiration: The lower atmosphere and the 6
atmospheric boundary layer(ABL); Mean profiles and similarity in a
stationary and horizontally-uniform ABL; Evaporation process; Water
and energy balance methods; Mass transfer method; Penman equation;
Transpiration. Evapotranspiration; Modified Penman equation.
6. Sub-Surface Hydrology - Infiltration and Exfiltration: Flow in 6
unsaturated porous media; Infiltration and exfiltration; Empirical
equations; Infiltration and surface runoff; Actual evapotranspiration;
Percolation and capillary rise; Groundwater flow
7. Snowpack and Snowmelt: Snowpack Density, Cold content, Thermal 6
quality, Liquid-water content; Albedo; Energy budget and snowmelt; Air
temperature and snowmelt; Snowmelt routing through snowpack;
Snowmelt runoff modeling: Lumped models Distributed Models; Energy
balance-based models; Temperature index-based models; Physiographic
and climatic controls
8. Global hydrology and climate change: Regional hydrology and climate 6
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Viessman, W., and Lewis, G.L., “Introduction to Hydrology”, 2012
Pearson Education Ltd.
2. Dingman, L.S., Upper Saddle River, N.J., “Physical Hydrology”, 1994
Prentice Hall.
3. Bras, R.L., “Hydrology, an Introduction to Hydrologic Science”, 1990
Addison Wesley
4. Chow, V.T., Maidment, D. and Mays, L.W., “Applied Hydrology”, 1988
McGraw Hill.
5. Bear, J., “Hydraulics of Groundwater”, McGraw Hill. 1979
6. Wallace, J. and Hobbs, P., “Atmospheric Science, an Introductory 1977
Survey”, Academic Press.
7. Linsley, R., Kohler, M. and Paulhus, J., “Hydrology for Engineers”, 1975
McGraw Hill.
8. Sellers, W. D., “Physical Climatology”, The University of Chicago 1974
9. Eagleson, P.S., “Dynamic Hydrology”, McGraw Hill 1970

1. Subject Code: HY-552 Course Title: Numerical Methods in Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 1

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: The course aims at introducing emerging techniques and tools developed in
information and communication technology field in hydrology.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Water Resources systems, Introduction to hydrological modeling, 5
types of models, model development, calibration and verification
2. Review of differential equations in water resources, Introduction to 10
numerical methods. Finite difference approximation of first and
second order derivatives, Forward, backward and central difference
methods; explicit, implicit and Crank Nicholson schemes, numerical
errors, stability and convergence criteria, method of characteristics,
ADI method for flow modeling, Basics of Finite element methods.
3. Iterative methods; Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, Successive over relaxation, 7
Picards and Newton-raption techniques.Tridiagonalmatices, Thomas
4. Minor project (analytical and numerical simulation homework 6
Total 28
11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Publication/
1. Sastry, S.S., “Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis” Prentice- 2005
Hall of India, New Delhi
2. Schwartz, F.W. and Zang, H., “Fundamentals of Ground Water”, John 2003
Wiley & Sons
3. Wang, J.F., Anderson, M.P., 1982. Introduction to Groundwater 1982
Modelling. Freeman, San Francisco, CA: 237 pp
4. Vedula, S., and Mujumdar, P.P., “Water Resources Systems”, Tata Mc 1982
Graw Hill
5. Remson, I., Hornberger, G.M. and Molz, F.J., “Numerical Methods in 1971
Subsurface Hydrology”, Wiley-Interscience

1. Subject Code: HY- 553 Course Title: Experimental Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 0 T: 0 P: 4
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 0 Practical 3

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 0 PRS 50 MTE 0 ETE 0 PRE 50

5. Credits: 2 6.Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide hands-on experience in conducting various hydrologies

experiments. In this process, students will learn to collect laboratory- and
field-based data, analysis and interpretation of data.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Determination of Soil Physical Properties 4

2. Soil Moisture Retention Curve using pressure plate 2

3. Infiltration estimation using double ring, disk- and mini-disk 4

4. Rainfall-Runoff Experiments: Hydrograph Generation, 4
Drawdown, sediment transport using Advance Hydrologic System
5. Rainfall Simulator Experiments: Uniformity Coefficient, Rainfall 2
Generation and Drop size analysis
6. Soil Hydraulic Conductivity experiments using AHS, ICW 2
permeameter (Constant and Variable head)
7. Flow through Open Channel using different hydraulic structures 4

8. Groundwater Flow Experiments 4

Total 26

11. Suggested Readings: Students will be given class handouts for each experiment
including theory and practical procedure.
-User manuals of different equipments will be used.

1. Subject Code: HY-554 Course Title : Soil and Water Remediation

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: The course aims to develop the understanding of contemporary treatment

technologies that are used for remediation of soil and water pollution

10. Details of Course:

S. Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Surface and ground water characteristics, soil formation and 6
classification; types, sources and properties of contaminants affecting
water and soil water-soil-contaminant interactions, analytical methods
2. Membrane technologies: Type and characteristics of membranes used for 6
water remediation, basis of membrane selection, osmotic pressure,
concentration polarization, electrolyte diffusion; Suspended particles
removal from water by macro-filtration and ultra-filtration; Dissolve ions
removal from water by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, case studies
3. Nanotechnology: Classification and characteristics of nano-scale 6
materials, basic approach and methods of nanoparticles synthesis, theories
of nanosized materials, functionalized nanomaterials, applications and
perspectives of nanomaterials in water treatment; Nanoscale zero-valent
iron (ZVI) for remediation of organic and inorganic contaminants;
Magnetic nanoparticles for removal of heavy metals., case studies
4. Phytoremediation: Mitigation of pollutants in soil and water by 6
phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytotransformation, rhizodegradation
to degrade heavy metal, pesticides, hydrocarbons, etc.; influence of
environmental factors on phytoremediation. natural and constructed
wetlands, type of constructed wetlands, applications in wastewater and
stormwater treatment, design considerations, case studies
5. Physical/Chemical Treatment Technologies: 8
Water Remediation: Electro-coagulation for removal of hydrocarbon,
suspended solids and heavy metals; Wet-oxidation for the removal of
dissolved and suspended components; Electro Dialysis and Ion exchange
for water softening and NOM removal; Adsorption for the removal of
atoms, ions and molecules.
Soil Remediation: Dredging, vapor condensation and soil vapor extraction
for volatile organic compounds; Solidification/ stabilization, verification,
grouting and soil capping to reduce the mobility of contaminants; In situ
oxidation and peroxide catalyzed remediation for removal of organic
contaminants; Critical fluid extraction and soil flushing/washing for
treatment of saline soil and the removal of ions, metals, gasoline, fuel oils
and pesticides; Alkali soil remediation using gypsum, pyrite, sulphur;
Acidic soil remediation using lime.
6. Biological Treatment Technologies: Bioreactor landfill, bioventing, 5
biostimulation, bioaugumentation, microbial degradation, aerobic and
anaerobic bio-transformations for removal of biodegradable organic
contaminants from soil, case studies
7. Thermal Treatment Technologies: Removal of organic contaminants 5
from soil by thermal desorption, distillation, thermal evaporation,
incineration, gasification, cement kiln, pyrolysis, thermal
depolymerisation, waste autoclaves, gas and residue treatment plant;
Energy recovery plant and emissions clean-up methods, case studies
Total 42

List of experiments:

i. Determination of anion and cation removal efficiency of reverse osmosis and nano
filtration membranes.
ii. Synthesis of nanoparticles, measurement of their characteristics by XRD and
iii. Removal of contaminants from water in constructed wetland batch reactors
iv. Removal of contaminants from water by electro-coagulation and electro-dialysis.
v. Use of adsorption batch reactors for removal of heavy metals.
vi. Batch experiments to study biological degradation of organic compounds from water
and soil.
vii. Laboratory scale alkali soil remediation using gypsum.
viii. Laboratory scale acidic soil remediation using lime.

11. Suggested Books

S. Authors / Name of Book / Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1. J. D. Seader, Ernest J. Henley, D. Keith Roper, “Separation 2013
Process Principles”, John Wiley & Sons
2. Ram M., Silvana E. A. and Hanming D., “Nanotechnology for 2011
Environmental Decontamination”, McGraw-Hill.
3. Mao H., Chin H., Alan E. B., Honglin W., Rachid S. and Ian W., 2010
“Enviro-nanotechnology”, Elsevier.
4. “Soil pollution: origin, monitoring & remediation” by I.A. 2010
Mirsal.. Springer
5. Krishna R.R.and Claudio C. “Electrochemical remediation 2009
technologies for polluted soils, sediments and
groundwater”,John wiley& sons.
6. Wankat P.C., “Separation Process Engineering”, 2nd Ed., 2006
Prentice Hall.
7. Milton F. and Rachakonda N. “Bioremediation of Aquatic and 2005
Terrestrial Ecosystems” Science publishers.
8. Singh A., Owen P. W., “Applied Bioremediation and 2004
Phytoremediation”, Springer
9. “Reclamation of contaminated land” by C. P. Nathanail& P. 2004
Bardos.. John Wiley.
10. Donald L. W., “Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils”, CRC 2000
11. Norman T., Gary S. B., “Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil 1999
and Water”, CRC Press
12. Ellen L. K., Todd A. A. and Joel R. C., “Phytoremediation of 1997
Soil and Water Contaminants”, American Chemical Society
13. Donald L. Wise, “Remediation of Hazardous Waste 1994
Contaminated Soils”, CRC Press

1. Subject Code: HY- 555 Course Title: Soft Computing Techniques in Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 1

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce emerging techniques and tools developed in information and

communication technology for solving hydrological problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction to soft computing techniques and overview of emerging 1
2. Data mining, data normalization methods 3
3. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: Introduction to Artificial 9
Neural Networks, General Properties of ANN, ANN Types,
Architecture, Methods for Computing Net Information, Activation
Functions, Network Training, Back-propagation algorithm, Radial
basis function, Conjugate gradient algorithm, Cascade correlation
algorithm, Generalized regression algorithm, Learning Rules,
Learning Parameter, Model Testing, Over-training and Cross-
training, Model Application in Water Resources Engineering.
4. FUZZY LOGIC ALGORITHM: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic 7
Algorithm , General View Basic Concept in Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy
Systems, Fuzzy Membership Functions, Set Operations, and Fuzzy
Relations Constructing Fuzzy Model, Fuzzification, Fuzzy Rule
Base, Fuzzy Inference Engine Defuzzification , Fuzzy Model
Application in Water Resources Engineering
5. GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Introduction, Basic Units of GA, GA 8
Operations,Forming initial gene pool, Evaluating fitness of each
chromosome, Selection , Cross-over operation, Mutation Genetic
Algorithm Model Applications in Water Resources Engineering
Total 28
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
Tayfur, G., Soft Computing in Water Resources Engineering, WIT
1. 2012
Press, Southampton, Boston, USA.
2. Vedula, S., and Mujumdar, P.P., “Water Resources Systems”, Tata Mc 2005
Graw Hill.
3. Ross, T.J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Application”, 2nd Edition, 2004
John Wiley & Sons
4. Witten, I.H., and Frank E, “Data Mining”, Morgan Kaufmann 2000
5. Rao, V.B. and Rao, H.V., “Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic”, BPB 1996
6. Fu, L., “Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic”, McGraw-Hill Inc. 1994

1. Subject Code: HY- 556 Course Title : Environmental Quality Lab

2. Contact Hours: L: 0 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs) Theory 0 Practical 2

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 0 PRS 500 MTE 0 ETE 0 PRE 50

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide the basic background for understanding the environmental

characteristics and skills for their assessment and management.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No Hours
Water Analysis
1. Gravimetric analysis: Measurement of Total Solids, Total 3
Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Measurement of
Sulphates and Oil and Grease.
2. Electrometric analysis: Measurement of EC, Types of sensors and 2
their application in measurement of Fluoride, Nitrate and Dissolved
3. Volumetric and optical analysis: Measurement of Total Alkalinity, 3
Hardness and its constituents and Chloride, Measurement of
Turbidity and Phosphates
4. Measurement of Organics viz, Biochemical Oxygen Demand 4
(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Organic
Carbon (TOC)
5. Introduction to advanced instruments: Analysis of Anions and 4
Cations by Ion Chromatograph (IC), Organic Residues by Gas
Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Heavy Metals by
Voltammeter and ICP-MS
6. Demonstration of remediation technologies: Membrane systems, 2
Electro-coagulation and Electro-dialysis systems
Soil Analysis
7. Determination of pH, Conductivity, Temperature and Nutrients 3
(Available-N, Available-P, Potassium, Sulphur)
8. Determination of Organic matter and Heavy Metals 3
9. Laboratory experiments of remediation of Alkali and Acidic soils 2
Total 26
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name Authors/Books/Publisher Year of

No Publication/
1. Ahuja S., “Monitoring Water Quality: Pollution Assessment, 2013
Analysis, and Remediation”, Elsevier
2. Li Y., Migliaccio K., “Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and 2010
Analyses”, CRC Press
3. Yaduvanshi N.P.S., Methods of Soil, Plant and Climatic 2009
Analysis, IARI, CSIR New Delhi, India
4. “Standard Methods for Water & Wastewater Analysis” 21st 2005
Edition, American Public Health Association.
5. Crompton, T.R., ‘Soil Analysis: Handbook for Reference 2000
Methods”, CRC Press
6. Singh D., Chhonkar P.K. and Pandey R.N., “Soil Plant Water 1999
Analysis: A Methods Manual”, IARI, New Delhi, India
7. Chapman, D., “Water Quality Assessment”, 2nd Edition, Imprint 1992
of Chapman & Hall
8. Sawyer, C.N., and McCarty, P.L. “Chemistry for Environmental 1987
Engineering’, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill

1. Subject Code: HY-560 Course Title: Soil and Groundwater Contamination Modeling
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 10 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course aims at exposing the student to basic concepts and principles
related to the fate and transport of pollutants in soil and groundwater systems
under various environmental conditions.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Sources and causes of soil and groundwater pollution;Various ways of 3
classification of pollutants; Soil and groundwater parameters; Site specific
soil and groundwater quality problems in Indian context
2. Concepts and principles related to the movement of solutes in soil and 8
groundwater systems; continuity equation and Ficks’ law, mass transfer
(adsorption, desorption, absorption, decay, dissolution, volatilization);
mass transport (advective, dispersice and diffusice flux), Solute transport
in double-porosity media
3 Description of adsorption: linear and nonlinear (Frendlich and Langmuir) 6
isotherms, equilibrium and kinetic adsorption, Determination of adsorption
coefficients, Determination of flow velocity and dispersivity coefficients,
Hydrodynamics dispersion, longitudinal and lateral dispersivity
3. Direct andinverse problems, Analytical solution of classical advective- 10
dispersion equation, Finite difference methods, Numerical modeling of
steady and transient flows in variably saturated domain, Contaminant
transport modeling, Numerical dispersion, Discussion of initial and
boundary conditions, Regional aquifer quality simulation, matrix solution
techniques and iteration methods
4 Multiphase contamination, NAPLs, VOCs;Degradation processes, 5
Biodegradation, Factors affecting biodegradation, Radioactive decay,
Reactive processes.
5. Concepts of pollution control and remediation measures;pump-and treat; 4
Permeable reactive barriers and their design, Soil vapor extraction, Air
sparing, bioremediation and phytoremediation processes, wetland
6. Density driven flow, Upconing of saline groundwater, Ghijben-Hezberg 6
principle, concepts of fresh saline interface in elongated Islands, salt water
wedge in aquifers, Numerical modeling, Control of salt water intrusion.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Schwartz, F.W. and Zang, H., “Fundamentals of Ground Water”, John 2003
Wiley & Sons
2. Fetter, C.W., Contaminant hydrogeology, Macmillan, New York, (2nd 1999

3. Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F.W. Physical and chemical 1998

hydrogeology (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York. ISBN 0-471-
4. Wang, J.F., Anderson, M.P., 1982. Introduction to Groundwater 1982
Modelling. Freeman, San Francisco, CA: 237 pp
5. Freeze, R.A., Cherry, J.A., 1979. Groundwater. Prentice-Hall, 1979
Englewood Cliffs: 604 pp.
6. Bear, J., 1972. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media. Am. Elsevier 1972
Publishing Co., New York: 764 pp.

1. Subject Code: HY-561 Course Title: Multi-phase Flow through Porous Media
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 10 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: HY-527 or Equivalent

9. Objective: The aim of this course is to introduce the basic theory and computational
methods for modeling multiphase flow in subsurface porous media.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Problems involving multiple fluids in subsurface, Nongaseous-phase 5
liquids, Physical nature and properties of fluid (wetting and
nonwetting) phases and porous media, Concept of representative
elementary volume, imbibition and drainage
2. Mass conservation equations in porous media, Darcy’s Law for 6
multifluid flow, Functional forms of relative permeability, fluid
saturation and capillary pressure, behaviour of interface between two
3 Governing equations for components within the fluids and solid, 8
equations of state, partition coefficients, reactions, mole fractions,
mass transfer and source/sink terms
4 Water and air dynamics in unsaturated zone, Henry’s law, diffusion 8
coefficients, mechanical dispersion, phase transitions
5 Solutions methods of multifluid flow equations: Analytical and Finite 10
difference numerical methods, Discretization and iteration techniques,
Linear system solvers, Boundary and initial conditions.
6 Upscaling multiphase flow in porous media, Case studies, Hands on 5
experiments on STOMP simulator
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Essentials of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media, William G. Gray, 2008
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
2. Das, D.B. and S.M. Hassanizadeh, Upscaling multiphase flow in 2005
porous media: from pore to core and beyond, SpringerVerlag, 260
pages, Arpil 2005 (ISBN 1-4020-3513-6).

3. Computational Methods for Multiphase Flows in Porous Media 2006

(Computational Science and Engineering), by Zhangxin Chen.
Published by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
1stedition (ISBN: 978-089871606)
4. Mayer, A.S., and S.M. Hassanizadeh, Soil and Groundwater 2005
Contamination: Nonaqueous Phase Liquids, American Geophysical
Union, 224 pages, June 2005 (ISBN 0-87590-321-7).

5. Fluid Flow in Porous Media, by Zoltan Heinemann, 2003 2003

6. Ven Chow, David Maidment, and Larry Mays, Applied hydrology, 1988
MacGraw- Hill Book company, New York.
7. Bear, J., 1972. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media. Am. Elsevier 1972
Publishing Co., New York: 764 pp.

1. Subject Code: HY-562 Course Title: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To understand the principles and processes necessary to effectively manage

water resources through well designed drainage and irrigation systems

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Historical perspective of irrigation and drainage, world and 1
Indian scenario today.
2. Soil-water-plant relationship: Soil Characteristics, water movement in 5
soils, Measuring Soil-Water Content, Basic Concepts of Soil-Water
Dynamics, Soil-Water Retention, Drainable Porosity, Unsaturated
Hydraulic Conductivity, Water Extraction by Plant Roots, Soil-Water
Dynamics in Relation to Drainage.
3. Irrigation:Water requirement of crops; yield response and crop 7
consumptive use, evapotranspiration,Irrigation water requirement,factors
affecting irrigation requirement, duty-delta relationship, methods of
determining duty of water, CROPWAT model.
4. Irrigation Methods:Surface method of irrigation – border, check basin, 7
furrow; Sub-surface method of irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, trickle
irrigation. irrigation scheduling; design of irrigation channels; irrigation
water and infiltration; Hydraulics of irrigation system.
5. Irrigation Efficiency: Factors affecting irrigation efficiency, water 2
conveyance efficiency, application efficiency, water storage efficiency,
project efficiency, conjunctive use in irrigation.
6. Land Drainage: The Need for Land Drainage, Types of drainage 7
problems, drainage investigations, classes of drainage, surface drainage
systems, sub-surface drainage systems, hydrologic and hydraulic design
of drainage systems.
7. Sub-surface Flow to Drains: Steady-State and Unsteady-State 7
Equations, Special Drainage Situations, Drainage of Sloping Lands,
Interceptor Drainage, Open Drains with Different Water Levels and of
DifferentSizes, Drainage of Heavy Clay Soils.
8. Typical Problems of Agricultural Lands: Soil Salinity and Sodicity, 6
Salinity in relation to Irrigation and Drainage, Classification of Salt-
Affected Soils, Salt Balance of the Rootzone, Salt Equilibrium and
Leaching Requirement, Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils, waterlogging,
causes and remediation.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books/References:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Michael A.M., “Irrigation, Theory and Practices”, Vikas Publishing 2008
House Pvt. Ltd.
2. Hoffman, G.J., Evans,R.G., Jensen, M. E., Martin D.L.and Elliott,R.L. 2007
(Ed.). Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems - Second Edition.
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological
Engineers (ASABE), St. Joseph, MI, 863 pp.
3. Fangmeier, D. D., Elliot, W. J., Workman, S. R., Huffman R. L., and 2006
Schwab. G. O. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering - 5th edition.
Thomson Delmar Learning. Clifton Park, NY. 552 pp.
4. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Drainage Manual: A Guide to Integrating 2005
Plant, Soil, and Water Relationships for Drainage of Irrigated Lands.
University Press of the Pacific. Honolulu, HI. 308 pages
5. Butler, D. and J.W. Davies. Urban Drainage. Taylor & Francis, Inc. New 2004
York. 568 pages
6. Majumdar, D.K.“Irrigation Water Management (Principles & Practices)”, 2000
Prentice Hall of India (P), Ltd.
7. Basak, N.N, “Irrigation Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 1999
New Delhi.
8. Keller, J. and R.D. Bliesner. Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation. Van 1990
Nostrand Reinhold. New York. 652 pages.
9. James, L.G. Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. John Wiley and 1988
Sons. New York. 480 pages.
10. Luthin, J.N., “Drainage Engineering”, Wiley Eastern 1973

1. Subject Code: HY-563 Course Title: Vadose Zone Hydrology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 10 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course unit covers the theory and principles of soil physics, evaporation,
infiltration, soil moisture storage and soil moisture and solute dynamics in the
unsaturated zone.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Soil physics, Unsaturated permeability and soil water retention models, 6
Hysteresis, anisotropy, Non-linear behaviour of the unsaturated
permeability, Pedotransfer functions to estimate soil hydraulic properties
2. Soil moisture measurement methods, soil moisture monitoring, Infiltration 5
theories and measurement, Green-Ampt model, time of ponding, Deep
percolation and recharge
3. Soil-water-plant atmospheric relationship, Irrigation requirements, 6
Evapotranspiration models, Leaf area index, crop coefficient, soil moisture
stress, Root compensation mechanism, Hydraulic redistribution, Salinity
stress and effects on crop biomass.
4. The basic principles of moisture dynamics in the unsaturated zone, 8
Derivation of Richards Equation. Quantifying water uptake by plants,
Linear and non-linear models, Solute uptake kinetics by plant roots, Active
and passive uptake.
5. Analytical and numerical solutions of soil water flow (including hands-on 10
experience of the Hydrus1D and 2/3D model, Numerical modeling of
steady and transient flows in vadose zone, Iteration techniques, convergence
and stability, mass balance, Initial and boundary conditions
6. Macropore flow and the preferential principles (wetting front instability, 7
fingered flow) - Solute transport in the unsaturated zone, breakthrough
curves, sources and sink terms, macropore flow and preferential flow, soil
thermal properties, heat flow in soils.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. A M Michael, Irrigation Theory and Practices, Second Edition, Vikas 2010
Publishing House Limited
2. Domenico, P.A. and Schwartz, F.W. Physical and chemical 1998
hydrogeology (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York. ISBN 0-471-
3. Ven Chow, David Maidment, and Larry Mays, Applied hydrology, 1988
MacGraw- Hill Book company, New York.
4. Bear, J., 1972. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media. Am. Elsevier 1972
Publishing Co., New York: 764 pp.

1. Subject Code: HY- 566 Course Title: Ground Water Protection & Regulation

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of widespread deterioration in ground water quality and

need for protecting ground water resource from contamination.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Need for ground water protection. Common causes of 4
ground water quality deterioration. Factors responsible for aquifer
pollution and its Assessment. Ground water protection guidelines.
2. Methods : Approaches of Mapping aquifer pollution vulnerability. 7
Various indices of assessment of ground water vulnerability.
DRASTIC Index approach. GOD Index. Ground water vulnerability
maps: their uses and limitations. Guidelines for ground water
protection. Case Studies.
3. Inventory : Subsurface contaminant Load, classification and 4
Estimation of Subsurface contamination load: Diffuse sources and
Point sources of pollution.
4. Assessment : Control of Ground Water Pollution Hazards: Evaluation 6
of pollution hazard and water supply pollution Hazards. Strategies
for control of ground water pollution. Mounting Ground Water
Quality Protection programs.
5. Ground Water Legislation and Protection Regulation: Model 7
Ground Water Act in India; Status of its Implementation in Indian
States. Ground Water Protection Regulation and Governance; Case
Total 28
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. GARDUNO, H., Romani, S., Sen Gupta, B., Tuinhoff, A and 2011
Richard Davis, India. Groundwater Governance Case Study,
Water Papers, World Bank, 81p.
2. Foster, S., Hirata, R., Gomes, D., D’Elia, Monica and Marta Paris: 2002
Ground Water Quality Protection, The World Bank, Washington
D.C. 103p.
3. Ground Water Survey and Development Agency (Maharashtra), 2000
Ground Water Act and its Implementation in Aurangabad region.
(Proc. Workshop on Ground Water Act and its
4. VRBA, J. and A. Zoporozee (Eds.), Guide book on Mapping 1994
Ground Water Vulnerability. International Association of
Hydrogeologists. 131p.

1. Subject Code: HY-571 Course Title: Watershed Modelling and Simulation

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 10 PRS 30 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To understand process-based modeling of watershed with emphasis on

concepts, fundamental modeling principles used to describe watershed

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Need for Watershed Modeling, Modeling Concepts and 2
Objectives, Model Classification: Choice of Model Complexity
2. Spatial and Temporal Input Data: Model User Interfaces, GIS and 2
Remote Sensing
3. Pre-processing of data: Time Series Analysis; Simple descriptive 4
techniques, trend, seasonality
4. Overview & Current models such as (for eg., AnnAGNPS, SWAT 7
5. Hydrological Processes: Hydrologic Equations; Simulation of 3
Streamflows; Erosion Equations and Simulations
6. Main Channel Processes: Fate and Transport of Nutrients/Pesticides, 2
Management Practices
7. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Parameter Identification and 3
8. Model Calibration and Validation; Model evaluation: 2
Mathematical model verification, Operational model verification,
Graphical and Goodness-of-Fit procedures
9. Ethics in Modelling: Case Studies/Projects 3
Total 28
11. Suggested/Reference Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Beven., K Rainfall-Runoff modelling: The Primer. John Wiley and 2012
Sons, Ltd
2. Singh, V. P. Computer models of watershed hydrology, Water 2000
Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado
3. Haan, C. T., H. P. Johnson, and D. L. Brakensiek. Hydrologic 1982
Modeling of Small Watersheds. An ASAE Monograph Number 5 in
a series published by American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
4. User Manuals of Current Watershed Models

1. Subject Code: HY- 576 Course Title: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1/2 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective of this course is to provide training on planning to water supply and
sanitation programs in the rural sector.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Village environment, Sources of water: quantity, quality and accessibility; 5
Assessment of demands, planning and construction of direct and community
water supply schemes; Source protection measures; Cost effective water
treatment technologies
2. Type and source of wastes; Management of solid and liquid waste; Low 5
cost sanitation planning and construction including household toilets,
community toilets; Innovative and adaptable initiatives like compost pits,
vermin composting, common and individual bio gas plants, and low cost
drainage apart from collection, segregation, and disposal of household
waste at the village level, Disposal and Reuse issues
3. Public health concepts, review of key health determinants, public health 4
priorities in emergency and development settings, sustainable community
health/hygiene: mechanisms for delivery and management
4. Social, cultural, political and economic aspects linked to water and 4
sanitation practices, Initiatives of National and International agencies in
empowerment of communities by promoting pro-community policies,
programs and financial support and skill upgradation in developing
5. Assesment of current conditions and trends in water and sanitation 3
services in low and middle-income countries; Strategies to improve water
and sanitation conditions; lessons learned; key interventions
6. Soft Skills for Water and Sanitation Professionals 3
7. Case studies and projects 4
Total 28
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Author/ Books/ Publishers Year of

No Publication/
1. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Operation and Maintenance 2013
Manual for Rural Water Suppliers
2. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Manual for preparation of 2013
detailed Project Report for Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes
3. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Handbook on Technical 2013
Option for On-Site Sanitation
4. Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Training 2010
Manual for Natural Leaders
5. Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSS) Project 2010
Manual on The Right to Water and Sanitation 2007
6. The CPHEEO manuals on Water Supply 2002

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