Wjge 8 301
Wjge 8 301
Wjge 8 301
Retrospective Study
Yutaka Hirayama, Takafumi Ando, Yoshiki Hirooka, Osamu Watanabe, Ryoji Miyahara, Masanao Nakamura,
Takeshi Yamamura, Hidemi Goto
use of > 400 mg corticosteroids for the previous 4 wk. with ulcerative colitis (UC) was associated with exacer
In contrast, no association was seen with sex, age at bation of symptoms, while one early retrospective study
UC diagnosis, immunomodulator use, or infliximab use. reported the presence of CMV in surgical specimens of
Punched-out ulceration was also significantly associated patients who underwent colectomy for the treatment
with CMV infection in patients with active UC (odds of toxic megacolon or steroid-resistant UC . However,
ratio = 12.672, 95%CI: 4.210-38.143). the significance of CMV infection in inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD) is still controversial, and the pathogenic
CONCLUSION: Identification of a total corticosteroid role of CMV infection in IBD is debated: Some authors
dose > 400 mg for 4 wk, extensive colitis and a specific believe that CMV is only an “innocent bystander” and
endoscopic finding of punched-out ulcer might facilitate does not significantly impact outcome, whereas many
the more rapid diagnosis and timely initiation of anti other studies have reported a significant association
viral therapy for CMV-associated colitis in patients with between CMV infection and IBD
active UC.
Active CMV infection has been observed in UC
patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid therapy .
Key words: Colonoscopy; Risk factor; Ulcerative colitis;
From 27% to 100% of patients with steroid-refractory
Antigenemia; Cytomegalovirus
UC have been found to harbor CMV, and steroid re
© The Author(s) 2016. Published by Baishideng Publishing sistance is one of the central characteristics of CMV
Group Inc. All rights reserved. infection in UC patients . Moreover, multiple
studies have concluded that CMV infection can be an
Core tip: It has been reported that cytomegalovirus exacerbating factor in UC patients and that UC prognosis
(CMV) infection can be associated with steroid re is generally poor in patients with CMV if anti-viral therapy
sistance and be an exacerbating factor in ulcerative is not started at an early stage .
colitis (UC). This paper provides important information Thus, CMV infection may exacerbate UC and may
regarding characteristic endoscopic findings and risk even cause death if appropriate treatment is not given.
factors for CMV-associated colitis in patients with active Although the development of ganciclovir (GCV) antiviral
UC. A total corticosteroid dose > 400 mg for 4 wk and therapy has improved outcomes of CMV-associated
extensive colitis are associated with an increased risk colitis , CMV infection must still be diagnosed early
of CMV-associated colitis. In addition, punched-out in corticosteroid-resistant UC patients so that antiviral
ulceration appears predictive of CMV-associated colitis therapy can be initiated as soon as possible. However,
in active UC. it is difficult to distinguish exacerbation of UC by CMV
infection from exacerbation not associated with CMV
on the basis of symptoms and signs alone. In such
Hirayama Y, Ando T, Hirooka Y, Watanabe O, Miyahara R, cases, UC symptoms, signs, and severity in patients at
Nakamura M, Yamamura T, Goto H. Characteristic endoscopic risk of CMV-associated colitis are routinely evaluated
findings and risk factors for cytomegalovirus-associated colitis by endoscopy. While a few such studies have reported
in patients with active ulcerative colitis. World J Gastrointest the absence of any characteristic endoscopic findings
Endosc 2016; 8(6): 301-309 Available from: URL: http://www. [24]
in patients with UC complicated by CMV infection ,
wjgnet.com/1948-5190/full/v8/i6/301.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.
others have reported characteristic endoscopic features,
including the absence of large single ulcers and the
presence of longitudinal ulcers, microerosions, deep
ulcers, pseudotumors, punched-out ulcers, mucosal
defects, geographic ulcers, and irregular ulcers .
INTRODUCTION These studies have methodological differences, however,
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), a member of the double- and no consensus on unique endoscopic features that
stranded DNA human herpes virus family, is reported can be used to facilitate early diagnosis of CMV-asso
to infect between 40% and 100% of the general ciated colitis in UC has yet been obtained.
population . Primary CMV infection is asymptomatic Against this background, we conducted a retro
or minimally symptomatic, and is followed by a latent spective review of all clinical and endoscopic findings in
state, similar to other herpes virus infections . Most a large cohort of patients with moderate to severe UC
cases of symptomatic CMV infection are therefore with symptom exacerbation to identify risk factors and
caused by reactivation of latent virus . characteristic endoscopic findings of CMV-associated
Although active CMV infection can occur in immuno colitis.
competent individuals, it occurs most frequently in
immunocompromised patients, such as those with ac
quired immunodeficiency syndrome, leukemia patients MATERIALS AND METHODS
during chemotherapy, and patients on high-dose immu Patients
nosuppressants (e.g., recipients of solid organ or bone This study was a retrospective analysis of medical
marrow transplants) . charts and endoscopic images obtained from patients
Powell et al reported that CMV infection in patients diagnosed with moderate to severe (active) UC. From
171 active (moderate to severe) UC patients were admitted into the for histologic investigation. If no ulcers were detected,
gastrointestinal department between January 2004 and December 2013 biopsies were obtained in the areas with the most severe
n = 171 inflammation. Colonic biopsy specimens were fixed,
1 paraffinized, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE)
and specific immunohistochemical (IHC) staining with
monoclonal antibody against CMV immediate early anti
149 active (moderate to severe) UC patients who underwent gen . Specimens were also evaluated for the presence
colonoscopy and blood examination using CMV Ag assay were enrolled of characteristic CMV inclusion bodies by experienced
n =149
Table 1 Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with active ulcerative colitis (n = 149)
Values presented as mean ± SD or number (%) as appropriate. CMV: Cytomegalovirus; CRP: C-reactive protein;
WBC: White blood count; BMI: Body mass index; 5-ASA: 5-aminosalicylate acid; SASP: Salicylazosulfapyridine; AZA:
Azathioprine; 6-MP: 6-mercaptopurine; IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease; UC: Ulcerative colitis; PSC: Primary sclerosing
CMV (+) n = 34 CMV (-) n = 115 Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) P value
Deep ulcer 17 (50.0%) 14 (12.2%) 79.2 50.0 87.8 54.8 85.6 < 0.001
Punched-out ulcer 20 (58.8%) 8 (7.0%) 85.2 58.8 93.0 71.4 88.4 < 0.001
Geographical ulcer 14 (41.2%) 25 (21.7%) 76.5 41.2 78.2 35.9 81.8 0.024
Longitudinal ulcer 11 (32.4%) 24 (20.9%) 68.5 32.4 79.1 31.4 79.8 0.165
Mucosal defect 6 (17.6%) 10 (8.7%) 74.5 17.6 91.3 37.5 78.9 0.139
Mucopurulent exudate 24 (70.6%) 66 (57.4%) 49.0 70.6 42.6 26.7 83.1 0.167
Spontaneous bleeding 14 (41.2%) 19 (16.5%) 73.8 41.2 83.5 42.4 82.8 0.002
Cobblestone-like appearance 5 (14.7%) 7 (6.1%) 75.8 14.7 93.9 41.7 78.8 0.105
Post inflammatory polyp 9 (26.5%) 21 (18.3%) 75.8 26.5 81.7 30.0 79.0 0.294
PPV: Positive predictive value; NPV: Negative predictive value; CMV: Cytomegalovirus.
Patient outcomes
Table 4 Characteristic endoscopic findings for cytomega
lovirus-associated colitis in patients with active ulcerative
In the CMV-positive (CMV-associated colitis) group, 26 of
colitis (multivariate analysis) the 34 patients (76.5%) received antiviral therapy with
GCV. After GCV therapy, 13 of these patients achieved
Odds ratio 95%CI P value remission, while 13 required colectomy because of
Deep ulcer 2.128 0.678-6.680 0.196 severe and refractory UC. Of the remaining 8 patients
Punched-out ulcer 12.672 4.210-38.143 < 0.001 who did not receive GCV antiviral therapy, 4 underwent
Geographical ulcer 1.919 0.664-5.542 0.229
colectomy because of severe UC.
Spontaneous bleeding 2.106 0.735-6.036 0.166
Among the CMV-negative group, 81 patients (70.4%)
achieved remission with anti-inflammatory therapy
(including relapse cases), while 37 (32.2%) eventually
Endoscopic findings underwent colectomy during the course of follow-up.
To identify endoscopic findings characteristic of CMV-
Among these 37 patients, 4 underwent colectomy for
associated colitis in patients with active UC, we analyzed
cancer or dysplasia.
ulcerative features (e.g., deep ulcer, punched-out ulcer,
geographical ulcer, longitudinal ulcer, and mucosal
defect) and mucosal features (e.g., mucopurulent DISCUSSION
exudate, spontaneous bleeding, cobblestone-like
In this retrospective study of 149 UC patients presenting
appearance, and post inflammatory polyp). Characteri
with exacerbation of symptoms, we identified extensive
stic colonoscopic features of CMV-associated colitis UC (pancolitis) and 4 wk of high-dose steroid treatment
included deep ulcer, punched-out ulcer, geographical as independent risk factors for CMV-associated colitis
ulcer, longitudinal ulcer, and mucosal defect (Figure 2). in active UC. The only endoscopic finding indicative
We defined endoscopic findings according to published of CMV-associated colitis by multivariate analysis was
reports . Deep ulcer was defined as deep excavated punched-out ulcer. To our knowledge, this is the first
ulceration near or beyond muscularis propria with or study to identify both risk factors and characteristic
without slightly raised edges. Punched-out ulcer was endoscopic findings for CMV-associated colitis in patients
defined as ulceration with an almost round shape and with moderate to severe UC. These factors may help
clear demarcation. Geographical ulcer was defined as facilitate both the timely diagnosis and treatment of UC
ulceration with an irregular pattern and a branched complicated by CMV infection.
shape. Longitudinal ulcer was defined as ulceration We evaluated total systemic steroid dose over the
with a longitudinal spread along the lumen of the colon. patient’s lifetime, as well as dose over the 4 wk before
Mucosal defect was defined as a wide area of defect with admission, over the previous week before admission,
a longitudinal and/or transverse spread, indicating that and on the day of admission. Between CMV-positive and
more than one-fourth of the mucosa in the endoscopic CMV-negative patients, total systemic steroid dose over
field was defective. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, the 4 wk prior to admission (total dose > 400 mg) was
positive predictive value, and negative predictive value an independent risk factor for CMV-associated colitis
for each of these features were determined. Univariate in active UC patients. Furthermore, neither immuno
analysis revealed that deep ulcer, punched-out ulcer, modulator nor infliximab use was associated with CMV-
geographical ulcer, and spontaneous bleeding were more associated colitis. However, this study included only a few
frequent in CMV-positive patients than in CMV-negative cases treated by immunomodulators or infliximab, and
patients (Table 3). additional studies are required to confirm these results.
Multivariate analysis showed that only punched-out Nonetheless, the finding that immunomodulator and
ulcer was a significant independent predictor of CMV infliximab use did not alter the risk of CMV-associated
colitis (OR = 12.672, 95%CI: 4.210-38.143) (Table 4). colitis is important, because it suggests an alternative
Figure 2 Endoscopic images of cytomegalovirus-associated colitis in patients with active ulcerative colitis. A-C: Deep ulcer; D-G: Punched-out ulcer; H-J:
Geographical ulcer; K: Longitudinal ulcer; L: Mucosal defect.
treatment regimen for patients with moderate to severe antigenemia. Histology including IHC is considered the
UC rather than using high-dose corticosteroids for objective standard for the diagnosis of CMV infection. In
corticosteroid-refractory cases or corticosteroid-resistant our study, however, among the 34 patients with CMV-
cases. Given that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α from associated colitis whose biopsy specimens were stained
monocytes and dendritic cells plays an important role in with HE and a CMV antibody, only 8 patients were
the reactivation of CMV and that infliximab is a potent positive by histology. Only 7 were positive by both CMV
blocker of TNF-α, we consider that this combination antigenemia and hitology. We therefore suggest that our
therapy may be particularly effective . However, the combination of CMV antigenemia and histology including
efficacy of infliximab for UC patients with concomitant IHC for CMV is an appropriate strategy for diagnosis
CMV infection remains controversial, as there have been of CMV infection/CMV-associated colitis in active UC
few case reports and no controlled clinical trials. patients.
Pancolitis was significantly associated with CMV Colonoscopy is usually performed in patients with
infection in active UC, consistent with the theory that exacerbation of UC symptoms because direct observation
CMV is prone to proliferate in granulation tissue . Some of the colonic mucosa provides detailed information on
studies reported that CMV was readily found in granu disease status and is useful for judging disease severity
lation tissue and tissue from deep ulcers, suggesting that and treatment efficacy. The rapid and accurate diagnosis
CMV can penetrate inflamed mucosa via mononuclear of CMV-associated colitis in UC patients is critical,
cells and then proliferate in the mucosa . It is thus because its treatment strategy differs markedly from that
possible that a more extensive UC lesion may lead to for UC exacerbation not associated with CMV infection.
wider CMV infection. A few reports have documented the endoscopic findings
In general, there is no clear consensus on the dia of CMV-associated colitis, but several failed to find
gnostic criteria for CMV infection in active UC. There are features able to rapidly distinguish CMV-associated colitis
several methods of detecting CMV infection, including from unrelated active UC. Endoscopic findings of UC
histology with IHC, serology, CMV culture, polymerase concomitant with CMV infection can range from normal
chain reaction (PCR) detection of the CMV genome, appearing mucosa to mucosal erosion or ulceration,
and CMV antigenemia . Each method offers which can be difficult to distinguish from active UC
advantages and disadvantages in the precise diagnosis unrelated to CMV infection. In our study, punched-out
of CMV infection. For example, histological examination ulceration was significantly more frequent in UC patients
is a relatively easy method, but its sensitivity is lower with CMV infection, consistent with reports that CMV
(10%-87%) than PCR. In contrast, PCR for CMV genes is tends to localize to the colon mucosa and granulation
highly sensitive, but the method is time-consuming and tissue in deep ulcers . Regardless of etiology,
its selectivity is low given the ubiquity of CMV infection. we suggest that a finding of punched-out ulceration
CMV culture is too slow. In contrast, CMV antigenemia is may facilitate the rapid and accurate diagnosis of CMV-
relatively sensitive (60%-100%) and easy to measure associated colitis in UC patients.
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recipients . Moreover, results of CMV antigenemia are patients, which limits its statistical power.
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