Scholars Papers
Scholars Papers
Scholars Papers
Syllabus· Cbapler~ I, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15
General Instructions :-
17. A poorly developed zone in the centre of a cell that has a DNA molecule is called as
a) nucleolus of prokaryote b) nucleoid of prokaryote
c) nucleus of prokaryote d) nucleus of eukaryote
18. What should be the likely structure of a connective tissue whose framework supports
the organs of the body? ( 1)
a) multiple layers like the skin b) relaxing and conlJ'acting like muscles
c) strong and non flexible like bones d) bund]es of neurons like nerve
19. Choose the wrong statement (I)
a) the nature of the matrix differs according to the function of the tissue
b) fats arc stored below the skin and in between the internal organs
c) epithelial tissues have intercellular space between them
d) cells of striated muscles are multi nucleated and unbranched
20. Animal feed includes roughage and concentrates. What are the characteristics of the
concentrates? (I)
21. Write the formulae of compounds formed by the following sets of substances:
a) Calcium ion and Nitrate ion
37. Cue Study : I (4x l=4)
Study the given table carefully and answer the following questions.
Name or Atomic Number Atomic Mass Chemical Symbol
II 23
a) Identify the element having atomic number 6.
b) Write the chemical symbol of the element having atomic number 11.
c) Write the atomic number of chlorine atom.
d) Write the atomic mass of element represented by the sombol P.
38. Case Study : 2 (4xl=4)
Read the passage and answer any tour questions rrom these questions.
Impact produced by the objects depends on their mass and velocity. Similarly. if an
object is to be accelerated, we know that a greater force is required to give a greater
velocity. In other words, there appears to exist some quantity of importance that
combines the object's mass and its velocity. One such property called momentum was
introduced by Newton. 1be momentum. p of an object is defined as the product of its
mass. m and velocity.
That is p = mv
Momentum has both direction and magnitude. Its direction is the same as that of
velocity. v. The SI unit of momentum is kilogrammetre per second (kg m s 1). Since the
application of an unbalanced force brings a change in the velocity of the object, it is
therefore clear that a force also produces a change of momentum.
a) On which two factors does momentum of a body depend?
b) If the mass be 10 kilogram and velocity 36 km/h, what will be the momentum in SI
c) Why momentum of a body is a vector quantity?
d) Name the physical quantity which is responsible for producing a change in the
momentum of a body.
39. Case Study : 3 (4xl-=4)
Based on the diagram answer the following questions
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Syllabus• Chapter - !, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15
~neral Instructions :-
This question paper consists of five sections.
Section A consisb or objective type questions carrying l mark each.
Section B consists of very short questions carrying 2 marks tat::h.
Section C consists or short answer type qutStions carrying 3.
Section D consists of long answer type questions carrying S marks each.
Section E consists of source based questions of 4 marks each.
Draw diagram wherever necessary.
A particle is moving around a square park of area 400 m2. After covering three sides
(edges), the displacement will be (I)
a) 300m b)lOO
c) 20m d)60m
2. The numerical value for displacement to distance for a moving object is (I)
a) always less than I b) always equal to one
c) always more than one d) equal or less than I
3. A haJf-field water tanker is moving with a unifonn speed and is subjected to sudden
brakes.The water in the tank would (I)
a) move backward at the first instance b) move forward at the first instance
c) rise upward only d) remains unaffected at all
4. lbe value or acceleration due to gravity is (I)
a) same on equator and poles b) is minimum al poles
b) minimum at the equator d) increases from pole 10 the equator
5. When a body is projected venicaUy upwards.away from the earth surface, it's total
energy (during the ascending) (I)
a) Increases b)decreases
c) remains constant d) first increases and 1hen decreases
6. Which of the following is no< a unit of energy (I)
a) Joule b) Newton meter
c) kilowatt-hour d) kilowatt
7. When we change a loud sound into a feeble sound, we have to decrease the (I)
a) Frequency b) amplitude
b) Wavelength d) none of these
8. lbe boiling point of pure water is (I)
a) 100°C or 32° For 273K b) 100• C or 32" For 373 K
18. Assertion : Cardiac tissues are muscle tissues that are rich in mitochondria.
Reason : Cardiac muscle tissues require a continuous supply of energy to carry
out non-slop beating of the heart (I)
19. Assertion : Pure honey settles down in the lower part of the container having water
Reason : Density of honey is same as that of water. (I)
21. Write the cation and anions with charge, nature.value.
a) (NH.i)SO~ b) AhOJ (2)
22. If chlorine-37 and chlorine-35 isotopes are available in the ratio of 1:3 respectively,
find the average atomic mass of the chlorine atom. (2)
23 . Differentiate between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.Give examples. (2)
24. Force of gravitation applied by moon on an object is 0.825 newton. Find the mass of
the object if the value of 'g' on the moon is 1.65 m/s2 . (2)
25. A student observes image of the knee hones of a person who is suffering from a
condition called arthritis due to inflammation of joints. Which connective tissue can
be added between the bones to ease the movement of joints? Write some more
characteristics of the same tissue. (2)
26. In a cell what are the advantages of the following?
a) Flexibility of cell membrane
b} Rigidity of cell wall (2)
27. Describe the main irrigation system that are adopted in India. (3)
28. Answer the following:- (3)
a) List two similarities between mitochondria and chloroplast.
b) Smooth, endoplasmic reticulum does not play any role in synthesis of proteins.
c) Sheena soaked gram (chick peas) to make some' Chole bhatura' Why does
Sheena soak chickpeas? What is this process called? (3)
29. What are Vascular bundle.'i? Why Vascular bundles are complex in nature? Name the
types of vascular tissues and their functions. (3)
30. Water as Ice has a cooling effect whereas water as steam causes severe bums. State the
reason behind the observations. (3)
31. Find the solute present in a 4 litre solution of 25 % concentration. How much more
solvent should we add so that the concentration becomes 20%.
32. Two bodies X and Y of same masses have velocities in the ratio of 4:5. Calculate of
the ratio of their kinetic energies.
33. Define a transverse wave. Write its two components. Stale the condition for which a
waved can be tenned as Infrasonic.
34. Identify the given element and answer 1he following questions. (5)
Iv) Ram visited a fish fann, where he found Common carps, Rohus, MrigaJs in the same
pond. Name the type of fish fanning observed by Ram. How do all the fishes manage to
survive in the same pond?
v) Identify the given diagram and write its role in animal cell.
37. Read the glveu pangnpb carerully lo answer the roUowing questions. (4)
All the examples and activities given so far illustrate that there is a resistance offered
by an object to change its state of motion. If it is at res1 it tends to remain at rest; if it is
moving it tends to keep moving. This property of an object is called its inertia. Do all
bodies have the same inertia? We know that it is easier to push an empty box than a
box full of books. Similarly. if we kick a football it flies away. But if we kick a stone
of the same size with equal force. it hardly moves. We may. in fact, get an injury in
our foot while doing so. A force that is just enough to cause a small cart to pick up a
large velocity will produce a negligible change in the motion of a train. This is
because, in comparison to the cart the train has a much lesser tendency to change its
state of motion. Accordingly. that the train has more inertia than the cart. Clearly,
heavier or more massive objects offer larger inertia. Quantitatively, the inertia of an
object is measured by its mass. We may thus relate inertia and mass as follows: Inertia
is the natural tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion or of rest.
The mass of an object is a measure of its inertia.
a. Which can have more inertia• an empty truck or a loaded truck, and why?
b. By applying same force on two balls of identical shape and size but made up of
iron and wood respectively. which can experience more acceleration?
c. On which physical quantity does the inertia depend?
d. A car and a train are moving at same speed. Which can be stopped immediately in
case of emergency?
the graph and answer the following questions.
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Quality of amendment
a) Why does plot B show sudden increase and then gradual decrease in yield?
b) Why is the highest peak in plot A graph slightly delayed?
c) What is the reason for the different pattern of the two graphs?
d) Name the two types of manure on the basis of the kind of biological material
V 6 K.M Stone, Village Bahar, Sonipat Road. Roh1ak- (124001)
Syllabus· Cbapler~ I, 2, 3, 4. S, 6, 7, 8, 9, IO, 11, 12, 15
General Instructions :-
A person moves 12km towards North and then 5m towards West. The displacement
will be: (I)
a) 17m b)7m
c) 13m d) None of these
2. Which one of the following is uue? (I)
c. ME = PE + K.E d. ME=PE-K.E
5. In context of a torch. which one is in correct sequence? (I)
a. Chemical energy - Light Energy - Electrical Energy
b. Light Energy - Chemical Energy - Electrical Energy
c. Chemical Energy - Electrical Energy _., Light Energy
d . None of these
6. Velocity of a wave can be described as (I)
a. frequency x time period b. frequency x amplitude
c. frequency x wavelength d. time period x wavelength
7. Condensation process is (I)
a. Conversion of gaseous state to solid state
b. Conversion of gaseous state to liquid state
c. Conversion of liquid stale to gaseous stale
d. Conversion of solid state 10 liquid state
8. If temperature of a body is 273K, then its temperature value in Celsius system would
be (I)
a. 373°C b. -l73° C
c. 0°C d. 173° C
9. Which of the following substance doesn't exhibit Tyndall effect? (I)
a. Starch solution b. Milk
c. Dusty air d. Aqueous sodium chloride solution
10. Burning of a candle is an example of (I)
a. Physical change only b. Chemical change only
c. Physical as well as chemical change d. None of these
11. To solve the food problem of the country. which among the following is necessary?( I)
(a) Increased production and storage of food grains
(b) Easy access of people 10 the food grain
(c) People should have money to purchase the grains
(d) All of the above
12. Which one of the following nutrients is not available in fertilisers? (I)
(a) Nitrogen (b) Phosphorus
(c) Iron (d) Pota.uium
13. Which of these is no1 related to endoplasmic reticulum? (I)
(a) It behaves as a transport channel for proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm.
(b) It transports materials between various regions in the cytoplasm.
(c) II can be the site of energy generation.
(d) It can be the si1e for some biochemical activities of the cell.
14. Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose? (I)
(a) Bacteria (b) Hydrilla
(c)Mangotree (d) Cactus
15 Intestine absorbs the digested food materials. What type of epitheliaJ cells are
responsible for that? (I)
(a) Stratified squamous epithelium (b) Columnar epithelium
(c) Spindle fibres (d) CuboidaJ epithelium
16. _ _ _ is not found in xylem tissues. (I)
(a) Sieve tubes (b) Xylem parenchyma
(c)Tracheids (d) Vessels
Assertion/ Reason
a) Both the assertion and reason are correct and the reason ls the correct
explanadon of the assertion.
b) Assertion and the reason are corred bul the reason is oot the correct
explanation of the assertion.
c) Assertion ls true but the reason ls false.
d) The statement of the assertion ls raise but the reason ls true.
17. Assertion- In a saturated solution, more solute can be added on further heating.
Reason- Rise of temperature cause expansion among solvent particles to enable
mixing of more substance. (I)
18. Assertion- Gold foil was used by Rutherford for his famous ·a1omic model ' activity.
Reason- Gold has high sonorous feature. (I)
19. Assertion- Weight of a 100 kg box on moon surface will be approximately 165 N.
Reason- Weight become 16 on moon. (I)
20. Assertion: Vessel and sieve tube both are meant for transport purposes.
Reason: Vessels are lignified. (I)
21. Differentiate between the tenns cations and anions. Write two examples of each. (2)
22. Which is a helter fuel - CH 4 or C4 H10 (2)
23. Define acceleration and retardation. State one example of each from daily life
activities. (2)
24. If the mass and radius of an imaginary planet are half (each) than that of Earth. Find
lhe value of (g) on lhe planet. (Take g on Earth as 10 m's 2) (2)
25. A student observes image or the knee bones of a person who is suffering from a
condition called arthritis due to inflammation of joints. Which connective tissue can
likely be added between the bones to ease the movement of joints? Write some more
characteristics of the same tissue. (2)
26. In a cell what are the advantages of the following? (2)
i) green colour in young stems
ii) large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm of growing cells.
27. What is a substance? State any two main characteristics of panicles of a substance. (3)
28. A 10 litre solution (of 20%) concentration id mixed with 20 litre solution (of 10%
concentration). Find the resultant perceniage concentration. (3)
29. A 5kg body is dropped from 180m height. Find the ratio of K.E and P.E after 4
seconds of the fall. (3)
30. Write the Jaws of reflection of sound. Who stated these laws? (3)
How temperature and density of medium affect the sound velocity? (3)
31. Answer the following questions:-
i) differentiate between broiler:s and layer:s (2)
ii) Nutritional requirements ofbroiler:s differ from those of egg layers. Justify the
statement. (I)
32. What are the lining of blood vessels. small intestine and kidney tubules made up of?
Also draw the diagrams for the same. (3)
33. Lisi the contributions of the scientists given below in context of the study of cells (3)
a) Antony van Leeuwenhoek b) Robert Brown
c) Camillo Golgi d) Robert Hooke
e)Purkinje 0 Schleiden and Schwann
34. Based on the following diagram answer the following questions : (5)
The growing of different crops on a piece of land in a pre-planned succession is known
as crop rotation. Weeds. insects and diseases must be controlled by various methods for
a good harvest. One of lhe most commonly used methods is the use of pesticides.
However, excessive use of these chemicals creates problems. Some other preventive
measures against pests are lhe use of resistant varieties. and summer ploughing, in
which fields are ploughed deep in summers to destroy weeds and pests.
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Pigeon Maim