Animal Disease Prediction
Animal Disease Prediction
Animal Disease Prediction
Abstract - The rising concern over animal health and technological innovation. As our understanding of
welfare necessitates the development of efficient and animal health depends, so does our ability to harness
accurate disease prediction methods. The importance of advanced technology to improve diagnostics and
this search lies in its capability to bridge the differences treatment methods. One of the most promising
in disease prediction. By studying data from symptoms, developments in this regard is the application of Machine
and using technologies such as frontend tool, this learning in predicting and diagnosing animal diseases.
framework aims to provide a cost-effective, easily Main aim is to belief that every animal deserves the best
accessible solution, and sustainable solution for all possible care, including of geographical location. We
stakeholders in animal health ecosystem. The research find out the challenges faced by veterinarians and animal
methodology involves the collection and pre-processing healthcare, farmers, and animal care takers in diagnosing
of various datasets including different animals’ species, diseases accurately. There are challenges, this research
diseases, and symptoms. These data have been explores the combination of advanced technologies like
thoroughly analyzed to identify patterns and correlations machine learning with veterinary diagnostics. By
between various health parameters. The initial model is including data-driven approaches, including symptoms,
generated using the machine learning algorithm Random and emerging technologies like machine learning
Forest. The experimental results demonstrate the algorithm like Random Forest, this research aims to
effectiveness of the proposed models in accurately improve animal disease prediction. The significance of
predict animal diseases based on input parameters using this research lies in its potential to bridge the gap in
traditional diagnostic methods. disease prediction, it also offers a cost- effective,
accessible and solution for stakeholders across the animal
Key Words: Animal health, Disease Prediction, health ecosystem. The framework proposed in this
Veterinary diagnostics, Machine learning research involves disease prediction but also provide
early intervention, it leads to economic losses in
INTRODUCTION agriculture, livestock industries and reducing the risk of
Animal health is fundamental to sustainable agriculture, zoonotic disease transmission to humans.
livestock management, and global health security.
Timely identification and innervation in animal diseases
are crucial for maintaining agricultural productivity,
ensuring animal welfare, and safeguarding public health.
Traditional diagnostic methods, reliant on clinical
examination and laboratory testing, have limitations,
especially in remote or underserved areas, early disease
detection and intervention. The field of veterinary
medicine stands at the intersection of expertise and
Addressing the escalating worries about highlighting that the Support Vector Machine (SVM)
diseases that transmit from animals to humans is achieved an accuracy exceeding 90%. [6]
Datasets have lots of variables, picking out the costly choices. Let’s take the example. COW
important ones is crucial. Random forest is a powerful increases the accuracy of the forecast due to
tool for this job, even with a ton of variables. It's great economic constraints. We show that COW is NP-
at dealing with missing data, sorting things into Hard, and propose an efficient estimator with
categories, and predicting values. Plus, it can handle polynomial complexity called the Cost Aware
messy data like outliers and noise really well. In our Learning Feature (CALF).We validate our
study, we used random forest to pick out the best methodology on a real dataset collected from 159
features and compare how well it works for different calves during the prehearing period. Results show
tasks like sorting data and making predictions.[8] that our approach outperforms a recent state-of-
the- art solution.[4]
3.Machine learning techniques in predicting
lumpy skin disease occurrence based on 6.SEIR-SEI-EnKF: A New Model for
and geological attributes. The research reveals that burden in many tropical and subtropical regions.
certain ML techniques can predict LSDV occurrence Accurate predictions of dengue outbreaks enable
with high accuracy, particularly the ANN (Artificial local health authorities to take proactive measures
neural networks) algorithm, which outperformed such as installing mosquito control equipment or
In data preprocessing technique the process of
preparing the raw data and making it ready for a machine The final step in the process where system displays the
learning model. It is first important step in machine predicted disease based on the analysis.
learning for creating model. In preprocessing techniques
in ML, primary task is to prepare and clean the raw data 1.2Methodology
combined into a centralized repository to facilitate analysis diseases based on the symptoms entered. Then user will be
Data preprocessing is done to cleanse and transform the directed to an output page displaying the predicted disease along
raw data to ensure its suitability for further analysis. with relevant information and with some suggestion of nearest
Symptom extraction follows, using machine learning to doctors. Also, on home page there is feature of chatbot is given,
extract features from symptoms, which are then combined where user can clear their doubt about animal related questions.
to produce more effective disease predictions. Machine In that chatbot the fix number of question are included which are
learning algorithm random forest implemented and trained helpful for user to clear their doubt. The instant responses and
on historical symptoms data to develop predictive models. improving customer service and user experience. Ultimately, the
Model selection considers data characteristics and diseases project highlights how technology can significantly contribute to
to choose appropriate models, which are incorporated into improving animal health outcomes by enabling early disease
the prediction process. A user interface is designed to detection. The outcome of this project is a tool that can detect
facilitate data entry and user interaction. Symptom diseases early by looking at symptoms. The result of this work
information and results are securely stored in a database. is a tool that can detect diseases early by looking at symptoms.
Finally, performance monitoring and feedback This can help farmers, veterinarians and other users take
mechanisms to evaluate system accuracy and user immediate action to treat sick animals and prevent further spread
satisfaction based on actual results and user feedback Such of disease. It’s like an early warning system for animal health
a system this approach ensures a robust and sensitive issues, allowing early intervention to keep animals healthy.
disease prediction system.
The result of this research project involves the
development of predictive model for animal diseases
using machine learning, specifically the Random Forest
algorithm. By training this model with data on various
animal symptoms, the system can accurately predict
diseases based on input symptoms. The implementation
includes a simple user interface, likely a website, where
users can input symptoms and receive disease predictions
in an interactive manner. This user-friendly approach
ensures that farmers, veterinarians, and other users can
easily access and benefit from the disease prediction tool.
These results are shown in simple UI.
We have created the simple website to show out output
in a very interactive way i.e.
o Sign Up
o Login
o Main Page
o Output Page
[1] Sana Rehman.” Animal Disease Prediction
using Machine Learning Techniques,” “IJRASET”,
We express our profound gratitude to principal of our [7] Ehsanallah Afshari Safavi, “Machine learning
college Prof. S.D. Lokhande and to the Head of the techniques in predicting lumpy skin disease occurrence
department Information Technology Dr. S.R. Ganorkar based on meteorological and geospatial features,”
for allowing us to proceed with project and giving us full “Springer,”14 January 2022.
freedom to access the lab facilities. Our heart full thanks
to our guide Prof. N.H. Deshpande for taking time and [8] Jitendra Kumar Jaiswal, Rita Samikannu , “
helping us throughout our project. And, thanks to the staff Application of Random Forest Algorithm on Feature
member of IT Department, Sinhgad college of Subset Selection and Classification and Regression” ,
engineering. We also appreciate to for “World Congress on Computing and Communication
providing the datasets used in project. And last but not Technologies (WCCCT)” , 2021.
the least, a hearty thanks to all our classmates for
supporting us throughout the project research.