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Workshop 3

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Getting a submitted form value using a controller

method argument
Whenever we fill any data into form controls e.g. textfield, then such data can be accessed in
controller [ a method within controller] and data again can be passed to view for display. Let us
Develop a program for this to work.

1. Create a Dynamic Web Project

2. Add all Spring lib jars and apache commons logging jar file both in Java Build Path and
Deployment Assembly
3. Create a folder named lab3.controller inside Java Resources/src folder and create a class
named MyController and keep the following lines of code over there

4. Create sampleForm.jsp file and put following lines of code over there:

5. Create sample.jsp and put following lines of code over there:

6. Right Click your project and Add Dispatcher Servlet with the name Dispatcher Servlet
into your project.
7. Make Sure your web.xml file has following contents:

8. Create xml file named DispatcherServlet-servlet.xml in the same directory where

web.xml resides and make sure it has following contents:

9. Type following URL to run above code:

Data Entry Form sampleForm.jsp will be displayed and whenever you press SAVE
button sample.jsp page will be displayed.

Setting a forms default values using a model

When a form is accessed for the first time, then we can set default values inside its controller.
For that we need to follow, following steps:

1. Add following method that sets default values in form in Controller class:

2. Create sampleAutoFillForm.jsp page and put following lines of code inside it:

On Typing http://localhost:8080/MVCFormDemo/sample, you will see a form auto filled
with values as shown below:

Saving form data in an object automatically
1. Add following methods in Controller class:

2. Create a jsp file called registration.jsp and add following lines of code inside it:
3. Type: http://localhost:8080/MVCFormDemo/register and Press SUBMIT button.
4. Data value entered inside the form control are binded to person object with the name

Using textarea, text, password, hidden fields, select field,
checkbox, radio buttons

Using textarea


<form:textarea path="description" />

Note: There should be a model class containing a field whose name should be "description" and
corresponding getters and setters

Using text


<form:input path="personaddress" />

Note: There should be a model class containing a field whose name should be "personaddress"
and corresponding getters and setters

Using password

<form:password path="password"/>

Note: There should be a model class containing a field whose name should be "password" and
corresponding getters and setters

Using hidden fields

<form:hidden path="hiddenf"/>

Note: There should be a model class containing a field whose name should be "hiddenf" and
corresponding getters and setters

Using select field

<form:select path="country" items="${countries}"></form:select>

Note: There should be a model class containing a string field whose name should be "country"
and corresponding getters and setters.
Similarly, there should be following code in Controller class for populating select field values:

public Map<String,String> countries()
Map<String,String> m=new HashMap<String,String>();
m.put("np", "Nepal");
m.put("in", "India");
m.put("pak", "Pakistan");
return m;

Using checkbox

<form:checkboxes path="languages" items="${langses}" />

Note: There should be a model class containing a string field whose name should be "languages"
and corresponding getters and setters.
Similarly, there should be following code in Controller class for populating select field values:
public Map<String,String> langs()
Map<String,String> m=new HashMap<String,String>();
m.put("np", "Nepal");
m.put("in", "India");
m.put("pak", "Pakistan");
return m;

Using radio buttons

<form:radiobuttons path="sex" items="${gender}" />

Note: There should be a model class containing a string field whose name should be "sex" and
corresponding getters and setters.
Similarly, there should be following code in Controller class for populating select field values:

public Map<String,String> langs()
Map<String,String> m=new HashMap<String,String>();
m.put("np", "Nepal");
m.put("in", "India");
m.put("pak", "Pakistan");
return m;

If you want to set default values: then you should have following codes in the Controller class
public Person defaultCntries()
String dlangs[]={"np","pak"};
Person p=new Person();
return p;

And form should have following codes:

<form:form method="POST" action="/MVCFormDemo/addRecord"

modelAttribute="defaultVals" commandName="command">

form validation using annotations

If there exists a text field and you want to validate its input, then you need to keep following
lines of code just after your text field
<form:errors path="personame" cssClass="error"></form:errors>
Similalry, within head element, there should be following css tag:
.error {
color: #ff0000;
Moreover, in a model class, just before variable declaration, you should mention following codes
in order for annotation to work
@NotEmpty(message = "Person Name cannot be null")
String personame;

There should be following codes in your controller class:

public String addRecord( @ModelAttribute("command") @Valid Person
person,BindingResult result, ModelMap model)
System.out.println("Inside If");
return "registration";
System.out.println("Inside Else");
return "success";
Note: All Above Source codes are from MVCFormDemo App which is located in D:\tapdemo

Custom annotations
We can also develop our own annotation and apply it to either data field, method or class. Now,
we are going to develop an annotation named @Phone(message="Phone no is not valid") which
we are going to put before String persontelno variable. For this, we need to follow, below steps:

1. Create a package named lab3.annotation within src folder and create an annotation file
named Phone.java and keep following lines of code inside it:
@Constraint(validatedBy = PhoneConstraintValidator.class)
@Target( { ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface Phone {
String message() default "{Phone}";

Class<?>[] groups() default {};

Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};


2. Create a class named PhoneConstrintValidator and put following lines of code inside it.
This class contains the validation logic.
public class PhoneConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Phone,
public void initialize(Phone String) { }

public boolean isValid(String phoneField, ConstraintValidatorContext
cxt) {
boolean b=phoneField.matches("[0-9()-]*");
System.out.println("Value of Matches="+b+""
+ "\n Value of phoneField="+phoneField);
if(phoneField == null || phoneField.equals("")) {
return false;
return phoneField.matches("[0-9()-]*");

Note: both of the above classes should be on the same package.

Customize validation messages

Validation messages can be customized by keeping such messages inside a file called
messages.properties instead of directly mentioning them along with annotation[ by assigning as
value to message variable]. For this, create a folder named resources inside src and create a file
named messages.properties and keep following lines of code inside it:

Phone.command.persontelno=Your Phone Number is Not A Valid One

Moreover, inside your application context file[DispatcherServlet-servlet.xml] keep the following

lines of code inside <beans> </beans> tag,
<bean class="org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageSource"
<property name="basename" value="resources/messages" />
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8" />

In registration.jsp, you have to put below codes just after telephone number field in order for
custom validation message to appear:

<form:errors path="persontelno" cssClass="error"></form:errors>


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