Ele Hort Nanaj
Ele Hort Nanaj
Ele Hort Nanaj
#Give the different steps of lawn development. Describe the planting of lawn This work
can be suitably done by following the steps given as under.
a) Planning b) Preparation e) Planting d) Maintenance Planting of lawn
The most commonly used grass for preparing lawn is doob grass (Cynadondactylon). It is also
called hariali. This thrives under hot sunny site. The grass is suitable for large areas and play
ground. Other grasses are China grass, Korean grass, Maxican grass, Selection -2. Diamond
grass, etc. GrownFull shade: Ryegrass, Grown in some shade: Zoysiagrass and St.
Augustinegrass . The total ground of a lawn should be divided into suitable section. Each
section should be lightly irrigated and marked at specific distances and sa-mall openings should
be done where the grasses are to be planted. The selected lawn grass be planted either by
seeds or by root suckers. The planting material should be well trimmed off to extra long leaves
and roots and treated with suitable fungicide before planting. The light irrigation or watering with
sprinkler should be given after complete planting of a piece.
Landscape: It may be defined as a vacant area, either big or small, on which it is possible to
mould a view
or design with the help of plant material, changing landforms, water, stones, etc.
Landscape Gardening: It is the application of garden forms, different styles, methods and
materials with
a view to improving the landscape.
Landscape Architecture: It is an art of designing a garden layout on paper.
TERRACE : A terrace is a raised space of ground constructed around a dwelling house or at
the corner of a garden or on the sides of hills. When terrace is used for gardening purpose it is
known as terrace gardening. It is constructed just in front of the house from where a view from
the whole garden can be attained. This is very often referred to as the outdoor living or drawing
room. A low brick or stone retaining wall may be built while on the top of it about 90-120 cm tall
wall of lace patterned concrete blocks may be built as it provide privacy and not stop breeze or
obstruct light. Since the terrace is used for outdoor living room for relaxing, the floor area should
always be nearly dry. For this reason, most people used prefer a paved terrace.
*Main Features :1. Potted plants in tubs and bowls can also arranged artistically especially in
completely paved terraces.2.Hanging baskets and plant stands can also be displayed in the
terrace. 3.A lily pool, sundial or birdbath or a stone sculpture may also be constructed in suitable
garden. 4.Chairs and tables can be fixed in places for resting and comfort.
VERTICAL : Vertical gardening involves gardening with upright structures so as to utilize the
vertical space. It is ideal for gardening in the urban city areas and apartments with balconies.
Many structures including fences, arbours, trellises and walls can be used to create vertical
gardens. Hanging plants and pulley systems can be used to make vertical gardening attractive.
*Main Features :
1.New concept of garden developed in Switzerland.
2.Consists of wooden frame of thickness varying 15 cm to 30cm.
3.Sun loving : Alyssum, pansy, nasturtium
4.Shade loving : Begonia, African violets, zebrine.
1) Formal Gardening: Laid out in a symmetrical or a geometrical pattern. i.e. square,
rectangular, circular bed and border. Everything is done in a straight and narrow way and
planted in straight way. Land is leveled. First plan is made on paper and then land is selected
accordingly. Road and paths cut at right angle. Balance is symmetrical as same feature
replicated on both side of central axis. Hedges, edges and topiary are trimmed Trees can be
selected as individual feature. Example: Mughal, Persian, Italian, Fresh, Chinese and American
gardens.2) Informal Garden: The whole design looks informal as the plants are arranged in a
natural way without following any rule. Plan is forced to fit the land. Main aim is capture natural
scenery. Land is not leveled. Asymmetrical design. Non geometrical beds and borders.
Untrimmed hedge, edges and topiary. Individual plants are not selected as feature.
Example: Japanese, Chinese, English garden.3) Free style Garden: Recent style of
gardening. It breaks the rules of land scape. Main idea was to naturalize plants in shrubberies;
grass should remain unmoved as in nature. Few bulbous plants should be grown scattered in
the grass to imitate wild scenery. Passage should be opened in the wood land, and trees,
shrub and bulbous plants should be planted among the forest flora. The croppers to grow over
the trees naturally. This concept explained by WilliamRobinson in the last decade of the
nineteenth century.
#Types of gardening (1) Mughal Garden:- The garden laid out during the rule of Mughal
Emperors in India. Baber was the first Mughal ruler to introduce this style of garden in India.
The main features of Mughal gardens: 1) Site and Designs: - A site on a hill slope with
perennial rive letor along the bank of river. Generally design is rectangular or square with
symmetrical at both sides and straight paths.2) Walls and Gates: -Gates are prepared from
wood and iron thorns with an imposing wooden gate at the entrance which was studded with
bold iron nails and pointed iron spikes. The purpose of high wall was security from enemies and
shelter against hot wind.
3) Terrace:- Location of garden near the hill slopes Terrace are both side equal.
4) Running Water: - Constructing canal and tanks was borrowed from Persian. It is a central
feature. The water canal used to have fountain to throw up the water high in the air. In evening
small lamp used to create beautiful relaxation.5) Baradari: - It is arbor like structure. It is in the
middle of the garden. It is mostly used by king for enjoying the song with dancing girl. It has
twelve doors. 6) Tomb and Mosque: - It was common practice to have the garden built around
a tomb. It is often said that Mughal garden were at their best when built around a mosque.
Trees and Flowers: - The trees were selected with careful planning and thought. Each tree
symbolized something like life, youth, death etc. Fruit trees considered as life and youth while
cypress represent death and eternity. Favourate flower were rose, jasmine, carnation, hollyhock,
delphinium etc. Trees in mughal garden were Arjun, ber, champa, cypress, datepalm, fig, palas,
guava, jamun,