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Git Basics Vtu

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What is Git?
Git is a distributed version control system (VCS) that is widely used for
tracking changes in source code during software development. It was created by
Linus Torvalds in 2005 and has since become the de facto standard for version
control in the software development industry. Git allows multiple developers to
collaborate on a project by providing a history of changes, facilitating the
tracking of who made what changes and when.
Here are some key concepts and features of Git:
1. Repository (Repo): A Git repository is a directory or storage location where
your project's files and version history are stored. There can be a local
repository on your computer and remote repositories on servers.
2. Commits: In Git, a commit is a snapshot of your project at a particular point
in time. Each commit includes a unique identifier, a message describing the
changes, and a reference to the previous commit.
3. Branches: Branches in Git allow you to work on different features or parts
of your project simultaneously without affecting the main development line
(usually called the "master" branch). Branches make it easy to experiment,
develop new features, and merge changes back into the main branch when they
are ready.
4. Pull Requests (PRs): In Git-based collaboration workflows, such as GitHub or
GitLab, pull requests are a way for developers to propose changes and have
them reviewed by their peers. This is a common practice for open-source and
team-based projects.
5. Merging: Merging involves combining changes from one branch (or multiple
branches) into another. When a branch's changes are ready to be incorporated
into the main branch, you can merge them.
6. Remote Repositories: Remote repositories are copies of your project
stored on a different server. Developers can collaborate by pushing their
changes to a remote repository and pulling changes from it. Common remote
repository hosting services include GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
7. Cloning: Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a remote repository
on your local machine. This allows you to work on the project and make
changes locally.
8. Forking: Forking is a way to create your copy of a repository, typically on a
hosting platform like GitHub. You can make changes to your fork without
affecting the original project and later create pull requests to contribute your
changes back to the original repository.

What is Version Control System (VCS)?

A Version Control System (VCS), also commonly referred to as a Source

Code Management (SCM) system, is a software tool or system that helps
manage and track changes to files and directories over time. The primary
purpose of a VCS is to keep a historical record of all changes made to a set of files,
allowing multiple people to collaborate on a project while maintaining the integrity of
the codebase.
There are two main types of VCS: centralized and distributed.
 Centralized Version Control Systems (CVCS): In a CVCS, there is a single
central repository that stores all the project files and their version history.
Developers check out files from this central repository, make changes, and
then commit those changes back to the central repository. Examples of CVCS
include CVS (Concurrent Versions System) and Subversion (SVN).
 Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS): In a DVCS, every
developer has a complete copy of the project's repository, including its
full history, on their local machine. This allows developers to work
independently, create branches for experimentation, and synchronize
their changes with remote repositories. Git is the most well-known and widely
used DVCS, but other DVCS options include Mercurial and Bazaar.

Git Installation
To install Git on your computer, you can follow the steps for your specific operating
1. Installing Git on Windows:
a. Using Git for Windows (Git Bash):
• Go to the official Git for Windows website: https://gitforwindows.org/
• Download the latest version of Git for Windows.
• Run the installer and follow the installation steps. You can choose the default
settings for most options.

b. Using GitHub Desktop (Optional):

• If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) for Git, you can
also install GitHub
Desktop, which includes Git. Download it from https://desktop.github.com/
and follow the installation instructions. To download

2. Installing Git from Source (Advanced):

• If you prefer to compile Git from source, you can download the
source code from the
official Git website (https://git-scm.com/downloads) and follow the compilation
instructions provided there. This is usually only necessary for advanced users.
After installation, you can open a terminal or command prompt and verify
that Git is correctly installed by running the following command:
$ git --version
If Git is installed successfully, you will see the Git version displayed in the terminal.
You can now start using Git for version control and collaborate on software
development projects
Git Commands List
Git is a popular version control system used for tracking changes in software
development projects.
Here's a list of common Git commands along with brief explanations:

1. git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

2. git clone <repository URL>: Creates a copy of a remote repository on
your local machine.
3. git add <file>: Stages a file to be committed, marking it for tracking in the next
4. git commit -m "message": Records the changes you've staged with a
descriptive commit message.

5. git status: Shows the status of your working directory and the files that
have been modified or staged.
6. git log: Displays a log of all previous commits, including commit hashes,
authors, dates, and commit messages.
7. git diff: Shows the differences between the working directory and the
last committed version.
8. git branch: Lists all branches in the repository and highlights the currently
checked-out branch.
9. git branch <branchname>: Creates a new branch with the specified name.
10. git checkout <branchname>: Switches to a different branch.
11. git merge <branchname>: Merges changes from the specified branch into the
currently checked-out branch.
12. git pull: Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into
the current branch.
13. git push: Pushes your local commits to a remote repository.
14. git remote: Lists the remote repositories that your local repository is connected
15. git fetch: Retrieves changes from a remote repository without merging them.
16. git reset <file>: Unstages a file that was previously staged for commit.
17. git reset --hard <commit>: Resets the branch to a specific commit,
discarding all changes after that commit.
18. git stash: Temporarily saves your changes to a "stash" so you can switch
branches without committing or losing your work.
19. git tag: Lists and manages tags (usually used for marking specific points in
history, like releases).
20. git blame <file>: Shows who made each change to a file and when.
21. git rm <file>: Removes a file from both your working directory and the Git
22. git mv <oldfile> <newfile>: Renames a file and stages the change.

These are some of the most common Git commands, but Git offers a wide range of
features and options for more advanced usage. You can use git --help followed by
the command name to get more information about any specific command, e.g., git
help commit.

Project Management with Git

(As Per VTU Syllabus)

Experiment 1.

Setting Up and Basic Commands:

Initialize a new Git repository in a directory. Create a new file and add it to the
staging area and commit the changes with an appropriate commit message.
To initialize a new Git repository in a directory, create a new file, add it to the staging
area, and commit the changes with an appropriate commit message, follow these
1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to
create the Git repository.
2. Initialize a new Git repository in that directory:

$ git init
1. Create a new file in the directory. For example, let's create a file named
"my_file.txt." You can use any text editor or command-line tools to create the file.
2. Add the newly created file to the staging area. Replace "my_file.txt" with the
actual name of your file:

$ git add my_file.txt

This command stages the file for the upcoming commit.
1. Commit the changes with an appropriate commit message. Replace
"Your commit message here" with a meaningful description of your changes:

$ git commit -m "Your commit message here"

Your commit message should briefly describe the purpose or nature of the changes
you made.
For example:
$ git commit -m "Add a new file called my_file.txt"
After these steps, your changes will be committed to the Git repository with
the provided commit message. You now have a version of the repository with the
new file and its history stored in Git.

Experiment 2.
Creating and Managing Branches:

Create a new branch named "feature-branch." Switch to the "master" branch. Merge
the "feature-branch" into "master."
To create a new branch named "feature-branch," switch to the "master" branch,
and merge
the "feature-branch" into "master" in Git, follow these steps:

1. Make sure you are in the "master" branch by switching to it:

$ git checkout master

1. Create a new branch named "feature-branch" and switch to it:

$ git checkout -b feature-branch

This command will create a new branch called "feature-branch" and switch to it.
1. Make your changes in the "feature-branch" by adding, modifying, or
deleting files as needed.
2. Stage and commit your changes in the "feature-branch":
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Your commit message for feature-branch"
Replace "Your commit message for feature-branch" with a descriptive commit
message for
the changes you made in the "feature-branch."
1. Switch back to the "master" branch:

$ git checkout master

1. Merge the "feature-branch" into the "master" branch:

$ git merge feature-branch

This command will incorporate the changes from the "feature-branch" into the
"master" branch. Now, your changes from the "feature-branch" have been
merged into the "master" branch.
Your project's history will reflect the changes made in both branches Recommended
for you
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out of 15

Experiment 2.
Creating and Managing Branches:

Create a new branch named "feature-branch." Switch to the "master" branch. Merge
the "feature-branch" into "master."
To create a new branch named "feature-branch," switch to the "master" branch,
and merge
the "feature-branch" into "master" in Git, follow these steps:

1. Make sure you are in the "master" branch by switching to it:

$ git checkout master

1. Create a new branch named "feature-branch" and switch to it:

$ git checkout -b feature-branch

This command will create a new branch called "feature-branch" and switch to it.
1. Make your changes in the "feature-branch" by adding, modifying, or
deleting files as
2. Stage and commit your changes in the "feature-branch":

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Your commit message for feature-branch"
Replace "Your commit message for feature-branch" with a descriptive commit
message for
the changes you made in the "feature-branch."
1. Switch back to the "master" branch:

$ git checkout master

1. Merge the "feature-branch" into the "master" branch:

$ git merge feature-branch

This command will incorporate the changes from the "feature-branch" into the
Now, your changes from the "feature-branch" have been merged into the
"master" branch.
Your project's history will reflect the changes made in both branches

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