Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Jntu - Uandistar.org)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Jntu - Uandistar.org)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Jntu - Uandistar.org)
2. With a neat sketch explain the main parts of the DC machine and state the material of which
each part is made and their function
3. a)From the fundamentals, derive the expression for the EMF equation of a single phase
b) A transformer has a primary winding of 600 turns and a secondary turns of 300. When the
load current on the secondary is 50A at 0.85 p.f lagging, the primary current is 25A at 0.707
lagging. Determine the no load current of the transformer and the phase angle with respect to
the voltage.
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2. Compare DC generator and DC motor with respect to principle of operation of mention the
application of each machine
5. a)Draw and explain the equivalent circuit of the P-N junction diode
b) An a.c. voltage of peak value 20V is connected in series with a silicon diode and load
resistance of 500Ω. If the forward resistance of diode is 10Ω, find the following:
i) peak current through diode ii) peak output voltage
What will be these values if the diode is assumed to be ideal?
7. Explain the dielectric heating with necessary diagrams? List out its merits and give some
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1. A Wheatstone bridge consists of AB = 4Ω, BC=3Ω, CD=6Ω and DA=5Ω. A 10V cell is
connected between B and D and a galvanometer of 8Ω is connected between A and C. Find the
current through the galvanometer.
3. a) What are the different losses occurring in a transformer on load? and what are the tests
required for finding these losses.
b) Short-circuit test is conducted on a 5kVA, 400V/100 V single phase transformer with 100
V winding shorted. The input voltage at full load current is 40 V. The wattmeter, on the
input reads 250 W. Find the power factor for which regulation at full load is zero.
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5. a) Explain the forward current, peak inverse voltage and reverse current in a P-N junction
b) Compare half wave and full wave rectifiers and their output voltage waveforms
7. a) What are the various core type induction furnaces? Explain one of them.
b) Discuss the industrial applications of dielectric heating.
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1. a) Three equal resistances of value R ohms are connected in a delta fashion. This is to be
replaced by an equivalent star connected resistance R1, R2 and R3. What are the values of R1,
R2 and R3 in terms of R.
b) By applying Kirchhoff’s law, find the current through all the elements in the circuit as
shown in the figure?
5. a) With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of centre tap full wave rectifier
b) The applied input a.c. power to a half-wave rectifier is 100 watts. The d.c. output power
obtained is 40 watts. i) What is the rectifier efficiency? ii) What happens to remaining 60
8. a) Draw the schematic diagram of a CRO and explain its principle of working
b) Explain the working of a thermocouples.
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