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BEL 2nd Year

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Convolution and related problems

SH 501 3.6. Applications of Laplace Transform to ordinary differential equations
Lecture : 3 Year : II 4. Fourier Series ` (5 hours)
Tutorial : 2 Part : I 4.1. Fourier Series
Practical : 0 4.2. Periodic functions
4.3. Odd and even functions
Course Objective: 4.4. Fourier series for arbitrary range
The purpose of this course is to round out the students’ preparation for more 4.5. Half range Fourier series
sophisticated applications with an introduction to linear algebra, Fourier Series, 5. Linear Programming (9 hours)
Laplace Transforms, integral transformation theorems and linear programming. 5.1. System of Linear Inequalities in two variables
1. Determinants and Matrices (11 hours) 5.2. Linear Programming in two dimensions: A Geometrical Approach
1.1. Determinant and its properties 5.3. A Geometric introduction to the Simplex method
1.2. Solution of system of linear equations 5.4. The Simplex method: Maximization with Problem constraints of
1.3. Algebra of matrices the form “≤”
1.4. Complex matrices 5.5. The Dual: Maximization with Problem Constraints of the form “≥”
1.5. Rank of matrices 5.6. Maximization and Minimization with mixed Constraints. The two‐
1.6. System of linear equations phase method(Analternative to the Big M Method)
1.7. Vector spaces
1.8. Linear transformations References :
1.9. Eigen value and Eigen vectors 1. E. Kreszig, "Advance Engineering Mathematics", Willey, New York.
1.10. The Cayley‐Hamilton theorem and its uses 2. M.M Gutterman and Z.N.Nitecki, "Differential Equation, a First Course",
1.11. Diagonalization of matrices and its applications 2nd Edition, saunders, New York.

2. Line, Surface and Volume Integrals (12 hours)

2.1. Line integrals Evaluation Scheme:
2.2. Evaluation of line integrals
2.3. Line integrals independent of path The questions will cover all the chapters of syllabus. The evaluation scheme will
2.4. Surfaces and surface integrals be as indicated in the table below:
2.5. Green’s theorem in the plane and its applications Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
2.6. Stoke’s theorem (without proof) and its applications 1 11 20
2.7. Volume integrals; Divergence theorem of Gauss (without proof) 2 12 20
and its applications
3 8 15
3. Laplace Transform (8 hours) 4 5 10
3.1. Definitions and properties of Laplace Transform 5 9 15
3.2. Derivations of basic formulae of Laplace Transform Total 45 80
3.3. Inverse Laplace Transform: Definition and standard formulae of
inverse Laplace Transform *There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.
3.4. Theorems on Laplace transform and its inverse

OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 3.6 Type Conversion and Promotion Rules
CT 501 3.7 Preprocessor Directives
3.8 Namespace
Lecture : 3 Year : II
3.9 User Defined Constant const
Tutorial : 0 Part : I 3.10 Input/Output Streams and Manipulators
Practical : 3 3.11 Dynamic Memory Allocation with new and delete
3.12 Condition and Looping
Course Objective: 3.13 Functions
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the C++ programming 3.13.1 Function Syntax
language and use the language to develop pure object oriented programs. 3.13.2 Function Overloading
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3 hours) 3.13.3 Inline Functions
1.1 Issues with Procedure Oriented Programming 3.13.4 Default Argument
1.2 Basic of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) 3.13.5 Pass by Reference
1.3 Procedure Oriented versus Object Oriented Programming 3.13.6 Return by Reference
1.4 Concept of Object Oriented Programming 3.14 Array, Pointer and String
1.4.1 Object 3.15 Structure, Union and Enumeration
1.4.2 Class 4. Objects and Classes (6 hours)
1.4.3 Abstraction 4.1 C++ Classes
1.4.4 Encapsulation 4.2 Access Specifiers
1.4.5 Inheritance 4.3 Objects and the Member Access
1.4.6 Polymorphism 4.4 Defining Member Function
1.5 Example of Some Object Oriented Languages 4.5 Constructor
1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of OOP 4.5.1 Default Constructor
2. Introduction to C++ (2 hours) 4.5.2 Parameterized Constructor
2.1 The Need of C++ 4.5.3 Copy Constructor
2.2 Features of C++ 4.6 Destructors
2.3 C++ Versus C 4.7 Object as Function Arguments and Return Type
2.4 History of C++ 4.8 Array of Objects
4.9 Pointer to Objects and Member Access
3. C++ Language Constructs (6 hours) 4.10 Dynamic Memory Allocation for Objects and Object Array
3.1 C++ Program Structure 4.11 this Pointer
3.2 Character Set and Tokens 4.12 static Data Member and static Function
3.2.1 Keywords 4.13 Constant Member Functions and Constant Objects
3.2.2 Identifiers 4.14 Friend Function and Friend Classes
3.2.3 Literals
3.2.4 Operators and Punctuators 5. Operator Overloading (5 hours)
3.3 Variable Declaration and Expression 5.1 Overloadable Operators
3.4 Statements 5.2 Syntax of Operator Overloading
3.5 Data Type 5.3 Rules of Operator Overloading

5.4 Unary Operator Overloading 8.11 File Access Pointers and their Manipulators
5.5 Binary Operator Overloading 8.12 Sequential and Random Access to File
5.6 Operator Overloading with Member and Non Member Functions 8.13 Testing Errors during File Operations
5.7 Data Conversion: Basic – User Defined and User Defined – User
9. Templates (5 hours)
9.1 Function Template
5.8 Explicit Constructors
9.2 Overloading Function Template
6. Inheritance (5 hours) 9.2.1 Overloading with Functions
6.1 Base and Derived Class 9.2.2 Overloading with other Template
6.2 protected Access Specifier 9.3 Class Template
6.3 Derived Class Declaration 9.3.1 Function Definition of Class Template
6.4 Member Function Overriding 9.3.2 Non‐Template Type Arguments
6.5 Forms of Inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, 9.3.3 Default Arguments with Class Template
hybrid, multipath 9.4 Derived Class Template
6.6 Multipath Inheritance and Virtual Base Class 9.5 Introduction to Standard Template Library
6.7 Constructor Invocation in Single and Multiple Inheritances 9.5.1 Containers
6.8 Destructor in Single and Multiple Inheritances 9.5.2 Algorithms
9.5.3 Iterators
7. Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding (4 hours)
7.1 Need of Virtual Function 10. Exception Handling (4 hours)
7.2 Pointer to Derived Class 10.1 Error Handling
7.3 Definition of Virtual Functions 10.2 Exception Handling Constructs (try, catch, throw)
7.4 Array of Pointers to Base Class 10.3 Advantage over Conventional Error Handling
7.5 Pure Virtual functions and Abstract Class 10.4 Multiple Exception Handling
7.6 Virtual Destructor 10.5 Rethrowing Exception
7.7 reinterpret_cast Operator 10.6 Catching All Exceptions
7.8 Run‐Time Type Information 10.7 Exception with Arguments
7.8.1 dynamic_cast Operator 10.8 Exceptions Specification for Function
7.8.2 typeid Operator 10.9 Handling Uncaught and Unexpected Exceptions
8. Stream Computation for Console and File Input /Output (5 hours)
8.1 Stream Class Hierarchy for Console Input /Output
There will be about 12 lab exercises covering the course. At the end of the
8.2 Testing Stream Errors
course students must complete a programming project on object oriented
8.3 Unformatted Input /Output
programming with C++.
8.4 Formatted Input /Output with ios Member functions and Flags
8.5 Formatting with Manipulators
References :
8.6 Stream Operator Overloading
1. Robert Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, 4th Edition 2002,
8.7 File Input/output with Streams
Sams Publication
8.8 File Stream Class Hierarchy
2. Daya Sagar Baral and Diwakar Baral, “The Secrets of Object Oriented
8.9 Opening and Closing files
Programming in C++”, 1st Edition 2010, Bhundipuran Prakasan
8.10 Read/Write from File
3. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, “C++ How to Program”, 3rd Edition
2001, Pearson Education Inc.
4. D. S. Malik, “C++ Programming”, 3rd Edition 2007, Thomson Course
5. Herbert Schildt, “C++: The Complete Reference”, 4th Edition 2003, Tata
McGraw Hill

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below:
Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
1,2,4 11 20
3 6 10
5 5 10
6 5 10
8 5 10
7,9,10 13 20
Total 45 80
*There may be minor deviation in marks distribution

EE 501 3.6.2 Exponential excitation
3.6.3 Sinusoidal excitation
Lecture : 3 Year : II
3.7 Response of series R‐L‐C circuit with
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 3.7.1 DC excitation
Practical : 1.5 3.7.2 Exponential excitation
3.7.3 Sinusoidal excitation
Course Objectives: 3.8 Response of parallel R‐L‐C circuit with DC excitation
To continue work in Basic Electrical Engineering including the use of the
Laplace Transform to determine the time and frequency domain responses of
electric circuits. 4. Transient analysis in RLC circuit by Laplace Transform (8 hours)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Laplace Transformation
1. Network Analysis of AC circuit & dependent sources (8 hours) 4.3 Important properties of Laplace transformation
1.1 Mesh Analysis 4.4 Use of Partial Fraction expansion in analysis using Laplace
1.2 Nodal Analysis Transformations
1.3 Series & parallel resonance in RLC circuits 4.5 Heaviside's partial fraction expansion theorem
1.3.1 Impedance and phase angle of series Resonant Circuit 4.6 Response of R‐L circuit with
1.3.2 Voltage and current in series resonant circuit 4.6.1 DC excitation
1.3.3 Band width of the RLC circuit. 4.6.2 Exponential excitation
1.3.4 High‐Q and Low‐Q circuits 4.6.3 Sinusoidal excitation
4.7 Response of R‐C circuit with
2. Initial Conditions: (2 hours) 4.7.1 DC excitation
2.1 Characteristics of various network elements 4.7.2 Exponential excitation
2.2 Initial value of derivatives 4.7.3 Sinusoidal excitation
2.3 Procedure for evaluating initial conditions 4.8 Response of series R‐L‐C circuit with
2.4 Initial condition in the case of R‐L‐C network 4.8.1 DC excitation
4.8.2 Exponential excitation
4.8.3 Sinusoidal excitation
3. Transient analysis in RLC circuit by direct solution (10 hours) 4.9 Response of parallel R‐L‐C circuit with exponential excitation
3.1 Introduction 4.10 Transfer functions Poles and Zeros of Networks
3.2 First order differential equation
3.3 Higher order homogeneous and non‐homogeneous differential
3.4 Particular integral by method of undetermined coefficients 5. Frequency Response of Network (6 hours)
3.5 Response of R‐L circuit with 5.1 Introduction
3.5.1 DC excitation 5.2 Magnitude and phase response
3.5.2 Exponential excitation 5.3 Bode diagrams
3.5.3 Sinusoidal excitation 5.4 Band width of Series & parallel Resonance circuits
3.6 Response of R‐C circuit with

5.5 Basic concept of filters, high pass, low pass, band pass and band 5. Frequency Response of second order passive circuits
stop filters - measure amplitude and phase response and plot bode diagrams
for RL, RC and RLC circuits
- relate Bode diagrams to transfer functions and pole zero
configuration circuit
6. Fourier Series and transform (5 hours)
6.1 Basic concept of Fourier series and analysis
6.2 Evaluation of Fourier coefficients for periodic non‐sinusoidal
waveforms in electric networks
6.3 Introduction of Fourier transforms
1. M. E. Van Valkenburg, "Network Analysis", third edition Prentice Hall,
7. Two‐port Parameter of Networks (6 Hours) 2010.
7.1 Definition of two‐port networks 2. William H. Hyat. Jr. & Jack E. Kemmerly, "Engineering Circuits Analysis",
7.2 Short circuit admittance parameters Fourth edition, McGraw Hill International Editions, Electrical Engineering
7.3 Open circuits impedance parameters Series, 1987.
7.4 Transmission Short circuit admittance parameters 3. Michel D. Cilletti, "Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design", Holt, Hot
7.5 Hybrid parameters Rinehart and Winston International Edition, New York, 1988.
7.6 Relationship and transformations between sets of parameters
7.7 Application to filters
7.8 Applications to transmission lines
7.9 Interconnection of two‐port network (Cascade, series, parallel) Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation
scheme will be as indicated in the table below:
1. Resonance in RLC series circuit
- measurement of resonant frequency Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
2. Transient Response in first Order System passive circuits 1 8 12
- measure step and impulse response of RL and RC circuit using 2 2 6
oscilloscope 3 10 16
- relate time response to analytical transfer functions calculations 4 8 12
3. Transient Response in Second Order System passive circuits 5 6 12
- measure step and impulse response of RLC series and parallel 6 5 10
circuits using oscilloscope 7 6 12
- relate time response to transfer functions and pole‐zero Total 45 80
4. Frequency Response of first order passive circuits * There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.
- measure amplitude and phase response and plot bode diagrams
for RL, RC and RLC circuits
- relate Bode diagrams to transfer functions and pole zero
configuration circuit

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MATERIAL 3.3 Dielectric losses: frequency dependence.
EE 502 3.4 Dielectric breakdown in solids
3.5 Ferro‐electricity and Piezoelectricity
Lecture : 3 Year : II
Tutorial : 1 Part : I
Practical : 0 4. Magnetic materials (6 hours)
4.1 Magnetic material classification: Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism,
Course objectives: Ferromagnetism, Anti‐ferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism.
To provide a basic understanding of the different materials used in electrical 4.2 Magnetic domains: Domain structure, domain wall motion,
and electronics engineering. Hysteresis loop, Eddy current losses, demagnetization
4.3 Soft magnetic materials: Examples and uses
4.4 Hard magnetic materials: Examples and uses
1. Theory of Metals (8 hours)
1.1 Elementary quantum mechanical ideas: wave particle duality, wave
5. Superconductivity (5 hours)
function, schrodinger’s equation, operator notation, expected
value. 5.1 Zero Resistance and the Meissner effect
1.2 Infinite potential well: A confined electron. 5.2 Type I and Type II superconductors
1.3 Finite potential barrier: Tunneling phenomenon 5.3 Critical current density
1.4 Free electron theory of metals: electron in a linear solid, Fermi
energy, Degenerate states, Number of states, Density of states, 6. Semiconductors (14 hours)
Population density. 6.1 Intrinsic semiconductors: Silicon crystal, energy band diagram,
1.5 Fermi‐Dirac Distribution function conduction in semiconductors, electrons and hole concentration.
1.6 Thermionic emission: Richardson’s equation, Schottky effect. 6.2 Extrinsic semiconductors: n‐type doping, p‐type doping,
1.7 Contact potential: Fermi level at equilibrium. compensation doping.
6.3 Introduction to GaAs semiconductor.
2. Free electron theory of conduction in metal (6 hours) 6.4 Temperature dependence of conductivity: Carrier concentration
2.1 Crystalline structure: Simple cubic structure, Body centered cubic, temperature dependence, drift mobility temperature and
Face centered cubic. impurity dependence, conductivity temperature dependence,
2.2 Band theory of solids degenerate and non‐degenerate semiconductors.
2.3 Effective mass of electron 6.5 Diffusion on semiconductor: Einstein relationship
6.6 Direct and indirect generation and recombination
2.4 Thermal velocity of electron at equilibrium
6.7 Pn junction: Forward biased, reverse biased pn‐ junction.
2.5 Electron mobility, conductivity and resistivity

3. Dielectric materials (6 hours)

3.1 Matter polarization and relative permittivity: Relative permittivity,
Dipole moment, Polarization vector, Local field, Clausius‐Mossotti
3.2 Types of Polarization: electronic polarization, ionic polarization,
orientational polarization, Interfacial polarization.

1 Bhadra Prasad Pokharel and Nava Raj Karki,"Electrical Engineering
Materials",Sigma offset Press,Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal,2004.
2 R.C. Jaeger,”Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication‐ Volume IV”,
Addison Wesley publishing Company,Inc., 1988.
3 Kasap.S.O, Principles of electrical engineering materials and devices,
McGraw Hill, NewYork,2000.
4 R.A.Colcaser and S.Diehl‐Nagle,”Materials and Devices for Electrical
Engineers and Physicists,McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1985.

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below
Chapters Hours Marks Theory Numerical
1 8 12 8 4
2 6 10 6 4
3 6 10 10 X
4 6 10 10 X
5 5 8 8 X
6 14 30 18 12
Total 45 80 60 20
* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution

ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 3.1 Classification of Output Stages
EX 501 3.2 Class A Output Stage
3.3 Class B Output Stage
Lecture : 3 Year : II
3.4 Class AB Output Stage
Tutorial : 1 Part : I 3.5 Biasing the Class AB Stage
Practical : 3/2 3.6 Power BJTs
3.7 Transformer‐Coupled Push‐Pull Stages
Course Objectives: 3.8 Tuned Amplifiers
• To introduce the fundamentals of analysis of electronic circuits
• To provide basic understanding of semiconductor devices and analog 4. Signal Generator and Waveform‐Shaping Circuits (6 hours)
integrated circuits 4.1 Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillator
4.2 Op Amp‐RC Oscillator Circuits
1. Diodes (5 hours) 4.3 LC and Crystal Oscillators
1.1 The Ideal Diode 4.4 Generation of Square and Triangular Waveforms Using Astable
1.2 Terminal Characteristics of Junction Diodes Multivibrators
1.3 Physical Operation of Diodes 4.5 Integrated Circuit Timers
1.4 Analysis of Diode Circuits 4.6 Precision Rectifier Circuits
1.5 Small Signal Model and Its Application
1.6 Operation in the Reverse Breakdown Region ‐ Zener Diodes 5. Power Supplies, Breakdown Diodes, and Voltage
Regulators (6 hours)
2. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (10 hours) 5.1 Unregulated Power Supply
2.1 Operation of the npn transistor in the Active Mode 5.2 Bandgap Voltage Reference, a Constant Current Diodes
2.2 Graphical Representation of Transistor Characteristics 5.3 Transistor Series Regulators
2.3 Analysis of Transistor Circuits at DC 5.4 Improving Regulator Performance
2.4 Transistor as an Amplifier 5.5 Current Limiting
2.5 Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Models 5.6 Integrated Circuit Voltage Regulator
2.6 Graphical Load Line Analysis
2.7 Biasing BJT for Discrete‐Circuit Design Practical:
2.8 Basic Single‐Stage BJT Amplifier Configurations (C‐B, C‐E, C‐C) 1. Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics and Single Stage
2.9 Transistor as a Switch – Cutoff and Saturation Amplifier
2.10 A General Large‐Signal Model for the BJT: The Ebers‐Moll Model 2. Field‐Effect Transistor Characteristics and Single Stage
2.11 Field‐Effect Transistor (9 hours) Amplifier
2.12 Structure and Physical Operation of Enhancement‐Type MOSFET 3. Power Amplifiers
2.13 Current‐Voltage Characteristics of Enhancement‐Type MOSFET 4. Relaxation Oscillator and Sinusoidal Oscillator
2.14 The Depletion‐Type MOSFET 5. Series and Shunt Voltage Regulators
2.15 MOSFET Circuits at DC
2.16 MOSFET as an Amplifier
2.17 Biasing in MOS Amplifier Circuits
2.18 Junction Field‐Effect Transistor
3. Output Stages and Power Amplifiers (9 hours)

1. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, 6th Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2006
2. David A. Bell, “ Electronics Device and Circuits ”, PHI; 3rd Edition, 1999.
3. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “ Electronic Device and Circuit
Theory”, PHI; 9th Edition, 2007
4. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education
Inc., 2007
5. Mark N. Horenstein, “Microelectronic Circuits and Devices”, PHI; 2nd
Edition, 1997
6. Paul Horowitz and Winfield Fill, “The Art of Electornics”, Cambridge
Publication; 2 Edition
7. Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias,and Satyabrata Jit “Millman’s
Electronic Device and Circuits”, Tata McGraw‐ Hill; 2nd Edition, 2007

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The
evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below
Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
1 6 8
2 10 16
3 9 16
4 9 14
5 6 8
6 6 8
1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 10
Total 45 80
* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.

DIGITAL LOGIC 2.11. Karnaugh Simplifications
EX 502 2.12. Don’t Care Conditions
2.13. Product‐of‐Sums Method
Lecture : 3 Year : II
2.14. Product‐of‐Sums Simplification
Tutorial : 0 Part : I 2.15. Hazards and Hazard Covers
Practical : 3 2.16. HDL Implementation Models

Course Objective:
To introduce basic principles of digital logic design, its implementation and 3. Data Processing Circuits (5 hours)
applications. 3.1. Multiplexetures
3.2. Demultiplexetures
3.3. Decoder
1. Introduction (3 hours) 3.4. BCD‐to‐Decimal Decoders
1.1. Definitions for Digital Signals 3.5. Seven‐Segment Decoders
1.2. Digital Waveforms 3.6. Encoder
1.3. Digital Logic 3.7. Exclusive‐OR Gates
1.4. Moving and Storing Digital Information 3.8. Parity Generators and Checkers
1.5. Digital Operations 3.9. Magnitude Comparator
1.6. Digital Computer 3.10. Read‐Only Memory
1.7. Digital Integrated Circuits 3.11. Programmable Array Logic
1.8. Digital IC Signal Levels 3.12. Programmable Logic Arrays
1.9. Clock wave form 3.13. Troubleshooting with a Logic Probe
1.10. Coding 3.14. HDL Implementation of Data Processing Circuits
1.10.1. ASCII Code
1.10.2. BCD
1.10.3. The Excess – 3 Code 4. Arithmetic Circuits (5 hours)
1.10.4. The Gray Code 4.1. Binary Addition
4.2. Binary Subtraction
4.3. Unsigned Binary Numbers
2. Digital Logic (1 hours) 4.4. Sign‐Magnitude Numbers
2.1. The Basic Gates – NOT, OR, AND 4.5. 2’s Complement Representation
2.2. Universal Logic Gates – NOR, NAND 4.6. 2’s Complement Arithmetic
2.3. AND‐OR‐INVERT Gates 4.7. Arithmetic Building Blocks
2.4. Positive and Negative Logic 4.8. The Adder‐Subtracter
2.5. Introduction to HDL 4.9. Fast Adder
4.10. Arithmetic Logic Unit
2.6. Combinational Logic Circuits 4.11. Binary Multiplication and Division (5 hours)
2.7. Boolean Laws and Theorems 4.12. Arithmetic Circuits Using HDL
2.8. Sum‐of‐Products Method
2.9. Truth Table to Karnaugh Map
2.10. Pairs, Quads, and Octets
5. Flip Flops (5 hours) 8.2.1. Hazards in asynchronous system and use of redundant
5.1. RS Flip‐Flops branch
5.2. Gated Flip‐Flops 8.2.2. Allowable transitions
5.3. Edge‐Triggered RS Flip‐Flops 8.2.3. Flow tables and merger diagrams
5.4. Egde Triggered D Flip‐Flops 8.2.4. Excitation maps and realization of the models
5.5. Egde Triggered J K Flip‐Flops
5.6. Flip‐Flop Timing
9. Digital Integrate Circuits (4 hours)
5.7. J K Mater‐ Slave Flip‐Flops
9.1. Switching Circuits
5.8. Switch Contacts Bounds Circuits
9.2. 7400 TTL
5.9. Varius Representation of Flip‐Flops
9.3. TTL parameters
5.10. Analysis of Sequencial Circuits
9.4. TTL Overvew
9.5. Open Collecter Gates
6. Registers (2 hours) 9.6. Three‐state TTL Devices
6.1. Types of Registers 9.7. External Drive for TTL Lods
6.2. Serial In – Serial Out 9.8. TTL Driving External Loads
6.3. Serial In – Parallel Out 9.9. 74C00 CMOS
6.4. Parallel In – Serial Out 9.10. CMOS Characteristics
6.5. Parallel In – Parallel Out 9.11. TTL‐ to –CMOS Interface
6.6. Applications of Shift Registers 9.12. CMOS‐ to‐ TTL Interface

7. Counters (5 hours) 10. Applications (2 hours)

7.1. Asynchronous Counters 10.1. Multiplexing Displays
7.2. Decoding Gates 10.2. Frequency Counters
7.3. Synchronous Counters 10.3. Time Measurement
7.4. Changing the Counter Modulus
7.5. Decade Counters Practical:
7.6. Presettable Counters 1. DeMorgan’s law and it’s familiarization with NAND and NOR gates
7.7. Counter Design as a Synthesis Problem 2. Encoder, Decoder, and Multiplexer
7.8. A Digital Clock 3. Familiarization with Binary Addition and Subtraction
4. Construction of true complement generator
5. Latches, RS, Master‐Slave and T type flip flops
8. Sequential Machines (8 hours)
6. D and JK type flip flops
8.1. Synchronous machines
7. Ripple Counter, Synchronous counter
8.1.1. Clock driven models and state diagrams
8. Familiarization with computer package for logic circuit design
8.1.2. Transition tables, Redundant states
9. Design digital circuits using hardware and software tools
8.1.3. Binary assignment
10. Use of PLAs and PLDs
8.1.4. Use of flip‐flops in realizing the models
8.2. Asynchronous machines

1. Donald P. Leach, Albert Paul Malvino and Goutam Saha, “ Digital
Principles and Applications”, 6th edition , Tata McGraw‐Hill, 2006
2. David J Comer “Digital Logic And State Machine Design” 3rd edition,
Oxfored University Press, 2002
3. William I. Fletcher “An Engineering Approach to Digital Design” Printice
Hall of India, New Delhi 1990
4. William H. Gothmann, “Digital Electronics, An Introduction to Theory and
Practice”, 2nd edition, PHI, 2009

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below
Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
1 3 6
2 1 4
3 5 8
4 5 10
5 5 8
6 5 8
7 2 4
8 5 8
9 8 12
10 4 8
11 2 4
Total 45 80

* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.

ELECTROMAGNETICS 3.5 Physical significance of curl, Stoke’s theorem.
EX 503 3.6 Scalar and magnetic vector potential.
3.7 Magnetic properties of material medium.
Lecture : 3 year : II
3.8 Magnetic force, magnetic torque, magnetic moment, magnetic
Tutorial : 1 Part : I dipole, magnetization.
Practical : 3/2 3.9 Magnetic boundary condition.

Course Objectives:
To provide basic understanding of the fundamentals of Electromagnetics. 4. Wave equation and wave propagation (12 hours)
4.1 Faraday’s law, transformer emf, motional emf.
4.2 Displacement current.
1. Introduction (3 hours) 4.3 Maxwell’s equations in integral and point forms.
1.1 Co‐ordinate system. 4.4 Wave propagation in lossless and lossy dielectric.
1.2 Scalar and vector fields. 4.5 Plane waves in free space, lossless dielectric, good conductor.
1.3 Operations on scalar and vector fields. 4.6 Power and pointing vector.
4.7 Reflection of plane wave at normal and oblique incidence.
2. Electric field (11 hours)
2.1 Coulomb’s law. 5. Transmission lines (5 hours)
2.2 Electric field intensity. 5.1 Transmission line equations.
2.3 Electric flux density. 5.2 Input impedance, reflection coefficient, standing wave ratio.
2.4 Gauss’s law and applications. 5.3 Impedance matching, quarter wave transformer, single stub
2.5 Physical significance of divergence, Divergence theorem. matching, double stub matching.
2.6 Electric potential, potential gradient.
2.7 Energy density in electrostatic field.
2.8 Electric properties of material medium. 6. Wave guides (4 hours)
2.9 Free and bound charges, polarization, relative permittivity, 6.1 Rectangular wave guide.
electric dipole. 6.2 Transverse electric mode, transverse magnetic mode.
2.10 Electric Boundary conditions.
2.11 Current, current density, conservation of charge, continuity 7. Antennas (1 hour)
equation, relaxation time. 7.1 Introduction to antenna, antenna types and properties.
2.12 Boundary value problems, Laplace and Poisson equations and
their solutions, uniqueness theorem. Practical:
2.13 Graphical field plotting, numerical integration. 1. Teledeltos (electro‐conductive) paper mapping of electrostatic fields.
2. Determination of dielectric constant, display of a magnetic Hysteresis
3. Magnetic field (9 hours) loop
3.1 Biot‐Savart’s law. 3. studies of wave propagation on a lumped parameter transmission line
3.2 Magnetic field intensity. 4. microwave sources, detectors, transmission lines
3.3 Ampere’s circuital law and its application. 5. Standing wave patterns on transmission lines, reflections, power
3.4 Magnetic flux density. patterns on transmission lines, reflections, power measurement.

6. Magnetic field measurements in a static magnetic circuit, inductance,
leakage flux.

1. W. H. Hayt, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, McGraw‐Hill Book
2. J. D. Kraus, “Electromagnetics”, McGraw‐Hill Book Company.
3. N. N. Rao, “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics”, Prentice Hall.
4. Devid K. Cheng, “Field and Wave Electromagnetics”, Addison‐Wesley.
5. M. N. O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University

Evaluation Scheme
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below
Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
1 3 5
2 11 20
3 9 16
4 12 21
5, 6, 7 10 16
Total 45 80
* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.

ELECTRICAL MACHINES I 2.18 Choice between star and delta connection, Choice of Transformer
EE 501 2.19 Three phase to two phase conversion: Scott connection
Lecture : 4 Year : II 2.20 Three winding Transformer
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 2.21 Parallel operation of single phase and three phase Transformers
Practical : 3/2
3.0 DC Generator (7 hours)
3.1 Constructional Details and Armature Windings
Course Objectives:
3.2 Working principle and Commutator Action
To impart knowledge on constructional details, operating principle and
3.3 EMF equation
performance of Transformers, DC Machines, and 3‐phase Induction
3.4 Method of excitation: separately and self excited, Types of DC
3.5 Characteristics of series, shunt and compound generator
1.0 Magnetic Circuits and Induction (4 hours)
3.6 Voltage build up in a self excited DC generator
1.1 Magnetic Circuits: Series and Parallel Magnetic Circuits
3.7 Armature Reaction
1.2 Core with air gap
3.8 Commutation: Interpoles and Compensating Windings
1.3 B‐H relationship (Magnetization Characteristics)
3.9 Losses in DC generators
1.4 Hysteresis with DC and AC excitation
3.10 Efficiency and Voltage Regulation
1.5 Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss
1.6 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Statically and
4.0 DC Motor (7 hours)
Dynamically Induced EMF
4.1 Working principle and Torque equation
1.7 Force on Current Carrying Conductor
4.1 Back EMF
4.2 Method of excitation, Types of DC Motor
2.0 Transformer (12 hours)
4.3 Performance Characteristics of D.C. motors
2.1 Constructional Details, recent trends
4.4 Losses and Efficiency
2.2 Working principle and EMF equation
4.5 Starting of D.C. Motors: 3 point and 4 point starters
2.3 Ideal Transformer
4.6 Speed control of D.C. Motors: Field Control, Armature Control,
2.4 Mutual Inductance and Coupled Circuit model
Reversing of DC Motors
2.5 No load and Load operation
2.6 Equivalent Circuits and Phasor Diagram
5.0 Three‐Phase Induction Machines (12 hours)
2.7 Capacity of Transformers
5.1 Three Phase Induction Motor
2.8 Exciting Current harmonics
5.1.1 Constructional Details and Types
2.9 Transformer Inrush Current
5.1.2 Operating Principle, Rotating Magnetic Field, Synchronous
2.10 Tests: Polarity Test, Open Circuit Test, Short Circuit test
2.11 Voltage Regulation
5.1.3 Slip, Induced EMF, Rotor Current and its frequency, Torque
2.12 Losses in a Transformer
2.13 Efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency and all day efficiency
5.1.4 Torque‐Slip characteristics, Effect of rotor resistance on
2.14 Instrument Transformers: Potential Transformer (PT) and Current
Torque‐Slip characteristics
Transformer (CT)
5.1.5 Testing of Induction Motor
2.15 Auto transformer: construction, working principle and Cu saving
5.1.6 Losses, Power stages and Efficiency
2.16 Three phase Transformers
5.1.7 Starting Methods
2.17 Three phase transformer connections: Υ/Υ, Υ/Δ, Δ/Υ, Δ/Δ and V/V (or
5.1.8 Speed Control Methods
open Δ) connections
5.1.9 Double Cage Induction Motor

5.2 Three Phase Induction Generator Practical:
5.2.1 Working Principle, voltage build up in an Induction 1. Magnetic Circuits
Generator • To draw B‐H curve for two different sample of Iron Core
5.2.2 Power Stages • Compare their relative permeabilities
5.2.3 Isolated and Grid connected mode
2. Two Winding Transformers
Evaluation Scheme:
• To perform turn ratio test
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation • To perform open circuit (OC) and short circuit (SC) test to determine
scheme will be as indicates in the table below. equivalent circuit parameter of a transformer and hence to determine the
Chapter Lecture Marks* regulation and efficiency at full load
Hours • To examine exciting current harmonics
1 4 8 3. DC Generator
2 12 24 • To draw open circuit characteristic (OCC) of a DC shunt generator and to
calculate: (a)Maximum voltage built up (a)Critical resistance and critical speed
3 7 12 of the machine
4 7 12 • To draw load characteristic of shunt generator
5 12 24 4. DC Motor
Total 42 80 • Speed control of DC Shunt motor by (a) armature control method (b) field
control method
* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.
• To observe the effect of increasing load on DC shunt motor’s speed, armature
current, and field current.
1. I.J. Nagrath & D.P.Kothari,” Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill 5. 3‐phase Induction Machines
2. S. K. Bhattacharya, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill • To draw torque‐speed characteristics and to observe the effect of rotor
3. Husain Ashfaq ,” Electrical Machines”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons resistance on torque‐speed characteristics
4. A.E. Fitzgerald, C.Kingsley Jr and Stephen D. Umans,”Electric Machinery”, Tata • To perform no load and blocked rotor test to evaluate equivalent circuit
McGraw Hill parameters
5. P. S. Bhimbra, “Electrical Machines”’ Khanna Publishers
6. Irving L.Kosow, “Electric Machine and Tranformers”, Prentice Hall of India.
7. M.G. Say, “The Performance and Design of AC machines”, Pit man & Sons.
8. Bhag S. Guru and Huseyin R. Hizirogulu, “Electric Machinery and Transformers”
9. Oxford University Press, 2001.

NUMERICAL METHODS 4.4. Least square method of fitting linear and nonlinear curve for
SH 553 discrete data and continuous function
4.5. Spline Interpolation (Cubic Spline)
Lecture : 3 Year : II
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 5. Numerical Differentiation and Integration (6 hours)
Practical : 3 5.1. Numerical Differentiation formulae
5.2. Maxima and minima
Course objective: 5.3. Newton‐Cote general quadrature formula
The course aims to introduce numerical methods used for the solution of 5.4. Trapezoidal, Simpson's 1/3, 3/8 rule
engineering problems. The course emphasizes algorithm development and 5.5. Romberg integration
programming and application to realistic engineering problems. 5.6. Gaussian integration ( Gaussian – Legendre Formula 2 point and 3
1. Introduction, Approximation and errors of computation (4 hours) point)
1.1. Introduction, Importance of Numerical Methods 6. Solution of ordinary differential equations (6 hours)
1.2. Approximation and Errors in computation 6.1. Euler's and modified Euler's method
1.3. Taylor's series 6.2. Runge Kutta methods for 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential
1.4. Newton's Finite differences (forward , Backward, central equations
difference, divided difference) 6.3. Solution of boundary value problem by finite difference method
1.5. Difference operators, shift operators, differential operators and shooting method.
1.6. Uses and Importance of Computer programming in Numerical
7. Numerical solution of Partial differential Equation (8 hours)
7.1. Classification of partial differential equation(Elliptic, parabolic,
2. Solutions of Nonlinear Equations (5 hours) and Hyperbolic)
2.1. Bisection Method 7.2. Solution of Laplace equation ( standard five point formula with
2.2. Newton Raphson method ( two equation solution) iterative method)
2.3. Regula‐Falsi Method , Secant method 7.3. Solution of Poisson equation (finite difference approximation)
2.4. Fixed point iteration method 7.4. Solution of Elliptic equation by Relaxation Method
2.5. Rate of convergence and comparisons of these Methods 7.5. Solution of one dimensional Heat equation by Schmidt method
3. Solution of system of linear algebraic equations (8 hours) Practical:
3.1. Gauss elimination method with pivoting strategies Algorithm and program development in C programming language of following:
3.2. Gauss‐Jordan method 1. Generate difference table.
3.3. LU Factorization 2. At least two from Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Secant
3.4. Iterative methods (Jacobi method, Gauss‐Seidel method) method
3.5. Eigen value and Eigen vector using Power method 3. At least one from Gauss elimination method or Gauss Jordan method.
Finding largest Eigen value and corresponding vector by Power method.
4. Interpolation (8 hours) 4. Lagrange interpolation. Curve fitting by Least square method.
4.1. Newton's Interpolation ( forward, backward) 5. Differentiation by Newton's finite difference method. Integration using
4.2. Central difference interpolation: Stirling's Formula, Bessel's Simpson's 3/8 rule
Formula 6. Solution of 1st order differential equation using RK‐4 method
4.3. Lagrange interpolation 7. Partial differential equation (Laplace equation)
8. Numerical solutions using Matlab.
1. Dr. B.S.Grewal, " Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science ",
Khanna Publication, 7th edition.
2. Robert J schilling, Sandra l harries , " Applied Numerical Methods for
Engineers using MATLAB and C.", 3rd edition Thomson Brooks/cole.
3. Richard L. Burden, J.Douglas Faires, "Numerical Analysis 7th edition" ,
Thomson / Brooks/cole
4. John. H. Mathews, Kurtis Fink ," Numerical Methods Using MATLAB 3rd
edition " ,Prentice Hall publication
5. JAAN KIUSALAAS , " Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB" ,
Cambridge Publication

Evaluation scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below

Chapters Hours
1&2 9 16
3 8 16
4 8 16
5 6 10
6 6 10
7 8 12
Total 45 80

* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution

APPLIED MATHEMATICS 1.4.6 Evaluation of real integrals
SH 551
Lecture : 3 Year : II 2. The Z‐Transform (9 hours)
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 2.1 Introduction
Practical : 0 2.2 Properties of Z‐Transform
2.3 Z‐ transform of elementary functions
Course Objective 2.4 Linearity properties
This course focuses on several branches of applied mathematics. The students 2.5 First shifting theorem, second shifting theorem, Initial value
are exposed to complex variable theory and a study of the Fourier and theorem,
Z‐Transforms, topics of current importance in signal processing. The course 2.6 Final value theorem, Convolution theorem
concludes with studies of the wave and heat equations in Cartesian and polar 2.7 Some standard Z‐ transform
coordinates. 2.8 Inverse Z‐Transform
2.9 Method for finding Inverse Z‐Transform
1. Complex Analysis (18 hours) 2.10 Application of Z‐Transform to difference equations
1.1 Complex Analytic Functions
1.1.1 Functions and sets in the complex plane
1.1.2 Limits and Derivatives of complex functions 3. Partial Differential Equations (12 hours)
1.1.3 Analytic functions. The Cauchy –Riemann equations 3.1 Linear partial differential equation of second order, their
1.1.4 Harmonic functions and it’s conjugate classification and solution
1.2 Conformal Mapping 3.2 Solution of one dimensional wave equation, one dimensional heat
1.2.1 Mapping equation, two dimensional heat equation and Laplace equation
1.2.2 Some familiar functions as mappings (Cartesian and polar form) by variable separation method
1.2.3 Conformal mappings and special linear functional
transformations 4. Fourier Transform (6 hours)
1.2.4 Constructing conformal mappings between given domains 4.1 Fourier integral theorem, Fourier sine and cosine integral;
1.3 Integral in the Complex Plane complex form of Fourier integral
1.3.1 Line integrals in the complex plane 4.2 Fourier transform, Fourier sine transform, Fourier cosine
1.3.2 Basic Problems of the complex line integrals transform and their properties
1.3.3 Cauchy’s integral theorem 4.3 Convolution, Parseval’s identity for Fourier transforms
1.3.4 Cauchy’s integral formula 4.4 Relation between Fourier transform and Laplace transform
1.3.5 Supplementary problems
1.4 Complex Power Series, Complex Taylor series and Lauren series
1.4.1 Complex power series
1.4.2 Functions represented by power series
1.4.3 Taylor series, Taylor series of elementary functions
1.4.4 Practical methods for obtaining power series, Laurent
1.4.5 Analyticity at infinity, zeros, singularities, residues, Cauchy's
residue theorem

1. E. Kreyszig, “Advance Engineering Mathematics”, Fifth Edition, Wiley,
New York.
2. A. V. Oppenheim, “Discrete‐Time Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1990.
3. K. Ogata, “Discrete‐Time Control System”, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987.

Evaluation Scheme
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below:
Chapter Hour Marks distribution*
1 18 30
2 9 20
3 12 20
4 6 10
Total 45 80
There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.

INSTRUMENTATION I 4. Electrical Signal Processing and transmission (6 Hours)
EE 552 4.1 Basic Op‐amp characteristics
4.2 Instrumentation amplifier
Lecture : 3 Year : II
4.3 Signal amplification, attenuation, integration, differentiation,
Tutorial : 1 Part : II network isolation, wave shaping
Practical : 3/2 4.4 Effect of noise, analog filtering, digital filtering
4.5 Optical communication, fibre optics, electro‐optic conversion
Course Objectives: devices
Comprehensive treatment of methods and instrument for a wide range of
5. Analog ‐ Digital and Digital ‐ Analog Conversion (6 Hours)
measurement problems.
5.1 Analog signal and digital signal
1. Instrumentations Systems (2 Hours) 5.2 Digital to analog convertors ‐ weighted resistor type, R‐2R ladder
1.1 Functions of components of instrumentation system introduction, type, DAC Errors
signal processing , Signal transmission ,output indication 5.3 Analog to digital convertors ‐ successive approximation type,
1.2 Need for electrical, electronics, pneumatic and hydraulic working ramp type, dual ramp type, flash type, ADC errors
media systems and conversion devices
6. Digital Instrumentation (5 Hours)
1.3 Analog and digital systems
6.1 Sample data system, sample and hold circuit
2. Theory of measurement (10 Hours) 6.2 Components of data acquisition system
2.1 Static performance parameters ‐ accuracy, precision, sensitivity, 6.3 Interfacing to the computer
resolution and linearity 6.4
2.2 Dynamic performance parameters ‐ response time, frequency
7. Electrical equipments (8 Hours)
response and bandwidth
7.1 Wattmeter
2.3 Error in measurement
7.1.1 types
2.4 Statistical analysis of error in measurement
7.1.2 working principles
2.5 Measurement of voltage & current (moving coil & moving iron
7.2 Energy meter
7.2.1 types
2.6 Measurement of low, high & medium resistances
7.2.2 working principles
2.7 AC bridge & measurement of inductance and capacitance
7.3 Frequency meter
3. Transducer (8 Hours) 7.3.1 types
3.1 Introduction 7.3.2 working principles
3.2 Classification 7.4 Power factor meter
3.3 Application 7.5 Instrument transformers
3.3.1 Measurement of mechanical variables, displacement,
strain. velocity. acceleration and vibration Practical:
3.3.2 Measurement of process variables ‐ temperature pressure, 1. Accuracy test in analog meters
level, fluid flow, chemical constituents in gases or liquids, 2. Operational Amplifiers in Circuits
pH and humidity. - Use of Op amp as a summer, inverter, integrator and
3.3.3 Measurement of bio‐physical variables blood pressure and differentiator
myoelectric potentials
3. Use resistive, inductive and capacitive transducers to measure Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
- Use strain gauge transducers to measure force
will be as indicated in the table below:
4. Study of Various transducers for measurement of Angular
displacement, Angular Velocity, Pressure and Flow Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
- Use optical, Hall effect and inductive transducer to measure 1 2 6
angular displacement 2 10 16
- Use tacho ‐ generator to measure angular velocity 3 8 16
- Use RTD transducers to measure pressure and flow 4 6 10
5. Digital to Analog Conversion 5 6 10
- Perform static testing of D/A converter 6 5 10
6. Analog to Digital Conversion 7 8 12
- Perform static testing of A/D converter Total 45 80
* There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution.
1. D.M Considine "Process Instruments and Controls Handbook" third
edition McGraw Hill, 1985
2. S. Wolf and R.F.M. Smith "Students Reference Manual for Electronics
Instrumentation Laboratories", Prentice Hall, 1990
3. E.O Deobelin "Measurement System, Application and Design" McGraw
Hill, 1990
4. A.K Sawhney "A Course in Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
" Dhanpat Rai and Sons,1988
5. C.S. Rangan, G.R Sharma and V.S.V. Mani, "Instrumentation Devices and
Systems" Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Limited New Delhi,1992.
6. J.B. Gupta. "A Course in Electrical & Electronics Measurement &
Instrumentation, thirteenth edition, 2008, Kataria & Sons.

POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS ‐ I 3.4 Complex powers
EE 555 3.5 Direction of power flow
3.6 Per unit system; advantage and applications
Lecture : 3 Year : II
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 4. Line parameter calculations (10 hours)
Practical : 0 4.1 Inductance, resistance and capacitance of a line
4.2 Inductance of line due to internal & external flux linkages
Course Objective: 4.3 Skin & proximity effect
The course aim to deliver the basic principle and fundamental analysis 4.4 Inductance of single phase two wire line, stranded & bundled
techniques for generation, transmission and distribution components of a conductor consideration, concept of G.M.R and G. M.D,
power system as a first course in power system inductance of 3 phase line; equilateral and unsymmetrical spacing
4.5 Transposition, inductance of double circuit 3 phase lines
1. General Background (6 hours) 4.6 Concept of G.M.R and G. M.D for capacitance calculations
1.1 Power System Evolution 4.7 Capacitance calculations of single phase two wire line, stranded &
1.2 Generation, Transmission and Distribution Components bundled conductor consideration, capacitance of 3 phase line;
1.3 Energy Sources; hydro, thermal, Nuclear etc. equilateral and unsymmetrical spacing, double circuit
1.4 Basic introduction to renewable energy; Photovoltaic, wind, 4.8 Earth effect in capacitance of a line
geothermal etc
1.5 Major electrical components in power station; alternators, 5. Transmission line modeling (4 hours)
transformers, bus bars, voltage regulators, switch and isolators, 5.1 Classification of a lines based on short, medium and long lines
metering and control panels 5.2 Representation of ‘Tee’ and ‘Pi’ of medium lines; calculation of
1.6 Infinite bus concept ABCD parameters
1.7 Voltage levels, AC Vs DC Transmission 5.3 Distributed Parameter model of Long lines; calculation of ABCD
1.8 Single phase and three phase power delivery parameters
5.4 Equivalent ‘Tee’ and ‘Pi’ of long lines
2. Overhead & Underground Transmission ( 8 hours)
2.1 Line supports, spacing between conductors 6. Performance Analysis (8 hours)
2.2 Transmission line conductor materials 6.1 Sending and receiving end quantities analysis
2.3 Stranded and bundled conductors 6.2 Voltage regulation & efficiency calculation of transmission lines
2.4 Overhead line insulators, its types 6.3 Transmission line as source and sink of reactive power
2.5 Voltage distribution along string of suspension insulators, string 6.4 Real and reactive power flow through lines
efficiency 6.5 Surge impedance loading
2.6 Classification, construction of underground cables, insulation 6.6 High capacitance effect of long lines
resistance 6.7 Reactive compensation of transmission lines
2.7 Dielectric stress in single core/multi core cables
2.8 Cable faults and location of faults References:
1. Power System Analysis by W.D. Stevension, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Computational Technique (8 hours) Publications
3.1 Single phase representation of three phase system 2. Modern Power system analysis by I.J Nagrath and D.P Kothari, Tata
3.2 Impedance and reactance diagram McGraw Hill Publications
3.3 Single line diagram

3. A text book on Power System Engineering by Chakraborty, M.L. sony,
P.V. Gupta et al., Dhanpat rai & Co.
4. Electric power Generation, Transmission & Distribution by S.N. Singh,
Prentece Hall

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme
will be as indicated in the table below:
Chapters Hours Marks
1 6 10
2 8 12
3 8 16
4 10 16
5 4 10
6 8 16
Total 44 80
*There could be a minor deviation in Marks distribution

MICROPROCESSORS 3.4 High Level versus Low Level Programming
EX 551 3.5 Assembly Language Syntax
Lecture : 3 Year : II
3.5.2 Reserved words
Tutorial : 1 Part : II 3.5.3 Identifiers
Practical : 3 3.5.4 Statements
3.5.5 Directives
Course Objective: 3.5.6 Operators
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with programming, hardware 3.5.7 Instructions
and application of microprocessor. 3.6 EXE and COM programs
1. Introduction (4 hours) 3.7 Assembling, Linking and Executing
1.1 Introduction and History of Microprocessors 3.8 One Pass and Two Pass Assemblers
1.2 Basic Block Diagram of a Computer 3.9 Keyboard and Video Services
1.3 Organization of Microprocessor Based System 3.10 Various Programs in 8086
1.4 Bus Organization 3.10.1 Simple Programs for Arithmetic, Logical, String
1.5 Stored program Concept and Von Neumann Machine Input/Output
1.6 Processing Cycle of a Stored Program Computer 3.10.2 Conditions and Loops
1.7 Microinstructions and Hardwired/Micro programmed Control Unit 3.10.3 Array and String Processing
1.8 Introduction to Register Transfer Language 3.10.4 Read and Display ASCII and Decimal Numbers
3.10.5 Displaying Numbers in Binary and Hexadecimal Formats
2. Programming with 8085 Microprocessor (10 hours)
2.1 Internal Architecture and Features of 8085 microprocessor 4. Microprocessor System (10 hours)
2.2 Instruction Format and Data Format 4.1 Pin Configuration of 8085 and 8086 Microprocessors
2.3 Addressing Modes of 8085 4.2 Bus Structure
2.4 Intel 8085 Instruction Set 4.2.1 Synchronous Bus
2.5 Various Programs in 8085 4.2.2 Asynchronous Bus
2.5.1 Simple Programs with Arithmetic and Logical Operations 4.2.3 Read and Write Bus Timing of 8085 and 8086
2.5.2 Conditions and Loops Microprocessors
2.5.3 Array and Table Processing 4.3 Memory Device Classification and Hierarchy
2.5.4 Decimal BCD Conversion 4.4 Interfacing I/O and Memory
2.5.5 Multiplication and Division 4.4.1 Address Decoding
4.4.2 Unique and Non Unique Address Decoding
3. Programming with 8086 Microprocessor (12 hours) 4.4.3 I/O Mapped I/O and Memory Mapped I/O
3.1 Internal Architecture and Features of 8086 Microprocessor 4.4.4 Serial and Parallel Interfaces
3.1.1 BIU and Components 4.4.5 I/O Address Decoding with NAND and Block Decoders
3.1.2 EU and Components (8085, 8086)
3.1.3 EU and BIU Operations 4.4.6 Memory Address Decoding with NAND, Block and PROM
3.1.4 Segment and Offset Address Decoders (8085, 8086)
3.2 Addressing Modes of 8086 4.5 Parallel Interface
3.3 Assembly Language Programming

4.5.1 Modes: Simple, Wait, Single Handshaking and Double Practical:
Handshaking There will be about 12 lab exercises to program 8085 and 8086
4.5.2 Introduction to Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) microprocessors.
4.6 Serial Interface
4.6.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission References:
4.6.2 Serial Interface Standards: RS232, RS423, RS422, USB 1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and
4.6.3 Introduction to USART Application with 8085”, 5th Edition 2002, Prentice Hall
4.7 Introduction to Direct Memory Access (DMA) and DMA 2. Peter Abel, “IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming”, 5th Edition
Controllers 2001, Pearson Education Inc.
3. D. V. Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming and
5. Interrupt Operations (5 hours)
Hardware”, 2nd Edition 1999, Tata McGraw Hill
5.1 Polling versus Interrupt
4. John Uffenbeck, “Microcomputers and Microprocessors, The 8080, 8085
5.2 Interrupt Processing Sequence
and Z‐80 Programming, Interfacing and Troubleshooting” 3rd Edition
5.3 Interrupt Service Routine
1999, Prentice Hall
5.4 Interrupt Processing in 8085
5. Walter A. Triebel and Avtar Singh, “The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors,
5.4.1 Interrupt Pins and Priorities
Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications”, 4th
5.4.2 Using Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PIC)
Edition 2003, Prentice Hall
5.4.3 Interrupt Instructions
6. William Stalling, “Computer Organization and Architecture”, 8th Edition
5.5 Interrupt Processing in 8086
2009, Prentice Hall
5.5.1 Interrupt Pins
5.5.2 Interrupt Vector Table and its Organization
5.5.3 Software and Hardware Interrupts Evaluation Scheme:
5.5.4 Interrupt Priorities
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation
6. Advanced Topics (4 hours) scheme will be as indicated in the table below:
6.1 Multiprocessing Systems
Chapters Hours Marks distribution*
6.1.1 Real and Pseudo‐Parallelism
1 4 8
6.1.2 Flynn’s Classification
6.1.3 Instruction Level, Thread Level and Process Level 2 10 16
Parallelism 3 12 16
6.1.4 Interprocess Communication, Resource Allocation and 4 10 16
Deadlock 5 5 8
6.1.5 Features of Typical Operating System 6 4 8
6.2 Different Microprocessor Architectures 1,2,3,4,5,6 ‐ 8
6.2.1 Register Based and Accumulator Based Architecture Total 45 80
6.2.2 RISC and CISC Architectures *There could be a minor deviation in Marks distribution
6.2.3 Digital Signal Processors


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