Clearam TR 3010 - Spec
Clearam TR 3010 - Spec
Clearam TR 3010 - Spec
Product identifier
Description (characters)
Aspect Powder
Colour White to off-white
Odour Neutral
Taste Neutral
Microbiological values
Storage conditions The product durability may vary according to packaging type and manufacturing plant.
Proper information is shown on labelling and CoA.
Storage conditions We recommend to preserve the product in its unopened original packaging, preferably
for PACK material protected from wide variations in temperature and humidity.
Upon opening, use the product as quickly as possible to prevent moisture regain.
Roquette has neither requested or received authority from any regulatory body to permit the promotion, use,
and/or sale of the Products described herein for intended use in food products for the infant or young children
population (0-3 years old) and any such use or attempted use is not authorized under this Specifications, unless
otherwise agreed.
Roquette accepts no liability in whatever form, for any attempt to promote, supply and/or use or actual
promotion, supply or use of the Products described herein for the above-mentioned non-authorized application.
The information provided in this Product Specification Sheet relates only to the specific product designated and
may not be applicable when such product is used in combination with other materials or in any process.
Analytical criteria are tested either on each batch or monitored or guaranteed, based on the Product Risk
Analysis. For each batch, the status of the analysis may be indicated in the Certificate of Analysis.
All information and instructions provided in this Product Specification Sheet are based on the current state of our
knowledge at the latest revision date indicated.
Typical values are made available to the purchaser on an informational basis. No warranty, whether expressed or
implied, or guarantee of those values is intended or implied.
The ultimate use of this Product in any finished product is the responsibility of the purchaser. This Product may
have restrictions with respect to its use and/or usage levels, and such may vary on a country-by-country basis.
The purchaser is responsible for its use of the Product and for its finished product, and that any claims made
regarding its use of the Product and/or the finished product comply with applicable laws and regulations.