Know Yourself and Your Destination Workshop
Know Yourself and Your Destination Workshop
Know Yourself and Your Destination Workshop
Feeling Action
Group Work:
What makes us feel
important? (10 mins)
Confidence = Sense of
Feeling Important
Good Number of Dropping grades?
Followers on Social Media
No recognition on
Excellent Grades social media?
Level of
Right Reasons of Confidence
Our Our Our
Connection Sense of Hidden
with Allah Purpose Potentials
How can we improve our confidence?
What Stops us from Knowing More
About Ourselves?
1. Distractions.
2. Not able to Leave Comfort Zone.
3. Not Seeking Feedbacks.
4. Not Reflecting on our Lives.
5. Being too Busy and Occupied.
What to do?
1. Leave comfort Zone
2. Get rid of distractions
3. Seek Feedback from Closed Ones
4. Take new challenges
5. Reflect - Spend time in alone. Write down your thoughts.
Asking questions of self-analysis.
Group Work:
Lost on a Desert Island
Group Work: Lost on a Desert Island
You and your group members are travelling in an airplane, 400KMs away
from the desired destination. All of a sudden the plane crashes in an
island and is about to explode within ten minutes. In the airplane, there
are twenty objects out of which four objects can be taken out safely.
What would you choose? Pick four items on your own & then discuss with
your group mates to reach a final list with mutual consent.
Group Work: Lost on a Desert Island
2 Packets of
Axe Match Sticks Camera Water Dates (25
dates each)
Gun with 10
Knife Rope Tent Mirror
Meaningful Life