them on Facebook.
Unit 1 J I don’t see how you can be friends with someone
you’ve never met.
1.1 Are you really my friend?
S Of course you can. I probably chat to some of
Exercises 5a & 6b them more than you talk to your friends from
S So, how many friends would you say you had? J Hmm. And what about in the real world? How
J Well, it all depends what you mean by friends, many friends do you have in real life?
doesn’t it? I mean, I get on well with a lot of S Well, a lot of the friends I see often in real life are
people at work – that’s maybe twenty people I’d on Facebook, too, actually. I’ve got friends from
say were friends … work like you, and then there are the people in my
J Oh, yes. Maybe not that often, but we meet up J And what about really close friends?
after work from time to time … Then there are the S I’ve only got a couple of really close friends that I
friends I play football with. I guess I don’t have a share everything with. Actually, if I’m honest,
lot in common with them apart from football, but recently just one, because I’ve fallen out with one
I’d say they were friends all the same. of my best friends. We’re not speaking to each
S But how many of those friends would you ask to other at the moment.
help you out if you were in trouble? J Did you have a big argument?
J Ah, well, that’s different. Friends you can really S Not exactly. It all started when …
In fact, it can do the opposite if people end up 3 We believe shopping makes us happy, but it
owing a lot of money. doesn’t.
I Yes, I agree, that’s a good point. People often buy 4 Yes, I agree, that’s a good point.
things they don’t really need or want. 5 We all own far too much.
L Exactly, it’s amazing to realize that only 20% of 6 Most of the time we prefer people to buy locally.
the world’s population is consuming over 80% of 7 Most people don’t understand how difficult it is …
the Earth’s natural resources. Does that seem fair
1.3 Vocabulary and skills
to you? In countries like the UK, we all own far too
I Does it make any difference what you buy? Exercise 3
L Yes, that’s part of it, too. We’re trying to get
Audio 1.7
people to think about the effect their buying
listening for key words
choices have on the rest of the world. Something
might seem a great bargain, but that could be Key words carry the most important information.
because it’s been made in a country where the They are generally nouns and verbs and are usually
workers aren’t paid enough. In addition, most of spoken more loudly and clearly than other words. For
Audio 2.5 noticed that one of the carrots was ‘wearing’ her
keen to find some evidence that would prove the link B What, you mean the ring was on the carrot?!
seemed to have been found while Dawson and A Yes, it’s true, the carrot had grown through the
south of England. As soon as they saw the jawbone B No way! That’s incredible!
and the skull, they decided that this must be the A It is, isn’t it? I’m sure she’s keeping it safe now!
avoid thinking about the marshmallow at all. Then the waiting the full time. Learning these techniques can
children didn’t have to make an effort not to eat it. In help in adult life because being able to wait helps us
a later experiment, Mischel proved that when he to make the right choices.
taught the children some simple techniques, such as
imagining the marshmallow wasn’t real, that it was Exercise 6c
just a picture of a marshmallow, nearly all the Audio 3.4
children succeeded in waiting the full fifteen minutes. achieve
So, everyone can learn to wait if they want to. This is avoid
important because this experiment isn’t just about
waiting for a marshmallow. If you can wait for a
marshmallow, then you’ll be able to choose to study observe
rather than watch TV, knowing it’s better for your prefer
future. You’ll succeed in saving up money for
something you really want, rather than spending it
without thinking. And, in this way, you will be able to succeed
make better decisions about your future, and
3.2 Faking it?
eventually get a better, and higher-paid, job.
Exercise 7b
Exercise 5
Audio 3.5
Audio 3.3 When he was working in the burger van, Ed had to
In the Marshmallow Test, researchers left four-year- be reliable and turn up for work on time. He also had
old children alone in a room with a marshmallow. If to be polite to the customers. However, he didn’t
the children managed to resist temptation and not eat have to take much responsibility as his boss dealt
the marshmallow, the researcher promised them a with the money. He didn’t need to get up early
reward of two marshmallows. However most of the because the van opened at 11 a.m. When he wanted
children found it difficult to be patient and gave in to, he could even take a day off work.
before the time was up. They preferred to have
Now that he’s training to be a chef, it’s very different.
something immediately rather than wait for what they
He has to manage a team, even though he finds it
really wanted. The researchers found that, as adults,
difficult to tell people what to do. It’s also a very high-
those children who could rise to the challenge were
pressure job, so he must work to tight deadlines.
generally much more successful than the others.
However, he doesn’t have to work outside any more,
The best technique was to avoid thinking about the and he can take home really nice food when the
marshmallow at all. The successful children dealt restaurant has closed.
with the problem by looking away or covering their
eyes. If they didn’t think about the marshmallow, they
didn’t have to make an effort not to eat it.
Review Unit 4
4.1 Living on water
Exercise 2a
Audio 3.10
Exercise 5c
1 If I come into work early, I can leave early. Audio 4.1
2 In my last job I had to wear a uniform. So, yesterday we took the train from La Paz, Bolivia,
3 You can’t use the phone for private calls. into Peru, stopping at Puno, and today we’re going to
4 You don’t need to wear a tie. visit the floating islands on Lake Titicaca. I can’t wait.
5 You must remember to lock up before you go. Ever since I first heard about these islands in a
geography class many years ago, I’ve wanted to see
Exercise 5a them. Actually, I don’t really enjoy boat trips, but I’m
Audio 3.11 sure the water on the lake will be quite calm, as it’s a
1 good- clear sunny day. It’s quite cold, though, so I’m going
2 English- to take an extra sweater to keep warm.
3 well- I’m really interested in finding out more about how
4 hard- people live there. I believe we’ll be able to ask them
5 easy- questions through a guide. I’d love to know what
6 second- people eat – a lot of fish, I suppose! I’d also like to
know what they think the future holds for them and
Exercise 6b
their families. Do they think their children will stay on
Audio 3.12 the islands? What effect is technology going to have
A The first thing you do is to put some flour in a on their lives? I know they already have solar power
bowl, with a little salt. Then you crack an egg into and even black and white TVs.
the bowl.
Just thought! It would be great to have some photos
B I’m not very good at that. How do you crack the
for the blog, so I’ll take my camera, too. Just hope I
egg without getting bits of shell in the bowl?
don’t drop it in the water …
A No problem, Let me show you. Look, you crack it
on the edge of the bowl, like this. Then you mix it 4.2 Forest bathing
in and add the milk. Make sure you mix it very
Exercise 1a
thoroughly, so there aren’t any lumps.
B What next? Audio 4.2
A Then you have to wait for about 30 minutes. While 1 It was the end of September and a beautiful sunny
you’re doing that you can get ready whatever you day. Autumn is the most beautiful season here and
want to put on the pancakes. Then you heat some the leaves on the trees were beginning to turn
oil or butter and put some mixture in the pan. golden in places. As we climbed through the forest,
When the first side is cooked, you flip it over. we enjoyed the fresh air and the smell of the soil.
Look, you do it like this. Moving slowly up the steep, winding path, we
B Wow! That’s clever. came to the edge of the forest and suddenly we
could see a gorgeous lake at the edge of a
place at the moment will tell us more about how 4 People who live near green spaces are more likely
this works. The Japanese government has to be active.
already built forty-eight official forest bathing trails,
4.3 Vocabulary and skills
and say they will definitely build another fifty-two
within the next ten years.
P Really? That’s a lot. Do you think it could become Exercise 2a
as popular in other countries?
Audio 4.6
J Yes, it probably will. In fact, South Korea has
1 neat and tidy
already started building its own forest bathing
2 in a bit of a mess
centres, and other countries, like Finland, may
soon follow. Exercise 2c
looking at a screen, and this trend will definitely word begins with a vowel (or the other way round),
spread around the world as smartphones become the consonant often becomes ‘attached’ to the vowel.
likely to rise to 92% by 2030. The person you are listening to actually said: I’ll ask
3 Countries such as Botswana, where, in 1950, only her, but you hear: Alaska.
3% of people lived in a city, may end up in a similar
While you are listening, you have to check that what
you hear makes sense in the situation.
4 Nowadays 61% of Botswana’s population lives in
cities and this percentage will probably rise further. Exercise 3a
5 Walking in a forest for 30 minutes improves mood
Audio 4.8
and might even stop you getting ill.
1 What a mess!
6 After a two-hour walk, some people showed a 50%
2 in a while
increase in the white blood cells needed to help
3 take up too much space
fight disease.
4 peace and quiet
7 The Japanese government will build 52 more forest
5 a nice drink
bathing trails within the next ten years, and other
6 a big apartment
countries may follow.
5.1 Universally popular? Indian, attempting to save his tribe, who were all
killed when Rio de Janeiro was first built. Having
Exercise 3 failed to save any of them, including his great love,
The first film we’re looking at today is The Secret Life as a man in the future, when he hopes to be with
of Walter Mitty, starring Ben Stiller and Kristen Wiig. Janaina once more. We then see the couple living
I’ll have to sit down. B I stayed up till 4 a.m. this morning watching a
2 She was absolutely amazed when she saw her whole series. I wouldn’t recommend that if you
sister standing at the front door. They hadn’t seen have to go to work the next day! I’m exhausted!
been researching ways in which scientists around That can’t be a good idea, can it?
the world have been trying to artificially control or N Well, this is one of the things we need to find out.
change the weather. Neil, can anything be done There is some concern that creating rain in one
to prevent these extreme weather events? area of the world might take it away from
N Well, if these changes in weather patterns have somewhere else. But in terms of the chemicals, it
been happening as a result of global warming, seems that one group of scientists have found a
then we should try to prevent further warming, by solution. Professor Jean-Pierre Wolf and Dr
reducing pollution, protecting trees and so on. Jérôme Kasparian, at the University of Geneva,
However, scientists have been exploring another have been experimenting with using lasers to
method. It seems possible that we might be able control the weather.
to actually do more to control the weather directly. P Lasers?
N Their experiments have shown that pulses of light
Exercise 4b from a laser can be used to make rain clouds,
Audio 6.5 without using any chemicals. They also think that
P Tell us more about controlling the weather. lasers can be used to direct storms away from
N Well, scientists have been working on techniques certain buildings, such as airports.
to create or prevent rain for quite some time now. P Wow. That is quite amazing. I still feel that
The best-known method is called cloud seeding. perhaps we shouldn’t be playing with the weather
encourage any water in the air to form clouds and N Yes, a lot of people would agree with you. But
P So, if we can make it rain when we want it to, why changing the weather for a long time anyway
do we still have problems with droughts? through global warming. This type of technology is
N Ah, well, unfortunately it isn’t quite as a simple as nothing compared with that, and it could be
that. If there is a drought, there probably won’t be helpful, rather than harmful.
2 crop damage
6.4 Speaking and writing
3 global warming
Exercise 5a 4 heatwaves
5 landslides
Audio 6.11
6 strong winds
S Hi, Pedro – it’s Sara.
7 tropical storms
P Oh, hi. I was just thinking about you, Sara. We’re
8 water shortages
meeting for lunch with Estelle tomorrow, aren’t
Exercise 5a
S Actually that’s why I’m phoning. There’s been a
Audio 6.14
change of plan. I’m afraid I’ve got something else
on tomorrow lunchtime – I’ve got a work meeting 1 music
4 I'm really sorry but I can't make it then. wife for dinner next Saturday. But I’ll talk to them
and get back to you.
5 I'm supposed to be playing tennis with my sister.
M OK, that’s fine.
6 I'll speak to her, then I'll get back to you.
Exercise 3b
Audio 6.13
1 climate change
2 At work, is it better to obey the rules, or to take I Yes, of course. I asked when was the last time
risks? you had a difference of opinion with someone at
3 Have you ever had a temporary job? What was it? work – a time you disagreed with someone?
Did you want it to become permanent? S Ah, OK. Let me see … a time I had a different
4 Have you ever had a job where you had to opinion. Well … actually, last month I was working
supervise other employees? Did you like the in a project team, and I didn’t agree with the team
responsibility? leader about the time we needed to complete the
5 Would you like a job where you had to come up project.
with new ideas, or one where you simply followed I And how did you deal with that? What did you do?
the rules? S Well, I …
6 Do you find it easy to think creatively and come up Marina
with new ideas? How do you do it? M Oh, that’s a difficult question! Let me think … well,
I suppose I would be something like an egg …
7.4 Speaking and writing
yes, an egg!
Exercises 7a & b I Why an egg?
M Well, because an egg is very … now, what’s the
Audio 7.3
word again? … Useful, yes, an egg is very useful
Li Yan
– it goes in so many dishes, and it is one of those
L I’m not sure I understand. Could you explain what
foods that is eaten all over the world … so, useful,
you mean?
international … and very healthy, of course!
I Well, yes, of course … so, you’ve applied for this
job and you want to get this job. But why should
K I’m sorry. Could you explain what you mean?
we give it to you?
I Yes, of course. What I mean is, what makes you
L Oh, I see. OK, you should give me the job
want to work, to do a good job … and the
because I have a lot of experience that will help
opposite of that – what stops you being interested
your company.
or working well?
I Could you give some examples of that?
K Ah, OK, now I get it. Well, goals are very
L Well, to give you a good example, I spent three
important to me. I work really well when I have
years working in a similar situation in …
clear goals – I know what I am doing, why I am
doing it and when I need to do it by.
A I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean what job
I Could you give some examples of that?
will I have?
K Yeah, of course. One example was when …
I Yes … in other words, what are your goals for the
next few years? What do you want to do?
Exercises 8a & b
A Ah, I see. Well, I’m very ambitious. First, I’d like to
get some good work experience with a company Audio 7.4
like yours and then, in a couple of years, I plan to 1 Could you explain what you mean?
start a part-time master’s course in … 2 Well, to give you a good example, I spent three
allowed paid time off work after the birth of a baby, 4 If we won the lottery we could give some money to
and they can decide how to share the time. It’s a very charity.
family-friendly country, with free or very cheap 5 I wouldn’t do a job if it were risky or dangerous.
childcare provided by the government. 6 He’d be so embarrassed if he knew people were
talking about his heroism.
The Danes only work thirty-seven hours a week on
average. If people work a thirty-seven hour week, 8.3 Vocabulary and skills
they have quite a lot of leisure time, and the Danes development
spend much of this time socializing and enjoying
cultural activities. The winter may be cold and dark,
Exercise 2
but there is a special term, ‘hygge’, to describe a kind Audio 8.4
of cosy meeting with friends and family. People light changing sounds when we link words
candles, keep warm, and eat delicious food together.
Speaking at natural speed, we often change the last
And, finally more than 40% of Danes use their extra sound of a word to make it easier to say the words
leisure time to do voluntary work, helping their together, for example, when one word ends in
neighbours. sounds t or d and the next word starts with sounds
I’m beginning to see just why it’s such a great place such as b, p, k, g, m. Listening to natural speech,
5 If people are active in work and free time, they’ll 4 mild coffee
seems that it’s just too much for our brains. Are there any questions?
piece of paper – the advantages and the 2 I would move to another country if …
disadvantages – and then see if you have more 3 If I spoke fluent English, …
advantages than disadvantages and how important 4 I could earn more money if …
each one is. In fact, Charles Darwin, the great 5 If I had more money, …
Audio 10.2
Exercises 4a & b
1 Ali Ganjavian noticed that people who travel a lot
often get very tired. Audio 10.4
2 The Ostrich Pillow was invented to help long- 1 It’s just unrealistic for children to be told that
distance travellers. everyone can win; life is competitive. If you lose a
3 It’s a kind of hat that is pulled over the head in race, then you should just try harder. That’s what I
order to take a nap. learnt when I was at school.
4 So far, over $195,000 has been pledged by its 2 I don’t think more competition is the answer. Sport
backers. at school isn’t about teaching children how to be
5 In the first three months of production, Ganjavian’s competitive; it’s about encouraging them to
company shipped five thousand pillows to fifty-two exercise.
countries. 3 There are plenty of children who don’t do well
academically, who are brilliant at sports. Why
10.2 Competitive sport
shouldn’t they be allowed to play against each
Exercise 2c other and prove how well they can do? No one
says that trying to get a good mark in an exam is
Audio 10.3
too competitive.
As figures show that more and more children are
4 I went to a school that insisted on competitive
overweight, the government has announced that
sports. The school used to hold sports days in a
highly competitive sports days and tournaments are
public park, so everyone in the park could watch. I
to be re-introduced at schools. Under the new plans,
was small for my age and always came last in all
schools will play against each other in an Olympics-
the races. It was awful.
style event, with sports such as football, athletics,
5 Competition is healthy, but taking part is more
rugby, swimming, tennis and cycling. Winning teams
important than winning. Everyone should feel good
will compete in sixty county competitions before
about having done their best, whether they win or
going on to a national final.
For too long, schools have been avoiding competitive 6 If everyone knows at the start of a race who the
sports, introducing activities such as yoga, winner is going to be, then it can be boring and
trampolining, cheerleading and dancing instead. demotivating. Why can’t children be encouraged to
They seem to believe that losing a race will make compete against themselves, to break their own
people feel bad about themselves. We have to personal records instead?
realize that taking part in competitive sport is not bad
for people’s self-esteem. Whether you win or lose, Exercise 5b
competitive sport teaches people to work together in
Audio 10.5
a team and to try hard to be the best that they can
1 It’s just unrealistic for children to be told that
be. These are skills which are just as important in the
everyone can win; life is competitive.
workplace as they are in school.
2 If you lose a race, then you should just try harder.
of the crowd will be made up of their own fans, and 3 ... there are certain football stadiums ... which
there is plenty of evidence to show that the home seem to be designed to take advantage of the
team really does have an advantage. On average, noise fans make.
teams playing in their home stadium win about 53% 4 ... they can learn to take no notice of whatever the
of the time, and there are certain football stadiums, other team’s fans might be shouting.
such as the Turkish team Galatasaray’s Ali Sami Yen 5 … referees, or match officials, who have to take
Stadium, which seem to be designed to take decisions about whether to allow goals and so on.
advantage of the noise fans make, using the shape 6 ... noise from the crowd might cause them to take
of the stadium to make the noise as loud as possible. unnecessary risks and make a mistake.
This then makes it very difficult for the visiting team
10.4 Speaking and writing
to do well.
But is the noise of their supporters always a positive have often been able to attract more visitors and
thing for players or athletes? Not necessarily. In improve their image, so competition is fierce.
1 Don’t the fans have a responsibility to turn up and people – you could try learning flamenco. I tried it
2 ... the home team really does have an advantage. B But I’m not much of a dancer.
A That doesn’t matter. There are fantastic schools –
the film will be going straight to his victims, but deserved it! Though I don’t think he ever gave any
can it be right to make films which celebrate of the money away. When he was arrested, he
someone’s crimes in this way? Susie, will you be escaped from prison by tying his bed sheets
going to see the film? together! It’s a great story, and there’s been a film
S Yes, definitely. I think it’s a fascinating story. made about him since.
P Why do you think people are so interested in his P Really? People do seem to love this kind of story,
story? Didn’t he get a lot of fans on Facebook as don’t they?
11.2 I should never have clicked
S Yes, he did. I think the biggest thing with Colton is
that the story was just so entertaining. Everyone
wanted to know what would happen next. And lots Exercise 6a
of people just loved the idea of him teaching
Audio 11.2
himself to fly – who wouldn’t want to do that?!
1 I accidentally posted a video of myself and some
P Er, me for one! But seriously, he wasn’t really
friends at a party and my boss saw it. I didn’t mean
someone to be admired, was he? I mean, if he
to post it. I was uploading a different video and
had crashed the plane in a town, he would
accidentally clicked on this video, too. It was really
probably have killed someone. But there are
embarrassing, and now my boss thinks I’m really
examples of criminals who actually did some
good. I can understand those more. Take Ned
2 I had just had a job interview and one of the
Kelly, for instance.
interviewers was very rude to me. So I tweeted
S I’ve heard of him, but I’m not sure what he did.
about it. As soon as I pressed Send, I knew it was
P He was an outlaw in Australia in the 1800s. His
a mistake, but it was too late. Later I found out that
trouble started when a police officer was shot in
I would have been offered the job, but someone
Ned’s house. Ned was arrested for murder, but he
saw my tweet and they changed their minds and
claimed he hadn’t done it and escaped with his
gave the job to someone else.
brother and two friends. The four of them then
went around robbing banks, but they were kind to Exercise 6b
the people who actually worked in the banks, and
Audio 11.3
shared the money with other people. Ned claimed
1 She should have been more careful when she
that he was being unfairly treated because his
posted the video.
family was Irish. When he was finally arrested,
2 She shouldn’t have accepted her boss as a ‘friend’
thousands of people protested outside the prison.
S That reminds me of someone else I heard about –
3 She shouldn’t have behaved badly at the party.
a Hungarian called Atilla Ambrus. He robbed
4 She shouldn’t have posted any videos online.
banks as well, back in the early 1990s. No one
5 He should have thought before pressing Send.
was ever hurt, and he treated the people working
6 He shouldn’t have said anything negative about the
at the bank very politely. He even gave the
interviewer online.
women working there flowers! He became popular
7 He should have waited until he was offered the job.
because many people felt that the banks
For example:
11.4 Speaking and writing
We must get permission. I had to help.
Exercise 2
When you are listening, use the context to decide if
the speaker used a modal verb, and which one suits Audio 11.9
Exercise 3a
Audio 11.10
1 Let’s leave extras like that for now …
2 Don’t you think a balcony is essential?
1 The best ad I’ve seen had a serious point. face and associate it with the name, and to write
2 Earth Hour is about saving energy. down their name and everything you can
4 Lots of them were offered help. P That sounds sensible. Have you got better at
5 The instructor told them that a new law had been remembering names since you read the book?
Exercises 5a, 5b & 7a read it, really. But probably the most important
thing is to really listen to people and to ask
Audio 12.3
questions to find out what’s really important to
P So, Tania, you’ve been reading our book of the
them, what matters to them. When they see that
week, How to Persuade and Influence People.
you understand them, you’ll be better able to
Did you enjoy it?
influence or persuade them.
T Yes, actually. I thought it might be useful, but I
P I guess that makes sense, too … So, most
didn’t really expect to enjoy reading it. But it was
important question: are you better at persuading
really quite entertaining. There are a lot of
people now?
personal stories by the author, and some of them
T I’m not sure. Ask me again in a few months …
are quite funny.
P I certainly will …
P Can you give an example?
T Er, well, the author probably tells the stories 12.3 Vocabulary and skills
better, but there’s one where a bird attacked the development
audience at a presentation …
Exercises 7a & b
P Really?!
T Yes, the author had thought it would be a good Audio 12.4
idea to have a real owl in his presentation, but it 1 Well, the interesting thing is that soft power is now
escaped! Amazingly, he still got the job. all about business. Countries no longer depend on
P So, what did you actually learn from reading the force or politics to increase their influence abroad. I
T Well, there were some very useful tips for scientist Joseph Nye used the words ‘soft power’,
remembering people’s names. He says that’s he was referring to foreign policy, but now soft
important in getting people to trust you, so that power is used in business, too. The idea is that to
you can then influence them. succeed in business, you need to influence people
P Oh, I’m not very good at remembering names. – so nothing new there – but the best way to do
What were the tips? that is through communication and soft skills. You
My thoughts exactly.
Agree weakly
I suppose so.
Disagree strongly
I totally disagree.
5 Before I became the team leader, I didn’t need to 5.1 -ing form and infinitive with to
set other people’s goals.
Audio GR5.1
Audio GR3.2b 1 They finished filming in January.
1 In my present job I can set my own goals. 2 I don’t feel like going out tonight.
2 Employees can’t make personal calls while at 3 I ran five kilometres without stopping.
work. 4 We agreed to meet at 6.30.
3 At school we could choose which foreign 5 Carole chose not to go to the party as she had a
languages we studied. I chose German and job interview the next day.
5.2 Time expressions with present
4 Women couldn’t study to become doctors in the
perfect and past simple
UK until 1876.
Audio GR5.2
4.1 will/be going to for predictions 1 Marco’s eaten three bars of chocolate so far
and decisions today.
Audio GR4.1a He’ll be sick.
1 Climate change will cause huge problems. 2 A When did you arrive?
2 Soon there won’t be space in cities for all the B We’ve been here since Tuesday.
people who want to live in them. 3 A Have you ever been to Egypt?
3 Look at the traffic! It’s going to take a long time to B Yes, I went about four years ago. It was
get there. fantastic.
5 The Pyramids in Egypt are some of the oldest 2 The burglar might have escaped if the alarm
buildings in the world. hadn’t gone off.