Art and Science Meets Moral Relativism: Guest Editorial
Art and Science Meets Moral Relativism: Guest Editorial
Art and Science Meets Moral Relativism: Guest Editorial
It has been accurately said that there are often of higher priority. Art is only to fill in the gaps between
many different ways to treat a patient properly. How- the scientific points and is of lower priority.
respect. This seems especially so if the treatment is As ridiculous and extreme as that example sounds,
one that they are doing or lecture on. it is not completely unlike what is currently occurring in
This is where the concept of moral relativism comes orthodontics. We would do well to remember that
in. Moral relativism holds that no one opinion is objec- rather than being a fringe practice, bloodletting per-
tively right, wrong, or superior to another. The philoso- sisted as a legitimate means of medical treatment for
phy has a natural appeal and was popular in the 1960s over 2000 years. Doctors practiced it their entire
hippie culture in the form of “I’m okay. You’re okay.” careers, were convinced of its efficacy, and had many
While this superficially appeared to work in the peace success stories. The practice lasted well into the late
and love culture of the ’60s, Moral relativism has a fatal 19th century, when scientific studies were finally used
flaw and a dirty underbelly. In fact, there are bad things to discredit it.
Our patients will be better treated, and we will be bet-