SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) (Third Amendement) Regulation, 2012 On July 20, 2024
SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) (Third Amendement) Regulation, 2012 On July 20, 2024
SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) (Third Amendement) Regulation, 2012 On July 20, 2024
SEBI, vide Notification dated July 11, 2024, has amended the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds)
Regulations, 2012, whereby a new Chapter III-D regarding ‘Migrated Venture Capital Funds’ has been
A 'Migrated Venture Capital Fund' refers to a fund previously registered under the SEBI (Venture
Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996, which has subsequently re-registered under the current regulations
as a sub-category of Venture Capital Fund within Category I - Alternative Investment Fund. The
introduction of these regulations aims to facilitate and encourage Venture Capital Funds, previously
registered under the SEBI (Venture Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996, to transition and be governed
by the new regulations, thereby being classified as a sub-category of Venture Capital Fund under
Category I - Alternative Investment Fund.
The key provisions in this new Chapter III-D include (a) defining the term ‘migrated venture capital
fund’, (b) outlining its eligibility criteria, (c) establishing the procedure for granting a certificate of
registration, (d) specifying investment conditions and criteria, (e) tenure, (f) listing requirements
and (g) record maintenance obligations.
1. The applicant has a certificate of registration as a Venture Capital Fund under SEBI (VCF)
3. The applicant has furnished the required information as specified by the Board;
4. The applicant has no pending investor complaints about non-receipt of funds or securities for
any of its schemes whose assets are not liquidated on the date of application;
5. No scheme launched by the applicant has an investment from an investor of less than Rs 5 lakh.
6. Each scheme launched by the applicant has a firm commitment from the investors for a
contribution of an amount not below Rs 5 crores before the start of operations by the applicant.
1. issue a placement memorandum containing details of the terms and conditions under which
funds are proposed to be raised from investors or
2. enter into a contribution or subscription agreement with investors specifying the terms and
conditions for raising funds.
Also, the migrated venture capital fund must file a copy of the placement memorandum, or a
copy of the contribution or subscription agreement entered into with investors with the Board,
along with a report of money collected from the investors, for informational purposes.
1. the migrated venture capital fund must not invest more than 25% corpus of the fund in a single
venture capital undertaking.
2. the migrated venture capital fund may invest in securities of companies incorporated outside
India subject to such conditions or guidelines that may be issued by RBI and the Board from
time to time.
3. The migrated venture capital fund must not invest in the associated companies and must invest
according to the prescribed criteria.
1. at least 2/3rdof the investable funds must be invested in unlisted equity shares or equity-linked
instruments of venture capital undertaking
2. not more than 1/3rdof the investable funds may be invested by way of
subscription to the IPO of a venture capital undertaking whose shares are proposed to be
Investment in special purpose vehicles (SPV) created by a venture capital fund for the purpose
of facilitating or promoting investment.
These amendments mark a significant step towards providing flexibility and regulatory clarity for
migrated venture capital funds. They facilitate a smooth and cost-effective migration from VCF to AIF
Regulations, ensuring that certain flexibilities under VCF regulations continue to apply to migrated
VCFs to avoid any adverse impact on investment activities. In case, existing venture capital funds do
not get re-registered under these new Regulations, they shall face increased scrutiny and reporting
requirements. Further, no regulatory costs in the form of re-registration or migration fees will be
levied on the VCFs for this migration. However, the application fee may still be leviable.