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Revised PCD Proforma (W.e.f 01-07-2019) 2

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Higher Education Commission

For HEC use

Statistical Information Unit (SIU) No
Proforma for Ph.D. Country Directory (PCD) .
HEC, Islamabad

Please find below PCD proforma of the PhD scholar for entry in PhD Country Director (PCD).

Note: All fields are mandatory

S. No. Name of University, Department and Subject
1. Name of university University of Sindh, Jamshoro
2. Sector  Public  Private
3. Name of department Institute of English Language and Literature
4. Subject Literature
5. Subject Discipline  Sciences  Social Sciences
 Engineering/Technology

S. No. Details of Scholar

1. Name Tabassum Gul
2. CNIC No.
4 1 3 0 5 - 5 5 8 6 2 3 9 - 0

3. Contact information Mobile: 03003014867

Landline: 0226117554
Email: matiarishah@outlook.com
4. Gender  Male  Female
5. Is the graduate an HEC Scholar?  Yes  No
6. Title of dissertation Critical analysis of Bina Shah’s novels in the light of
symbolic interactionism
7. Date of enrollment in university (DD/MM/YYYY)
- -

S. No. Details of Examinations and Dissertation Defense

1. Date of comprehensive (DD/MM/YYYY)
- -
2. Date of approval of (DD/MM/YYYY)
2 1 - 1 0 - 2 0 1 6
Synopsis/Research Proposal by the A
BASR or equivalent statutory body.
3. Date of submission of Ph.D. (DD/MM/YYYY)
- -
dissertation to university before A
foreign evaluation
4. Date of successful defense of Ph.D. (DD/MM/YYYY)
2 7 - 1 1 - 2 0 2 0
dissertation A

5. Date of Notification for the award (DD/MM/YYYY)

- -
of Ph.D. Degree A

____________________ _______________________ _____________________

Signature & stamp Signature & stamp Signature & stamp
Principal Supervisor Controller of Examination Vice Chancellor/Rector
Dated: Dated: Dated:

Page 1 of 5

Name of Scholar: Tabasssum Gul

CNIC: 4 1 3 0 5 - 5 5 8 6 2 3 9 - 0

S. No. Details of Supervisor

1. Name Dr. Ambreen Shahriar
2. Designation Associate Professor
3. BPS or TTS
4. Detail of University/Institute University Name: University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Employed during the period of Designation: Associate Professor
supervision of PhD BPS or TTS: BPS (20)
Scholar Date of Joining: 16.08.2004
Date of Relieving: 19.09.2020
5. Detail of University/Institute University Name: Anglia Ruskin University
Currently employed Designation: Lecturer
(If currently employed at other BPS or TTS:
institution) Date of Joining: 19.09.2020
Date of Relieving:
4 1 3 0 6 - 5 8 8 1 6 3 4 - 8

7. HEC approved Supervisor (during  Yes  No

the period of supervision of PhD
8. Subject of specialization Education, English literature, Eng language teaching
9. Contact information Address:
Email: ambreen.shaikh@usindh.edu.pk
Contact No. 0310-3895846

Details of Foreign Reviewers

Details of external (foreign) Name:
reviewer-1 Designation:
Postal & email address Postal address:
(professional/ official) Email address:
Details of external (foreign) Name:
reviewer-2 Designation:
Postal & email address Postal address:
(professional/ official) Email address:

____________________ ________________________ ___________________

Signature & stamp Signature & stamp Signature & stamp

Page 2 of 5
Principal Supervisor Controller of Examination Vice Chancellor/Rector
Dated: Dated: Dated:

Name of Scholar: Tabasssum Gul

CNIC: 4 1 3 0 5 - 5 5 8 6 2 3 9 - 0

Details of mandatory published research paper relevant to thesis by the Ph.D. graduate on the
basis of which Ph.D. degree awarded (please give information of one relevant paper only)
Name of Author(s) Tabassum Gul, Dr. Ambreen Shahriar
Title of paper A New Historicist Analysis of Bina Shah’s novel, A season for
Subject discipline  Sciences  Social Sciences
Type of Journal National
Title of HEC recognized journal Grassroots
Was Journal HEC recognized at  Yes  No
the Time of Publication
Category of the Journal at the W X Y
time of Publication
Z  IF Mention IF ____________

Discipline/Type of journal* Social Sciences

ISSN of journal (print) 1726-0396
ISSN of journal (online) 2521-456x
URL of paper/article http://www.prdb.pk>article>a-ne.....
Volume, number, and year Vol. 53, No. 02, 2019
Page(s) no. in journal 51-63
Date of Publication Online 16-04-2020
Date of Publication Print 15-04-2020
*Engineering & Technology, Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Arts & Humanities, Business Education, Social Sciences or

S. Check list of Mandatory Documents Required and Attached Ticked

1. PCD Proforma duly signed & stamped on each page by Controller of

Examinations, Vice Chancellor/Head of the Institution and Supervisor
2. Notification for the award of Ph.D. Degree 
3. Copy of Ph.D. dissertation (both hard and soft) 

Soft copy of dissertation must be in a single pdf file

____________________ ________________________ ___________________

Signature & stamp Signature & stamp Signature & stamp
Principal Supervisor Controller of Examination Vice Chancellor/Rector
Page 3 of 5
Dated: Dated: Dated:

Name of Scholar: Tabassum Gul

CNIC: 4 1 3 0 5 - 5 5 8 6 2 3 9 - 0

S. Check list Tick

. Yes No
1. Overall Similarity Index less than ≤ 19 % and single source ˂ 5 % 

using turnitin software
2. Duration of PhD Studies between 3 to 8 years 

3. PhD thesis evaluated by two foreign evaluators from 
technologically/academically advanced countries as per HEC 
4. At least one research paper published from PhD thesis and during 

PhD studies in HEC recognized journal of specified category
5. Supervisor same university 

6. The PhD scholar admitted in an approved PhD Program (after 

issuance of NOC by QAD, HEC)
7. The Scholar completed minimum 18 credit hours course work as a 

requirement of PhD degree award
8. The Scholar qualified comprehensive examination within first two 

years after admission
9. The PhD scholar enrolled in the PhD program after meeting
admission criteria (CGPA 3.0/4.0 or 1st division in 

MS/MPhil/Equivalent Degree and qualified required admission
entry test)

This is to certify that the Ph.D. degree has been awarded to the scholar after compliance of rules,
regulations, criteria and policies of both HEC and University/Degree Awarding Institute. The PCD
Proforma has been filled completely, no field has been left blank or unchecked. The information
provided in the PCD proforma and supporting documents attached are correct and as per actual record
of the university. In case, if it is discovered at any stage that the degree has been awarded to the
scholar in violation of rules/regulations, criteria or policies of HEC and/or the University, the HEC
will reserve the right to take action against the University, Supervisor, and/or the Scholar, under the
applicable policies and law.

____________________ ________________________ ___________________

Signature & stamp Signature & stamp Signature & stamp
Page 4 of 5
Principal Supervisor Controller of Examination Vice Chancellor/Rector
Dated: Dated: Dated:

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