Analytic Aesthetics
Analytic Aesthetics
Analytic Aesthetics
The Palgrave
Handbook of
Philosophy and
Barry Stocker Michael Mack
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Analytic Aesthetics
Jukka Mikkonen
A passage from John Hospers’s Meaning and Truth in the Arts (1946) illus-
trates well the aim of the early analytic enterprise in aesthetics: the investiga-
tion of key concepts in a discourse.
We ask, “What is the meaning of this piece of music?” without stopping to ask
ourselves what it is that we are asking, precisely what sense of “meaning” is being
used here, or what it means for a work of art to have meaning. We assert that art
reveals reality, or expresses truth, without inquiring into the precise meanings of
crucial words like “reality,” “truth,” “expression,” which are so constantly
employed in discussions of this kind. (Hospers 1946, v)
While ‘analytic philosophers’ are today critical about both the demarcation
between analytic and continental philosophy and attempts to define analytic
philosophy, something can be said of the characteristics of the analytic enter-
prise in aesthetics. Typical for the analytic approach are, according to its self-
acknowledged proponents, the application of formal logic, conceptual
analysis, and rational argument; the focus on detail and distinctions and the
orientation to narrowly demarcated problems; the emphasis on objectivity
and a view of philosophical problems as timeless; and a respect for clarity and
a preference for clear prose (Lamarque and Olsen 2004a, 2; Currie et al. 2014,
5). Analytic philosophers of literature have been interested in the nature of
J. Mikkonen (*)
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
consumed now than ever before in the history of the world’ (Carroll 2009,
1). The metacritical conception is also manifest in many contemporary
analytic aestheticians’ work in which critical readings, the interpretations
of the experts of art, are cited as evidence supporting the philosopher’s
theoretical thesis.
2. Interest in the ‘psychology of art’ has been strong in analytic aesthetics,
which is no wonder, as analytic philosophers are often (but not always)
sympathetic to natural scientific approaches. Along the rise of neurosci-
ence and cognitive science, a growing number of aestheticians have taken
an interest to the findings of the sciences of the mind. If neuroscience helps
us to understand information processing in general, could it not also illu-
minate our engagement with works of art? Some philosophers have taken
scientific studies to settle age-old philosophical debates for good, but
Kathleen Stock (2014, 205) remarks perceptively that ‘given philosophers’
tendencies to cautious critical analysis, the use of such evidence is not
always inspected as scrupulously as it could be’. Gregory Currie believes
that aestheticians would learn much if they turned their attention to
empirical disciplines, such as branches of psychology, linguistics, and eco-
nomic and sociological studies of art consumption: yet, he thinks that
empirical research is not much worth without careful philosophical reflec-
tion of the traditional sort, and he sees the task of philosophy in formulat-
ing theoretical models to strengthen the empirical study (Currie 2013,
435–36). Currie and his colleagues (2014, 12) argue that ‘[w]hilst phe-
nomenological and conceptual analysis may tell us much about what we
think we are doing [in experiencing artworks], even aesthetic experts may
be mistaken about what they are actually doing. And this, at least in prin-
ciple, may be the object of scientific investigation’.
3. Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen propose that philosophy of lit-
erature is best understood as literary aesthetics or the philosophy of the
phenomenon of literature. As Lamarque (2009, 8) sees it, ‘the “institution”
of literature investigated by the philosopher concerns … fundamental
structures, those that, in Kantian terminology, “make possible” any rele-
vant interactions between participants in a practice’. In this view, the phi-
losopher is after ‘the logical foundations of the “practice” of literature,
rather as the philosopher of law examines neither particular legal systems
nor the history of law but the grounds on which any such system depends[.]’
(ibid.). Moreover, Lamarque and Olsen (2004b, 201) emphasize that phi-
losophy of literature ought to be aesthetics of literature and focus on the
‘recognizably valuable but non-instrumental experience that has
traditionally been referred to by the term “pleasure”’. Such an approach
examines, for instance, the sort of values associated with literature.
298 J. Mikkonen
Definitions of Literature
The word ‘literature’ is used to denote any body of writing, on the one hand,
and artistically valuable texts, on the other hand. In the latter group are works
of the imagination, such as novels, epic poems, and plays. But not all works
of imagination, such as genre fiction, are considered literature proper; in turn,
some non-fictional works, such as works of history, travel stories, and philo-
sophical works, are seen to possess significant literary value. As aesthetics in
general has been eager to find out what art is, literary aesthetics is keen to
know what literature is in the aesthetic sense.
Aestheticians of today are extremely dubious about essentialist definitions
that attempt to ground literature on some intrinsic quality, such as ‘literari-
ness’, or some sort of psychological response to it in the audience. The consen-
sus is that there are no necessary and sufficient conditions that would make a
text literature. Noël Carroll (1988, 149) takes a ‘historical or narrative
approach’ and claims that
Art is a cultural practice that supplies its practitioners with strategies for identi-
fying new objects as art…. Confronted by a new object, a practitioner of the
artworld considers whether it can be shown that the new work is a repetition,
amplification or repudiation of the tradition.
1. w is a novel, short story, tale, drama, or poem, and the writer of w intended
that it possess aesthetic, cognitive or interpretation-centered value, and the
work is written with sufficient technical skill for it to be possible to take that
intention seriously, or
2. w possesses aesthetic, cognitive or interpretation-centered value to a signifi-
cant degree, or
3. w falls under a predecessor concept to our concept of literature and was writ-
ten while the predecessor concept held sway, or
4. w belongs to the work of a great writer.
Analytic Aesthetics 299
In Lamarque and Olsen’s (1994, 255–56) ‘institutional’ view, ‘[a] text is iden-
tified as a literary work by recognizing the author’s intention that the text is
produced and meant to be read within the framework of conventions defining
the practice (constituting the institution) of literature’. Further, the aesthetic
value of literature consists of mimesis and poiesis: humanly interesting content
and the creative and imaginative aspect of treating that content (261–66).
of fictional truth and their neglect for literary interpretation, such as Lewis’s
‘assumption that there are “facts” about the fictional worlds waiting to be
discovered’. Of late, he has claimed that it is difficult to establish beliefs about
fictional matters and that many fictional ‘facts’ turn out to be disputable
(Lamarque 2017). The question of truth in fiction has received much atten-
tion in aesthetics; little has been written on the aesthetic value of epistemic
ambiguity in literature.
The definition of fictionality and the nature of our attitude toward the con-
tent of works of imaginative literature have greatly fascinated analytic philoso-
phers. Today, most analytic aestheticians think that fiction is not to be defined
in semantic terms (reference and truth), for works of fiction often accordingly
refer to real people, places, and events, whereas non-fictional works may fail
in their references (or truth) without becoming fiction. Rather, fictions invite
a certain kind of response in the audience. In his Mimesis as Make-Believe
(1990), Walton made popular the idea that engaging with fiction means
adopting a ‘make-believe’ attitude to the content of the work. Walton turned
the attention to the social dimension of fiction and proposed that fictions are
‘works whose function is to serve as props in games of make-believe’ (72).
The same year Gregory Currie, in his The Nature of Fiction, emphasized the
role of the author’s ‘fictive intention’ as a base for fictionality. In Currie’s view,
influenced by H.P. Grice’s theory of meaning, the informal definition of fic-
tion is as follows:
I want you to make believe some proposition P; I utter a sentence that means P,
intending that you shall recognize this is what the sentence means, and to rec-
ognize that I intend to produce a sentence that means P; and I intend you to
infer from this that I intend you to make believe that P; and, finally, I intend
that you shall, partly as a result of this recognition, come to make believe that P.
(Currie 1990, 31)
can ‘stimulate the imagination’ the same way fiction does. He proposes that
the reading of fiction differs from the reading of non-fiction not because of
the activity of the imagination but the attitude we adopt toward the content
of the work: make-belief in fiction, belief in non-fiction.
There has been a lively discussion on the nature and kinds of imagination
in our engagement with fiction. Stacie Friend (2008, 151) argues that ‘there
is no interpretation of imagining or make-believe that designates a response
distinctive to fiction as opposed to nonfiction’. She claims that
Friend suggests that we should think of fiction as a genre. For her (187), the
distinction between fiction and non-fiction ought to pay attention to ‘how
the whole work is embedded in a larger context, and specifically in certain
practices of reading, writing, criticizing, and so on’.
Derek Matravers also argues that we should not reserve imagination for
fictions; he claims that we imagine fictional narratives not because of their
fictionality but narrativity. In Matravers’s view our engaging with a represen-
tation (narrative) is neutral between non-fiction and fiction and that imagina-
tion does not separate fiction from non-fiction:
The experience of reading de Quincey’s ‘The Revolt of the Tartars’ is the same
whether we believe it is non-fictional, believe it is fictional, or (as is most likely)
we are ignorant of whether it is non-fictional or fictional (in fact, it is a highly
fictionalized account of actual events.). (Matravers 2014, 78)
The zeitgeisty concept of narrative has received, for instance, ontological, epis-
temological, and aesthetic attention in the philosophy of literature. Yet, sev-
eral analytic philosophers are annoyed by the buzz and skeptical to, say, ethical
or epistemic views grounded on the concept of narrative or narrativity. Paisley
Livingston, for one, claims that there are serious problems in views which link
narrativity and the epistemic merits or demerits of stories. Livingston (2009,
28) argues that narrative enthusiasts have not been able to show that the value
of narratives would be based on their narrativity.
304 J. Mikkonen
[A]rtists’ reticence about their intentions has much more to do with leaving
room for unintended valuable properties in their works leading to better aes-
thetic experiences in audiences and positive evaluations by critics than it has to
do with inabilities to express themselves in words …. (Goldman 2013, 33)
In turn, actual intentionalists are after the intentions of the historical, flesh-
and-blood author. ‘Absolute’ intentionalism, which does not have much sup-
port today, maintained that the meaning of a work of fiction is the meaning
the author intended in composing it. The problem of the view is that an
author could make her work mean anything simply by deciding so. For ‘mod-
erate’ intentionalists of today, such as Noël Carroll, Gary Iseminger, Robert
Stecker, and Paisley Livingston, a correct interpretation of a work of literature
is the meaning of the text compatible with the actual author’s intention. For
instance, in Carroll’s ‘modest’ actual intentionalism, the meaning of a work is
constrained by the textual meaning, or word sequence meaning, and the best
information about the author’s intended meaning, where available. Best infor-
mation, in turn, consists of evidence such as the art-historical context of the
work, common beliefs of the contemporary audience, the author’s public
biography, her oeuvre, and the like (Carroll 2001, 197–98 & 200–01, 2002,
321, 323, 326 & 328).
Hypothetical intentionalism considers the meaning of a literary work an
assumption of either the actual author’s or a ‘hypothetical’ or ‘postulated’
author’s intended meaning by referring to the beliefs and expectations of the
author’s ‘intended’, ‘ideal’, or ‘appropriate’ audience. Jerrold Levinson (2010,
150) writes that
306 J. Mikkonen
[I]t is false that [François Ozon’s film Swimming Pool (2004)] means only what
it was intended to mean by its maker, even where it can somehow be seen as
meaning what it was intended to mean. The film should rather be taken to
mean, ambiguously, many of the other options … which are reasonably attrib-
uted to the filmmaker on both epistemic and aesthetic grounds. The film is a
much richer, more satisfying, work of art when so viewed.
Some pluralistic models have been proposed: perhaps there could be several
legitimate interpretative approaches to works of literature, the intentionalist/
conversational approach being one of these. Perhaps a single text could
embody two works, say, a philosophical and a literary work, and these were to
be interpreted accordingly (see Davies 1995, 8–10; Gracia 2001, 52–56).
Debates on meaning and intention in the arts are peculiar. On the one
hand, it would certainly be silly to narrow literary interpretation to a search
for an authorial intention; on the other hand, the communicative dimension
of art and issues such as a historical author’s unintended racism and its rela-
tion to the ‘meaning’ of the work are surely worth exploring.
ing readers’ cognitive skills: literary works may, for instance, challenge the
reader’s assumptions or her standard ways of thinking (Elgin 1993; John
But ‘anti-cognitivism’ has also had a wide support. Anti-cognitivists insist
that literary works do not furnish their readers with new knowledge, at least
that of a traditional, propositional kind, and that the works do not therefore
have cognitive value proper. Anti-cognitivists argue that if we understand the
knowledge that literature affords in the traditional sense of the term, we make
literary works subordinate to fact-stating discourse, and the cognitivist’s task
would be to explain how literature can convey knowledge, even though it is
not assertive; the cognitivist ought to explain the distinctive cognitive value of
literature, but so far her appeals to non-standard forms of knowledge are
‘mere’ metaphors with little explanatory value. Moreover, anti-cognitivists
claim that literature’s contributions to knowledge are trivial at best or that the
‘points’ which literary works make are inarticulate or not agreeable among
If literary works could change a reader’s beliefs, would these changes inevi-
tably be for good? Little has been said of the effects which literary works actu-
ally have on their readers. Partly inspired by the rise of empirical studies on
the cognitive gains of literature, philosophers have started to ponder how
learning from fiction could be studied and what would count as a proof for
the claims on the educative function of literature (see, e.g. Currie 2013).
depicted in the novel are so graphically brutal that readers are not able morally
to get past the gore in order to savour the parody’ (Carroll 1996, 232).
Matthew Kieran, for his part, defends ‘immoralism’ which advances the
view that ‘a work’s value as art can be enhanced in virtue of its immoral char-
acter’. Immoralism holds that ‘imaginatively experiencing morally defective
cognitive-affective responses and attitudes in ways that are morally problem-
atic can deepen one’s understanding and appreciation’ (Kieran 2003, 72).
Kieran reminds one that artworks ‘[d]rawing on our moral judgements, reac-
tions and assessments should not be conflated with arriving at and making the
appropriate ones’ (60). For ‘autonomists’, such as James C. Anderson and
Jeffrey T. Dean, art is a realm of its own. Autonomists claim that ‘it is never
the moral component of the criticism as such that diminishes or strengthens
the value of an artwork qua artwork’ (1998, 152, emphasis in original).
There has been relatively little productive intellectual exchange between ana-
lytic philosophers of literature and literary scholars, partly because literary
criticism has in the recent decades been drawing on continental philosophy
and partly because of the divergence of analytic philosophical and critical
interests. Analytic philosophers like to scrutinize general concepts and put
aside historical, political, and social issues that are important in critical
approaches to actual works. Indeed, analytic philosophers’ interest in the pre-
cise meanings of crucial words is so strong that sometimes they go so far as to
invent their literary examples—something that literary critics might find dis-
Analytic Aesthetics 311
Anderson, James C., and Jeffrey T. Dean. 1998. Moderate Autonomism. British
Journal of Aesthetics 38 (2): 150–166.
Carroll, Noël. 1988. Art, Practice, and Narrative. The Monist 71 (2): 140–156.
———. 1992. Art, Intention, and Conversation. In Intention and Interpretation, ed.
Gary Iseminger, 97–131. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
———. 1996. Moderate Moralism. British Journal of Aesthetics 36 (3): 223–238.
———. 1998a. Art, Narrative, and Moral Understanding. In Aesthetics and Ethics:
Essays at the Intersection, ed. Jerrold Levinson, 126–160. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
———. 1998b. Moderate Moralism versus Moderate Autonomism. British Journal
of Aesthetics 38 (4): 419–424.
———. 2001. Interpretation and Intention: The Debate between Hypothetical and
Actual Intentionalism. In Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays, 197–213.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
———. 2002. Andy Kaufman and the Philosophy of Interpretation. In Is There a
Single Right Interpretation? ed. Michael Krausz, 319–344. University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press.
———. 2009. On Criticism. New York, NY: Routledge.
Currie, Gregory. 1990. The Nature of Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University
———. 2013. On Getting Out of the Armchair to Do Aesthetics. In Philosophical
Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory? ed. Matthew C. Haug, 435–450.
London: Routledge.
Currie, Gregory. 2014. Standing in the Last Ditch: On the Communicative Intentions
of Fiction Makers. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (4): 351–363.
Currie, Gregory, and Anna Ichino. 2017. Truth and Trust in Fiction. Art and Belief,
ed. Helen Bradley, Paul Noordhof, and Ema Sullivan-Bissett. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Currie, Greg, Matthew Kieran, Aaron Meskin, and Jon Robson. 2014. Introduction.
In Aesthetics & the Sciences of Mind, ed. Greg Currie et al., 1–7. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
312 J. Mikkonen