English Research
English Research
English Research
Discrimination against LGBT. They face legal, social, and economic barriers. Including
limitations on marrige, employment, housing health care, and social stigma leading to
violence. Many Countries lack legal protection for LGBT people and they face additional
poverty, homelessness, physical and mental health problems, on their quality of life.
The good news many people and organizations working to combat discrimination agaist
the LGBT community in the united states, the Supreme Court has ruled that workplace
states cities, and private organizations that LGBT individuals have access to the same
This study provides a brief overview the discrimination faced by the LGBT community
Worldwide. Despite progress in legalizing same – sex marriage and promoting indusivity,
Discrimination persist in various forms. LGBT individuals are vulnerable to social stigma,
Hate crimes, and discrimination in the workplace, housing, healthcare, and education.
Transgender individuals face additional obstacles such as legal and bureaucratic hurdles
To change their gender identity, harassment, and violence. Discrimination can also result
Have been made, but much work remains to ensure everyone can love their lives free from
Research problem
1.)How does someone know they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?
The objective of Research on discrimination against 2GOT community can vary depending
On the specific context and goals of the study. However, some possible Objectives of such
1.)To measure the prevalence and nature experienced by LGBT Individuals in different
Contexts (eg, e.g, workplace, school, health care, housing) and across different
2.) To identify the factors that contribute to discrimination against LGBT individuals, such
3.)To explore the psychological and social effect of discrimination on LGBT individuals,
How to create more inclusive and Supportive environments for LGBT individuals·
Discrimination against the LGBT community is caused by long- standing societal attitudes
And beliefs that result in negative stereotypes and prejudices. This can lead to various
Forms of discrimination, including exclusion from employment housing, and social services,
As well as harassment. Physical violence, and hate crimes. These attitudes May Have their
LGBT individuals are conservative or restrictive cultural norms. Acceptance or support for
Factors such as a lack of legal protections. Limited access to education and information
About LGBT Louse, and limited representation in the media and public discourse.
Discrimination may be prevalent in communities where individuals are less likely to openly
Express their sexual orientation or gender identity leading to feelings of isolation and
Significance of the study
Can help you think more deeply about your sense of self and your
Safer environment.
Philosophical theories
A) Thomas Hobbes. – Social Contract Theory: According to this theory, discrimination against
The LGBTQ+ community can be understood through the lens of the social contract
Between individuals and society. Discrimination arises when societal norms, values, and
Institutions reflect the biases, prejudices, and ignorance of the majority. In this
Perspective, discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community occurs because the dominant
Group has established a social contract that excludes or marginalizes sexual and gender
Minorities. Advocates of this theory argue for reevaluating and renegotiating the social
Contract to include principles of equality, fairness, and respect for all individuals,
Maximizing overall happiness and well-being for the greatest number of people. From a
Causes harm and reduces the overall happiness and well-being of sexual and gender
Minorities. Discrimination can lead to social exclusion, psychological distress, and limited
Utilitarian thinkers argue that society should strive for equal treatment and acceptance of
C) Jacques Derrida. – Postmodernism and Queer Theory: Postmodernism and queer theory
Challenge the traditional norms, categories, and binaries that underpin discrimination
Against the LGBTQ+ community. These theories argue that discrimination arises from a
Rigid and hierarchical understanding of gender and sexuality, which imposes oppressive
Norms and restricts individual expressions and identities. Postmodernism and queer theory
Advocate for deconstructing these norms and embracing the diversity and fluidity of
Gender and sexuality. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and celebrating the
Discriminatory practices, and creating spaces where all individuals can express themselves
Data Collection
The data we collected is from the lgbt members and from different grade level, most of
Their answers are the same just like the question #1, their answer are about feelings or
Feeling comfortable. Most of our questions are easy to understand, in question #2, 3 and 4
Most of their answers are just yes, maybe yes, probably yes. Their answers in question #5
Is about how people discriminate, don’t like them, like harassing them and how they
Suffered from this discrimination, harassment and abused not only other people their own
Family members and in school too. That’s all the data we’ve collected.
Data Analysis
The data collected from the LGBT members about feelings, feelings of comfort and how
People and people close to them discriminate, harass, and abused them. Their answers are
Easy to understand and it tells us that they have suffered and still keep living and not
Female which it’s a trans, gays who likes men, lesbian who likes a
Person with same gender and its female, bisexual who likes both
Gender male and female. People disgust LGBT and not accepting
Been present in societies across the world for many years. This
Diversity. Only then can we work towards a more just and equitable
Gender identity.
https://www.hrc.org/resources/discrimi nation-against-lgbt-people-in-the-workplace
National LGBT Task Force. (2012).Injustice at every turn: A report of the national transgender