2 The Journal of Robotics Art I
2 The Journal of Robotics Art I
2 The Journal of Robotics Art I
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Drones and Urban Air Mobility
in the President's Budget
Jennifer L. Richter and Mark Aitken*
This article highlights some of the proposed financial resources that the
Department of Transportation, the FederalAviation Administration, and
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are askingfor to help
them move alongintegrationof unmanned aircraftsystems into the National
Airspace System and help make urban air mobility a reality.
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law / September-October 2019, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 357-366.
0 2019 Full Court Press. All rights reserved.
ISSN 2575-5633 (print)/ISSN 2575-5617 (online)
358 The Journalof Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law [ 2:357
FA Operatons
Unm anned Aircraf Systems
To safely integrate UAS into our nation's busy airspace,
$63.1 million, an increase of $12 million, is requested. This effort
spans offices across the agency, including:
FA Facd i s nd Euprnent
Unmanned Ak raf Systems: Traffic Mana ement
To help develop an Unmanned Traffic Management system, a
separate but complementary system to the Air Traffic Management
system, $130.8 million is requested. This investment will include
development of technology to track approved UAS flight plans,
development of technology to distinguish UAS operators with
approved flight plans from those that do not, evaluation of technol-
ogy that will support smart collection and dissemination of data
to Unmanned Traffic System service providers, and cybersecurity
and data integrity work for UAS networks.
360 The Journalof Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law [ 2:357
tions companies and investors. Mark Aitken was a senior policy advisor at
Akin Gump.
1. For more details and the broader DOT, FAA, and NASA FY 2020 bud-
get requests, see the complete documents here: U.S. DOT Budget Highlights
2020 (https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/mission/bud
get/333126/budgethighlightsO3O719final518pm25082.pdf); NASA FY 2020
Mission Fact Sheets (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/
fy2020_missionfactsheets.pdf); Federal Aviation Administration Budget
Estimates Fiscal Year 2020 (https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/