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Zeolite Scottland

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Earth Sci. Res. SJ. Vol. 16, No. 1 (June, 2012): 41 - 53


Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province
on the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Juan Manuel Triana R.1, Javier Francisco Herrera R.1, Carlos Alberto Ríos R.1*, Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A.2, José Antonio Henao M.3,
Craig D. Williams4 and Clive L. Roberts4

Escuela de Geología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Programa de Geología, Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia
Grupo de Investigación en Química Estructural (GIQUE), Escuela de Química - Universidad Industrial de Santander
School of Applied Sciences, University of Wolverhampton, England
Corresponding author. E-mail: carios@uis.edu.co

Keywords: natural zeolite, amygdale, vein, basaltic rock, Isle
of Skye.
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in tertiary basaltic host rocks on the Isle of Skye (NW Scotland)
have been studied in some detail by transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray
diffraction techniques. The zeolites and associated minerals so identified in order of their relative time of for-
mation from early to late were nontronite, amorphous silica phases, carbonate phases, chabazite, phillipsite,
wairakite, thomsonite, analcime, natrolite and stilbite-type minerals. Zeolite formation in the Skye basalts
began with low Si/Al ratio Na zeolites and a gradual increase in Ca content and Si/Al ratio, ending up as Ca
zeolites. They were probably formed as a consequence of late-stage hydrothermal activity, although, locally,
contact metamorphism may control the process of zeolite formation.

Palabras claves: zeolita natural, amígdala, vena, roca basáltica,
Isla de Skye.
Las zeolitas naturales como relleno en amígdalas y venas que ocurren en rocas basálticas Terciarias de la Isla
de Skye (NW Escocia) han sido estudiadas en detalle por técnicas de microscopía de luz transmitida, mi-
croscopía electrónica de barrido y difracción de rayos X. Las zeolitas y los minerales asociados identificados,
en orden de su tiempo relativo de formación, son nontronita, fases de sílice amorfa, carbonatos, chabazita,
filipsita, wairakita, thomsonita, analcima, natrolita y minerales tipo estilbita. La formación de zeolitas en
los basaltos de Skye comenzó con una zeolita rica en Na de baja relación Si/Al y con el aumento gradual Record
en el contenido de Ca y Si/Al, terminó con una zeolita rica en Ca. Estas probablemente se formaron como
consecuencia de una actividad hidrotermal tardía, aunque localmente un metamorfismo de contacto pudo Manuscript received: 16/12/2011
controlar el proceso de formación de las zeolitas. Accepted for publications: 25/05/2012

Introduction diagenesis in areas of high heat flow caused by active geothermal systems
(Weisenberger and Selbekk, 2008). Zeolites, as products of hydrothermal
Zeolites are formed during aqueous fluids reaction with rocks in a va- crystallisation, are generally known from active volcanic rock- associ-
riety of geological environments (Breck, 1974; Gottardi and Galli, 1985; ated geothermal systems. Very little work has been published on zeolite
Weisenberger, 2009). Most zeolite became formed during diagenetic pro- occurrences related to late stage pegmatite crystallisation (Orlandi and
cesses in sedimentary rocks (including volcaniclastic deposits) which can Scortecci, 1985) in hydrothermal ore veins (Deer et al., 2004) as alteration
be grouped into several geological environments or hydrological systems products along fault planes (Vincent and Ehlig, 1988) and in hydrother-
(Hay and Sheppard, 2001), such as hydrologically open systems (Hay and mal fractures and veins in granites and gneisses (Weisenberger and Bucher,
Sheppard, 2001), hydrologically closed systems (Langella et al., 2001), soil 2010). Zeolites are crystalline, microporous, hydrated aluminosilicates of
and surficial deposits (Ming and Mumpton, 1989), deep marine sediments alkaline or alkaline earth metals. The framework consists of [SiO4]4− and
(Boles and Coombs, 1977) and marine sediments from arc-source terrains [AlO4]5− tetrahedra, which corner-share to form open structures; such
(Boles and Coombs, 1977). Zeolites occurring in volcanic lava flow cavi- tetrahedra are linked to each other by sharing all of the oxygen to form
ties are formed either during lava pile burial metamorphism (Neuhoff et interconnected cages and channels containing mobile water molecules and
al., 1999), continental basalts’ hydrothermal alteration (Walker, 1960) or alkali and/or alkaline earth cations (Breck, 1974; Barrer, 1978; Gottardi
42 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

and Galli, 1985; Szoztak, 1998). Zeolites have been widely used as cata- Series (Thompson, 1982; Stuart et al., 2000; Fowler et al., 2004). The sam-
lysts, adsorbents and ion exchangers in many technical applications due to pling strategy consisted of taking samples containing natural zeolites and
their exceptional properties (Breck, 1974; Booker et al., 1996; Dixit and other secondary minerals filling in amygdales and veins from several out-
Prasada, 1998; Misaelides, 2011; Loiola et al., 2012). They have become crops in fresh road cuts and new quarries along the roads. Petrographical
worthy of being called the mineral of the future several countries around and microscopy studies were made of specimens of zeolite-bearing rocks to
the world have made significant progress in the exploring and exploiting identify mineral species; this led to clarifying and confirming field observa-
of this mineral. However, only a few of the natural zeolites in the world are tions. A trinocular Nikon (Labophot2-POL) transmitted light microscope
found in sufficient quantities and having the purity required by industry. was used to observe the minerals’ optical properties in thin sections. The
The U.S. Geological Survey has reported natural zeolites’ worldwide oc- mineral phases’ morphological features were examined in a scanning elec-
currence in the USA, Japan, Korea, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania, tron microscope (ZEISS EVO50), using the following analytical condi-
Hungary, Russia, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Italy, Germany, Turkey and tions: 1 nA I probe, 20.00 kV EHT, 100 μA beam current, Signal A=SE1,
China, the latter having the greatest worldwide production. Clinoptilo- WD=8.0 mm. Natural zeolites’ X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were
lite, mordenite, heulandite, chabazite, phillipsite and laumontite are some recorded with a Rigaku D/max 3B diffractometer operating in Bragg-
of the more than 40 known natural zeolites occurring in reasonably high Brentano geometry with Cu-1 radiation ( = 1.5406 Å) at 40 kV and 20
quantities and purity. This study was aimed at recognising natural zeolites mA and a graphite monochromator. Scan parameters were 0.02o step size,
filling amygdales and veins in tertiary basaltic host rocks on the Isle of Skye 12 s dwell time and 2–70o 2 range. The Hanawalt method was used for
(NW Scotland) for their mineralogical characterisation and determining phase identification using the International Centre for Diffraction Data’s
the sequence of zeolite formation of and that of associated minerals. (ICDD) crystallographic database powder diffraction file (PDF-2).

Field sampling and analytical methods Geological setting of the Isle of Skye

A University of Wolverhampton (England) research team was in- The Isle of Skye in Scotland covering 1,656 km2 is the largest, most
volved in reconnaissance fieldwork on the Isle of Skye (Scotland) during northerly island in the Inner Hebrides. It is located on the north-west coast
autumn 2008. Fieldwork was primarily focused on localities presenting of the Scottish Highlands, bounded on the north by the North Minch (an
excellent examples of natural zeolites in spillites from the Skye Main Lava Atlantic sea channel between the Outer Hebrides islands to the west and the

Figure 1. Left, general sketch where the Isle of Skye is located. Right, simplified geological map of the Isle of Skye
(adapted and modified from Emeleus and Gyopari, 1992). The sampling sites are indicated by black circles.
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province on the Isle of Skye, Scotland 43

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (h)

Figure 2. The Isle of Skye’s geomorphological features (see text for details).

mainland of Scotland to the east), on the west by the Little Minch (a channel Ma. There is also no evidence of the sequence being affected by the 1300-
between the Isle of Skye and the outer Hebrides), to the south by the Sea 1000 Ma Grenville orogeny (Strachan et al., 2002), suggesting an early Neo-
of the Hebrides and to the east by Scotland (Figure 1). The Isle of Skye has proterozoic sedimentation age. Radiometric dating of micas from deformed
a series of peninsulas. Trotternish to the north-east, Sleat to the south-west pegmatites provided the first evidence of a Precambrian metamorphic event
and Strathraird, Minginish, Duirinish and Waternish to the west. Britain’s of 690-750 Ma (Giletti et al., 1961). The Torridonian sequence describes a
best ancient landscape is exposed in the Trotternish peninsula. Fractures in series of Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks, including sandstones, arkoses
the basalt blocks allowed the fall of the main body of lava to slip and rotate and shales having coarse conglomerates locally at the base. Radiometric ages
on the soft sedimentary rocks below, eventually sliding down the hill to form from the Torridonian sequence itself give ages ranging from c. 1200-950 Ma
the Quiraing, Old Man of Storr, the Needle and many other features in a (Park et al., 2010). The north-western Duirinish, Waternish and Trotternish
quite particular landscape. Geologically, the Isle of Skye is divided into three peninsulas are composed of Jurassic sediments covered by plateau basalts
provinces: the south-east Sleat Peninsula, the north-west peninsulas and the which erupted from dikes and fissures during the earliest Tertiary time, c.
Red Hills and Cuillin Hills (Figure 1). The oldest rocks (3.000 Ma old Lewi- 62 Ma ago (Drury et al., 1976). The latter can be classified as continental
sian Complex) on Skye are found on the Sleat Peninsula (Goodenough and flood basalts (CFBs), which appear to have been erupted in a subaerial en-
Bradwell, 2004). The Lewisian Complex mainly consists of grayish gneiss vironment, as indicated by the tectonic environment of continental flood
although it also encompasses quartzites, marbles, graphitic schists and am- basalt provinces and characteristic continental flood basalt lava flows (Gar-
phibolites, which are thought have been formed from a wide variety of even ner, 1996). White and McKenzie (1989) have stated that the eruption of
older igneous and sedimentary rocks whose original composition and struc- continental flood basalts requires both a mantle source having abnormally
ture became modified by the effects of heat and intense pressure deep in high potential temperatures, together with high stretching factors typical
the earth’s crust (Gibbons and Harris, 1994). Lewisian complex’ rocks were of advanced stages of continental extension. Horizontal flows built up on
caught up during the Caledonian orogeny, and they appear in the hang- top of each other to a height of around 2,000 ft. The rocks have since been
ing walls of the thrust faults formed during the late stages of this tectonic eroded by rivers and ice, leaving flat-capped hills and stepped plateau in
event (Whitehouse and Bridgwater, 2001). These rocks form the basement the north-west. Spectacular landslides in Trotternish caused by Paleogene
on which the Moine Supergroup and Torridonian sediments were deposited. age lava falling away from weaker sediments underneath have produced a
The Moine Supergroup consists of a thick and extensive sequence of Neo- unique landscape. The spectacular alpine scenery results from the exposed
proterozoic siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks, dominated by psammites plutons of red granite (Red Hills) having 54±3 Ma Rb-Sr ages (Moorbath
with subordinate pelites (Mendum et al., 2008). The complete lack of fossils and Bell, 1965) and dark gabbro (the Cuillin) intruded 54-62 Ma ago (Ferry
is consistent with a Precambrian age for the sequence; this is also shown by et al., 1987). Such intrusions are thus slightly younger than the plateau ba-
the age of the earliest known intrusions that cut the sequence, dated at c. 870 salts. These rocks form the highest and most rugged mountain scenery on
44 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

the island. Gillen (2003) has provided a comprehensive treatment of the tigraphy has been established by using deep weathering profiles and fluvial
geology of the fascinating scenery of Scotland, including the Isle of Skye, to lacustrine sedimentary intercalations which developed during hiatuses
having a landscape that has been studied by geologists and geographers from in volcanism (Thompson, 1982). These rocks predominantly consist of
the beginnings of geology as a science. Skye has periglacial cliffs, remote transitional to alkaline and tholeiitic lava flows on top of the sequence
beaches, lakes, irregular rock peaks, steep rocky hills, high peaks and varied erupted c. 58 Ma ago (Bell and Jolley, 1997; Hamilton et al., 1998). The
geomorphology. Erosion has been the main force in shaping the current importance of the town of Portree is its exposure through the Beinn Edra
landscape, particularly erosion by ice when glaciers covered most of Skye. It Group which forms the basis of the Skye Main Lava Series (Emeleus and
highlights the presence of the most rugged mountains in Britain, the impos- (2) Gyopari, 1992). At least 24 lava flows have been recognised by Anderson
ing Cuillin. More gentle hills are scattered across the island and the long and Dunham (1966), which accumulated after being subjected to deep
Trotternish summit in the north has a series of landslides on its eastern flank. weathering in wet, warm tropical or subtropical conditions (Emeleus and
The coast has steep cliffs caused by weathering (perhaps the most impressive Gyopari, 1992). A central intrusive complex having four major centres
in Britain), sea stacks, caves, arches and waterfalls (Townsend, 2001). Figure of activity represented by multiple intrusions developed in succession as
2 illustrates characteristic landforms on the Isle of Skye. Figure 2a shows the the focus of igneous activity moved progressively eastward at the end of
typical morphology of a glacial valley at Loch Slapin Bay. Macleod’s Tables the period of flood basalt volcanism (Fowler et al., 2004). From west to
are two curious flat-topped hills which are prominent in views from many east, these are the Cuillin centre, the Srath na Creitheach centre, and the
parts of Skye (Figure 2b); they consist of two plateaus, Healabhal Mhor Western and Eastern Red Hills centres (Bell, 1976; Emeleus and Gyopari,
(MacLeod’s Plateau North) and Healabhal Bheag (MacLeod’ s Plateau 1992). The Cuillin centre is a composite confluent intrusion ranging in
South). Figure 2c shows the waterfall at the Kilt Rock which is the geomor- composition from peridotite to gabbro (Stuart et al., 2000). Although they
phological expression of the Little Minch Sill Complex on the top of the post-date most basalts, the Cuillin intrusive complex is most likely coeval
Skye Main Lava Series. The view is of the cliff face to the north which shows with the latest Skye Main Lava Series tholeiitic basalt flows. Dickin and
good columnar jointing and there are also complete columns which have Exley (1981) reported an age of 59.3±0.07 Ma for the youngest Cuillin
fallen on to the beach. A typical depositional coastal landform is represented centre intrusion, the Coire Uaigneich Granophyre. The Srath na Crei-
by a sandy beach (Figure 2d). Talisker Bay is one of the most long-standing theach centre is small and poorly documented and consists of volcanicla-
and best-known sites on the Isle of Skye, partly due to being one of the more stic breccias, post-dating the Cuillin centre but pre-dating the Red Hills
accessible of the Skye Main Lava Series and, more importantly, to the bay’s granites (Trewin, 2003). The southern part of the Isle of Skye is dominated
sea stack, the Heddle’s Stack (Figure 2e). The Old Man of Storr is a slipped by the Red Hills alkali granites. Age determinations have been reported
rock pinnacle (Figure 2f); the basalt lavas that make up the Old Man and the as 58.7±0,9 Ma for the Loch Ainort granite (Western Red Hills centre)
rock face behind it are clearly in layers representing different lava flows. The and 53.5±0,9 Ma for the Beinn an Dubhaich granite (Eastern Red Hills
Cuillin represents the deeply eroded roots of large volcanoes active some 60 centre) (Dickin, 1981). The presence of hybrid bodies in the Western and
Ma ago (Figure 2g). Sgurr Alasdair is the highest point of the Cuilli hills and Eastern Red Hills centres suggests that basaltic magma was available dur-
the Isle of Skye (3,255 ft). The Quiraing is a landslip on the eastern face of ing granitic centre formation (Fowler et al., 2004). Further evidence of this
Meall na Suiramach, the northernmost summit of the Trotternish Ridge on is the intrusion of mafic to intermediate cone sheets and dykes throughout
the Isle of Skye (Figure 2h). Distinctive features of this landscape include the the history of the central complex, which are coeval with many of the
Needle (a jagged 120 ft high landmark pinnacle), the Table (a flat grassy area above Cuillin rocks (Emeleus and Gyopari, 1992). According to Emeleus
slipped down from the summit plateau) and the Prison (a pyramidal rocky and Gyopari (1992), the Cuillin centre’s gabbros and peridotites were cut
peak which can look like a medieval keep when viewed from the right angle). by numerous basaltic cone-sheets and subsequently by Red Hills’ granites.
Loch Dunvegan is a sea loch on the west coast of the Isle of Skye (Figure 2i). The central complexes thus record varied intrusive sequences in which ba-
saltic and granitic magmas have been intimately associated.
Natural zeolite-bearing rocks at the Skye igneous centre
Field occurrence of natural zeolites in spillites from the Skye
The Skye igneous centre forms part of the British Tertiary Igneous Main Lava Series
Province manifest as a series of voluminous mafic to silicic magmatism in
mainland western Scotland and the offshore Hebridean islands associated The occurrence of different zeolites and other secondary minerals
with the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean (Saunders et al., 1997). from the Skye Main Lava Series and their frequency are not homogeneous
The plutonic complexes and associated lava fields were produced between and their spatial distribution is directly controlled by host rock’s chemical
58 and 62 Ma ago (Hamilton et al., 1998). The igneous rocks exposed on composition and local hydrothermal conditions (Weisenberger and Spür-
the Isle of Skye represent the eroded remains of one of the major igneous gin, 2009). Host rock porosity controls the fluid/rock interaction. Descrip-
centres along the western shore of Scotland. Stuart et al., (2000) have de- tions of zeolite appearance, occurrence and textural relationships are given
scribed the Tertiary igneous rocks on the Isle of Skye in detail, including below. Some very small amounts of zeolite-like species still require further
the following units: Little Minch Sill Complex, Skye Main Lava Series, investigation regarding their characterisation. Outcrops containing zeolites
Red Hills Granites and Cuillin Complex and Broadford Gabbro. The mostly correspond to transitional to alkaline basalts differing in colour, de-
Little Minch Sill Complex became emplaced into Middle Jurassic sedi- gree of weathering and content and distribution of amygdales and veins
ments underlying the Skye Main Lava Series, although intrusive relation- now filled with zeolites. Spillitic basalts (making up most outcrops) are
ships suggest that it is marginally younger than the lavas (Gibson, 1990). dark gray with zeolites developed in randomly arranged veins and cavities.
Gibson and Jones (1991) have stated that is composed of both single and A zeolite occurrence was found in a basalt quarry near Dunvegan where
multiple sills, represented by three main, genetically related units: picrite, zeolites occur in scarce, elongated amygdales having considerable sizes up
picrodolerite and crinanite (analcime-rich dolerite); these are the result of to 10 cm (Figure 3a) hosted by columnar basalts usually showing a red-
the differentiation of an alkali-olivine basalt magma in an upper-crustal brown weathering surface (Figure 3b), as observed in the small village of
magma chamber. The eastern side of Trotternish Peninsula is characterised Dunans. Gray spillitic basalts with zeolites developed in irregularly shaped
by a series of dolerite sills; the best known being the Kilt Rock. The Skye cavities in contact with a floor of red laterite overlain by highly vesicular
Main Lava Series crops out in north and west-central Skye, covering 1500 basalts without zeolites having a light brown weathering surface occur in
km2 (over 1200 m and with a cumulative thickness). Each lava field’s stra- the same village (Figure 3c). The red laterite is formed by the deep weath-
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province on the Isle of Skye, Scotland 45

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 3. Outcrop-scale features illustrating the occurrence of zeolite-bearing basalts and associated rocks from the Skye Main Lava Series (see text for details).

ering of the upper layers of lava flows before the next one had erupted. Petrographical analysis
In some cases, contact between spillitic lava flows marks a contrast in the
degree of weathering, colour and development of layering, reddish-brown Figure 4 shows zeolite’s general macroscopic characteristics, as seen in
meaning a greater degree of weathering and vesicular random distribution, the field. Zeolites appear filling cavities in a non-uniform way; sometimes
which apparently contain a smaller amount of zeolite amygdales. A typical they just line cavities and sometimes they fill them completely. They are
example of zeolite occurrence in amygdales can be observed at Talisker associated with other secondary minerals such as amorphous silica, cal-
Point (Figure 3d). The degree of these dark gray spillitic basalts’ weathering cite and nontronite. Amygdales have a spheroid, ellipsoidal or irregular
is low near the Quiraing, eventually reaching cavities containing zeolites shape; they usually appear in separate units but locally coalesce with each
to become concentrated so that they develop a banding (Figure 3e). Zeo- other (Figures 4a-4b). They are usually about 0.5-1.5 cm in diameter but
lites occur in veins at Treaslane, a small remote scattered crofting hamlet could locally reach up to 10 cm. Drusy amygdales, having a partial filling,
overlooking the western entrance to Loch Treaslane; they may be parallel may exhibit various types of zeolite material, a certain amount of crystals
or develop stockworks (Figure 3f ). Sometimes massive green basalts out- having well-defined faces in the centre of the cavity and massive granular
crop in contact with highly weathered gray to red spillitic basalts having aggregates with vitreous luster covering the walls of the cavity (Figures 4c-
spheroidal weathering can be observed near the Quiraing (Figure 3g). One 4f ). A combination of irregular and large amygdales ranging from 1.0 mm
of these contacts in particular shows a dolerite sill along the plane of con- to 1.0 cm and having a massive appearance contrasts with vesicles lacking
tact. Veins containing zeolite material appear in some surfaces of spillitic any kind of padding. Radial aggregates of zeolites with vitreous luster usu-
basalts parallel to the lava flow (up to 3 cm thickness) or transverse to it in ally occur in irregular amygdales of variable shape and size, some up to
several directions. When there are many veins they develop as stockworks 5.0 mm in diameter being semi-spherical and others up to 1.2 cm being
(rock masses very interpenetrated by small veins) which, in some sectors, spherical (Figures 4g-4h). Zeolites also occur in fibrous aggregates, partly
have a brecciated appearance. Veins thickness is not uniform. The veins or completely filling spheroid, ellipsoidal or irregular amygdales (Figure
described above are present in basalts having spheroidal weathering, pro- 4i). Irregular to ellipsoidal shaped amygdales (up to 2.0 cm) may be com-
duced through perpendicular joint systems. Columnar basalts falling right pletely filled by crystals, revealing the occurrence of at least two zones: a
to the sea in horizontal rock formations resulting from the lava flows’ rapid fibrous lining in the outer part of the cavity wall and a fibrous interior
cooling may be observed at Allt Luig Mhóir (Figure 3h). Locally, dolerite padding. Moreover, amygdales whether spheroid, elongated or irregular
dikes cutting spillitic basalts appear smaller and are easily visible at Allt shaped may have a well-defined layer of fibrous material that only occurs
Coir’ a Ghabhainn (Figure 3i). No discernible chilling is seen towards their in the outer part of the cavity wall. In some cases, a zoning zeolite distribu-
margins, but the presence of zeolite-filled cavities (amygdales) is common tion can be distinguished; fibrous zeolite phases displaying a silky luster in
in a number of the dykes (Bell, 1984). the outer part of the cavity wall and granular zeolite phases having a glassy
46 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 4. Macroscopic scale features illustrating the occurrence of several types of zeolites in amygdales and veins (see text for details).

luster as an interior padding. A different zeolite occurrence can be ob- colourless crystals which can be confused with analcime. Thomsonite var-
served in veins traversing basalts; these veins are up to several centimetres ies in habit showing bladed crystals, spherulites, radial crystal groups and
thick and can be as much as a few meters long. Zeolites are white with silky rich coatings mainly made up of small crystals, although it sometimes has
luster and show a predominance of fibrous aggregates although these can a fibrous nature. Analcime appears as vitreous and granular well-formed
intergrow with acicular and radial aggregates (Figures 4j-4l). It is some- trapezohedral crystals which are often colourless and sometimes white.
times difficult to identify the type of aggregate due to the diversity of vary- Natrolite is generally beige to white, either massive or forming radiating
ingly shaped and sized minerals. Cross-linked aggregates intergrown with fibres and shows a more glassy brightness than mesolite, which is generally
tabular aggregates can be distinguished in some veins, whereas only tabu- milky white and fibrous, having larger fibres than those of natrolite. Stil-
lar, radiated and yellowish-white aggregates can be recognized in others. bite commonly occurs as vitreous sheaves or plates, ranging from colour-
Most zeolites are relatively coarse-grained and easily identifiable. However, less to green to white.
they sometimes occur as fine-grained aggregates, which are very difficult Figure 5 illustrates the main microscopic features of the zeolites in-
to identify. Zeolytic phases and associated secondary minerals in basalts vestigated here and associated mineral phases. The vesicles and fractures
were sequentially deposited from the outer wall to the centre of amygdales in basalts were gradually filled up with secondary minerals, developing
and veins. Chabazite is usually vitreous and colourless to pink. It is cubic amygdales and veins usually showing mineral zoning distribution though,
to rhombohedral. However, other more complex forms also occur, mainly in some cases, they were not completely filled. Figure 5a gives an example
developing regularly twinned crystal intergrowths. Phillipsite is uncom- of the occurrence of a mixed layer of celadonite (Fe-rich mica) and non-
mon and is normally the sole occupant of vesicles. Wairakite is generally tronite (Fe-rich smectite) and vesicles commonly lined by these mineral
vitreous with well-formed pseudo-octahedral to pseudo-icositetrahedral phases. Celadonite is usually green and botroidal and has fibrous sphe-
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province on the Isle of Skye, Scotland 47

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 5. Cross-polarised light (XPL) photomicrographs of the occurrence of several types of zeolites in amygdales and veins (see text for details).

roidal morphology, having detectable striated birefringence under crossed with acute ends and diamond-shaped cross-section, having low relief and
nicols. Nontronite is typically brown in transmitted light and does not low refraction index. Stilbite occurs as idiomorphic, tabular crystals form-
have a discernable structure except for banding parallel to the cavity wall. ing sheaf-shaped aggregates. It is colourless and shows interference colours
It occasionally exhibits geopetal features. The vesicles are sometimes lined of the middle of the first order. Natrolite associated to chabazite occurs
by Fe-oxyhydroxides (Figure 5b), displaying similar morphology to that toward the centre of an irregular amygdale (Figure 5g). It develops fan-like
described for the celadonite-nontronite mixed layer. Figure 5c shows a aggregates of acicular crystals having a moderate yellowish birefringence.
composite vein characterized by the occurrence of analcime- and thom- The optical properties making it clearly distinguishable from other zeo-
sonite-associated quartz and calcite. Chalcedony shows a banded struc- lites are the extinction of the fibres parallel to its length between crossed
ture, consisting of innumerable cryptocrystalline silica grains. It occurs nicols and the absence of an optical figure in convergent polarised light.
as parallel fibres or in radial or spherulytic aggregates. Chabazite shows a Mesolite, scolecite and thomsonite can occur as overgrowths on natrolite.
typical rhombohedral habit, sometimes having angles about 90° between Figure 5h illustrates the association between thomsonite and chabazite.
their faces. It is colourless and presents dark-grey almost black interference Thomsonite occurs as fibrous radial aggregates, which are colourless in
colours and symmetrical extinction (Figure 5d). Analcime occurs as white plane polarised light and show first order gray in crossed nicols. Mesolite
trapezohedral crystals, low birrefringence, optical zoning and penetration occurs as long fibrous to acicular crystals grouped in radial aggregates.
twinning, and it sometimes occurs along with fibrous natrolite radial ag- Scolecite usually occurs as acicular (needle-like) and fibrous aggregates. At
gregates (Figure 5e). Figure 5f shows an intergrowth between large lau- least two varieties of fan or radial aggregates of fibrous zeolites occur to-
montite crystals and twinned stilbite crystals. Laumontite was determined gether as illustrated by Figure 5i (natrolite epitaxial growth on thomsonite)
taking into account the following optical properties: prismatic crystals and Figure 5j (natrolite and gonnardite epitaxial growth on thomsonite).
48 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 6. Scanning electron microscope images illustrating morphological features regarding several types of zeolites filling amygdales and veins (see text for details).
Ana, analcime; Cha, chabazite; Nat, natrolite; Non, nontronite; Tho, thomsonite.

Figure 5k shows the occurrence of neddle-like crystals of thomsonite along right angles (Figures 6e) Figure 6f gives an example of complexly-twinned
with botroidal and fibrous spheroidal Fe-oxyhydroxides. A fibrous and re- (phacolitic) chabazite crystals, showing streaks parallel to the edges of the
ticulate aggregate which is transparent to translucent having a variety of crystal. Natrolite occurring as groups of randomly oriented acicular crystals
colours ranging from white to yellow to reddish gray, can be attributed to associated with trapezohedral analcime crystals is illustrated in Figure 6g.
levyne (Figure 5l). This zeolite has a moderate relief, low refractive index Nontronite occurs as fine-grained random aggregates of flaky crystals along
and is presented as the only infill in certain amygdales. with trapezohedral analcime crystals (Figure 6h). Thomsonite appears as
long tabular crystals (up to 1.5 mm in length) arranged in fan-shaped or
Scanning electron microscopy radial divergent aggregates (can be completely closed taking on a spherical
appearance) as shown in Figures 6i and 6j. However, it also occurs as acicu-
Figure 6 illustrates SEM images of the natural zeolites. Analcime lar to elongated tabular crystals (up to 650 μm in length) developing radial
crystals displaying intergrowth and typical isometric morphology (up to aggregates. Figure 6k illustrates an example of zeotypes’ spatial distribution
1.8 mm) can be clearly seen in Figures 6a (trapezohedral habit) and 6b in amygdules, thomsonite displaying the typical radial fibrous aggregates
(pentagonal dodecahedron habit). The mixed nontronite-celadonite layer in the other part of the cavity wall, followed by natrolite occurring as fine
appears as tiny plates or flakes by SEM. Chabazite has a variable morphol- fibres forming clusters sometimes growing on typical trapezohedral anal-
ogy, reaching up to 800 μm. It usually occurs as rhombohedral crystals cime crystals growing in the centre of the cavity. Needle-like and pointed
developing interpenetration twinning (Figures 6c-6d). In other cases, it natrolite crystals (up to 2 mm in length) are wildly dispersed among pseu-
has a pseudocubic habit in which angles between their faces are closer to docubic chabazite crystals (Figure 6l).
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province on the Isle of Skye, Scotland 49

Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)

Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)







Analcime 500 Thomsonite-Ca

Chabazite-Ca Analcime
Nontronite 000
000-58-2027 N ontronite
000-58-2033 Nontronite, heated 010-89-1998 Greig eite
010-83-1734 Analcime 010-78-0296 Thomsonite-(Ca)
010-88-1263 Chabazite-C a 000-41-1478 Analcime-C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
º2� (CuK�) º2� (CuK�)
M 4 -1

B9Z Q .dat
Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)

Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)

Chabazite-Ca Chabazite-Na
000-34-0137 C habazite-C a
000-58-2027 N ontronite
000-22-0339 Koninckite
010-83-1655 Wairakite
010-75-4067 Potassium C alcium Sodium Silicon Aluminum O xide H ydrate 0 1 0 -8 8 -1 2 6 1 C h a b a zit e -N a

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
º2� (CuK�) º2� (CuK�)

C dat 9 dat

Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)

Intensidad (unidades arbitrarias)












Laumontite Stilbite-Ca
Natrolite 00
Chabazite-Na 00

000-46-1389 Laumontite

Quartz 010-74-3097 N atrolite

000-05-0622 D olomite
010-73-6618 Quartz, low, syn

010-88-1261 C habazite-N a 000-24-0894 Stilbite-C a

000-35-0498 Thomsonite 000-26-1382 Stellerite-(N a)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
º2� (CuK�) º2� (CuK�)

Figure 7. XRD patterns showing the occurrence of zeolites in amygdales and veins (see text for details). KNaCa-SAOH, KNaCa silicon aluminum oxide hydrate.
50 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

Table 1. Comparing the zeolite phases identified in this study and the Meier’s structural classification (1968).

Structural classification Identified zeolitic phases

Heulandite group (C4-C4-T1) stellerite, stilbite, stellerite-Na, Stilbite-Ca
Chabazite group (C6) chabazite, levyne, chabazite-Ca, chabazite-Na
Analcime group (C4-C4) analcime, wairakite, analcime-Mg
Natrolite group (C4-T1) natrolite, thomsonite, thomsonite-Ca
Phillipsite group (C4) phillipsite, phillipsite-Na
Laumontite group (C8) laumontite

X-ray diffraction fined by Walker (1960). The zeolites and associated secondary minerals
were sequentially deposited from the outer wall to the centre of amygda-
Qualitative XRD analysis led to identifying a variety of zeolite spe- les and veins in the basalts (Figure 8). Chemical elements necessary for
cies, including analcime, as the dominant zeolytic phase, followed by the formation of these mineral phases were released directly as a result of
chabazite, natrolite, thomsonite, wairakite, stilbite, stilbite-Ca, phillip- hydrothermal devitrification. However, Ferry et al., (1987), based on oxy-
site and stellerite-Na, thomsonite-Ca, chabazite-Ca and chabazite-Na, gen and hydrogen isotope evidence for widespread element exchange be-
with minor stellerite, laumontite, levyne, phillipsite-Na, and gyrolite. tween rock and fluid, revealed that basalts from the Skye Main Lava Series
Other secondary minerals associated with zeolites were celadonite (Fe- were locally affected by contact metamorphism associated with the intru-
rich mica), nontronite (Fe-rich smectite), greigeite (iron sulfide miner- sion of tertiary Cuillin Complex gabbros and Red Hills granites and hy-
al), koninckite or bobierrite (phosphates), alunite (sulphate), truscottite drothermal alteration due to the convection system induced by such in-
(silicate), calcite or dolomite, and quartz. Nontronite occurred in most trusions. Zeolites were probably formed from fluids, which penetrated
samples. Figure 7 illustrates representative zeolites diffraction patterns the vesicles and fractures, but the source of the fluid remains unknown.
and associated phases. Figure 7a reveals a typical assemblage of analcime No regional zoning of zeolite assemblages was apparent in this study. Fig-
and chabazite-Ca, accompanied by nontronite. The main zeolytic phases ure 8 shows that the zoning sequence and textural evidence suggest the
shown in Figure 7b are analcime and thomsonite. Other minerals are following crystallisation sequence: first K-rich clay (nontronite) followed
nontronite and greigeite. The XRD pattern in Figure 7c shows chabazite- by K-rich mica (celadonite), carbonate (calcite), cryptocrystalline silica
Ca occurrence with traces of wairakite, nontronite and koninckite. A (e.g. chalcedony), then thomsonite followed by chabazite, analcime, phil-
characteristic chabazite-Na XRD pattern is illustrated in Figure 7d. Fig- lipsite and wairakite, and natrolite, laumontite, and stilbite-type minerals
ure 7e reveals the occurrence of thomsonite, chabazite- Na, laumontite (stilbite and stellerite). Zeolites’ stability fields are known from modern
and natrolite, along with quartz and dolomite. A stilbite-Ca + stellerite- hydrothermal systems (Kristmannsdóttir and Tómasson, 1978) and the
Na assemblage is illustrated in the XRD pattern shown in Figure 7f. Sev- observed sequence in the samples studied here conformed to a progressive
eral zeolytic phases were identified in this study which could be organ- decrease in temperature favouring hydrothermal system hydration. The
ised into six structural groups according to Meier’s classification (1968), amygdales and veins thus showed a wide range of variability regarding the
as depicted in Table 1. The heulandite group corresponding to the sec- zeolite minerals present. The irregular zeolite and related mineral distri-
ondary unit C4-C4-T1 was represented by the following zeolites steller- bution in the basalts has been attributed to factors such as localised heat-
ite, stilbite, stellerite-Na and stilbite-Ca. The chabazite group (secondary flow, ionic activity in pore waters and host rock permeability (Pe-Piper,
unit C6) was characterised by the presence of chabazite, levyne, chaba- 2000). The high initial permeability subsequently decreased due to sec-
zite- Ca and chabazite-Na. The analcime group (secondary unit C4-C4) ondary mineral deposition, leading to the formation of individual closed
included analcime and wairakite. The natrolite group (secondary unit systems (Keith and Staples, 1985). Although there is zoning sequence and
C4-T1) was made up of natrolite, thomsonite and thomsonite-Ca. The textural evidence of open-system hydrothermal activity for the formation
phillipsite group (secondary unit C4) was represented by phillipsite and of the Skye basalt zeolites in amygdales and veins, restricted domains may
phillipsite-Na. The last group consisted of secondary unit C8 with a have developed as pore space became filled by precipitates of mixed-layer
single zeolytic phase (laumontite). The following associations of zeolytic nontronite-celadonite, calcite, cryptocrystalline silica and zeolites. The
phases were determined: laumontite + chabazite; wairakite + chabazite; hydrothermal pathways may have been substantially different, even for
chabazite + thomsonite; analcime + thomsonite; thomsonite + wairakite quite closely spaced cavities. It is probable that a variation in the nature of
+ chabazite; thomsonite + analcime + chabazite; natrolite + analcime + the exchangeable cations in zeolites occurred within a single amygdale or
thomsonite. These mineral assemblages usually showed the additional vein. Fluid composition may be important in defining the type of zeolite
occurrence of non-zeolite phases such as nontronite and celadonite. that occurs in a particular amygdale or vein, whereas temperature varia-
tions may influence chemical variation within such individual cavities.
Discussion on zeolite formation Starting material composition, especially Si/Al ratio, determined the type
of zeolite formed (e.g. Boles, 1977). This parameter was most important
The Isle of Skye is particularly known for its abundance and variety during the first stages of alteration, in which, usually, an alteration prod-
of minerals from the zeolite group and other secondary minerals in ter- uct having a Si/Al ratio similar to or less than that of the starting material
tiary alkali olivine basalts. Their distribution has been controlled by a became formed. As alteration proceeded, the minerals being formed be-
combination of factors such as temperature, pressure, hot aqueous fluid came poorer in SiO2, suggesting that hydrothermal desilification took
circulation and rock’s chemical composition (Walker, 1960). A study of place with continued reaction. The starting material’s alkali/calcium ratio
the Beinn Edra Group lavas by King (1977) revealed the occurrence of may also have influenced the reaction product during early stages of al-
similar parageneses of zeolites to those of the analcime-natrolite zone de- teration if the reacting solution had a low concentration of these cations.
Natural zeolites filling amygdales and veins in basalts from the British Tertiary Igneous Province on the Isle of Skye, Scotland 51

Si activity in the fluid was low by the time of zeolite crystallisation be- lites (thomsonite), followed by granular calc-sodic analcime and chaba-
cause it had been used up in chalcedony formation (Chipera and Apps, zite and Na-rich zeolites as natrolite (similar to that reported by Cochemé
2001). The secondary minerals nontronite and locally celadonite repre- et al., 1994). Si activity in the fluid was low during chabazite and anal-
sent the first crystallised species lining the outer part of the cavities. Oth- cime crystallisation due to equilibrium with silica phases and more stable
er mineral phases occurring during the early stage were calcite and cryp- phases during this stage. These zeolites must have been formed at lower
tocrystalline silica. Nontronite was probably formed by basalt temperatures; otherwise, if temperature had reached 100 ºC, then stable
devitrification due to hydration, although ferromagnesian mineral phases zeolites would have been fibrous, which would have grown at the expense
present in the basalts might have also contributed to its formation. The of previously formed zeolites (Chipera and Apps (2001). Hay and Shep-
formation of a Fe-(hydro)oxide celadonite and opaline mixture is thus pard (2001) have experimentally demonstrated that chabazite is stable up
suggested, which may be explained by silica glass replacement, similar to to 100 ºC, whereas analcime is stable between 100 and 200 °C. In our
that reported by Bustillo and Martínez-Frías (2003). High carbonate ion case, the textures observed in some amygdales, showing chabazite forma-
activity caused the early precipitation of calcite, removing most Ca2+ ions tion after analcime, would indicate a decrease in temperature. However,
and so leaving the water comparatively enriched in alkalies. Both cela- according to Chipera and Apps (2001), decreased Si activity reduced the
donite precipitation (which increased the Na+/K+ ratio in solution) and analcime stability field, promoting both natrolite formation after anal-
decreased temperature (which favoured Na enrichment in the solution) cime and chabazite and thomsonite replacement by natrolite. Additional
may have contributed to analcime crystallisation and that of other Na- reduction of Si in the fluid meant that thomsonite, scolecite and mesolite,
rich zeolites (Alt and Honnorez, 1984). Thomsonite is the most common along with natrolite/gonnardite, would be the most stable zeolites. This
zeolite phase formed after nontronite/celadonite. Chabazite, analcime, suggested that zeolites formed in the edges of basalt cavities did so at
phillipsite and probably wairakite are the first zeolites which became crys- higher temperature and lower Si activity at the beginning of crystallisa-
tallised. They were followed by acicular-fibrous zeolites such as natrolite/ tion, and that lower temperature zeolite species having more aluminous
gonnardite, thomsonite, mesolite and scolecite. Analcime is usually a Na- composition would form in the central part of the cavity. Laumontite and
rich mineral phase, but may sometimes contain appreciable K (Utada, stilbite formation can be attributed to the nature of the hydrothermal
1970). However, this mineral sequence was probably affected by contact fluids related to the emplacement of plutons, which were probably more
metamorphism which could explain analcime formation accompanied by enriched in Ca, Ba, and Sr produced by a late event, taking into account
decreasing Si activity and increasing temperature (not reflected in Figure that these zeolites usually appear filling fractures in basalts. Similar lau-
8). In the SiO2-deficient environment defined in this study wairakite and montite and stilbite association has been reported by Dill et al., (2007)
analcime may have formed a complete solid solution. Na-rich zeolite pre- regarding zeolite formation in stockworks.
cipitation on the wall of amygdales and veins reduced the solution’s alka-
linity. At lower temperature, Na was accommodated in the structure of Conclusions
chabazite and other zeolites such as analcime and final crystallisation was
represented by only small amounts of Na-rich zeolites (natrolite group). A sequential formation of zeolites and associated secondary miner-
Therefore, the existence of nontronite, which is a smectite group low- als filling amygdales and veins in tertiary basaltic host rocks from the Isle
temperature mineral, along with very well-developed zeolite crystals of of Skye has been described in this study. From early to late formation
analcime, chabazite-Na and probably phillipsite in the edges of cavities, and, from outermost to innermost portions of the cavities, nontronite,
revealed that these mineral phases were deposited prior to fibrous zeolites celadonite, thomsonite, phillipsite, chabazite, analcime, natrolite, meso-
such as natrolite, being indicative of low-T hydrothermal alteration lite, stilbite, scolecite and laumontite and stilbite were sequentially found.
(<100°C) as stated by Deer et al., (2004). Chipera and Apps (2001) have However, individual complexly zoned amygdales and veins show evidence
stated that phillipsite is usually caused by host basalt low-temperature of multiple fluid-circulation events, showing a contrast in mineral assem-
hydrothermal alteration (around 90 ºC) and, referring to the fluid evolu- blages from different cavities. Thomsonite, phillipsite, chabazite, analcime,
tion described by Cochemé et al., (1994), Ca- and K-rich fluids changed natrolite, mesolite, stilbite and scolecite were associated with nontronite
their composition as the temperature fell. Depletion of these elements in and celadonite in amygdales. Chabazite, analcime, thomsonite, laumon-
the fluid during phillipsite formation promoted the appearance of Na- tite and stilbite were associated with quartz and calcite in veins. Zeolites
rich zeolites, first revealed by the precipitation of fibrous calc-sodic zeo- deposited in basalts vesicles and veins were the result of a hydrothermal
process, having a variety of species and this was due to reduced Si activity
Minerals in cavities Early stage Late stage in the fluid. Reduced Si activity was also revealed by the absence of SiO2
polymorphs such as crystoballite, tridymite and opal in the association and
Nontronite because most Na zeolites formed with relatively low Si/Al ratios compared
to Ca zeolites. The required amounts of silica, alumina and alkali and al-
Quartz (polymorph)
Thomsonite kaline-earth cations necessary for zeolite formation probably resulted from
Chabazite volcanic glass and primary igneous fenocrystal dissolution, although the
Analcime plagioclase alteration reaction in the rock matrix, releasing Ca, could also
Phillipsite have been responsible for this. According to the defined mineral sequence,
Natrolite it can be deduced that a change in fluid composition occurred as tempera-
Gonnardite ture dropped. Zeolite formation in the region studied here began with the
Scolecite highest Si activity in fluid and low Si/Al ratio Na zeolites and ended with
Mesolite the lowest Si activity in fluid and high Si/Al ratio Ca zeolites. Secondary
Laumontite minerals nontronite and celadonite represented the first crystallised species
lining the outer part of the cavities. Other mineral phases occurring during
T the early stage were calcite and quartz. Thomsonite was the most common
Activity of Si zeolite phase formed after nontronite/celadonite. Na-rich zeolites such
as chabazite, analcime, phillipsite and probably wairakite were the first
Figure 8. XSequence of mineral phase crystallisation in cavities. zeolites that became crystallised. They were followed by acicular-fibrous
52 Juan Manuel Triana R., Javier Francisco Herrera R., Carlos Alberto Ríos R., Oscar Mauricio Castellanos A., José Antonio Henao M., Craig D. Williams and Clive L. Roberts

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