Leukemia NCLEX Quiz
Leukemia NCLEX Quiz
Leukemia NCLEX Quiz
"A client with acute leukemia is Answer B is correct. The client with leukemia is at
admitted to the oncology unit. risk for infection and has often had recurrent
Which respiratory infections during the previous 6 months.
of the following would be most Insomnolence, weight loss, and a decrease in
important for the nurse to alertness also occur in leukemia, but bleeding
inquire? tendencies and infections are the primary clinical
"a. ""Have you noticed a manifestations; therefore, answers A, C, and D are
change in sleeping habits incorrect.
b. ""Have you had a respiratory
infection in the last 6 months?""
c. ""Have you lost weight
d. ""Have you noticed changes
in your alertness?"""
A chemotherapeutic agent B
known to cause alopecia is Rationale: The patient is taught to anticipate hair loss
prescribed for a patient. To and to be prepared with wigs, scarves, or hats.
maintain the patient's self- Limiting social contacts is not appropriate at a time
esteem, the nurse plans to when the patient is likely to need a good social
a. suggest that the patient limit support system. The damage occurs at the hair
social contacts until regrowth follicle and will occur regardless of gentle washing
of the hair occurs. or use of a mild shampoo. The information that the
b. encourage the patient to hair will grow back is not immediately helpful in
purchase a wig or hat and wear maintaining the patient's self-esteem
it once hair loss begins.
c. have the patient wash the
hair gently with a mild
shampoo to minimize hair loss.
d. inform the patient that hair
loss will not be permanent and
that the hair will grow back.