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Pop. Ed. 449 Project and Seminar On Population Education

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Course title: Project Work and Seminar on Population Education

Course No. : Pop. Ed. 449 Full marks: 100 (Th 50% +Pr 50%)
Nature of course: Theory and practical Pass marks: (Th 17.5 + Pr 20)
Level: B. Ed. Four Year Periods per week: 9
Year: Forth Total period: 225
Time per period: 55 minutes

1. Course Description

This course has been designed to develop the students with in-depth knowledge on
issues and challenges of population education. It has been developed in order to
enhance to identify population related problems and issues on population related areas
such as growth of population, environmental hazards of urban areas, pedagogical
issues, reproductive health issues, issues of senior citizens, public health, sustainable
life etc. in students. Besides, this course has been intended to develop skill in students
to organize a seminar and paper presentation as well.

2. General Objectives

The general objectives of the course are as follows

 To make the students familiar with resources materials in population problems
and issues.
 To acquaint the students with global and national population issues and
challenges related to population
 To develop capacity in students to review documents and literature.
 To enable the students with writing a seminar papers and present in a seminar
on population education problems and issues.
 To make the students able to organize a seminar.

3. Specific Objectives and Contents

Specific Objectives Units and Contents

 Discuss on persistent of Unit: I Population issues (25)
high fertility in lower 1.1 Fertility
middle class. 1.1.1 Persistent of high fertility in middle
 Elaborate negative growth and lower developing countries
in highly developed 1.1.2 Negative growth in developed
countries countries
 Identity situation of 1.2 Morbidity and Mortality
maternal and child 1.2.1 Morbidity
mortality and morbidity of 1.2.2 Maternal mortality
Nepal. 1.2.3 Infant and Child mortality
 Explain the consequences 1.3 Migration
of migration and suggest 1.3.1 Unemployment and migration
measure to manage 1.3.2 Foreign migration in unskilled
migration. sector
 Illustrate problems of
unskilled migrant to 1.4 Brain drain
foreign countries 1.5 Remittance flow and its proper utilization
in economic development
 Analyse the situation of
brain drain
 Review remittance flow
and its utilization in
economic development
 Analyse situation of Unit: II Unplanned settlement and haphazard
population pressure of reclassification of urban areas (20)
towns 2.1 Population pressures in towns
 Identify the problems of 2.2 Unplanned towns
unplanned town and slum 2.3 Problem of slum area and slum dwellers
areas and slum dwellers. 2.4 Chronic shortage of water and fuel
 Delineate environmental 2.5 Solid and liquid waste management
and sanitation problems of 2.6 Regional balance and urbanization
slum areas and suggest
measures such problems.
 Suggest regional balance
and urbanization.
 Analyse status of quality Unit: III Living sustainable life (15)
of life of Nepalse people. 3.1 Status of quality of life
 Analyse situation of food 3.2 Food security
security in Nepal. 3.3 Health insurance
 Discuss the situation of 3.4 Social security
social security in Nepal. 3.5 Sustainable development
 Highlight the aspects of
sustainable development.
 Clarify the concept of Unit: IV Environmental hazards of urban areas
environmental hazards. (25)
 Discuss the issues of 4.1 Concept of environmental hazards
environmental health 4.2 Consequences of environmental hazards
hazards 4.3 Climate change and its impact
 Delineate climate change 4.1 Environmental hazards and its management
and its impact 4.1.1 Concept of environmental hazards
 Explain the exploitation of 4.1.2 Exploitation of natural resource and
natural resources and its its impacts
impacts 4.1.3 Challenges of flush toilet
 Analyse challenges and 4.1.4 Issues of open/free defecation
issues of flush toilets 3.1.1 ECOSAN
 Spell out the issues of  Concept of ECOSAN
open/defecation  Initiation ECOSAN
 Clarify the concept and  Construction of ECOSAN
initiation of ECOSAN toilets
 Explain the procedure of  Separation of urine and
constructing ECOSAN excreta
toilet  Values of urine and human
 Explain the procedure of excreta in agriculture and
separating urine and environment
human excreta and their  Rain water harvesting
agricultural and
environmental values
 Describe procedure of rain
water harvesting and its

 Highlight adolescent's Unit: V Sexual and reproductive health issues

reproductive health (25)
problems. 5.1 Adolescents reproductive health
 Find out situation of 5.1.1 Premarital sexual intercourse
unsafe abortion in Nepal 5.1.2 Early marriage/child marriage
and its consequences. 5.1.3 Early age at 1st pregnancy/unwanted
 Explore the prenatal pregnancy
health care problems in 5.2 Safe and unsafe abortion
Nepal. 5.3 Prenatal health problems
 Describe problems related 5.3.1 Health check up
with access to hospital 5.3.2 Additional food
delivery service and home 5.3.3 Perinatal health problems
delivery 5.4 Access to delivery service in hospital
 Delineate issues of gender 5.4.1 Delayed decision for getting service
selection based on 5.4.2 Transportation problems
screening. 5.4.3 Home delivery
5.5 Sex selective and feticide

 Analyse the population Unit: VI Issues of senior citizens (20)

situation of senior citizens. 6.1 Population structure of senior citizens
 State problems of elderly 6.2 Biological, socio cultural and psychological
people. problems
 Illustrate problems of 6.3 Lack of care takers for senior citizens
senior citizen care centres. 6.4 Policies of senior citizens
 Explain the situation of 6.5 Rights of senior citizens
policies and right of senior 6.6 Nursing centres of senior citizens
citizens 6.7 Insecurity of senior citizens
 Discuss insecurity of
seniors and suggest to
 Identify childhood disease Unit: VII Public health problems of Nepal
and its controlling and (20)
preventive measures 7.1 Childhood diseases
 Analyse water and 7.2 Water and sanitation
sanitation problems 7.3 Maternal and perinatal health
 Explain problems of 7.4 Sexual transmitted diseases and other
sexual and other major diseases
communicable diseases 7.5 Epidemic/pandemic/ and zoonotic diseases
 Illustrate problems of 7.6 Non-communicable diseases
epidemic/pandamic and 7.7 Natural disaster and preparedness
zoonotic diseases 7.8 Substance use and disorder
 Discuss prevalence of 7.9 Disparity in health system
non-communicable 7.10 Mental health problems
 Delineate the situation of
substance use and
disorder, disparity in
health system and mental
health problem.
 Explain the meaning of Unit: VIII Empirical study on selected title
empirical study. (75)
 Clarify objectives and 8.1 Concept and meaning of empirical study
importance of empirical 8.2 Objectives of empirical study
study. 8.3 Importance of empirical study
 Identify factors to be 8.4 Steps in conducting empirical study
considered while selecting 8.4.1 Problem identification
a researchable title. 8.4.2 Objective formation
 Deliver the method and 8.4.3 Review of related literature
use of review of related 8.4.4 Research methodology
literature. 8.4.5 Data analysis and presentation
 Clarify methods applied in 8.4.6 Conclusion and
empirical study. recommendations
 Explain the procedure of
data analyses.
 Describe the process of
deriving conclusion and

Note: The figure in the parenthesis indicates the approximate periods for the
perspective units.

(Recent contemporary issues related to population can be added by the concern

teacher while preparing paper for seminar) .

4. Instructional Techniques
4.1 General Techniques
 Discussion
 Brain storming
 Cooperative Learning
 Independent study
 Active learning
 Presentation

4.2 Specific Instructional Techniques

Unit Activities
I  Students are asked to visit library or google to collect materials on
problems of fertility, migration, mortality and morbidity.
 They will discuss in the class
II  There will be interaction on urbanization problems in Nepal
 Suggestion for improving the situation of urbanization
III  Students will be provided materials on living sustainable life and
will be asked to present followed by discussion.
IV  A Film will be shown about environmental problems and students
will be assigned to write the situation / problems and suggestive
 Student will observe school or community toilet and prepare its
report. They will present in class followed by discussion.
 An expert will be brought to present procedure and use of human
excreta and urine in agriculture and harvesting of rain water.

VIII The concern teacher will orient about performing empirical research
followed by discussion.
Guidelines for running theoretical aspects
 Unit-I Population issues, Unit-II Unplanned settlement and haphazard re-
classification of urban areas, Unit-III Environmental hazards of urban areas
and Unit-VIII Empirical study will be taught by teacher theoretically
followed by lecture, interaction and discussion.
Guidelines for running practical aspect
 After completing Unit I to III and Unit VIII each student will be oriented on
empirical study.
 The students will select a suitable title/problems/topic and prepare a mini
proposal and detail tool/s for collecting primary or secondary or primary as
well as secondary data.
 The students will collect essential primary or secondary data or both from
informants/respondents, libraries, Google or difference sources.
 Based on collected data/information/documents students will prepare a report
following a suitable format of empirical study.
 The concern teacher will orient to students about organizing a seminar and
presentation. He will orient about the role of speaker, chair, commenter and
participants of seminar.
 Students will organize a seminar and present their report briefly including
objectives, methods of study, findings, conclusion and recommendations in

(Note: All assignments done by the students should be signed by the internal teacher
and these should be submitted to the external examiner)

5. Evaluation
5.1 Evaluation Scheme for Theoretical Aspects

The performance of the students will be evaluated finally through annual examination
conducted by the Office of Controller of Examinations T. U. Total 50 marks out of
100 marks is allocated for theoretical part from Unit I to III and unit VIII. The types
and number of questions to be included in the annual examination are given in the
following table.

Types of questions Total questions Number of questions Total

to be asked to be answered and marks
marks allocated
Group A: Multiple choice 10 questions 10 x 1 mark 10
Group B: Short questions 4 with 2 alternative 4 x 7 marks 28
Group C: Long question 1 question 1 x 12 marks 12
Total 50

Evaluation Scheme for Practical Aspects

Total 50 marks out of 100 marks is allocated for practical part. Viva-voce will be
jointly evaluated by the internal and external supervisors at the end of the session.
The breakdown of marks is given bellow.

Activities Total
Attendance and participation 5
Collection of documents 10
Quality of report 15
Presentation in seminar 5
Viva-voce 15
Total 50

6. Recommended Books/Reference Materials

Recommended Books/materials
Adhikari, K. and Paudel, B. (2015). Ecological Toilet Emerging Solution to
Food (For Unit IV)

Security in Nepal
and-Poudel.pdf (Unit III)

Budhathoki, C.B (2069). Community health and organization. Kathmandu:

Pinnacle Publication (Unit VII)

content/uploads/2015/03/dynamics_of_urbanization_in_nepal.pdf, GSDRC
(Unit II)

Dhakal, S.N (2067). Samudayik tatha prajanan swasthya. Kathmandu: Ratna

Pustak Bhandar.(For Unit VI)

Dhakal, S. N. (2004). Gunastriya jivan. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.

(For Unit III)
Park, K. (2012). Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. Jabalpur,
India: M/S Banarsidas Bhanot (For Unit VII)

FOE, IUCN. (2000). Environmental education source book for bachelor of

education programme. Kathmandu: IUCN. (For unit IV)

HMG, MoE (1996). National maternity care guidelines Nepal. Kathmandu

(Unit V)
Joshi, M. (2057). Jans sannkhaya, watawaran ra gunstayia jivan. Kathmandu:
Gayankung Pustak (For Unit IV)

Kafle, R. & Bhawani, P. K. (2004). Gunstar jivan. Kirtipur: Jupiter

Publication and Distributors. (For Unit III)

Karki, A. (2058). Gunstarjiven. Kathmandu: Pairahi Prakashan (For Unit III)

Maharjan, R.K, Sherchan, L. Maharjan S.K, Mudwari, N.B and Arya, B.

(2013). Thesis writing in health, physical and population education.
Kirtupur: Sunlight Publication (Unit VIII)

Maharjan, S.K. (2073). Manawav youn tatha prajanan swasthya. Kirtipur:

Sunlight Publication (Unit V and VI)

McKenzie, J.F, .Pinger, R.P & Kotecki J. E. (2005). An introduction to

community health . Boston, Toranto, London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
(Unit VII)

MoE, DH, New Era (2017). Nepal demographic and health survey 2016.
(For Unit I. II. III.V, VII, VIII)

Sherchan, L. and Upreti, Y.R (2068). Samudayik swasthya sarweskhyan.

Kirtipur: Quest Publication (For Unit V, VII)

Wasti S.P, Simkhada, P and Teijlingen, E.V (2015). The dynamics of health in
Nepal. Kathmandu: Himal Books (Unit I, V, VII)

Upreti, Y.R (2069). Manav rogharu. Kirtipur: Quest Publication. (Unit VII)

Dhital, N. P and Khanal, T.R (2068). Population and development.

Kathmandu: Pinnacle Publication (Unit VII)

DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES OF NEPAL: Trends and Policy Implications

(Unit I)

Devkota, K. ( 2012). Dynamics of urbanization: roles and response of local

government. (For Unit II)

UNDP (2017) Human development report, 2016. The author (For Unit III)

Reference Materials

Acharya, P. (2016). Reference Book on Population Education. Kathmandu

Acharya, P., & Welsh, B. (2017). Early and Forced Child Marriages in Rural
Western Nepal. Journal of Underrepresented and Minority
Progress, 1(1), 95–110. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1165458

Adhikari, K. and Paudel, B. (2015). Ecological Toilet Emerging Solution to

Food Security in Nepal
Adhikari-and-Poudel.pdf (Unit IV)

Adhikari R (2016). Effect of Women’s autonomy on maternal health service

utilization in Nepal: a cross sectional study. BMC Women Health.
016-0305-7. DOI: 10.1186/s12905-016-0305-7 (For Unit V)

Adhikari R (2016).Knowledge on legislation of abortion and experience of

abortion among female youth in Nepal: A cross sectional study.
Reproductive Health http://reproductive-health-
DOI: 10.1186/s12978-016-0166-4 (Unit V)

Adhikari R (2015). Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Risk Behaviors

among Nepalese Students. Social Science Asia. Vol. 1 (4): pp 38-50.
DOI: 10.14456/ssa.2015.29 (For Unit V)

Adhikari R (2010). Are Nepali students at risk of HIV? A cross-sectional

study of condom use at first sexual intercourse among college students
in Kathmandu. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2010, 13:7
http://www.jiasociety.org/index.php/jias/article/view/17524 (For Unit

Adhikari R and Tamang J (2009). Premarital sexual behavior among male

college students of Kathmandu, Nepal. BMC Public Health 2009, 9:241
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/9/241 (For Unit V)

HEAN (2010). Journal of helalth promotion. Kathmandu: The authors (For

Unit V)

HEAN (2012). Journal of helalth promotion. Kathmandu: The authors (For

Unit V)

PRB (2017) World population data sheet. Washington: The authors (For Unit

NPC, IUCN (2050). Watawan sikshya srot pustak . Kathmandu: The authors
(For Unit IV)

%20report-nepal.pdfSustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 National
(Preliminary) Report (For unit III).
http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ (For Unit III)

prospective-n-r-khatri.pdf (Unit IV)

maharjan (Unit I)

Senior Citizens Act, 2063 (2006) www.lawcommission.gov.np (For Unit V)

issues-in-nepal.html (Unit VI)

https://www.nrb.org.np/ecorev/pdffiles/vol18_art2.pdf (For Unit I)

ib.icimod.org/record/378/files/362.5SHE.pdf (For Unit II)

rch_directions_of_Nepal (For Unit III)

kathmandu/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_417359.pdf (For Unit

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4546934/ (For Unit III)


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