2 JT To LS
2 JT To LS
2 JT To LS
The road from JT to LS is the second of my Sunrise.
24 subsequent Path Journeys on Yggdrasill
Tree. There were two enormous guardians on
each side of the entering, protecting the
With my mind quieted, still, in Midgard, I entrance from un-wanted and un-worthy
started my visionary journey. I visualized visitors. A gust of inviting, balmy wind,
the gate of Thurisaz, which took me warmed up our hearts.
straight to Jotunheimr’ shore blue cave.
The blue cave is a Portal to enter and exit We knew that we must go different ways
Jotunheimr. as soon as we crossed the threshold, but
we were not sad, as we knew that we
The blue cave had enough light to let me could meet again and again, to share our Gebo – A Gift demands a Gift in Return.
see its Rune carvings. Soon Gebo was stories, to cry and to laugh together. Triple Gift of Odinn: Consciousness, Breath
found – red and pulsating, as I touched it, a of Life & form. Alchemical Wedding
doorway leading to a walled rocky river, The boat bobbed like a cork, up and down
was visible. I reached for one of the little from the struggle of the two waters
rowing boats, to my surprise, I wasn’t meeting Point. I was relieved to see that
travelling alone this time. There were more there was a Small harbour for the boat,
boats up and down this route. where I got off.
After a while, we acknowledged each other We did not say a proper goodbye, we
presence and started to chat. It looked like didn’t need to. I walked straight and firmly
that we knew each other for a long time, on the wooden bridge and as I climbed up
the words were flowing easily and the steps, the joy of anticipation was
effortlessly. He was kind and made me fill making my heart Glad about having this
welcomed and appreciated for my effort to experience.
share rowing the boat.
We instinctively knew that other journeys Last step, then the vision of a glorious
together would come to past and that we dawn, words cannot express the
could share our troubles and worries with magnificent scenery, all light up by the Ljossalfheimr – The Realm of the Elves
trust. brilliance of Gold, the Gold of knowledge and probably of the Disir – the Ancestral
and awareness, of the pure Mind Realm. Mothers. Realm of light, Universal Light
The portal to LS was near, Dawn was
Getting closer, we wanted to be there by
and Energy.
Ljossalfheimr is the Realm of the Elves, and Once the Portal had been crossed, the scenery
according to the Grimnismal, Poetic Edda, it is opened up to a most beautiful landscape
where the 2nd World – Ydallir – Yew Valleys, bathed in golden light. I started walking
Alfheimr – Elf World is. through the forest towards a crystal palace
Inhabitants: Frey (Lord of Elves and Souls), Ullr, carved directly on a crystal mountain.
Dark Elves.
World of Passion, Desire, Hunger, Lifeforce Beautiful, elegant, laced birch tree grove,
filtering the light from above, making delicate
There are twelve worlds, spheres, heavens, or patterns on the ground, here and there light
dimensions in the Cosmos, and according to and darkness, in the subtle arrangement.
Snorri, only nine of them are subjected to death
and under Hel’s rulership, also, only Light Elves A few leaves on the ground barely hid the
can live on the three upper levels. proud red cups of Amanita – They too had
patterns: white shapes on red coats, like
As far as I understood, those heavens broaches of sacred ethnobotanic precious
interpenetrate the nine Worlds on the World stones, set against the blackest fecund Earth.
Tree – Yggdrasill.
Spiritual dreams healer portal, to be found
There are also other inhabitants of those again in other visits. Who would pass the
worlds such as the Fairy Folk, the Sylphs, a very opportunity to learn her own Runes to heal
old Primal Fairy Race, prior to humans, and one’s past, still in the land of the living, guided
others. by the Queen of hearts?
Exploring Jjossalfheimr
“Amanita dancing, with her Stunning Shimmering Skirt, Lowering myself in its powerful
Round and Round She Sways like a Sufi in her Sacred waters below the waterfall, feeling
Swirls”. the formidable pull, I fell incapable
of fighting, nor I did want to
The animals became quiet, the whole forest was silent, an struggle. Just let myself enter the
intoxicating serenity descended upon me. Now, with my whirlpool of waters and emotions,
mind calm and serene, I could finally see the palace ahead just observed like an outsider from
again. this Universe borders, beyond
Illusion or reality? Who knows? Jormungadr, beyond Uttagrd.
Vidarrr 12th
3 Light Elves
7 -G – Gebo 1-7
Lesson 2
The 2nd Path I walked was of Gebo - From Jotunheimr to LJOSSALFHEIMR. What do my
vision mean? How can I learn from them and use them?
Gebo = Gift
The first Gift we have to be conscious about, is the one that gave us life (the
ancestral bloodline and how we can access its teachings/messages). Then, we need
to become fully conscious of the Self Awareness Gift of Set.
With Awareness, comes knowledge and understanding. Gebo, is also the Wisdom
on how we use our Gift. It is not blindly giving, but giving with awareness, meaning
and purpose.