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Internet of Things With Raspberry Pi and Arduino

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Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Lovi Raj Gupta,
Bhupendra Singh, and Mahendra Swain
Internet of Things with
Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Internet of Things with
Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Rajesh Singh
Professor, School of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
Lovely Professional University, India

Anita Gehlot
Associate Professor, School of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
Lovely Professional University, India
Lovi Raj Gupta
Executive Dean
Lovely Professional University, India
Bhupendra Singh
Managing Director
Schematics Microelectronics, India
Mahendra Swain
Assistant Professor
MIET, Jammu, India
CRC Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Gehlot, Anita, author.

Title: Internet of things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino / by Dr. Anita
Gehlot, Associate Professor, School of Electronics & Electrical
Engineering, Lovely Professional University, India, Dr. Rajesh Singh,
Professor, School of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Lovely
Professional University, India, Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Executive Dean,
Lovely Professional University, India, Bhupendra Singh, Managing
Director, Schematics Microelectronics, India, Mahendra Swain, Assistant
Professor, MIET, Jammu, India.
Description: First edition. | New York, N.Y. : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis
Group, 2019. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019032830 (print) | LCCN 2019032831 (ebook) | ISBN
9780367248215 (hardback) | ISBN 9780429284564 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Internet of things. | Raspberry Pi (Computer) | Arduino
(Programmable controller)
Classification: LCC TK5105.8857 .G44 2019 (print) | LCC TK5105.8857
(ebook) | DDC 004.67/8--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019032830
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Acknowledgments............................................................................................... xiii

Section I Introduction

1. Introduction to Internet of Things..............................................................3

1.1 Characteristics of IoT...............................................................................3
1.2 Design Principles of IoT..........................................................................4
1.3 IoT Architecture and Protocols..............................................................5
1.3.1 IoT Architecture.........................................................................5
1.3.2 IoT Protocols...............................................................................6 OSI Model.....................................................................6 Organizational Levels................................................7
1.4 Enabling Technologies for IoT................................................................9
1.5 IoT Levels................................................................................................ 10
1.6 IoT vs M2M............................................................................................. 11

2. Sensors............................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Sensors Classification............................................................................ 13
2.2 Working Principle of Sensors............................................................... 15
2.3 Criteria to Choose a Sensor.................................................................. 17
2.4 Generation of Sensors........................................................................... 17

3. IoT Design Methodology............................................................................. 19

3.1 Design Methodology............................................................................. 19
3.2 Challenges in IoT Design...................................................................... 20
3.3 IoT System Management....................................................................... 20
3.4 IoT Servers............................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 KAA...........................................................................................22
3.4.2 SeeControl IoT..........................................................................22
3.4.3 Temboo......................................................................................22
3.4.4 SensorCloud..............................................................................22
3.4.5 Carriots......................................................................................22
3.4.6 Xively.........................................................................................22
3.4.7 Etherios...................................................................................... 23
3.4.8 thethings.io............................................................................... 23
3.4.9 Ayla’s IoT Cloud Fabric............................................................ 23
3.4.10 Exosite........................................................................................ 23

vi Contents

3.4.11 OpenRemote............................................................................. 23
3.4.12 Arrayent Connect TM.............................................................. 23
3.4.13 Arkessa...................................................................................... 24
3.4.14 Oracle IoT Cloud...................................................................... 24
3.4.15 ThingWorx................................................................................ 24
3.4.16 Nimbits...................................................................................... 24
3.4.17 InfoBright.................................................................................. 24
3.4.18 Jasper Control Center.............................................................. 24
3.4.19 AerCloud................................................................................... 24
3.4.20 Echelon...................................................................................... 25
3.4.21 ThingSpeak............................................................................... 25
3.4.22 Plotly.......................................................................................... 25
3.4.23 GroveStreams........................................................................... 25
3.4.24 IBM IoT...................................................................................... 25
3.4.25 Microsoft Research Lab of Things......................................... 25
3.4.26 Blynk.......................................................................................... 25
3.4.27 Cayenne APP............................................................................ 26
3.4.28 Virtuino APP............................................................................ 26

Section II Basics of Arduino and Raspberry Pi

4. Basics of Arduino.......................................................................................... 29
4.1 Introduction to Arduino....................................................................... 29
4.1.1 Arduino Uno............................................................................. 29
4.1.2 Arduino Mega..........................................................................30
4.1.3 Arduino Nano.......................................................................... 31
4.2 Arduino IDE........................................................................................... 33
4.2.1 Steps to Install Arduino IDE.................................................. 33
4.3 Basic Commands for Arduino............................................................. 37
4.4 LCD Commands.................................................................................... 37
4.5 Serial Communication Commands..................................................... 38
4.6 Play with LED and Arduino................................................................ 38
4.6.1 Sketch......................................................................................... 40
4.7 Play with LCD with Arduino............................................................... 40
4.7.1 Sketch.........................................................................................43

5. Basics of Raspberry Pi.................................................................................. 45

5.1 Introduction to Raspberry Pi............................................................... 45
5.1.1 Raspberry Pi Components...................................................... 45
5.2 Installation of NOOBS on SD Card..................................................... 48
5.3 Installation of Raspbian on SD Card.................................................. 49
5.4 Terminal Commands............................................................................ 51
5.5 Installation of Libraries on Raspberry Pi........................................... 52
5.6 Getting the Static IP Address of Raspberry Pi.................................. 52
Contents vii

5.7 Run a Program on Raspberry Pi........................................................ 57

5.7.1 Editing rc.local........................................................................ 57
5.8 Installing the Remote Desktop Server.............................................. 58
5.9 Pi Camera.............................................................................................. 59
5.9.1 Testing of the Camera............................................................ 59
5.9.2 Raspberry Pi Camera as a USB Video Device.................... 59
5.10 Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi............................................... 60
5.11 Installation of I2C Driver on Raspberry Pi....................................... 60
5.12 Serial Peripheral Interface with Raspberry Pi.................................63
5.13 Programming a Raspberry Pi............................................................63
5.14 Play with LED and Raspberry Pi.......................................................64
5.14.1 Recipe for LED Blink..............................................................64 Recipe for LED Blink Using Function................65
5.15 Reading the Digital Input................................................................... 66
5.15.1 Recipe....................................................................................... 67
5.16 Reading an Edge-Triggered Input..................................................... 67
5.16.1 Reading Switch in Pull-Down Configuration.................... 67 Recipe for Pull-Down Configuration................. 68
5.16.2 Reading Switch in Pull-Up Configuration.......................... 69 Recipe for Pull-Up Configuration....................... 70
5.17 Interfacing of Relay with Raspberry Pi............................................. 70
5.17.1 Recipe....................................................................................... 71
5.18 Interfacing of DC Motor with Raspberry Pi..................................... 72
5.18.1 Recipe....................................................................................... 73
5.18.2 Recipe to Control One Motor Using Function................... 74
5.19 Interfacing of LCD with Raspberry Pi.............................................. 75
5.19.1 Adafruit Library for LCD...................................................... 76
5.19.2 Recipe with Adafruit Library............................................... 76
5.19.3 Recipe without Library..........................................................77
5.20 Interfacing LCD with Raspberry Pi in I2C Mode............................ 79
5.20.1 Recipe to Interface LCD in I2C Mode.................................. 81
5.21 Interfacing of DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi.............................83
5.21.1 Recipe to Read DHT11 Sensor..............................................85
5.21.2 Recipe to Read DHT11 Sensor and Display Data
on LCD..................................................................................... 85
5.22 Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi....................... 86
5.22.1 Recipe to Read Ultrasonic Sensor and Display Data
on LCD..................................................................................... 88
5.23 Interfacing of Camera with Raspberry Pi.........................................90
5.23.1 Configuring the Camera with Raspberry Pi......................90
5.23.2 Capturing the Image with Pi Camera.................................90
5.23.3 Capturing the Video with Pi Camera.................................. 93
5.23.4 Motion Detector and Capturing the Image........................ 95 Recipe to Capture Image on Motion
viii Contents

Section III Interfacing with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

6. Raspberry Pi and Arduino........................................................................... 99

6.1 Install Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi................................................. 99
6.2 Play with Digital Sensor..................................................................... 100
6.2.1 PIR Sensor................................................................................. 100
6.2.2 Circuit Diagram....................................................................... 101
6.2.3 Sketch........................................................................................ 102
6.3 Play with Analog Sensor.................................................................... 104
6.3.1 Circuit Diagram....................................................................... 104
6.3.2 Sketch........................................................................................ 105
6.4 Play with Actuators............................................................................. 107
6.4.1 DC Motor.................................................................................. 107 Circuit Diagram........................................................ 107 Sketch.......................................................................... 109
6.4.2 Servo Motor.............................................................................. 110 Circuit Diagram........................................................ 111 Sketch.......................................................................... 112

7. Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata...................................................... 115

7.1 Python with Arduino.......................................................................... 115
7.2 Controlling Arduino with Python.................................................... 116
7.3 Play with LED....................................................................................... 116
7.3.1 Recipe........................................................................................ 117
7.4 Reading an Arduino Digital Input with Pyfirmata........................ 117
7.4.1 Recipe to Read Pull-Down Arrangement............................ 119
7.4.2 Recipe to Read Pull-Up Arrangement.................................. 119
7.5 Reading the Flame Sensor with Pyfirmata...................................... 120
7.5.1 Program for Reading Active “Low” Flame Sensor............ 121
7.6 Reading an Analog Input with Pyfirmata....................................... 121
7.6.1 Recipe........................................................................................ 122
7.7 Reading the Temperature Sensor with Pyfirmata.......................... 123
7.7.1 Recipe........................................................................................ 124
7.8 Line-Following Robot with Pyfirmata.............................................. 124
7.8.1 Recipe........................................................................................ 125

8. Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino.................................................. 129

8.1 Tkinter for GUI Design....................................................................... 129
8.2 LED Blink.............................................................................................. 129
8.2.1 Recipe for LED Blinking with Fixed Time Delay................ 131 Tkinter GUI for LED Blinking with Fixed
8.2.2 Recipe for LED Blinking with Variable Delay..................... 131 Tkinter GUI for LED Blinking with
Variable Delay........................................................... 133
Contents ix

8.3 LED Brightness Control.................................................................... 133

8.3.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 133
8.3.2 Tkinter GUI for LED Brightness Control.......................... 134
8.4 Selection from Multiple Options..................................................... 135
8.4.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 136
8.4.2 Tkinter GUI........................................................................... 137
8.5 Reading a PIR Sensor........................................................................ 137
8.5.1 Recipe to Read PIR Sensor.................................................. 137
8.5.2 Tkinter GUI........................................................................... 140
8.6 Reading an Analog Sensor............................................................... 140
8.6.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 141
8.6.2 Tkinter GUI........................................................................... 143

9. Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter........................................... 145

9.1 Basics.................................................................................................... 145
9.2 CSV File............................................................................................... 146
9.3 Storing Arduino Data with CSV File............................................... 147
9.3.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 148
9.4 Plotting Random Numbers Using Matplotlib............................... 149
9.4.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 150
9.5 Plotting Real-Time from Arduino.................................................... 150
9.5.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 151
9.6 Integrating the Plots in the Tkinter Window................................. 152
9.6.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 152

Section IV Connecting to the Cloud

10. Smart IoT Systems....................................................................................... 157

10.1 DHT11 Data Logger with ThingSpeak Server............................... 157
10.1.1 Installation of DHT11 Library............................................ 157
10.1.2 Steps to Create a Channel in ThingSpeak........................ 157
10.1.3 Recipe..................................................................................... 160
10.2 Ultrasonic Sensor Data Logger with ThingSpeak Server............ 160
10.2.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 161
10.3 Air Quality Monitoring System and Data Logger with
ThingSpeak Server............................................................................. 162
10.3.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 166
10.4 Landslide Detection and Disaster Management System............. 169
10.4.1 Recipe..................................................................................... 171
10.5 Smart Motion Detector and Upload Image to gmail.com............ 173
10.5.1 Configuring Raspberry Pi with Camera and Gmail....... 174
10.5.2 Recipe..................................................................................... 175
x Contents

11. Blynk Application with Raspberry Pi..................................................... 177

11.1 Introduction to Blynk........................................................................ 177
11.1.1 Installing Blynk on Raspberry Pi....................................... 177
11.2 Creating New Project with Blynk.................................................... 178
11.3 Home Appliance Control with Blynk App..................................... 180

12. Cayenne Application with Raspberry Pi................................................ 183

12.1 Introduction to Cayenne................................................................... 183
12.1.1 Getting Started with Cayenne............................................ 183
12.2 LED Blynk with the Cayenne App.................................................. 183

Bibliography......................................................................................................... 187
Index...................................................................................................................... 189

The Internet of Things provides direct integration of the physical world

with computer-based systems, which results in economic benefits, efficiency
improvements, and reduced human exertions.
The primary objective of writing this book is to provide a platform to the
readers to get started with the Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and
Arduino along with the basic knowledge of programming and interfacing of
the input/output devices.
The book provides a gradual pace of basic to advanced interfacing and
programming of Arduino and Raspberry Pi. It is comprised of 4 sections
and 12 chapters with a few case studies to make the concept clear and test its
feasibility in solutions to real-time problems.
This book is entirely based on the practical experience of the authors while
undergoing projects with students and industries.


We acknowledge the support from nuttyengineer.com, who provided its

products in order to demonstrate and explain how the systems worked. We
would like to thank the publisher for encouraging our ideas in this book and
their support in helping us to manage this project efficiently.
We are grateful to the honorable chancellor (Lovely Professional University)
Ashok Mittal, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal (pro chancellor, LPU), and Dr. Ramesh
Kanwar (vice chancellor, LPU), for their support and constant encourage-
ment. In addition, we are thankful to our family, friends, relatives, col-
leagues, and students for their moral support and blessings.

Dr. Rajesh Singh

Dr. Anita Gehlot
Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta
Mr. Bhupendra Singh
Mr. Mahendra Swain


Dr. Rajesh Singh is currently associated with Lovely

Professional University as a professor with more than
15 years of experience in academics. He has received a
gold medal in MTech and honors in his BE degree. His
areas of expertise include embedded systems, robotics,
wireless sensor networks, and Internet of Things.
He has organized and conducted a number of work-
shops, summer internships, and expert lectures for stu-
dents as well as faculty. He has 23 patents in his account.
He has published approximately 100 research papers in referred journals/
conferences. He has been invited as the session chair and keynote speaker to
international/national conferences and faculty development programs.
Under his mentorship, students have participated in national/international
competitions including a Texas competition in Delhi and a Laureate Award
of Excellence in robotics engineering in Spain. Twice in the last four years he
has been awarded the Certificate of Appreciation and the Best Researcher
Award 2017 from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies for exem-
plary work. He received the Certificate of Appreciation for mentoring the
projects submitted to the Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge India
Design Contest from Texas Instruments in 2015. He has been honored with
the Certificate of Appreciation from Rashtryapati Bhawan for a mentoring
project through the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award 2018.
He has been awarded the Young Investigator Award at the International
Conference on Science and Information in 2012. He has published 15 books
in the areas of embedded systems and Internet of Things with reputed pub-
lishers like CRC/Taylor & Francis, Bentham Science, Narosa, GBS, IRP, NIPA,
River Publisher, and RI Publications. He is editor to a special issue published
by the AISC book series at Springer with title Intelligent Communication,
Control and Devices, 2017–2018.

Dr. Anita Gehlot is currently associated with Lovely

Professional University as an associate professor with
more than 10 years of experience in academics. She has
20 patents in her account. She has published more than
50 research papers in referred journals and confer-
ences. She has organized a number of workshops, sum-
mer internships, and expert lectures for students.
She has been invited as session chair and keynote
speaker to international/national conferences and
­faculty development programs.

xvi Authors

She has been awarded with the Certificate of Appreciation from the
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies for exemplary work. She has been
honored with the Certificate of Appreciation from Rashtryapati Bhawan for
a mentoring project through the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation
Award 2018. She has published 15 books in the areas of embedded systems and
Internet of Things with reputed publishers like CRC/Taylor & Francis Group,
Bentham Science, Narosa, GBS, IRP, NIPA, River Publisher, and RI Publications.
She is an editor to a special issue published by the AISC book series at Springer
with the title Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices, 2018.

Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta is the executive dean of the faculty

of Technology & Sciences at Lovely Professional
University. He is a leading light in the field of technical
and higher education in the country. His research-
focused approach and insightful innovative interven-
tion of technology in education has won him much
accolades and laurels.
He holds a PhD in bioinformatics. He received his
M.Tech. in computer-aided design and interactive graphics from IIT, Kanpur,
and received his BE (Hons.) from MITS, Gwalior. Having a flair for endless
learning, he has received more than 20 certifications and specializations
online on Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, and gamification
from the University of California at Irvine, Yonsei University, South Korea,
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and Google Machine Learning
Group. His research interests are in the areas of robotics, mechatronics, bio-
informatics, IoT, AI, and ML using tensor flow (CMLE) and gamification.
In 2001, he was appointed assistant controller (technology), ministry of IT,
by the government of India by the honorable president of India in the Office
of the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA). In 2013, he was awarded
a role in the National Advisory Board for the What Can I Give Mission—
Kalam Foundation of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. In 2011, he received the MIT
Technology Review Grand Challenge Award followed by the coveted Infosys
InfyMakers Award in 2016. He has 10 patents to his account.

Bhupendra Singh is the managing director of

Schematics Microelectronics and provides product
design and R&D support to industries and universities.
He has completed his BCA, PGDCA, M.Sc. (CS), and
M.Tech and has more than 11 years of experience in the
fields of computer networking and embedded systems.
He has published 12 books in the areas of embedded
systems and Internet of Things with reputed publishers
like CRC/Taylor & Francis, Bentham Science, Narosa,
GBS, IRP, NIPA, River Publisher, and RI Publications.
Authors xvii

Mahendra Swain is presently associated with MIET,

Jammu, as assistant professor. He has completed his
BTech in ECE from Centurion University of Technology
and Management, Bhubaneswar, and M.Tech from
Lovely Professional University. He has published vari-
ous research articles and attended national and interna-
tional conferences in the fields of embedded systems
and Internet of Things. He has chosen electrical and
communication engineering with an intense urge
to delve into challenging fields, such as embedded
­systems, wireless communication, electronic product
development, and IoT.
Section I

Introduction to Internet of Things

1.1 Characteristics of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to design products for businesses. It facil-
ities to add the valuable feature to the businesses, where the IoT framework is
designed to connect the information from devices which are interconnected.
The process has been classified into five phases. The first phase is the “create
phase,” where sensors collect the data from the environment. This data can
generate the information for the business. Second is “communicate phase,”
where data generated in the first phase are communicated to the required
destination. Third is the “aggregate phase,” where collected data over the
network are aggregated by the device itself. Fourth is “analyse phase,” where
aggregated data are used to generate patterns and use it to control and opti-
mize the process. Fifth is the “act phase,” where necessary actions are taken
on the basis of information extracted from the aggregated data.
The characteristics of IoT may vary from one domain to other. A few char-
acteristics are listed as follows:

1. Intelligence: IoT is treated as smart due to the integration of hard-

ware, software, computational capability, and algorithms. The intel-
ligence feature in an IoT system establishes a great capability of
responding in an intelligent way to situations in order to carry out
specific tasks. IoT provides a standard input method in the form of a
graphical user interface, which also makes it user friendly.
2. Connectivity: Connectivity brings objects together over IoT. It is
important, as connectivity contributes to the collective intelligence
of the system. It enables network accessibility and compatibility of
the objects. New opportunities could be generated in the recent mar-
ket by connecting smart devices by the networking.
3. Dynamic nature: IoT is dynamic in nature, as it is capable of collect-
ing data from devices, which may change dynamically, for example,
a change in temperature or speed.

4 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

4. Enormous scale: The number of connected devices over IoT is very

large. The data management for such large number of devices is
even more critical. But the complexity does not affect the number of
objects connected to IoT day by day.
5. Sensing: The sensor is the most important part of an IoT network.
It detects or measures the environmental changes to generate the
data. The sensing technologies provide true information regarding
physical quantities in the environment.
6. Heterogeneity: IoT devices designed using various hardware frame-
works and networks can communicate over different networks.
Features like modularity, scalability, extensibility, and interoperabil-
ity play key design roles in IoT.
7. Security: IoT devices are susceptible to cyberattack. There is a high
level of transparency and privacy issues with IoT. It is important to
secure the end objects, the networks, and the data that are trans-
ferred over the network.

There is a wide range of technologies incorporated with IoT to support its

successful functioning. IoT creates values and supports human beings to
make their lives better.

1.2 Design Principles of IoT

In the near future, everyday lives will be filled with more intelligent devices.
Designing IoT devices and networks has challenges to be addressed, which
includes connecting different types of physical devices, collecting data,
extracting meaningful information, and fulfilling different needs at the level
of industries and home.
A few of the design principles for IoT devices and networks are as follows:

1. Focus on value: To start with IoT design, it is important to under-

stand the types of features that need to be included. The challenges
and barriers need to be understood before adopting new technolo-
gies. The designer needs to dig out the user’s need and acceptabil-
ity of the product. The order of features also needs attention in any
design process.
2. Holistic view: IoT product consists of multiple devices with dif-
ferent capabilities. The solution may also have a cooperation with
multiple service providers. It is not enough to design only one end
device; the designer needs to take a holistic view across the com-
plete system.
Introduction to Internet of Things 5

3. Safety first: The consequences of avoiding safety in IoT products

can be very serious due to direct connection of devices with the real
world. Also, building trust must be one of the main drives among
designers. Because IoT is a combination of hardware, software, and
network, any situation of occurring error needs to addressed. In the
event an error situation can’t be avoided, the feature of communicat-
ing the error to the user may build a trust. It is important to make
users’ data secure and safe, to build a trust towards IoT.
4. Consider the context: IoT solutions directly deal with the real world,
where many unexpected things happen at a time when the user
should feel safe. IoT solutions should be capable of handling chang-
ing environmental situations, such as a change in temperature. Also,
an IoT device can have multiple users, unlike a smartphone, so this
context needs to be addressed.
5. Strong brand: To handle adverse conditions such as device failure,
building a strong brand is very important among users. When users
feel connected with a brand, they are more forgiving and are more
likely to keep the products.
6. Prototyping: An IoT solution is a combination of both hardware and
software, and both have different life spans. But in IoT, the solution
needs to be aligned. IoT hardware and software are hard to upgrade
once they are placed at a location. So, the prototyping and its itera-
tion are the solution before actual finalizing the product to launch.
7. Use data responsibly: An IoT solution generates tons of data during
its life span. However, the idea is not to hold all the data but instead
to identify the data points that are required to make the solution
functional and useful. So, the possibility of data sciences comes in
here. Data science provides a solution to reduce user friction. It can
be used to interpret meaningful signals and automate repeated
context-dependent decisions.

1.3 IoT Architecture and Protocols

1.3.1 IoT Architecture
IoT architecture is comprised of the following components:

1. Thing: IoT is interconnected with various sensors to collect the data

and actuators to perform actions corresponding to the commands
received from the cloud.
2. Gateway: It is used for data filtering, preprocessing, and communi-
cating it to the cloud and vice versa (receiving the commands from
the cloud).
6 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3. Cloud gateway: It is used to transmit data between the gateways

and IoT central servers.
4. Streaming data processor: It distributes the data coming from sen-
sors to the relevant devices connected in network.
5. Data lake: It is used to store all defined and nondefined data.
6. Big data warehouse: It is used for collecting valuable data.
7. Control application: It is used to send commands to the actuators.
8. Machine learning: It is used to generate models by applying algo-
rithms on data, which can be used to control applications.
9. User application: It enables the users to monitor the data and make
decisions on controlling connected devices.
10. Data analytics: It is used for manual data processing.

1.3.2 IoT Protocols OSI Model
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model for IoT protocols, as shown
in Figure 1.1, includes five layers: physical layer, link layer, internet layer,
transport layer, and application layer.
The physical layer is comprised of devices, objects, and things. The link
layer operates on protocols like IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.11, IS/IEC 18092:2004,
Bluetooth, ANT, NB-IoT, EC-GSM-IoT, ISA100.11a, EnOcean, and LTE-MTC.
The internet layer protocols are 6LoWPAN, IPv6, uIP, and NanoIP. The trans-
port layer protocols are CoAP, TCP, UDP, MQTT, XMPP, AMQP, LLAP, DDS,
SOAP, and DTLS. The application protocols are JSON-IPSO, REST API
objects, and binary objects.

RES TAPI, JSON-IPSO objects, Binary objects

Internet layer 6LoWPAN, IPv6, uIP, NanoIP

IEEE802.15.4, IEEE802.11, ISO/IEC 8092:2004, NB-IoT,

Link layer
EC-GSM-IoT, Bluetooth, ANT, ISA100.11a, EnOcean, LTE-MTC

layer Devices, objects, things

OSI model for IoT protocols.
Introduction to Internet of Things 7 Organizational Levels

IoT protocols can also be categorized on the basis of the organization levels,
as follows:

1. Infrastructure (IPv4/IPv6, 6LowPAN, RPL)

2. Identification (EPC, IPv6, uCode, URIs)
3. Communication (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LPWAN)
4. Discovery (DNS-SD, mDNS, Physical Web)
5. Data Protocols (AMQP, MQTT, Websocket, CoAP, Node)
6. Device Management (TR-069, OMA-DM)
7. Semantic (Web Thing Model, JSON-LD)
8. Multi-layer Frameworks (Weave, IoTivity, Alljoyn, Homekit)

IPv6: IPv6 is popular as an internet layer protocol to transmit packets

of information in an end-to-end transmission over multiple Internet
Protocol (IP) networks.
6LoWPAN: 6LoWPAN stands for IPv6 over Low-power Wireless
Personal Area Networks. It is an extended layer for IPv6 through
IEEE802.15.4 links. It operates on 2.4 GHz of frequency with a data
transmission rate of 250 kbps.
RPL: It is an IPv6-based routing protocol used in less power and lossy
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): This protocol is meant for IP-based
protocol networked between client/server. UDP is used in applica-
tions for real-time performance.
QUIC: It stands for Quick UDP Internet Connections. It supports the
multiplexed connections between two endpoints over (UDP). It was
designed for security protection to reduce latency in connection and
transportation of information over a network.
µIP: The acronym is micro Internet Protocol. It is widely used due to
open source TCP/IP stack, which can be used for tiny 8- and 16-bit
DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer): The DTLS protocol provides the
communication privacy for datagram protocols. It is used for preven-
tion of tampering, message forgery, or eavesdropping in a network.
NanoIP: Nano Internet Protocol is meant to establish communication
among embedded sensors and devices without the overhead of
Time-Synchronized Mesh Protocol (TSMP): It is a communication
protocol to establish communication among self-customized wire-
less sensor nodes called motes.
8 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Physical Web: The Physical Web is an approach to interconnect devices

and access them seamlessly.
HyperCat: It is an open source JSON-based lightweight hypermedia
catalogue format for exposing collections of URIs.
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): The MQTT is a light-
weight protocol that enables a publish/subscribe messaging model.
Used for remote connection in a network.
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol): CoAP is an application layer
protocol. It is designed to translate to HTTP for simplified integra-
tion with the web.
SMCP: It is a C-based CoAP stack, which can be used for embedded
environments. It has fully asynchronous I/O and supports both UIP
and BSD sockets.
STOMP: It stands for Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol used in
communication networks.
XMPP: It stands for Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
XMPP-IoT: It is the same as XMPP with an additional feature to estab-
lish a communication link between machine to people and machine
to machine.
Mihini/M3DA: It acts as intermediate agent between the M2M server
and embedded gateway. M3DA is an extended version to transport
M2M binary data.
AMQP: The acronym is Advanced Message Queuing Protocol and is
an open-source application layer used as middleware in a messag-
ing application. It is reliable and more secure to use in routing and
DDS: It stands for Data Distribution Service for real-time systems.
It is an open source and international standard to address com-
munication among real time and embedded systems.
LLAP: It is elaborated as a lightweight local automation protocol.
LLAP facilitates sending short and simple messages between
intelligent objects.
REST: It stands for Representational State Transfer.
SOAP: It stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.
Websocket: It is a full-duplex socket used to communicate between
server and client.
SensorML: It describes sensors and the measurement process by pro-
viding the standard models and an XML encoding.
RAML: The acronym is RESTful API Modelling Language. It is used to
design and share the API.
Introduction to Internet of Things 9

IoTivity: It is founded by Linux Foundation to facilitate open-source

projects and sponsored by OIC.
IEEE P2413: It is a standard for an architectural framework for the IoT.
OTrP (Open Trust Protocol): This protocol is used to install, update,
and delete applications. It manages the security configuration in a
Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).

1.4 Enabling Technologies for IoT

In the present world, many wired and wireless technologies contribute to
automation. IoT is the latest trend in technology. The networking part in IoT
may involve more than one type of communication media or device.

1. Short-Range Wireless Technology

Bluetooth networking in mesh: It is a Bluetooth low-energy (BLE)
compatible mesh network with an increased number of nodes.
Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi): This technology is almost similar to the Wi-Fi
standard, but it uses the visible light spectrum.
Near-field communication (NFC): It is a communication protocol
that enables communication between two devices within a range
of 4 cm.
QR codes and barcodes: It is optical tag that can be read by machine;
it stores the information for the item to which it is stacked to.
Radio-frequency identification (RFID): It uses electromagnetic
fields to read the information stored in tags on the other items.
Thread: This network protocol is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
Wi-Fi: It is for local area networking, which is based on the IEEE
802.11 standard.
Z-Wave: It is a low-powered, low-latency, near-range communica-
tion protocol having better reliability than Wi-Fi.
ZigBee: This protocol can be used for a personal area network; it is
based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
2. Medium-Range Wireless Technology
HaLow: It is the variant of the Wi-Fi standard. It provides low data
rate transmission over a wide range.
LTE-Advanced: It is Long-Term Evolution technology meant to pro-
vide flawless communication with a high data rate.
10 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3. Long-Range Wireless Technology

Low-power wide-area networking (LPWAN): This wireless net-
work facilitates a wide range of communication along with low bit
rate and less power.
Very small aperture terminal (VSAT): This communication is used
in satellites using dish antenna for narrow-banded data.
4. Wired Technology
Ethernet: It is a wired communication technique using a twisted
pair and optical fiber with hubs or switches.
Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA): This technology enhances
video quality over existing cable.
Power-line communication (PLC): This communication technology
uses the transmit of electrical power and data.

1.5 IoT Levels

Level 1 IoT: A level 1 IoT system performs sensing, actuation, storing,
and analysis operations and is comprised of a single node/device.
An example is a home automation system where a single node is
designed to control the lights and appliances remotely.
Level 2 IoT: A level 2 IoT system performs sensing, actuation, and anal-
ysis and has a single node/device. This is suitable for big data analy-
sis. The data is stored on the cloud. It is popular for cloud-enabled
applications like smart farming.
Level 3 IoT: A level 3 IoT system is a single-node-based cloud platform.
This type of system is suitable for big data needs that are compu-
tationally intensive. An example is the package tracking system.
The system comprises of a single node (for a package), which moni-
tors the vibration level of a package being shipped.
Level 4 IoT: A level 4 IoT system has multiple nodes that perform the
analysis and data stored on the cloud. The system may have local
and cloud-based server nodes that receive the information and
upload on the cloud. Server nodes only process the information and
perform no control action. It is suitable where multiple nodes are
required and involve big data that is computationally intensive. An
example is noise monitoring.
Level 5 IoT: A level 5 IoT system has multiple end nodes and a single
coordinator node. The end node performs the sensing and/or actua-
tion actions. Collections of data done by the coordinator node form
the sensor nodes and communicates it to the cloud and is analyzed
Introduction to Internet of Things 11

on the cloud. The system is suitable for a WSN-based solution with

big data and computationally intensive requirement. An example
is forest fire detection. The system is comprised of multiple nodes
placed at different locations for monitoring temperature, humidity,
and CO2 levels in the forest.
Level 6 IoT: A level 6 IoT is comprised of sensor nodes and an actua-
tor to perform sensing and controlling. It is a suitable cloud-based
database designed for data analysis. The central controller knows
the status of all end nodes and sends the control commands to the
nodes. An example is a weather monitoring system. The system is
comprised of multiple nodes that are placed at the different locations
for monitoring temperature, humidity pressure, radiation, and wind
speed. The sensor nodes are responsible for transmission of the data
from end nodes to the destination via a websocket. The data is stored
on the cloud-based server. The data analysis is done on the cloud to
make the prediction by aggregating the data.

1.6 IoT vs M2M

IoT can be defined as a system where multiple objects communicate with each
other and share data through sensors and digital connectivity. Machine-to-
machine (M2M) solutions are comprised of linear communication channels
between the machines to make them work in a cycle. Here, the action of one
machine triggers the activity of other.

Differences between IoT and M2M

• A few experts define M2M as a subset of IoT, while others call
the Internet of Things an evolved version of machine to machine.
Either way, the conclusion is IoT is a broader area than M2M.
• Both the technologies work on the principle of connecting
devices and make them to work together. While M2M relies on
conventional connection tools like Wi-Fi, IoT has much flexibility
and varied connectivity options.
• M2M solution has very limited scope and is confined to create
a network of machines that work in synchronization. IoT cre-
ates 360° solutions for flexible responses and multi-level
• The advantage of IoT over M2M is its ability to add interactivity
amongst devices. Machine to machine operates by triggering
responses based on an action. It is a one-way communication.
In IoT-based systems, communication flows to and fro freely.

2.1 Sensors Classification

Sensors are classified as follows:

1. Primary input quantity

2. Transduction principles
3. Technology and material
4. Property
5. Application

Classification of sensors can also be done on the basis of different areas:

1. Classification based on application: Sensors are chosen on the
basis of application where they need to be implemented, such as
industrial process control, measurement and automation, auto-
mobiles, consumer electronics, aircraft, and medical products.
As with the change in application, the selection criteria changes,
so the application needs to be considered.
2. Classification based on power or energy supply requirement
Active sensor: Active sensors are those where a power supply is
required to measure the physical quantity, e.g., temperature sen-
sor, ultrasonic sensor, and light-dependent resistor (LDR).
Passive sensor: Sensors that do not need a power supply are
called passive sensors, and they measure the parameters, e.g.,
radiometers film photography.
3. Classification based on output of sensor
Digital sensor: The output of sensor is in binary or digital
form, which can be directly processed through a controller or
Analog sensors: The output of a sensor is in the form of a con-
tinuous signal. An analog-to-digital converter is required to read
the sensor by microcontroller or processor.

14 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

4. Classification based on the type of sensor: There are several

sensors available with different applications. Sensors can be cat-
egorized on the basis of types of sensors. A few types of sensors
are discussed as follows:
Accelerometers: Accelerometers are based on the technology
named “microelectromechanical sensor.” They can be used in
dynamic systems.
Biosensors: Biosensors are based on the electrochemical tech-
nology. They can be used for medical care devices, water testing,
food testing, etc.
Image sensors: These are developed on the basics of the comple-
mentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technique. These
are widely used in to video surveillance, biometrics, and traffic
Motion detectors: Motion detectors are based on the infrared,
ultrasonic, and microwave/radar technology. These are used in
security purposes.
5. Classification based on property: The sensors are also classi-
fied on the basis of the property of the physical parameter. A few
examples are as follows:
Temperature: Thermocouples, thermistors, resistance tempera-
ture detectors (RTDs)
Flow: Thermal mass, differential pressure, electromagnetic,
positional displacement, etc.
Pressure: Fiber optic, linear variable differential transformer
(LVDT), elastic liquid-based manometers, vacuum, electronic
Level sensors: Ultrasonic radio frequency, radar, thermal dis-
placement, etc.
Proximity and displacement: Capacitive, LVDT, magnetic, pho-
toelectric, ultrasonic
Biosensors: Electrochemical, resonant mirror, surface plasmon
Image: Charge-coupled devices, CMOS
Gas and chemical: Semiconductor, conductance, infrared,
Acceleration: Accelerometers, gyroscopes
Sensors 15

2.2 Working Principle of Sensors

The working principle of each sensor is different, as it is designed to measure
a specific quantity. The principle of few basic sensors is as follows:

1. Temperature sensor: The temperature sensor measures the envi-

ronmental temperature and converts it to an electrical signal.
The principle of the thermometer is expansion and contraction
of mercury in glass. With an alteration in temperature, mercury
expands and contracts proportionally.
Two types of temperature sensors are available:
Contact sensor: The sensor that needs to be in physical con-
tact with the object, temperature of which is to be sensed, is
known as a contact sensor.
Noncontact sensor: The sensor that needn’t to be in physical con-
tact with the object, temperature of which is to be sensed,
is known as a noncontact sensor. This type of sensor uses
Plank’s Law to measure temperature, which senses the heat
radiated from the source to measure the temperature.
Examples of temperature sensors:
Thermocouple: Thermocouple is made of two wires, each with
different metals. A junction is formed by joining the ends.
This junction is open to the object for which temperature
needs to be measured; the other end is connected to a mea-
suring device. The current will flow through the metal, due
to a difference in temperature of two junctions.
Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs): An RTD is type of
thermal resistor that is designed to alter the electrical resis-
tance with a change in temperature.
Thermistors: It is type of thermal resistor that changes the resis-
tance in proportion with small changes in temperature.
2. IR sensor: An IR sensor emits and detects the infrared rays to sense
a specific environment. It is easily available in the market, but it is
sensitive toward noise and light.
The application of an IR sensor includes thermography, heating,
meteorology, climatology, spectroscopy, and communications.
16 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3. UV sensor: A UV sensor measures the intensity or the power of an

incident ultraviolet radiation. This electromagnetic radiation has
longer a wavelength than x-rays but smaller than visible radiation.
A polycrystalline diamond material is used for ultraviolet sensing.
It can transmit different types of energy signals but can accept only
one type of signal. The electrical meter is used to read the output sig-
nals and processed to the computer through analog-to-digital con-
verters. The UV sensor is used in UV water treatment, light sensors,
UV spectrum detectors, etc.
4. Touch sensor: A touch sensor is a variable resistor that changes
its resistance as per the location where it gets touched. It is made
of a conductive and a partially conductive substance and insu-
lated in a plastic cover. The flow of current is due to a conduc-
tive material that allows current partially. The touch sensor is a
cost-effective solution for many applications, such as washing
machines, fluid-level sensors, and dishwashers.
5. Proximity sensor: A proximity sensor can detect the presence of an
object without any contact point. The working principle is electro-
magnetic waves that are emitted by the sensor and return when the
object is in range of the waves. The presence of the object is detected
with the change in filed radiation. The proximity sensors working
are of different types, like inductive, capacitive, photoelectric sensor,
ultrasonic, and Hall-effect.
Inductive proximity sensor: This type of sensor has an oscillator as
an input, which changes the loss resistance by the proximity of an
electrically conductive medium. For metal detection, these types of
sensors are used.
Capacitive proximity sensor: This type of sensor converts capaci-
tance by changing electrode displacement. It can be done by bring-
ing the object within the variable frequencies. The object is detected
with the help of the oscillated frequency, which is converted into a
DC voltage. This current is compared with a fixed value to detect the
object. For plastic targets, these types of sensors are used.
6. Ultrasonic sensor: An ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the distance
of an object. The working principle is the time duration between the
emission and receiving of the waves after reflecting from the object.
Ultrasonic sensors use sound waves to measure the distance of an
Sensors 17

2.3 Criteria to Choose a Sensor

There are a few features that need to be addressed, along with the sensor to
be selected. The features are as follows:

1. Accuracy
2. Cost
3. Range of communication
4. Repeatability
5. Resolution
6. Environmental constraints
7. Data calibration

2.4 Generation of Sensors

First generation: The first-generation sensors were associated with
electronics. Most of the structures were based on silicon structure.
Few sensors had the facility of analog amplification on a microchip.
Second generation: This generation of sensors was analog in nature
with MEMS element combined with analog amplification. These had
the facility of an analog-to-digital converter on one microchip.
Third generation: This generation of sensors had a combination of
sensor element, analog amplification, and analog-to-digital converter
with the on-chip digital intelligence and temperature compensation.
Fourth generation: This generation of sensors had an additional feature
of memory cell for calibration and temperature compensation, along
with the features of the third generation.
Fifth generation: This is generation of intelligent sensors with the
capability of communication.
IoT Design Methodology

3.1 Design Methodology

The process of developing a product needs a proper execution of predefined
design methodology. Generally, a product development process includes the
following steps:

1. Describe the objective

2. Requirements to achieve the objective
3. Design the system architecture
4. Identify the stages of development
5. Assembling and coding each stage
6. Integrate all stages
7. Testing and troubleshooting
8. Debugging
9. Launch of product

Internet of Things (IoT) system design is the complete design of devices

that are interconnected with each other. It combines physical and digital,
both components to collect data from remote devices and deliver actionable
It consists of various sensors, secured communication, gateway, cloud-
enabled servers, and dashboards. All these components need to be designed
with consideration of their interdependency.
The basic design principles are as follows:

Interoperability: It is the ability of a system to exchange the informa-

tion and make use of it. The basic requirement components are sen-
sor, machine, and device to communicate.
Information transparency: The connected devices over a network
share the information. Information transparency is recording of the
physical process and storing it virtually.

20 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Technical assistance: Technical assistance is the ability of providing

and displaying data of a connected system. It is to solve the issue and
make the operational decisions easier, to improve the productability.
Decentralized decision: The decision-making is the principle for the
connected system; it is required to execute the process with defined

3.2 Challenges in IoT Design

IoT is a combination of many domains at a single platform, so the designing
of an IoT system is quite challenging. The data security of customers is a big
challenge for the service providers. If an IoT device suffers with connectiv-
ity problems due to a poor network, the purpose of deploying IoT is futile.
It will be an even bigger issue when a large number of devices are connected.
Heterogeneity of the network has different challenges with respect to secu-
rity, privacy, and functionality.
A few of the challenges of IoT design are as follows:

1. Availability: Availability is the consistency of the network, even in

case of attacks. As IoT services need to be real time, so security with
availability is the prime concern.
2. Authenticity: It is the process where users need to prove the identity
to access the services. It is required for the protection of the system.
It is required to avoid illegal access of services.
3. Confidentiality: For data confidentiality, only an authorized person
can access or modify the data.
4. Integrity: The data received by the user is undamaged, unmodified,
and original as sent by the sender; this assurance is provided by
5. Nonrepudiation: It is the assurance of sending the correct informa-
tion by end node without denying the sharing of data at any time
and the acknowledgment from the receiver for the same.

3.3 IoT System Management

According to a study by International data corporation (IDC), the number
of devices connected to the internet is expected to reach 30 billion by 2020.
Management is the most important part of any system. The IoT system
management includes the device deployment, provision of the device and
IoT Design Methodology 21

authentication, configuration and control, monitoring and diagnostic, and

then software updates and maintenance. IoT is not only about deploying the
sensors and capturing the data to communicate to the server, but once the
system is established, there may be a requirement of software updates, and
repairing and replacing the faulty devices along with the security of data.

Provisioning and authentication: Authentication is a process of estab-

lishing the identity to ensure the security and trust. A cloud-hosted
service is required to be implemented to check the authenticity of
the software and hardware connected to the network.
Provisioning is a method to provide access of a device to a system
with suitable authentication.
Configuration and control: Configuring a system means an arrange-
ment of parts in a specific form, figure, or combination of elements.
Configuring an IoT device includes attributes, such as name, loca-
tion, and specific settings for application.
IoT devices need to be configured and authenticated from user attri-
butes to make it reliable. The control is capability of handling the
device and help for configuration changes.
Monitoring and diagnostics: Monitoring is the process of observ-
ing the progress of a system over a time period. The IoT system is
connected with thousands of remote devices over the internet, and
a small mistake in data monitoring may cause loss of trust of the
customer. Even small issues need to be addressed with appropri-
ate diagnosis of the problem. For troubleshooting, the developers
need to implement good a program and must be capable of updating
through cloud analytics.
Software maintenance and update: Software maintenance is another
task in IoT that needs to support firmware, which should be free
from any bugs. However, updating firmware is another important
concern. The developer must have secure updated software, includ-
ing the boot loaders.
Software maintenance on remote devices is a long-term process.
A persistent and reliable connection is required with remote devices
for maintenance and updating. This is a complicated process and
needs to be performed when there is minimum impact on the business.

3.4 IoT Servers

Many cloud providers are in the market, which provides suitable IoT-based
services for specific applications.
22 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3.4.1 KAA
KAA is an IoT middleware platform and open-source framework for build-
ing smart connections for end-to-end IoT solutions with Apache License 2.0.
It provides services for data analysis, visualization, and cloud service for IoT
systems (http://www.kaaproject.org/).

3.4.2 SeeControl IoT

SeeControl is an IoT-enabled cloud platform that is efficient in data analyt-
ics and data visualization to maintain proper work flow in monitoring and
controlling (http://www.seecontrol.com).

3.4.3 Temboo
Temboo is a cloud-based platform for application code generation. It involves
less wiring and coding of hardware and software. It has more than 90 inbuilt
libraries named “Choreos” for third-party services, including Yahoo weather,
Twilio telephony, eBay product shopping, Flickr photo management, Amazon
cloud, Twitter microblogging, Facebook Graph API, Google analytics, PayPal
payment, Uber vehicle confirmation, YouTube video streaming, and many
more (https://temboo.com).

3.4.4 SensorCloud
SensorCloud is an IoT cloud that provides the Platform as a Service (PasS) to
gather, visualize, monitor, and analyze the information coming into sensors
connected by wire or wirelessly. It allows the data to be analyzed with com-
plex mathematical algorithms (http://www.sensorcloud.com).

3.4.5 Carriots
Carriots is platform that helps anyone to build quick IoT applications. It saves
time, cost, and troubles. The PasS is designed to add features like remote
device management and control, rule-based listeners’ activity logging, trig-
gering custom alarms, and data export (https://carriots.com).

3.4.6 Xively
Xively is a gravity cloud technology-based IoT cloud service. It helps compa-
nies manage their products by addressing various features like scalability,
reliability, and secure. It is easy to integrate with devices but has minimum
notification services (https://xively.com).
IoT Design Methodology 23

3.4.7 Etherios
Etherios supports comprehensive products and services for connected enter-
prises. Its cloud is designed on the PaaS model to enable users for connecting
product and gain real-time visibility into their assets. It is a specialized cloud,
but developers are restricted with limited devices (http://www.etherios.com).

3.4.8 thethings.io
thethings.io is a platform that gives a complete solution for the back-end
developer with easy and flexible application program interfaces (APIs). thet-
hings.io is a hardware agnostic that allows the connection of any device that
is capable of using MQTT, CoAP protocols, HTTP, or WebSockets (https://

3.4.9 Ayla’s IoT Cloud Fabric

Ayla IoT fabric is a PaaS-modeled enterprise class. Ayla Networks provide a
firmware intermediator embedded in both devices and mobile device appli-
cations for end-to-end support. It provides easy mobile application develop-
ment platform but is not suitable for small-scale developers (https://www.

3.4.10 Exosite
Exosite is modular, enterprise-grade IoT software platform that helps to
bring connected products to the market. It has a cloud platform based on IoT
Software as a Service (SaaS), which provides real-time data visualization and
analytics support to the users. The system development is easy with it, but it
lacks in big data provisions (https://exosite.com).

3.4.11 OpenRemote
OpenRemote is an open source the IoT middleware solution, which allows
users to integrate any device—protocol—design using available resources
like iOS, Android, or web browsers. It supports open cloud services but has
a high cost (http://www.openremote.com).

3.4.12 Arrayent Connect TM

Arrayent is an IoT platform that enables heterogeneous brands like Whirlpool,
Maytag, and First Alert to connect users’ products to smart handheld devices
and web applications. Arrayent Connect Cloud is an IoT operating system
that is based on the SaaS model (http://www.arrayent.com).
24 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3.4.13 Arkessa
Arkessa provides services to companies to empower them with maximum
revenue and to enhance customer satisfaction. It helps companies to develop
IoT devices to enhance connectivity, monitoring, and controlling with enter-
prise. It has enterprise-enabled design facets, but its visualization apps are
not proper (http://www.arkessa.com).

3.4.14 Oracle IoT Cloud

It is comprised four crucial parameters. It performs operations on received
data including analysis, acquisition, and integration. It supports the database
but lacks in connectivity of open-source devices (https://cloud.oracle.com/iot).

3.4.15 ThingWorx
ThingWorx is a data-driven decision-making cloud. It provides M2M and
IoT services based on SQUEAL. Zero coding facility is available (https://

3.4.16 Nimbits
Nimbits is a cloud server that provides solutions to edge-computing IoT-
related services. It performs operations such as noise filtering and sends data
on the cloud. It is easy to adopt but lacking in the real-time processing of
query (http://www.nimbits.com).

3.4.17 InfoBright
InfoBright is an IoT-based analytical database platform that connects busi-
ness to store and acts on machine-generated data for a complete ecosystem

3.4.18 Jasper Control Center

Jasper Control Center is a platform based on Jasper control. Control center
is designed to automate the connected devices and help to analyze real-time
behavior patterns. The main advantage is its rule-based behavior pattern

3.4.19 AerCloud
AerCloud platform collects, manages, and analyzes sensory data for IoT and
M2M applications. It is scalable to M2M services but not suitable for develop-
ers (http://www.aeris.com).
IoT Design Methodology 25

3.4.20 Echelon
Echelon is an IoT-based platform for the cloud with resources like
microphones, hardware devices, and other applications. It is good for the
industrial prospective but lacks in basics for beginners (http://www.iiot.

3.4.21 ThingSpeak
It is an open-source public cloud platform specially developed for IoT-based
applications. It has open API that receives real-time data. It has data storage,
monitoring, and visualization facilities (https://thingspeak.com).

3.4.22 Plotly
Plotly is a data visualization cloud service provider for the public. It provides
data storage, analysis, and visualization services. Python, R, MATLAB, and
Julia-based APIs are implemented in Plotly (https://plot.ly).

3.4.23 GroveStreams
GroveStreams is a public cloud for data visualization. It supports various
data types. It enables seamless monitoring but lacks in statistical services

3.4.24 IBM IoT

IBM IoT is an organized architecture cloud platform. It supports complex
industry solutions. It can enable a device’s identity but the application proto-
typing is difficult (https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com).

3.4.25 Microsoft Research Lab of Things

Lab of Things is an IoT platform design developed by Microsoft. It is used
to analyze experimental research evidences in academic institutions (http://

3.4.26 Blynk
It is an open-source platform with iOS and Android apps, which allows the
control of Raspberry Pi and Arduino over the internet. It supports a graphical
interface to build projects just by dragging the widgets. It supports many IoT
26 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

3.4.27 Cayenne APP

Cayenne is an app for smartphones and computers that controls Raspberry
Pi and Arduino through the use of a graphical interface. It has customizable
dashboards with drag-and-drop widgets for connection devices. It supports
quick and easy setup.

3.4.28 Virtuino APP

Virtuino platform creates amazing virtual screens on smartphones or tablets
to control the automation system created with Arduino or similar boards.
It supports Arduino and can be connected with the HC-05 Bluetooth,
Ethernet Shield, and ESP8266 modules. It supports monitoring sensor values
from the IoT server ThingSpeak.
Section II

Basics of Arduino
and Raspberry Pi
Basics of Arduino

4.1 Introduction to Arduino

Arduino was invented at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute. It was
designed for fast prototyping, targeting the hobbyist without any program-
ming background. Soon the user-friendly platform attracted an audience
covering a wider community and started changing to adapt the latest trends
in the market, from an 8-bit board to IoT products, wearable devices, and
an embedded environment. Arduino boards are completely open source
and can be used for application development with particular requirements.
The Arduino software is user-friendly and easy to begin with a flexible envi-
ronment for advanced users. It can be operated on Mac, Linux, and Window
platforms. New things can be learned with Arduino.

Advantages of Arduino:
Cost: Arduino boards are less expensive compared to other micro-
controller boards.
Platform: The Arduino Software (IDE) is compatible with most of
the operating systems like Macintosh OSX, Windows, and Linux.
User friendly: The Arduino Software (IDE) is user-friendly, easy to
begin, and has flexibility for the skilled programmers.
Open source: The Arduino is an open-source software that can be
programmed with C, C++, or AVR-C languages. So a variety of
modules can be designed by users.

4.1.1 Arduino Uno

The Arduino/Genuino Uno has an onboard ATmega328 microcontroller.
It has 6 analog input ports (A0–A5) and 14 digital I/O ports, out of which
6 are PWM pins. Each pin can operate on 0–5 V of voltage. It operates at
16 MHz of frequency. Figure 4.1 shows the Arduino Uno board (Table 4.1).

30 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Arduino Uno board.

Pin Description of Arduino UNO
Pin Description

Vin It is the external voltage to the board

3.3 V 3.3 V supply, on board
+5 V Output voltage +5 V
GND Ground
IOREF It is to select the appropriate power source by providing the voltage
Serial It can transmit and receive serial data with 0(Rx) 1(Tx)
External Interrupts Trigger an interrupt on low value (pins 2 and 3)
PWM 8 bit six PWM (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11)
SPI It supports SPI communication [10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO) and
13 (SCK)]
LED Inbuilt LED driven
TWI TWI communication [A4 (SDA), and A5 (SCL)]
AREF Reference voltage with the analog inputs
Reset It is used to reset the onboard microcontroller

4.1.2 Arduino Mega

The Arduino Mega has an onboard ATmega2560 microcontroller. It has 16
analog inputs, 54 digital I/Os, USB connection, 4 UART, a power jack, and a
reset button. It operates on 16 MHz frequency. Figure 4.2 shows the Arduino
Mega board (Table 4.2).
Basics of Arduino 31

Arduino Mega board.

Pin Description
Pin Description

Vin The external voltage to the Arduino board

+5 V Output a regulated 5 V
3.3 V Onboard 3.3 V supply
GND Ground
IOREF It is to select the appropriate power source by providing the voltage
Serial0 It can transmit and receive serial data with 0(Rx) and 1(Tx)
Serial1 It can transmit and receive serial data with 19(Rx) and 18(Tx)
Serial2 It can transmit and receive serial data with 14(Rx) and 16(Tx)
External Interrupts It triggers an external interrupt at low value with 2 (interrupt 0),
3 (interrupt 1), 18 (interrupt 5), 19 (interrupt 4), and 20 (interrupt 2)
PWM 8 bit PWM (pins: 2–13 and 44–46)
SPI It supports SPI communication [10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO),
and 13 (SCK)]
LED LED driven at pin 13
TWI Supports TWI communication [pins: 20 (SDA), 21 (SCL)]
AREF It is a reference voltage for analog inputs
Reset It is used to reset the microcontroller on board

4.1.3 Arduino Nano

The Arduino/Genuino Nano has an onboard ATmega328 microcontroller.
It has 8 analog inputs, 14 digital I/O ports, and 6 PWM. It has onboard 32 KB
flash memory, 1 KB EEPROM, 2 KB SRAM, and operates at 16 MHz of fre-
quency. Figure 4.3 shows the Arduino Nano (Tables 4.3 and 4.4).
32 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Arduino Nano board.

Pin Description of Arduino NANO
PIN Description

Vin The external voltage to the board

+5 V Output as +5 V
3.3 V 3.3 V supply on board
GND Ground
IOREF It helps to select the appropriate power source by providing a
voltage reference
Serial It can transmit and receive serial data with 0(Rx) and 1(Tx)
External Interrupts Trigger an interrupt on low value (pins 2 and 3)
PWM 8 bit PWM (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11)
SPI It supports SPI communication with [10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO)
and 13 (SCK)]
LED LED driven at pin 13
I2C Supports two wires interfacing [A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL)]
AREF It is a reference voltage for analog inputs
Reset It is used to reset the microcontroller on board
Basics of Arduino 33

Comparison Table for a Few Arduino Boards
CPU Input Digital IO/ Analog Flash
Name Processor Speed Voltage PWM In/Out UART [kB]

LilyPad ATmega168V 8 MHz 2.4–5.5 V/ 14/6 6/0 — 16

ATmega328P 2.4–5.5 V
Mega 2560 ATmega2560 16 MHz 5 V/4–12 V 54/15 16/0 4 256
Micro ATmega32U4 16 MHz 5 V/4–12 V 20/4 12/0 1 32
Uno ATmega328P 16 MHz 5 V/4–12 V 14/6 6/0 1 32
Leonardo ATmega32U4 16 MHz 5 V/4–12 V 20/4 12/0 1 32
Yùn ATmega32U4 16 MHz 5V 20/4 12/0 1 32
AR9331 Linux 400 MHz
Ethernet ATmega328P 16 MHz 5 V/4–12 V 14/4 6/0 — 32
Gemma ATtiny85 8 MHz 3.3 V/ 3/2 1/0 — 8
4–16 V
MKRZero SAMD21 48 MHz 3.3 V 22/12 4 (ADC 1 256
Cortex-M0+ 8/10/
32 bit low 12 bit)/1
power (DAC
ARM MCU 10 bit)

4.2 Arduino IDE

The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is an open-source
software, and it makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.

4.2.1 Steps to Install Arduino IDE

Step 1: Install Arduino IDE and open the window
To begin, install the Arduino IDE. Figure 4.4 shows the window of
Arduino IDE.
Step 2: Choose the version of Arduino board
Arduino has many versions like UNO, MEGA, NANO, etc. Before start-
ing the project, find out the suitable version by selecting the param-
eters according to the requirement. The most common board for
beginners is the Arduino UNO. Choose the board and the serial port
34 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Window Arduino IDE.

Selection of Arduino board.

in the Arduino IDE. To select the Arduino board, click on “Tool” and
then click on “board.” Figure 4.5 shows the selection of “Arduino
Step 3: Write and compile the program
Write the program in the Arduino IDE window. Then “RUN” the pro-
gram. Figure 4.6 shows the window to compile the program.
Basics of Arduino 35

Compile the program.

Step 4: Connect Arduino with PC

Connect Arduino to the USB port of the PC with a USB cable. Every
Arduino board has a different serial-port address (COM2, COM4,
etc.), so it is required to reconfigure the port for each Arduino
and select it in IDE. To check the port at which the Arduino is
connected, right click on “PC” then select “manager”; a window
will open. Then double click on “Device Manager.” A window as
shown in Figure 4.7 will open. Click on ports COM and LPT and
port at which device is connected can be found.
Now click on the “Tool” head at the Arduino IDE window. Go to the
port and select the same port number, which is found in the device
manager (select COM1 or COM2, etc). Figure 4.8 shows the “COM38”
as the serial port of the board.
Step 5: Upload program to Arduino board
Upload the program to the Arduino board. Figure 4.9 shows how to
upload the program.
36 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Window to check port of Arduino.

The serial port of the board.
Basics of Arduino 37

Window to upload the program.

4.3 Basic Commands for Arduino

1. pinMode(x, OUTPUT); // assigned pin number x as output pin
where x is number of digital pin
2. digitalWrite(x, HIGH); // turn ON the pin number x as HIGH or
ON where x is number of digital pin
3. pinMode(x, INPUT); // assigned pin number x as input pin where
x is number of digital pin
4. digitalRead(digital Pin); // read the digital pin like 13 or 12 or 11 etc.
5. analogRead(analog pin); // read the analog pin like A0 or A1 or
A2 etc.

4.4 LCD Commands

1. lcd.begin(16, 2); // initialize LCD 16*2 or 20*4
2. lcd.print(“RAJESH”); // print a string “RAJESH” on LCD
3. lcd.setCursor(x, y); // set the cursor of LCD at desired location
where x is number of COLUMN and y
4. lcd.print(LPU); // print a LPU as integer on LCD
5. lcd.Clear(); // clear the contents of LCD
38 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

4.5 Serial Communication Commands

1. Serial.begin(baudrate); // initialize serial communication to set
baud rate to 600/1200/2400/4800/9600
2. Serial.print(“RAJESH”); // serial print fixed string with define
baud rate on Tx line
3. Serial.println(“RAJESH”); // serial print fixed string with define
baud rate and enter command on Tx line
4. Serial.print(“LPU”); // serial print int string with define baud rate
on Tx line
5. Serial.print(“LPU”); // serial print int string with define baud rate
and enter command on Tx line
6. Serial.Write(BYTE); // serial transfer the one byte on Tx line
7. Serial.read(); // read one byte serial from Rx line

4.6 Play with LED and Arduino

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a device that can be used as an indicator. An
LED has two terminals, anode and cathode. LEDs are available in a different
colors. Figure 4.10 shows the LED.

Light-emitting diode.
Basics of Arduino 39

Different colors can be used to represent different conditions. The color of

the LED is due to the emission of light in specific regions of the visible light
spectrum by different compounds.
To understand the working of LED, connect the anode of the LED to pin
4 of Arduino and the cathode to ground. Upload the sketch described in
Section 4.4.1 to Arduino and observe the blinking of the LED.
Figure 4.11 shows the circuit diagram of the Arduino interfacing with
the LED.

Circuit diagram to interface LED with Arduino.
40 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

4.6.1 Sketch
void setup()
pinMode(LED_CONTROL, OUTPUT); // initialize pin 4 as output pin
void loop()
digitalWrite(LED_CONTROL, HIGH); // Make pin 4 HIGH
delay(1000); // 1000 mS delay
digitalWrite(LED_CONTROL, LOW); // Make pin 4 HIGH
delay(1000); // 1000 mS delay

4.7 Play with LCD with Arduino

The liquid crystal display (LCD) is a commonly used display module.
A 16 × 2 LCD display is used as a display device in the circuits. This module
is preferred over seven segments because they have no limitation of display-
ing special, and even custom, characters and are economical.
A 16 × 2 LCD can display 16 characters per row, and there are 2 rows.
In this LCD, the 5 × 4 pixel matrix displays the character. It has two registers,
namely, data register and command register. Figure 4.12 shows a 16 × 2 LCD.
A 20 × 4 LCD has 4 rows and can display 20 characters per row. A 5 × 4 pixel
matrix is used to display characters. Pin description is the same as LCD
(16 × 2). Figure 4.13 shows a 20 × 4 LCD (Table 4.5).

Liquid crystal display (16 × 2).
Basics of Arduino 41

Liquid crystal display (20 × 4).

LCD Pin Description
Pin Description

Pin (1) Ground Ground (0 V)

Pin (2) VCC Power supply (5 V)
Pin (3) VEE A variable resistor is used to adjust the contrast
Pin (4) Register When low, it selects the command register, and if high, then it selects
Select the data register
Pin (5) Read/Write High to read the register and low to write on the register
Pin (6) Enable Send data to data line when high to low pulse is given
Pin (7) DB0
Pin (8) DB1
Pin (9) DB2 8 bit data lines
Pin (10) DB3
Pin (11) DB4
Pin (12) DB5
Pin (13) DB6
Pin (14) DB7
Pin (15) LED+ Backlight Vcc (5 V)
Pin (16) LED– Backlight ground (0 V)

LCD connection
Connect the components as follows:
• Arduino digital pin (13) to RS pin (4) of LCD.
• Arduino digital pin (GND) to RW pin (5) of LCD.
• Arduino digital pin (12) to E pin (6) of LCD.
42 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

• Arduino digital pin (11) to D4 pin (11) of LCD.

• Arduino digital pin (10) to D5 pin (12) of LCD.
• Arduino digital pin (9) to D6 pin (13) of LCD.
• Arduino digital pin (8) to D7 pin (14) of LCD.

Figure 4.14 shows the circuit diagram of the Arduino interfacing with the

Circuit diagram to read LCD.
Basics of Arduino 43

4.7.1 Sketch
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);
void setup()
lcd.begin(20, 4); // Initialize LCD
lcd.print("WELCOME"); // Print string on LCD
delay(2000); // Delay 2000mS
void loop()
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor of LCD
lcd.print("ECE Department"); // Print string on LCD
delay(2000); // Delay 2000mS
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor of LCD
lcd.print("Rajesh Singh"); // Print string on LCD
delay(2000); // Delay 2000mS
Basics of Raspberry Pi

5.1 Introduction to Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a low-cost mini-computer that can be connected to a com-
puter monitor or TV. It is a device for exploring the computer computing
with the help of a keyboard and mouse. A few optional parts can be con-
nected with it for better accessibility. It can be programmed in languages
like Scratch and Python. The processor frequency ranges from 700 MHz to
1.4 GHz for the Pi 3 model B+. The onboard memory ranges from 256 MB
to 1 GB RAM. Raspberry Pi 3+ has a 1.4 GHz 64-bit quad core ARM cortex
A53 processor. Figure 5.1a shows Raspberry Pi.
The first generation of Raspberry Pi 1 model “B” was launched in February
2012. An improved design Raspberry Pi 1 model “B+” was launched in 2014.
A Raspberry Pi Zero has a smaller size and reduced input/output (I/O) with
general-purpose input/output (GPIO) capabilities, and it was launched in
November 2015. The Raspberry Pi Zero W, a version of the Zero with Wi-Fi
and Bluetooth capabilities, was launched on February 28, 2014. The Raspberry
Pi Zero WH was launched on January 12, 2018; it is a version of the Zero W
with presoldered GPIO headers. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was launched in
February 2016 with an onboard Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 1.2 GHz, 64-bit quad core
processor, and USB boot capabilities. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was
launched in 2018 with a 1.4 GHz processor and a 300 Mbit/s by the internal
USB 2.0 connection or 2.4/5 GHz dual-band Wi-Fi (100 Mbit/s). Figure 5.1b
shows the pin diagram of Raspberry Pi 3 B+ model.

5.1.1 Raspberry Pi Components

1. Power supply: The Raspberry Pi can be powered with a micro-USB
connection capable of supplying at least 400 mA at 5 V; standard
mobile phone chargers are suitable for this purpose. If Raspberry Pi
is powered up from a USB port of another computer, it may not sup-
ply the required current. Figure 5.2 shows the micro-USB power

46 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino



(a) Raspberry Pi. (b) Pin diagram of Raspberry Pi 3 B+ model.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 47

Micro-USB power supply.

2. Screen: The screen is a monitor or television with HDMI or DVI input.

It can also be connected with VGA with HDMI to VGA adapter.
3. Keyboard and mouse: Lower-power USB peripherals (keyboard
and mouse) with less than 0.1 A power are suitable to connect with
Raspberry Pi; more power-consuming devices may need separate
power hubs.
4. SD card: The SD card used for Raspberry Pi should be at least Class 4,
with minimum 8 GB of storage capability. Figure 5.3 shows the SD
card. The SD card needs to be installed on an operating system
from another computer. This installing process can be performed
on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Operating systems like NOOBS and
Raspbian are most commonly used operating systems to install on
an SD card.

SD card.
48 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

5.2 Installation of NOOBS on SD Card

The primary requirement to install NOOBS is desktop, as it can’t be installed
on a laptop. Once it is installed, then it can be used on laptops.

Steps to install NOOBS on SD card

1. Format the SD card with the help of an SD card formatter. It can
be downloaded from https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/
2. Download the archive file for NOOBS from http://www.
3. Extract the archive file of NOOBS and copy the contents of folder
on the SD card.
4. Insert the SD card in the Raspberry Pi and power it up. A win-
dow will open when it boots, as shown in Figure 5.4, then click on
Raspbian, and a new window will open as shown in Figure 5.5.
Next, a Linux window for Raspberry Pi will open, and now it is
ready to work.
5. Download the angry IP scanner software and get the IP address
(Figure 5.6).
6. Now download a software “putty” or “mobaX term” and copy
the IP in it that was found in the previous step and enter in the
Linux terminal of Pi.
7. Enter the default user-id > pi and password > raspberry.

NOOBS window.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 49

Raspberry Pi booting up.

Angry IP scanner.

5.3 Installation of Raspbian on SD Card

Steps to install Raspbian on SD card
To complete the process, two softwares and one operating system
(Raspbian) need to be downloaded.
1. Format the SD card with the help of an SD card formatter. It can
be downloaded from https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/
formatter_4/. Figure 5.7 shows the SD formatter window.
50 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

SD formatter.

2. Download Win32 Disk Imager from https://sourceforge.net/

projects/win32diskimager/ for burning the image of Raspbian
on the SD card. Figure 5.8 shows the Win32 disk imager window.
3. Download the Raspbian from https://www.raspberrypi.
org/downloads/raspbian/ and get the image and burn it on
Raspberry Pi.
4. Insert the card in the Raspberry Pi, and then wait for about
2 minutes.
5. Connect Raspberry Pi to the computer through LAN.
6. Follow the steps 6, 7, and 8 from Section 5.2.

Win32 disk imager.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 51

5.4 Terminal Commands

List of terminal commands:

1. sudo apt-get update: This command updates the package list.

2. sudo apt-get upgrade: This command downloads and installs the
updated packages.
3. sudo apt-get clean: This command cleans an old package files.
4. sudoraspi-config: This command configurations the tool for Raspberry Pi.
5. ls: This command shows the list of directory contents.
6. cd: This command changes the directories.
7. mkdir: This command creates a directory.
8. rmdir: This command removes a directory.
9. mv: This command moves a file.
10. tree -d: This command shows a tree of directories.
11. pwd: This command shows the current directory.
12. clear: This command is for clearing the terminal window.
13. sudo halt: This command makes the Raspberry Pi shut down.
14. sudo reboot: This command is to restart the Raspberry Pi.
15. startx: This command is to start the desktop environment (LXDE).
16. ifconfig: This command is to find IP address of Raspberry Pi.
17. nano: This command is to edit a file.
18. cat: This command shows the content of a file.
19. rm: This command removes a file.
20. cp: This command is to copy a file or directory.
21. locate: This command is to locate a file.
22. sudo: This command is used in the Linux command line; sudo stands
for “SuperUser Do.”
23. df: This command is to see the available disk space in each of the
partitions in the system.
24. du: This command shows the disk usage of a file in the system.
25. tar: “tar -cvf” is for creating a .tar archive, -xvf to untar a tar archive,
-tvf to list the contents of the archive, etc.
26. zip, unzip: This command compresses the files into a zip archive, and
unzip it to extract files.
27. uname: The command “uname -a” prints most of information about
the system.
52 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

28. chmod: This command is to change the permissions of files or

29. ping: This command is to check your connection to a server.
30. sudo shutdown: This command is to shut down the Raspberry Pi.

5.5 Installation of Libraries on Raspberry Pi

$ sudo apt-get install libblas-dev
$ sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
$ sudo apt-get install gfortran
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ sudoeasy_installscipy
$ ## previous might also work: python-scipy without all dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib

5.6 Getting the Static IP Address of Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi gives a different IP address. Each time it gets “ON,” this IP is
known as current IP address. So each time, user needs to check for its IP.
To avoid this problem, a static IP address needs to be created, which will
not change in turning “OFF” the device.

Steps to create a static IP address:

1. Open the terminal window (Figure 5.9).
2. At the command line, write the command “ifconfig” (Figure 5.10).
This command gives network-related information. The
Figure 5.10 highlighted block shows the current IP address;
here it is Note this IP address, as this will be
required later.
3. Open the configuration file.
Now open the configuration file where a static IP address can
be configured. The filename is dhcpcd.conf, and it is stored in the
folder named etc. To make any change, use the nano editor in the
terminal window with the help of the command: “sudonano /
etc/dhcpcd.conf” (Figure 5.11). After this command, a window
will open (Figure 5.12).
In the screen, Figure 5.12, scroll down until you see: “# Example
static IP configuration” (Figure 5.13).
Basics of Raspberry Pi 53

Terminal window.

Command window for Raspberry Pi after command “ifconfig.”

Now remove “#” from each line of this paragraph and change the
last figures of the IP address from a range of 1 to 255 (Figure 5.14).
Once changes are made, exit the window by using Ctrl+x and
save the changes by click on “Yes” (Figure 5.15).
4. Reboot the Raspberry Pi by the command “reboot” (Figure 5.16).
5. Check the static IP address of Raspberry by the command “ifcon-
fig” (Figure 5.17).
54 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Nano editor for static IP address configuration.

Window to configure IP address.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 55

Static IP configuration.

Static IP address.
56 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

“Yes” to changes.

Reboot the Raspberry Pi.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 57

Static IP address of Raspberry Pi.

5.7 Run a Program on Raspberry Pi

There are different ways to run a program on Raspberry Pi. A few of them
are available to run a program and are as follows:

• rc.local
• .bashrc
• init.d tab
• systemd
• crontab

Here we will discuss “rc.local.”

5.7.1 Editing rc.local

On Raspberry Pi, edit the file /etc/rc.local using the editor with root permis-
sions: “sudonano/etc/rc.local”
Add commands to execute the Python program, save the file, and exit. If an
infinite loop is running, then terminate the command by adding “&” at the
last, e.g., sudopython/home/pi/sample.py&
58 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

The Pi runs this program at bootup before the start of other services.
The Pi will not complete its boot process if the ampersand is not included
and program runs continuously. The ampersand allows the command to run
in a separate process and continue booting with running the main process.
Now, reboot the Pi to test it: “sudo reboot.”

5.8 Installing the Remote Desktop Server

The remote desktop server is helpful for a user to take control of a remote
computer through a network connection. To control Raspberry Pi remotely,
this server can be used. Open the Raspberry Pi terminal by using mouse and
keyboard or by connecting via SSH (use raspi-config) to install the remote
desktop server. On the Pi, install a package:

“sudo apt-get install xrdp”

Search for a “Remote Desktop Connection” for installing on a Windows PC

(Figure 5.18).
By clicking on the option buttons, settings can be personalized, like resolu-
tion or keyboard/audio settings.
Enter the host name, or IP of the Raspberry Pi (or the DNS server) or the
name of Pi (default: raspberrypi). If the PC is in the same network as the Pi,
the login screen will appear. Find the IP address of Pi in the router’s menu if
it is unknown by opening or The internal IP of Pi will
be in the format as follows: 192.168.x.xxx.

Remote desktop connection.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 59

5.9 Pi Camera
Pi camera is a module with a Python interface. Install Picamera by the com-
mand “sudo apt-get install python –picamera.”

5.9.1 Testing of the Camera

To test function of the camera, one image is taken and saved to /home/pi.
To capture an image, use command: “raspistill -o /home/pi/image.jpg”
When the command is executed, a camera preview will appear on the dis-
play. The preview will stay on for few seconds and then an image will be

5.9.2 Raspberry Pi Camera as a USB Video Device

The Raspberry Pi camera is a standard USB video device (required by
MJPG) in/dev. Load the “Video for Linux 2” (V4L2) module for the hard-
ware (BCM2835) by using the command “sudomodprobe bcm2835-v4l2.”
A Video0 device file inside /dev directory will appear, after execution of the
command. To verify, run the command

“ls /dev | grep vid” (Figure 5.19).

Verify window.
60 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

5.10 Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi

There are different methods for face detection like Haar cascades, HOG +
Linear SVM, and CNNs.

Steps for face recognition

1. Configure the Picamera by using the command “sudo apt-get
install python –picamera.”
2. Update the system package list by using the command “sudo apt-
get update.”
3. Upgrade the installed packages to the latest versions with the
help of the command “sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.”
4. Install OpenCV if it is not done already. If RaspbianOS is
installed on Raspberry, then use the following command to
install openCV: “sudo apt-get install python-opencv” and “sudo pip
install imutils.”
5. Install Davis King’s dlib toolkit software on the same Python
virtual environment where OpenCV is installed into Raspberry
Pi Face Recognition with the command “$pip install dlib.”
6. Simply use pip to install Adam Geitgey’s face_recognition mod-
ule in Raspberry Pi Face Recognition by using the command
“$pip install face_recognition.”
7. Install my imutils package of convenience functions in Raspberry
Pi Face Recognition with the command “$pip install imutils.”
8. From a terminal window on Pi, type the following commands to
fetch and install the RPiGPIO library:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio

5.11 Installation of I2C Driver on Raspberry Pi

This section discusses the step-by-step guide on installation of the I2C driver
for the Raspberry Pi.

1. Make a connection of Raspberry Pi with the internet.

2. The I2C driver is already installed in the new Raspbian distro, but
by default it is disabled. To enable it, comment out a line by putting
“#” in front, e.g., “sudonano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf”
and then add a “#” on the third line (Figure 5.20).
Basics of Raspberry Pi 61

Window to enable I2C driver.

3. Press “ctrl+x” and then “y” to save and exit.

4. Edit the module’s file by the command “sudonano /etc/modules”
and add i2c-dev to a new line (Figure 5.21). Press “ctrl+x” then “y” to
save and exit.
5. Install the i2c-tools package with the help of command “sudo apt-get
install i2c-tools.”

62 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

If “404 error” occurs, then do an update by using the command “sudo

apt-get update.”
6. Run to install the i2c-tools again.

NO T E : The installation can take a few minutes, depending on how busy the
server is.

7. Now add a new user to the i2c group:

sudoadduser pi i2c
8. Reboot the PC with the help of the command:
sudo shutdown -r now
9. After the reboot, test to see the connection of any device by:
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
For Rev 2 board command:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
A window will appear (Figure 5.22).
10. Now install the python-smbuspython module with the help of
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
11. Now Raspberry Pi is ready to use the i2c with Python.

Window after reboot test command.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 63

5.12 Serial Peripheral Interface with Raspberry Pi

Adafruit Occidentalis 0.2 or later is preconfigured with serial peripheral inter-
face (SPI) support. For Raspbian, few configuration changes are required.
The I2C driver is pre-installed in new Raspbian distro, but it is disabled
by default. To enable it, comment out a line by putting “#” in front, e.g.,
“sudonano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf” and then add a “#” to the
third line (Figure 5.20).

1. Edit the file /etc/modules using the command “sudonano/etc/

modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf” and add a “#” to “blacklist spi-
bcm2408,” which will become “#blacklist spi-bcm2408.”
2. The SPI feature of the Raspberry Pi is supported by a Python library,
which carries out SPI communication with a Python program. To
install this, install Git and then issue the following commands:
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ git clone git://github.com/doceme/py-spidev
$ cdpy-spidev/
$ sudo python setup.py install
3. Reboot the Pi, and it is ready for SPI.

5.13 Programming a Raspberry Pi

To program a Raspberry Pi, the pin mode can be defined in two methods,
BCM and BOARD. BCM stands for Broadcom SOC channel, and BCM refers
to the GPIO number (i.e., GPIO21, GPIO22, etc.). BOARD refers to the pin
number of the Pi board.

importRPi.GPIO as X
# This is to access GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi as the name “X” indicated
in the command.
import time
# Imports the Time library so that we can pause the script later on.
# Pins are referred as GPIO numbers, as BCM mode is selected.
# This command is not to print GPIO warning messages on the screen.
64 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

# This is to define GPIO 21 as output pin.
print(“Two LED ON”)
# This is to print the string on the terminal.
X.output(21, True) or X.output(21, HIGH)
# This is to turn the GPIO 21 pin “on.”
# To pause the Python program for 1 s.
# End program with keyboard.
# Reset GPIO settings.

5.14 Play with LED and Raspberry Pi

The interfacing of LED with Raspberry Pi is the simplest way to understand
the basic command. The circuit is comprised of two LEDs, two 330-ohm resis-
tors, and jumper wires. To understand the working of LEDs, connect the anode
of LED1 to GPIO21 and LED2 to GPIO22 and cathode to the ground. Write the
recipe described in Section 5.14.1 and observe the blinking of the LEDs.
Figure 5.23 shows the circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing
with LED.

5.14.1 Recipe for LED Blink

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
import time as wait
LED_PIN1=20 # assign LED_PIN1 to pin 20
LED_PIN2=21 # assign LED_PIN1 to pin 21
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BCM) # use pi pins in BCM mode
RAJ.setwarnings(False) # remove the warnings
RAJ.setup(LED_PIN1,RAJ.OUT) # make pin 21 to output
RAJ.setup(LED_PIN2,RAJ.OUT) # make pin 20 to output
while True:
RAJ.output(LED_PIN1, True) # make pin 20 to HIGH
RAJ.output(LED_PIN2, True) # make pin 21 to HIGH
Basics of Raspberry Pi 65

Circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing with LED.

print("Two LED ON") # print string on terminal

RAJ.output(LED_PIN1, False) # make pin 20 to LOW
RAJ.output(LED_PIN2, False) # make pin 20 to LOW
print("Two LED OFF") # print string on terminal
RAJ.cleanup() Recipe for LED Blink Using Function

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ # RPi.GPIO can be referred as GPIO
import time as wait # import time library
ledPin1 = 21 # connect led1 on 21 pin
ledPin2 = 20 # connect led2 on 20 pin
def setup():
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BOARD) # GPIO Numbering of Pins
RAJ.setup(ledPin1, RAJ.OUT) # Set ledPin1 as output
66 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

RAJ.setup(ledPin2, RAJ.OUT) # Set ledPin2 as output

def loop():
while True:
print ("BOTH LED on") # print string on terminal
RAJ.output(ledPin1, RAJ.HIGH) # turn on LED1
RAJ.output(ledPin2, RAJ.HIGH) # turn on LED2
wait.sleep(1.0) # delay of 1 Sec
print("BOTH LED off") # print string on terminal
RAJ.output(ledPin1, RAJ.LOW) # turn off LED1
RAJ.output(ledPin2, RAJ.LOW) # turn off LED2
wait.sleep(1.0) # wait 1 sec
RAJ.output(ledPin1, RAJ.LOW) # turn off LED1
RAJ.output(ledPin2, RAJ.LOW) #turn off LED2
RAJ.cleanup() # clean GPIOs
if __name__ == '__main__': # Main program to call functions
exceptKeyboardInterrupt: # keyboard interrupt to stop program

5.15 Reading the Digital Input

The digital inputs at Raspberry Pi can be read by two methods named as pull
down and pull up, by setting the GPIO pins as active LOW or active HIGH

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
RAJ.setup(23, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down=RAJ.PUD_DOWN)
RAJ.setup(24, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down=RAJ.PUD_UP)

These commands enable a pull-down resistor on pin 23 and a pull-up resis-

tor on pin 24. The Pi is looking for a high voltage on pin 23 and a low voltage
on pin 24. These are required to define in the loop, so that these can con-
stantly check the pin voltage. To understand the concept, consider a small
program for switch.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 67

5.15.1 Recipe
importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
RAJ.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # use pi in BCM mode
RAJ.setup(23, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down = RAJ.PUD_DOWN) # set pin as
RAJ.setup(24, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down = RAJ.PUD_UP) # set pin as input
while True:
if(RAJ.input(23) ==1):
print("pressed button 1") # print string on terminal
if(RAJ.input(24) == 0):
print("pressed button2") # print string on terminal
RAJ.cleanup() # clean all GPIOs

5.16 Reading an Edge-Triggered Input

The program in Section 5.15 is to detect whether either button is pressed
or not. If the button is to trigger an action or command only one time, for
this the GPIO library has a built-in function for rising-edge and falling-
edge. A rising-edge is defined by the instant when signal changes from low
to high, but it can only detect the change. Similarly, the falling-edge is the
instant when the signal is from high to low.
The circuit of interfacing of the switch with Raspberry Pi is comprised of
an LED, a resistor, a switch, and jumper wires. To understand the working
of the switch, connect the components as shown in Figure 5.24. Write the
recipe described in Sections 5.16.1 through 5.16.3 to observe the working of
the switch in different configurations.

5.16.1 Reading Switch in Pull-Down Configuration

• Connect one terminal of the switch to ground and other terminal
to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect one resistor of 10 K between +5 V and GPIO21 of
Raspberry Pi.
• Connect the anode of the LED to GPIO20 of Raspberry Pi through
a resistor and the cathode to ground.

Figure 5.24 shows the circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing with
the switch.
68 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing with switch in “Pull-down” configuration. Recipe for Pull-Down Configuration

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
import time as wait # add time lib
button_pin=21# assign button_pin name to GPIO21
led_pin=20 # assign led_pin name to GPIO20
RAJ.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # use Pi pins as BCM
RAJ.setup(button_pin, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down = RAJ.PUD_UP) # GPIO
as input
RAJ.setup(led_pin, RAJ.OUT) # make led_pin as output
while True:
button_var = RAJ.input(button_pin)# read pin 21
ifbutton_var== False:
RAJ.output(led_pin, True) # make led_pin to HIGH
print("Switch Pressed..") # print string on terminal
wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 200mSec
Basics of Raspberry Pi 69

RAJ.output(led_pin, False) # make led_pin to LOW

print("switch not pressed...") # print string on terminal
wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 200mSec
print(“keyboard interrupt detected”)
RAJ.cleanup() // clean all GPIOs

5.16.2 Reading Switch in Pull-Up Configuration

• Connect one terminal of the switch to +5 V and the other termi-
nal to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect one resistor of 10 K between the ground and GPIO21 of
Raspberry Pi.
• Connect the anode of the LED to GPIO20 of Raspberry Pi through
a resistor and the cathode to ground.

Figure 5.25 shows the circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing with
the switch.

Circuit diagram of the Raspberry Pi interfacing with switch in “Pull-up” configuration.
70 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino Recipe for Pull-Up Configuration

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
import time as wait
button_pin=21 # assign name to pin 21
led_pin=23 # assign name to pin 23
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BCM) // use pins of pi in BCM mode
RAJ.setup(button_pin, RAJ.IN, pull_up_down = RAJ.PUD_DOWN)
# set pin 21 as input
RAJ.setup(led_pin,RAJ.OUT) # set pin 23 as output
while True:
button_VAR = RAJ.input(button_pin) # read switch
ifbutton_VAR == True:
RAJ.output(led_pin, True) # make pin 23 to HIGH
print("button pressed...") # print string on terminal
RAJ.output(led_pin, False) # make pin 23 to LOW
print("button not pressed...") # print string on terminal
print 'keyboard interrupt detected'

5.17 Interfacing of Relay with Raspberry Pi

A relay is a device used to switch the state of an electric circuit. It can be used
to switch the state of home appliances that operate on AC voltage of 220 V. To
understand the interfacing of relay with Raspberry Pi, a simple circuit can
be considered for making bulb “ON” and “OFF.” Make the component con-
nections as shown in Figure 5.26. A transistor 2N2222 acts as a switch here.
When it gets to “1” at the base, it acts as a closed switch, and when it gets to
“0” at base, it acts as an open switch.

• Connect the “base” of transistor 2N222 to GPIO26 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect “emitter” of transistor to the ground.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 71

Circuit diagram for interfacing of relay with Raspberry Pi.

• Connect the “collector” of transistor to “L2” of relay.

• Connect the positive terminal of +12 V battery to “L1” of relay.
• Connect a diode 1N4004 across “L1” and “L2.”
• Connect one terminal of AC to “common” of the relay and other one
to the terminal of the AC load (bulb).
• Connect the other terminal of AC load to the “NO” terminal of the

5.17.1 Recipe
importRPi.GPIO as MAHE # import pi GPIOs lib
import time as wait # wait time lib
MAHE.setmode(MAHE.BCM) # use pi pins in BCM mode
MAHE.setup(26, MAHE.OUT) # set pin 26 to output pin
while (True):
GPIO.output(26, MAHE.HIGH) // make pin 26 pin to HIGH
print(' relay ON') # print string on terminal
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 Sec
GPIO.output(26, GPIO.LOW)
print('relay OFF') # print string on terminal
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 Sec
72 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

5.18 Interfacing of DC Motor with Raspberry Pi

A DC motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. When the
electric current passes through a coil in a magnetic field, a magnetic force is
generated to produce a torque in the DC motor. To understand the interfac-
ing of the DC motor with Raspberry Pi, a simple circuit can be considered
for making the motor move in “clockwise” and “anticlockwise” directions.
The circuit is comprised of Raspberry Pi, motor driver L293D, two DC
motors, and a power supply. Make the component connections as shown in
Figure 5.27.

• Connect pin2 (IN1) of L293D to GPIO26 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin7 (IN2) of L293D to GPIO19 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin10 (IN3) of L293D to GPIO13 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin15 (IN4) of L293D to GPIO6 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin3 (OUT1) of L293D to one terminal of motor1.
• Connect pin6 (OUT2) of L293D to another terminal of motor1.

Circuit diagram for interfacing of DC motors with Raspberry Pi.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 73

• Connect pin11 (OUT3) of L293D to one terminal of motor2.

• Connect pin14 (OUT4) of L293D to another terminal of motor2.
• Connect pin8 of L293D to +12 V DC.
• Connect pin1, 9, and 16 of L293D to +5 V DC.
• Connect “GND” pins of L293D to ground.

5.18.1 Recipe
importRPi.GPIO as MAHI #import GPIO as MAHI
import time as wait #include time library
M1_PIN1=26 # assign variable to GPIO26
M1_PIN2=19 # assign variable to GPIO19
M2_PIN1=13 # assign variable to GPIO13
M2_PIN2=6 # assign variable to GPIO6

MAHI.setmode(MAHI.BCM) # set pi as BCM

MAHI.setup(M1_PIN1,MAHI.OUT) #setting GPIO26 as OUTPUT
MAHI.setup(M1_PIN2,MAHI.OUT) #setting GPIO19 as OUTPUT
MAHI.setup(M2_PIN1,MAHI.OUT) #setting GPIO13 as OUTPUT
MAHI.setup(M2_PIN2,MAHI.OUT) #setting GPIO6 as OUTPUT

while True:
MAHI.output(M1_PIN1, True) #make pin 26 to HIGH
MAHI.output(M1_PIN2, False) #make pin 19 to LOW
MAHI.output(M2_PIN1, True) #make pin 13 to HIGH
MAHI.output(M2_PIN2, False) #make pin 6 to LOW
print("Both Motor Forward") #print string on terminal
wait.sleep(10) # delay of 10 sec
MAHI.output(M1_PIN1, False) #make pin 26 to LOW
MAHI.output(M1_PIN2, True) #make pin 19 to HIGH
MAHI.output(M2_PIN1, False) #make pin 13 to LOW
MAHI.output(M2_PIN2, True) #make pin 6 to HIGH
print("Both Motor Reverse") #print string on terminal
wait.sleep(10) # delay of 10 sec
MAHI.cleanup() # clean all GPIOs
74 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

5.18.2 Recipe to Control One Motor Using Function

importRPi.GPIO as MAHI
import time as wait
# Pins for Motor Driver Inputs
M11 = 26 #assign variable to GPIO26
M12= 19 #assign variable to GPIO19
def setup():
MAHI.setmode(MAHI.BCM) # choose BCM mode
MAHI.setup(M11,MAHI.OUT) # make M11 as output
MAHI.setup(M12,MAHI.OUT) # make M12 as output
MAHI.setup(M1E,MAHI.OUT) # make M1E as output

def loop():
# forward movement
MAHI.output(M11,MAHI.HIGH) # set M11 to HIGH
GPIO.output(M12,MAHI.LOW) # set M12 to LOW
GPIO.output(M1E,MAHI.HIGH) # set M1E to HIGH
wait.sleep(5) // delay of 5 Sec
# for reverse movement
MAHI.output(M11,MAHI.LOW) # set M11 to LOW
MAHI.output(M12,MAHI.HIGH) # set M12 to HIGH
MAHI.output(M1E,MAHI.HIGH) # set M1E to HIGH
wait.sleep(5) // delay of 5 Sec
# for stop movement
MAHI.output(M1E,MAHI.LOW) # set M1E to LOW

def destroy():
MAHI.cleanup() # clean GPIOs
if __name__ == '__main__': # Program start from here
destroy() # stop the execution
Basics of Raspberry Pi 75

5.19 Interfacing of LCD with Raspberry Pi

A liquid-crystal display is a display device. It does not emit light; instead, it has
a blacklight to produce the image. It can be used for displaying the message or
sensory data in a system. The circuit is comprised of Raspberry Pi, LCD, and
a power supply. Make the component connections as shown in Figure 5.28.

• Connect pin1 (Vss), pin5, (RW) and pin16 (LED-) of LCD to ground.
• Connect pin2 (Vcc) and pin15 (LED+) of LCD to +5 V DC.
• Connect pin3 (VEE) of LCD to output of 10 K potentiometer and
connect other two terminals of potentiometer to +5 V DC and
• Connect pin4 (RS) of LCD to GPIO26 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin6 (E) of LCD to GPIO19 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin11 (D4) of LCD to GPIO13 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin12 (D5) of LCD to GPIO6 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect Pin13 (D6) of LCD to GPIO5 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect Pin14 (D7) of LCD to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.

Circuit diagram for interfacing of LCD with Raspberry Pi.
76 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

5.19.1 Adafruit Library for LCD

Execute the commands in the Raspberry Pi terminal to install and update
the libraries.

1. sudo apt-get update

2. sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus
python-pip git
3. sudo pip install RPi. GPIO

Ignore the warnings about any dependencies. Adafruit provides a library to

operate LCD in the 4-bit mode.

Steps to install library on Raspberry Pi:

Step 1: Install Git on Raspberry Pi by using the command: sudoapt-get

install git.
Git helps to clone the project files on github and use it on Raspberry Pi.
Step 2: To make a clone of the project file on Pi, execute the command:
sudogit clone git://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
Step 3: Change the directory line with the command: cd Adafruit_
Step 4: Open the directory. There will be a file named setup.py. Install it
by using the command: sudo python setup.py install

5.19.2 Recipe with Adafruit Library

# define the object and connect LCD pins RS=26, E=19, D4=13, D5=6,
D6=5 and D7=21
RAJ_LCD = Adafruit_CharLCD(rs=26, en=19, d4=13, d5=6, d6=5, d7=21,
cols=16, lines=2)
RAJ_LCD.clear()# clear the contents of LCD
RAJ_LCD.message('Welcome') # print string on LCD
wait.sleep(3) # delay of 3 sec
RAJ_LCD.clear() # clear the contents of LCD
RAJ_LCD.message(' put any message here from keyboard\n')
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 sec
RAJ_LCD.clear() # clear the contents of LCD
Basics of Raspberry Pi 77

5.19.3 Recipe without Library

importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
import time as wait
RAJ_LCD_RS = 26 # RS pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_E = 19 # E pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_D4 = 13 # D4 pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_D5 = 6 # D5 pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_D6 = 5 # D6 pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_D7 = 21 # D7 pin of LCD
RAJ_LCD_WIDTH = 16 # total char are 16
RAJ_LCD_CHR = True # assign Boolean
RAJ_LCD_CMD = False # assign Boolean
RAJ_LCD_LINE_1 = 0×80 # RAM address of LCD for first line
RAJ_LCD_LINE_2 = 0×C0 # RAM address of LCD for second line
RAJ_E_PULSE = 0.0005 # give time constant
RAJ_E_DELAY = 0.0005 # give time constant

def main():
RAJ.setwarnings(False) # remove the warnings
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BCM) # Use BCM GPIO numbers
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_E, RAJ.OUT) # setup enable pin as output
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_RS, RAJ.OUT) # setup RS pin as output
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_D4, RAJ.OUT) # setup D4 pin as output
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_D5, RAJ.OUT) # setup D5 pin as output
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_D6, RAJ.OUT) # setup D6 pin as output
RAJ.setup(RAJ_LCD_D7, RAJ.OUT) # setup D7 pin as output
RAJ_lcd_init() # initialise LCD
while True:
RAJ_lcd_string("R Singh ",LCD_LINE_1) # print some text to ROW 1
of LCD
RAJ_lcd_string(" Presents ",LCD_LINE_2) # print some text to ROW2
of LCD
wait.sleep(3) # delay of 3 Sec
wait.sleep(3)# delay of 3 Sec
78 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

RAJ_lcd_display(0x28,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # choose 4 bit mode and rows
RAJ_lcd_display(0x0C,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # To ON the display, no cursor
RAJ_lcd_display(0x01,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # Clear the contents of LCD
Wait.sleep(RAJ_E_DELAY) # delay
defRAJ_lcd_display(bits, mode):
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_RS, mode) # set Mode
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D4, False) # make D4 pin of LCD LOW
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D5, False) # make D5 pin of LCD LOW
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D6, False) # make D6 pin of LCD LOW
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D7, False) # make D7 pin of LCD LOW
if bits&0x10==0x10:
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D4, True) # make D4 pin of LCD HIGH
if bits&0x20==0x20:
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D5, True) # make D5 pin of LCD HIGH
if bits&0x40==0x40:
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D6, True) # make D6 pin of LCD HIGH
if bits&0x80==0x80:
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_D7, True) # make D7 pin of LCD HIGH
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_DELAY) # delay
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_E, True) # make E pin to HIGH
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_PULSE) # delay
RAJ.output(RAJ_LCD_E, False) # make E pin to LOW
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_DELAY) # delay
message = message.ljust(RAJ_LCD_WIDTH," ")
RAJ_lcd_display(line, RAJ_LCD_CMD)
for i in range(RAJ_LCD_WIDTH):

if __name__ == '__main__':
Basics of Raspberry Pi 79

RAJ_lcd_display(0x01, RAJ_LCD_CMD)
RAJ.cleanup() # clean all GPIOs

5.20 Interfacing LCD with Raspberry Pi in I2C Mode

The circuit is comprised of Raspberry Pi, LCD, and a power supply. An I2C
driver is connected with LCD. Make the component connections as shown
in Figure 5.29.

Step 1: Interface the LCD with Raspberry Pi

• Connect pin1 (Vss) and pin16 (LED-) of LCD and pin (GND) of the
I2C driver to ground.
• Connect pin2 (Vcc) and pin15 (LED+) of LCD and pin (Vcc) of the I2C
driver to +5 V DC.

Circuit diagram for LCD interfacing in I2C mode.
80 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

• Connect pin3 (VEE) of LCD to the output of a 10 K potentiometer and

connect the other two terminals of the potentiometer to +5 V DC
and ground.
• Connect pin(SDA) of the I2C driver LCD to GPIO3 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin(SCA) of the I2C driver LCD to GPIO5 of Raspberry Pi.
Step 2: Download the Python Script by using:
wget https://bitbucket.org/MattHawkinsUK/rpispy-misc/raw/master/python/
Step 3: Enable the I2C Interface on Raspberry Pi by following the
path Menu>Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration (Figure 5.30).
Then select the “Interfaces” tab and set I2C to “Enabled”
(Figure 5.31).
Click the “OK” button. If prompted to reboot, select “Yes” so that the
changes can be taken effectively (Figure 5.32). The Raspberry Pi will
reboot, and the I2C interface is now enabled.
Step 4: Open the LCD Script with the command: sudonano lcd_i2c.py
Step 5: Run the script with the command: sudo python lcd_i2c.py

Setting on terminal.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 81

Enable I2C.


5.20.1 Recipe to Interface LCD in I2C Mode

import time as wait
RAJ_I2C_ADDR = 0x24 # address of I2C device
RAJ_LCD_WIDTH = 16 # number of char per line
RAJ_LCD_CHR = 1 # Mode - Sending data
RAJ_LCD_CMD = 0 # Mode - Sending command
RAJ_LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80 # LCD RAM address for the 1st line
RAJ_LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0 # LCD RAM address for the 2nd line
RAJ_LCD_LINE_3 = 0x94 # LCD RAM address for the 3rd line
RAJ_LCD_LINE_4 = 0xD4 # LCD RAM address for the 4th line
RAJ_ENABLE = 0b00000100 # LCD enable(E) bit
RAJ_E_PULSE = 0.0005
RAJ_E_DELAY = 0.0005
82 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Rev 2 Pi uses 1

RAJ_lcd_byte(0x33,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 110011 Initialise
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x32,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 110010 Initialise
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x06,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 000110 Cursor move direction
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x0C,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 001100 Display On, Cursor Off,
Blink Off
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x28,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 101000 Data length, number of
lines, font size
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x01,RAJ_LCD_CMD) # 000001 Clear display
defRAJ_lcd_byte(bits, mode):
bits_high = mode | (bits & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT
bits_low = mode | ((bits<<4) & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x33,LCD_CMD) # 110011 Initialise
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x32,LCD_CMD) # 110010 Initialise
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x06,LCD_CMD) # 000110 Cursor move direction
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x0C,LCD_CMD) # 001100 Display On, Cursor Off, Blink Off
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x28,LCD_CMD) # 101000 Data length, number of lines,
font size
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x01,LCD_CMD) # 000001 Clear display
bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_high)
bus.write_byte(RAJ_I2C_ADDR, bits_low)
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_DELAY) # wait
bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, (bits | RAJ_ENABLE))
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_PULSE) # wait
bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR,(bits & ~RAJ_ENABLE))
wait.sleep(RAJ_E_DELAY) # wait
message = message.ljust(RAJ_LCD_WIDTH," ")
RAJ_lcd_byte(line, RAJ_LCD_CMD)
for i in range(RAJ_LCD_WIDTH):
Basics of Raspberry Pi 83

def main():
while True:
RAJ_lcd_string("I2C LCD<",RAJ_LCD_LINE_1) # print string on line1
on LCD
RAJ_lcd_string("Connected<",RAJ_LCD_LINE_2) # print string on
line2 on LCD
wait.sleep(3) # delay of 3 Sec
RAJ_lcd_string(">RPiSpy", RAJ_LCD_LINE_1) # print string on line1
on LCD
RAJ_lcd_string("> I2C LCD", RAJ_LCD_LINE_2) # print string on
line2 on LCD
wait.sleep(3) # delay of 3 Sec
if __name__ == '__main__':
RAJ_lcd_byte(0x01, RAJ_LCD_CMD)

5.21 Interfacing of DHT11 Sensor with Raspberry Pi

The DHT11 sensor works with a one-wire system. The temperature and
humidity values are measured by the sensor, and then this data is commu-
nicated serially through the output pin. It is a four-pin device. A resistor of
value 4.4–10 K needs to be placed between pin 1 (3.3 V) and pin 2 (Data).
The three-pin device has a built-in resistor (Figure 5.33).
The Adafruit DHT11 library can be used for DHT11, DHT22, or any other
one-wire temperature sensor. The procedure to install the DHT11 library is
similar to the steps followed for installing the LCD library.

Steps to interface DHT11

1. Update the package lists and install the Python libraries with the
help of commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
84 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

View of DHT11 sensor.

2. Download the Adafruit library by using the command:

git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT.git
3. Install the library for Python 2 and Python 3 by using the command:
sudo python setup.py install
sudo python3 setup.py install
4. Connect the components as follows:

• Connect pin1 (Vss), pin5 (RW) and pin16 (LED-) of LCD to ground.
• Connect pin2 (Vcc), and pin15 (LED+) of LCD to +5 V DC.
• Connect pin3 (V EE) of LCD to output of 10 K potentiometer
and connect other two terminals of potentiometer to +5 V DC
and ground.
• Connect pin4 (RS) of LCD to GPIO26 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin6 (E) of LCD to GPIO19 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin11 (D4) of LCD to GPIO13 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin12 (D5) of LCD to GPIO6 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin13 (D6) of LCD to GPIO5 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin14 (D7) of LCD to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin (Vcc) and pin (GND) of DHT11 to +5 V and ground,
• Connect output pin of DHT11 to GPIO17 of Raspberry Pi.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 85

Circuit diagram for the interfacing of DHT11S.

Figure 5.34 shows the circuit diagram for the interfacing of LCD and
DHT11 with Raspberry Pi.

5.21.1 Recipe to Read DHT11 Sensor

importAdafruit_DHT as RAJ_DHT
import time as wait
RAJ_sensor = RAJ_DHT.DHT11
RAJ_gpio = 17 # assign variable to pin 17
HUM, TEMP = RAJ_DHT.read_retry(RAJ_sensor, RAJ_gpio)
if humidity is not None and temperature is not None:
print('TEMP={0:0.1f}*C HUM={1:0.1f}%'.format(TEMP, HUM))
print('try again for reading from DHT11')

5.21.2 Recipe to Read DHT11 Sensor and Display Data on LCD

import time as wait #import time library
importAdafruit_CharLCD as RAJ_LCD #Import the LCD library
importAdafruit_DHTas RAJ_DHT #Import DHT library
86 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

RAJ_sensor_name = RAJ_DHT.DHT11 #we are using the DHT11 sensor

RAJ_sensor_pin = 17 # assign name to pin 17 where sensor is connected
RAJ_lcd_rs = 26 # assign name to pin 26 where RS pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_en = 19 #assign name to pin 26 where E pin of LCD is connected
RAJ_lcd_d4 = 13 #assign name to pin 26 where D4 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_d5 = 6 #assign name to pin 26 where D5 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_d6 = 5 #assign name to pin 26 where D6 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_d4 = 21 assign name to pin 26 where D7 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_backlight= 0
RAJ_lcd_columns = 20 # LCD 20x4
RAJ_lcd_rows = 4 # LCD 20x4
RAJ_lcd = RAJ_LCD_CharLCD(RAJ_lcd_rs, RAJ_lcd_en, RAJ_lcd_d4,
RAJ_lcd_d5, RAJ_lcd_d6, RAJ_lcd_d4, RAJ_lcd_columns, RAJ_lcd_
rows, RAJ_lcd_backlight)
#provide pin details to LCD library
RAJ_lcd.message(“VALUE FROM DHT11”) #print message on LCD
wait.sleep(2) # delay of 2 sec
while 1:
HUM, TEMP = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(RAJ_sensor_name, RAJ_
RAJ_lcd.clear() #clear the contents of LCD
RAJ_lcd.message ('Temp= %.1f C' % TEMP) # print temp value on LCD
RAJ_lcd.message ('\nHum = %.1f %%' % HUM) print hum value on LCD
print('TEMP={0:0.1f}*C HUM={1:0.1f}%'.format(TEMP, HUM))
wait.sleep(2) #delay of 2 sec

5.22 Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi

An ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the distance of an object from the
sensor. It consists of an ultrasonic transmitter, a control circuit, and an ultra-
sonic receiver. It has four pins, namely, VCC, TRIG (Trigger), ECHO (Echo),
Basics of Raspberry Pi 87

Ultrasonic sensor.

and GND. The ultrasonic transmitter in the sensor generates a 40 KHz ultra-
sound, which propagates in the air and reflects back if any obstacle occurs
in its path. The distance is calculated on the basis of a time interval between
the transmitted signal and receiving it back to echo the pin of the sensor. To
generate the ultrasonic signal trigger, the pin needs to hold “HIGH” for a
minimum duration of 10 µS. Figure 5.35 shows the ultrasonic sensor.
For example, if the time for which ECHO is HIGH is 588 µS, then the distance
can be calculated with the help of the speed of sound, which is equal to 340 m/s.

Distance = Velocity of Sound/ ( Time/2 )

= 340 m/s / ( 588 µS/2 ) = 10 cm.

This formula needs to be used in the program to calculate the distance.

To understand the working of the ultrasonic sensor, a simple circuit can
be designed. It is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a power supply, an ultrasonic
sensor, and an LCD. Connect the components as follows:

• Connect pin1 (Vss), pin5 (RW), and pin16 (LED−) of LCD to
• Connect pin2 (Vcc) and pin15 (LED+) of LCD to +5 V DC.
• Connect pin3 (VEE) of LCD to output of 10 K potentiometer, and
connect the other two terminals of the potentiometer to +5 V DC
and ground.
• Connect pin4 (RS) of LCD to GPIO26 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin6 (E) of LCD to GPIO19 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin11 (D4) of LCD to GPIO13 of Raspberry Pi.
88 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

• Connect pin12 (D5) of LCD to GPIO6 of Raspberry Pi.

• Connect pin13 (D6) of LCD to GPIO5 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin14 (D7) of LCD to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin (Vcc) and pin (GND) of ultrasonic to +5 V and
ground, respectively.
• Connect pin (TRIG) of ultrasonic sensor to GPIO20 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pin (ECHO) of ultrasonic sensor to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.

Figure 5.36 shows the circuit diagram for the interfacing of the LCD and
ultrasonic sensor with Raspberry Pi.

5.22.1 Recipe to Read Ultrasonic Sensor and Display Data on LCD

importRPi.GPIO as ANITA
import time as wait
importAdafruit_CharLCD as LCD #Import LCD library
RAJ_lcd_rs = 26 #assign name to pin 26 where RS pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_en = 19 #assign name to pin 26 where E pin of LCD is connected
RAJ_lcd_d4 = 13 #assign name to pin 26 where D4 pin of LCD is

Circuit diagram for interfacing of ultrasonic sensor with Raspberry Pi.
Basics of Raspberry Pi 89

RAJ_lcd_d5 = 6 #assign name to pin 26 where D5 pin of LCD is

RAJ_lcd_d6 = 5 #assign name to pin 26 where D6 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_d7 = 21 #assign name to pin 26 where D7 pin of LCD is
RAJ_lcd_backlight = 0 #assign 0 input to backlight
RAJ_lcd_columns = 20 #choose 20x4 LCD
RAJ_lcd_rows = 4 #fochoose 20x4 LCD
RAJ_lcd = LCD.Adafruit_CharLCD(RAJ_lcd_rs, RAJ_lcd_en, RAJ_
lcd _d4, R AJ_ lcd _d5, R AJ_ lcd _d6, R AJ_ lcd _d4, R AJ_
lcd_ columns, RAJ_lcd_rows, RAJ_lcd_backlight) #supply details
to LCD library
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #set mode of GPIO to BCM
RAJ_GPIO_TRIGGER = 20 # assign 20 pin to trigger pin of sensor
RAJ_GPIO_ECHO = 21 # assign 21 pin to ECHO pin of sensor
ANITA.setup(RAJ_GPIO_TRIGGER, ANITA.OUT) # set direction of
pin as #OUTPUT
ANITA.setup(RAJ_GPIO_ECHO, ANITA.IN) # set direction of pin as
def distance():
ANITA.output(RAJ_GPIO_TRIGGER, True) # make 20 pin to HIGH
wait.sleep(0.00001) # delay of 10 uSec
ANITA.output(RAJ_GPIO_TRIGGER, False) # make 20 pin to LOW
Start_Time = wait.time()
Stop_Time = wait.time()
whileANITA.input(RAJ_GPIO_ECHO) == 0:
Start_Time = wait.time()
whileANITA.input(RAJ_GPIO_ECHO) == 1:
Stop_Time = wait.time()
Time_Elapsed = Stop_Time–Start_Time # record elapsed time
RAJ_distance = (Time_Elapsed * 34300) / 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
lcd.message(‘DISTANCE:’) #print string on LCD
wait.sleep(2) #wait for 2 secs
90 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

while True:
RAJ_dist = distance()
print ("DISTANCE = %.1f cm" % RAJ_dist)
RAJ_lcd.clear() #clear the contents of LCD
RAJ_lcd.message ('DIST = %.1f cm' % RAJ_dist)
print("stop measurement")

5.23 Interfacing of Camera with Raspberry Pi

A camera is used to take still pictures or videos. The interfacing of Raspberry
Pi with a camera module can be done with Python and Picamera. Switch off
the Raspberry Pi then connect the camera to the camera port and switch on
the Raspberry Pi.

5.23.1 Configuring the Camera with Raspberry Pi

1. Connect the camera and start up the Raspberry Pi.
2. Open the configuration tool from the main menu (Figure 5.37).
3. Enable the camera software and reboot the Raspberry Pi (Figure 5.38).

5.23.2 Capturing the Image with Pi Camera

1. Make a new editable file using the command sudonano image_RAJ.py
on Pi terminal
frompicamera import PiCamera
import time as wait
RAJ_camera = PiCamera()
Basics of Raspberry Pi 91

Configuring the Raspberry Pi.

Enable camera.
92 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

2. Save with ctrl+o then press “Enter” to execute with the command
sudo python image_RAJ.py. The camera preview is shown for 10 s, and
then closed. Move the camera around to preview.
3. If the preview is upside-down, rotate it by 90, 180, or 240 degrees
with the following commands:
RAJ_camera.rotation = 180
4. Alter the transparency of the camera preview by setting an alpha
level (from values 0–255):
frompicamera import PiCamera
import time as wait
RAJ_camera = PiCamera()
5. To take still pictures, amend the code to reduce the sleep at least for
2 s and add a camera.capture() line:
6. Run the code and see the camera preview open for 5 s before captur-
ing a still picture.
7. The picture is on the desktop. Double-click the file icon to open it.
8. Now try adding a loop to take five pictures:
for i in range(5):
RAJ_camera.capture(‘/home/pi/Desktop/image%s.jpg’ % i)
The variable “I” contains the current iteration number, from 0 to 4, so
the images will be saved as image0.jpg, image1.jpg, and so on.
9. Pictures can be resized by using libraries like PIL and OpenCV.
This can be done with the resize parameter of the capture()
import time as wait
Basics of Raspberry Pi 93

withpicamera. PiCamera() as RAJ_camera:
RAJ_camera.resolution = (1024, 468)
RAJ_camera.capture(‘image.jpg’, resize=(320, 240))

5.23.3 Capturing the Video with Pi Camera

1. Change the code for the image to replace capture() with start_record-
ing() and stop_recording():
2. Run the code; it will record video for 10 s and then close the preview.
To play the video, open a terminal window by clicking the black
monitor icon in the taskbar (Figure 5.39).
3. Open the terminal and type the command omxplayer video.h264 and
press “Enter” to play the video.
4. The resolution of the camera can be configured with commands:
RAJ_camera.resolution = (2592, 1944)
RAJ_camera.framerate = 15
“The minimum resolution allowed is 64 × 64.”
5. Add text to the image with annotate_text by the commands:
RAJ_camera.annotate_text = “Hello world!”

94 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

6. The default brightness is “50”; it can be altered by the commands:
RAJ_camera.brightness = 40
7. The brightness can be altered by applying the loop:
for i in range(100):
RAJ_camera.annotate_text = “Brightness: %s” % i
RAJ_camera.brightness = i
8. The contract can also be altered by using commands:
for i in range(100):
RAJ_camera.annotate_text = “Contrast: %s” % i
RAJ_camera.contrast = i
9. The annotation text size (value from 6 to 160) with default value 32
can be added with the command:
RAJ_camera.annotate_text_size = 50
10. The annotation colors can be altered by using the commands:
frompicamera import PiCamera, Color
11. Then other colors can also be amended by using the commands:
RAJ_camera.annotate_background = Color(‘blue’)
RAJ_camera.annotate_foreground = Color(‘yellow’)
RAJ_camera.annotate_text = “Hello world “
Basics of Raspberry Pi 95

5.23.4 Motion Detector and Capturing the Image

To understand the working of the camera, a simple circuit of capturing the
image on detecting a motion is discussed here. An LED will glow on detec-
tion of a motion, or a buzzer can be put in place of an LED. The system is
comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a PIR motion sensor, Pi camera, an LED, and a
power supply.

• Connect camera to Raspberry Pi as described in Section 5.23.
• Connect pin (Vcc) and pin (GND) of PIR sensor to +5 V and
ground, respectively.
• Connect pin (OUT) of PIR sensor to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect anode of LED to GPIO3 of Raspberry Pi through a 10 K
resistor and cathode of LED to ground.

Figure 5.40 shows the circuit diagram for interfacing of the PIR sensor and
camera with Raspberry Pi.

Circuit diagram for interfacing of PIR sensor and camera with Raspberry Pi.
96 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino Recipe to Capture Image on Motion Detection

importRPi.GPIO as ANITA
import time as wait
ANITA.setup(3,ANITA.OUT) # assign pin3 as output
ANITA.setup(21,ANITA.IN) # connect Motion sensor on GPIO21
withpicamera.PiCamera() as RAJ_camera:
RAJ_camera.resolution = (1024, 468)
while 1:
print("object detected") # print on terminal
ANITA.output(3,True) # make pin 3 to HIGH
RAJ_camera.start_preview() # start camera preview
wait.sleep(10)# delay of 1 sec
RAJ_camera.stop_recording() # stop camera
RAJ_camera.stop_preview() # stop preview
wait.sleep(1)# delay of 1 sec
print("NO object") # print on terminal
ANITA.output(3,False)# make pin 3 to LOW
wait.sleep(1) # delay of 1 sec
print("stop process")
Section III

Interfacing with Raspberry

Pi and Arduino
Raspberry Pi and Arduino

6.1 Install Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi

The limitation with Raspberry Pi is the absence of analog ports onboard, which
makes it inappropriate for the systems where analog sensors need to be read.
To overcome this limitation, the Arduino integrated development environ-
ment (IDE) can be installed on Raspberry Pi, as Arduino has analog ports so
these ports can be used to interface analog sensors. Installing Arduino IDE on
Raspberry Pi is an easy process with simple steps. The Arduino IDE is avail-
able for most of the operating systems, but here we will see how to install it on
a Raspberry Pi3 model B with running Raspbian Jessie in the graphical user
interface (GUI).

1. The first requirement is an active internet connection.

2. A screen, keyboard, and mouse need to be connected with Raspberry
3. Install the latest version of Arduino IDE using apt:
sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install arduino
4. Connect an Arduino board to the Raspberry Pi using the appro-
priate cable and pull down the Raspbian main Menu and select
Arduino IDE under the “Electronics” head. A blank window will
open. Figure 6.1 shows the blank window for Arduino IDE.
5. Click on Tools > Board > and select the appropriate board of
6. To select the port of the Arduino that is connected, check the serial
port under the “Tools” menu. The port name of Arduino is: /dev/
ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM0.

100 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Blank window of Arduino IDE.

6.2 Play with Digital Sensor

After installing the Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi, the sensors connected with
the Raspberry Pi and Arduino can be read. The Arduino can simply act like the
Arduino board, and Raspberry Pi acts as the computer when sensors are con-
nected with Arduino. This can be understood with the help of a few examples.

6.2.1 PIR Sensor

The pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor module is used to detect motion. It is
compact and easy to use. It has a Fresnel lens and motion detection circuit,
which has a wide range of voltages supplied with less current drain. It has
a high sensitivity and low noise. The output of the sensor is a transistor–
transistor logic (TTL) active low signal. It detects motion by measuring the
changes in infrared levels emitted by objects in its surroundings. This mod-
ule has a detection range of 6 m and can be used in burglar alarms and the
control systems. Figure 6.2 shows the block diagram of a system designed to
understand the workings of a PIR sensor. It is comprised of an Arduino Uno,
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 101

Liquid Crystal

Power 1
12V/1A UNO


Block diagram for PIR interfacing with Arduino.

a PIR sensor, a liquid crystal display, and an LED. The system is designed
such that “RED LED” will be “ON” if motion is detected; otherwise, “BLUE
LED” will be “ON.”

6.2.2 Circuit Diagram

Connect the components as shown in Figure 6.3 to check the workings of
the PIR sensor. Upload the program described in Section 6.2.2 and check the

PIR sensor connection

• Connect Arduino GND to PIR Module GND.
• Connect Arduino +5 V to PIR Module +.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 2 to PIR Module digital out pin.
LCD connection
• Connect Arduino digital pin (13) to RS pin(4) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (GND) to RW pin(5) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (12) to E pin(6) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (11) to D4 pin(11) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (10) to D5 pin(12) of LCD.
102 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram for PIR interfacing with Arduino.

• Connect Arduino digital pin (9) to D6 pin(13) of LCD.

• Connect Arduino digital pin (8) to D7 pin(14) of LCD.
LED connection
• Connect Arduino digital pin 7 to anode of RED-LED through
330-ohm resistor.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 6 to anode BLUE-LED through 330-
ohm resistor.
• Connect cathode of both LEDs to Ground.

6.2.3 Sketch
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include library of LCD
LiquidCrystallcd(13, 12, 11, 10,9, 8); // attach LCD pin RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7
to the given pins
int PIR_SENSOR_LOW=5; // assign pin 5 as PIR_SENSOR_LOW
int RED_LED=7; // assign pin 7 as RED_LED
int BLUE_LED=6; // // assign pin 6 as BLUE_LED
void setup()
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 103

pinMode(PIR_SENSOR_LOW, INPUT_PULLUP); // configure pin5 as

an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor
pinMode(RED_LED,OUTPUT); // configure pin7 as output
pinMode(BLUE_LED,OUTPUT); // configure pin6 as output
lcd.begin(20, 4); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor to column0 and row1
lcd.print("MOTION SENSOR BASED "); // Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor to column0 and row1
lcd.print("MOTION DETECTION "); // Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor to column0 and row2
lcd.print("SYSTEM AT LPU"); // Print a message to the LCD.
void loop()
// read the PIR value into a variable
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 3); // set cursor to column0 and row2
lcd.print("MOTION DETECTED "); // Print a message to the LCD.
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH); // Make pin7 to HIGH
digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW); // Make pin6 to LOW
delay(20); // delay of 20 mS
else //otherwise
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 3); // set cursor to column0 and row3
lcd.print("MOTION NOT DETECTED "); // Print a message to the LCD.
digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, HIGH); // Make pin 7 to HIGH
digitalWrite(RED_LED,LOW); // Low pin6 to LOW
delay(20); // delay of 20 mS
104 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

6.3 Play with Analog Sensor

To read the analog sensor with Arduino, simply connect the sensor to any of
the analog pins of the board. To understand the workings of the analog sen-
sor, an example of a light-dependent resistor (LDR) is explained here. An LDR
has cadmium sulphide (CdS) photoconductive cells with spectral responses.
The resistance of the cells decreases with the increase in light intensity. An
LDR can be used in many applications, such as smoke detection, automatic
light control, batch counting, and burglar alarm systems. Figure 6.4 shows
the block diagram to interface the LDR with Arduino. It is comprised of an
Arduino Uno, a power supply, a liquid crystal display, and an LDR. The sys-
tem is designed to display the light intensity of an LCD.

6.3.1 Circuit Diagram

Connect the components as shown in Figure 6.5 to check the workings of
the LDR sensor as a simple analog sensor. This LDR has three terminals:
Ground, Vcc, OUT. Upload the program described in Section 6.3.2 and check
the workings.

Light sensor connection

• Connect Arduino GND to LDR module GND.
• Connect Arduino +5 V to LDR Module +.
• Connect Arduino A0 pin to OUT pin of sensor.

Liquid Crystal



Block diagram to interface LDR with Arduino.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 105

Circuit diagram for LDR sensor interfacing with Arduino.

LCD connection
• Connect Arduino digital pin 13 to RS pin(4) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin GND to RW pin(5) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 12 to E pin(6) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 11 to D4 pin(11) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 10 to D5 pin(12) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 9 to D6 pin(13) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 8 to D7 pin(14) of LCD.

6.3.2 Sketch
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include library of LCD
LiquidCrystallcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8); // attach LCD pin RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7
to the given pins
intLDR_sensor_Pin = A0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
intLDR_sensor_ADC_Value = 0; // variable to store the value coming
from the sensor
int RED_LED=7; // assign pin 7 to RED_LED
106 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

void setup()

lcd.begin(20, 4); // Initialise 20*4 LCD

pinMode(RED_LED,OUTPUT); // use RED_LED as an output
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor of LCD at column0 and Row0
lcd.print("LDR based light"); // print string on LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("intensity monitoring"); // print string on LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("system at LPU"); // print string on LCD
delay(1000); // delay of 1000 mS
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD

void loop()
LDR_sensor_ADC_Value = analogRead(LDR_sensor_Pin); // read the
value from the sensor
lcd.setCursor(0,2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("ADC LEVEL+LDR:"); // print string on LCD
lcd.setCursor(17,2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print(LDR_sensor_ADC_Value); // // print value on LCD
digitalWrite(RED_LED,HIGH); // make pin7 to HIGH
delay(20); // delay of 20 mS
digitalWrite(RED_LED,LOW); // make pin7 to HIGH
delay(20); // delay of 20 mS
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 107

6.4 Play with Actuators

An actuator is a component of a machine that is used for moving and control-
ling a mechanism or system. A DC motor, stepper motor, and servo motor
are commonly used actuators in the systems.

6.4.1 DC Motor
The DC-geared motors with 100 rpm 12 V are generally used for robotics
applications. They are very easy to use. They have nuts and threads on the
shafts to easily connect and internally threaded shafts for easy connection
to the wheel. Figure 6.6 shows the block diagram to interface the DC motor
with Arduino. It is comprised of an Arduino Uno, a power supply, a liquid
crystal display, a motor driver (L293D), and two DC motors. Circuit Diagram

Connect the components as shown in Figure 6.7 to check the workings of a
DC motor. Upload the program described in Section and check the

Liquid Crystal Display


Supply ARDUINO Motor
12V/1A Driver (L293D)


Block diagram of DC motor interfacing with Arduino.
108 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram of DC motor interfacing with Arduino.

L293D and DC motor connection

• Connect L293D pin 3 to +ve pin of DC motor1.
• Connect L293D pin 6 to −ve pin of DC motor1.
• Connect L293D pin 11 to +ve pin of DC motor2.
• Connect L293D pin 14 to +ve pin of DC motor2.
L293D connection
• Connect Arduino GND to pins 4, 5, 12, 13 of L293D.
• Connect Arduino +5 V to pins 1, 9, 16 of L293D.
• Connect Arduino pin 7 to pin 2 of L293D.
• Connect Arduino pin 6 to pin 7 of L293D.
• Connect Arduino pin 5 to pin 10 of L293D.
• Connect Arduino pin 4 to pin 15 of L293D.
• Connect L293D pin 8 to +ve of 12V battery
LED connection
• Connect Arduino pin 7 to anode of LED1.
• Connect Arduino pin 6 to anode of LED2.
• Connect Arduino pin 5 to anode of LED3.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 109

• Connect Arduino pin 4 to anode of LED4.

• Connect cathode of all LEDs to ground.
LCD connection
• Connect Arduino digital pin 13 to RS pin(4) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin GND to RW pin(5) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 12 to E pin(6) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 11 to D4 pin(11) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 10 to D5 pin(12) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 9 to D6 pin(13) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin 8 to D7 pin(14) of LCD. Sketch
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include library of LCD
LiquidCrystallcd(13, 12, 11, 10,9, 8); // attach LCD pin RS, E, D4, D5, D6,
D7 to the given pins
int MPIN1= 7; // assign pin 7 as MPIN1
int MPIN2= 6; // assign pin 6 as MPIN2
int MPIN3= 5; // assign pin 5 as MPIN3
int MPIN4= 4; // assign pin 4 as MPIN4

void setup()
pinMode(MPIN1, OUTPUT); // make MPIN1 as an output
pinMode(MPIN2, OUTPUT); // make MPIN2 as an output
pinMode(MPIN3, OUTPUT); // make MPIN3 as an output
pinMode(MPIN4, OUTPUT); // make MPIN4 as an output
lcd.begin(20,4); // initialise LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("DC Motor direction"); // print string on LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("control system..."); // print string on LCD
delay(1000); // delay of 1000 mS
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD
void loop() // infinite loop
digitalWrite(MPIN1, HIGH); // make MPIN1 to HIGH
110 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

digitalWrite(MPIN2, LOW); // make MPIN2 to LOW

digitalWrite(MPIN3, HIGH); // make MPIN3 to HIGH
digitalWrite(MPIN4, LOW); // make MPIN4 to LOW
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("CLOCKWISE"); // print string on LCD
delay(2000); // delay of 2 sec
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD
digitalWrite(MPIN1, LOW); //make MPIN1 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN2, HIGH); //make MPIN2 to HIGH
digitalWrite(MPIN3, LOW); //make MPIN3 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN4, HIGH); //make MPIN4 to HIGH
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("ANTI-CLOCKWISE"); // print string on LCD
delay(2000); // delay of 2 Sec
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD
digitalWrite(MPIN1, LOW); // make MPIN1 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN2, LOW); //make MPIN2 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN3, HIGH); //make MPIN3 to HIGH
digitalWrite(MPIN4, LOW); //make MPIN4 to LOW
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("LEFT"); // print string on LCD
delay(2000); // delay of 2 Sec
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD
digitalWrite(MPIN1, HIGH); //make MPIN1 to HIGH
digitalWrite(MPIN2, LOW); //make MPIN2 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN3, LOW); //make MPIN3 to LOW
digitalWrite(MPIN4, LOW); //make MPIN4 to LOW
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("RIGHT"); // print string on LCD
delay(2000); // delay of 2 Sec
lcd.clear(); // clear the contents of LCD

6.4.2 Servo Motor

A servo motor is a rotary actuator used for precise control of the angu-
lar position. It is comprised of a motor coupled with a sensor for
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 111

Liquid Crystal



Block diagram to interface servo motor with Arduino.

position feedback. It also requires a servo drive. The drive uses the feed-
back sensor to control the rotary position of the motor precisely. This is
called a closed-loop operation. The high torque standard servo motor with
metal gears and 360° rotation can provide 11 kg/cm at 4.8 V, 13.5 kg/cm at
6 V, and 16 kg/cm at 7.2 V. Figure 6.8 shows the block diagram to interface
the servo motor with Arduino. It is comprised of an Arduino Uno, a power
supply, a liquid crystal display, a potentiometer (POT), and a servo motor.
The system is designed to control the angle of the servo motor with the
potentiometer. Circuit Diagram

Connect the components as shown in Figure 6.9 to check the workings of a
servo motor. Upload the program described in Section and check the

Servo connection
• Connect Arduino GND to GND pin of servo motor.
• Connect Arduino +5 V to “+” terminal of servo motor.
• Connect Arduino pin(3) to PWM pin of servo motor.
POT connection
• Connect Arduino GND to GND pin of POT.
• Connect Arduino +5 V to “+” terminal of POT.
• Connect Arduino A0 pin to data out pin of POT.
112 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram to interface servo motor with Arduino.

LCD connection
• Connect Arduino digital pin (13) to RS pin(4) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (GND) to RW pin(5) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (12) to E pin(6) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (11) to D4 pin(11) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (10) to D5 pin(12) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (9) to D6 pin(13) of LCD.
• Connect Arduino digital pin (8) to D7 pin(14) of LCD. Sketch
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include library of LCD
LiquidCrystallcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8); // attach LCD pin RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7
to the given pins
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
int POT_PIN = A0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL; // variable to read the value from the
analog pin
Raspberry Pi and Arduino 113

void setup()
myservo.attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
lcd.begin(20,4); // initialise LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("Servo ANALOG write "); // print string on LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);// set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("system at LPU....");// print string on LCD
void loop()
POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL = analogRead(POT_PIN); // reads POT value
in the form of levels
POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL = map(POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
// map the value //between 0 to 180 degree for servo
myservo.write(POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL); // sets the servo position
according to the scaled value
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); // set cursor on LCD
lcd.print("ANGLE:"); // print string on LCD
lcd.print(POT_PIN_ADC_LEVEL); // print value on LCD
delay(15); // delay of 15 mSec
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata

7.1 Python with Arduino

Arduino is an open-source platform to build hardware and software envi-
ronments. Arduino provides limitless possibilities for tinkerers and elec-
tronics enthusiasts.
Raspberry Pi is a full-fledged computer that can do tasks like a desktop
PC. It provides a platform for coding and designing electronic circuits, from
creating a web server to a gaming console for retro gaming.
Arduino does not understand Python, so Firmata and Pyfirmata protocols
are used to communicate through Raspberry Pi using Python. Pyfirmata is a
protocol for Raspberry Pi to access Arduino. Firmata is protocol for Arduino
to interface with Raspberry Pi with Python. The program will be written on
Raspberry Pi in Python to access sensors connected to Arduino.
To install Firmata to Arduino, connect it to a USB socket of Raspberry Pi
to communicate and power up Arduino. Next, install Firmata sketch to the
Arduino in order for this open an Arduino IDE. Find the Firmata sketch
in File→Examples→Firmata→StandardFirmata and upload it to the Arduino
board. Once Firmata is installed, Arduino waits for communication from
Raspberry Pi.
The next step is to install Pyfirmata to Raspberry Pi. For this, just run the
following terminal commands on Raspberry Pi:

$ sudo apt-get install git

$ sudo git clone https://github.com/tino/pyFirmata.git
$ cdpyFirmata
$ sudo python setup.py install'

116 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

7.2 Controlling Arduino with Python

A “USB standard A” connector is used to connect Arduino with the
Raspberry Pi. Now check for the USB address of Arduino by running “ls
-lrt /dev/tty*.” On my Raspberry Pi, it is listed as /dev/ttyUSB0 (Remember
this value for later).
Import the Arduino and util classes from the Pyfirmata module to control
an Arduino from a Python script on the Raspberry Pi. After this, create an
object that was found in the previous step with the help of a USB address.

>>>from pyfirmata import Arduino, util

>>>board = Arduino(‘/dev/ttyUSB0’)

7.3 Play with LED

The objective of the project is to control the Arduino digital output through
Raspberry Pi with Python. To build this project, connect an LED to a digital
pin of Arduino and write a short Python program to make it blink. Figure 7.1
shows the circuit diagram for the interfacing of an LED. The system is com-
prised of a Raspberry Pi3, an Arduino Uno, a power supply, and two LEDs
connected to Pin6 and Pin7 of Arduino. The program is written to make
LEDs blink after some time delay.

Circuit diagram for the interfacing of LED.
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 117

7.3.1 Recipe
import pyfirmata # import lib of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import lib of pyfirmata
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')# define COM port of Arduino
red_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o')# assign digital pin 7 as an output
green_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:o')# assign digital pin 6 as an output

whileTrue: # infinite loop

red_pin.write(1)# write ‘1’ on pin 7
green_pin.write(1)# write ‘1’ on pin 6
wait.sleep(0.5)# delay of 0.5 Sec
red_pin.write(0)#write ‘0’ on pin 7
green_pin.write(0)# write ‘0’ on pin 6
wait.sleep(0.5)# delay of 0.5 Sec

7.4 Reading an Arduino Digital Input with Pyfirmata

The objective is to read the digital pins of Arduino on a Raspberry Pi by
Python. Pyfirmata is used to read a digital input on Arduino. The compo-
nents required for the recipe are Arduino Uno, 1 kΩ resistor, and a push
switch or button (as digital sensor). A switch can be connected in two
arrangements: pull down and pull up. The output of a digital pin of Arduino
is normally “LOW,” and digital sensors are available in two configurations
for output: active “LOW” and active “HIGH.” The pull-down arrangement is
used where digital pin is normally “LOW,” and on reading the sensor it gets
“HIGH.” This is used for the sensor that has the output as active “HIGH”
on occurrence of an event; otherwise, the output is “LOW.” The pull-up
arrangement is for the sensor that has a normal output as active “HIGH,”
and on occurrence of an event it gets “LOW.” In this arrangement, the digital
pin needs to be activated as “HIGH” in the program so that it can read the
sensor. Figure 7.2 shows circuit diagram for pull down, and Figure 7.3 shows
circuit diagram for pull up.
As discussed in Section II of this book, the Pyfirmata protocol is used to
read the input pin of Arduino by Raspberry Pi. It uses the concept of an
iterator to monitor the Arduino pin. The iterator manages the reading of the
switch using the following commands:

it = pyfirmata.util. Iterator(board)
118 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Pull-down arrangement for reading button.

Pull-up arrangement for reading button.

After this enable the pin by using following command.


The iterator function can’t be stopped, so when Ctrl+Z is pressed to exit the
window, it will not exist.
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 119

To stop this function, simply disconnect Arduino from Raspberry Pi or

open another terminal window and use the kill command:
$ sudokillall python

7.4.1 Recipe to Read Pull-Down Arrangement

import pyfirmata # import library of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import library of time
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # define COM port of Arduino
button_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:i') # define pin 6 as an input
led_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # define pin7 as an output
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
button_pin.enable_reporting() # enable input
while True: # infinite loop
switch_state = switch_pin.read() # read input from pin 6
ifswitch_state == False: # check condition
print('Button Pressed') # print string on Pi terminal
led_pin.write(1) # write ‘1’ on pin 7
wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 0.2 Sec
print('Button not Pressed') # print string on Pi terminal
led_pin.write(0) # write ‘0’ on pin 7
wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 0.2 Sec

7.4.2 Recipe to Read Pull-Up Arrangement

import pyfirmata # import library of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import library of time
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # define COM port of Arduino
button_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:i') # assign pin 6 as digital input
led_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # assign pin 7 as digital output
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
button_pin.enable_reporting() # enable pin
while True: # infinite loop
switch_state = switch_pin.read() # read digital pin
ifswitch_state == True: # check condition
print('Button Pressed') # print string on Pi terminal
120 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

led_pin.write(1) # make pin 7 to ‘1’

wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 0.2 Sec
print('Button not Pressed') # print string on Pi terminal
led_pin.write(0) # make pin 7 to ‘1’
wait.sleep(0.2) # delay of 0.2 Sec

7.5 Reading the Flame Sensor with Pyfirmata

The objective is to read the flame sensor as input with Python on a Raspberry
Pi. A flame sensor can detect the infrared light with a wavelength ranging
from 700 to 1000 nm. The far-infrared flame probe converts the detected
light in the form of infrared light into current. It has a working voltage of
3.3 to 5.2 V DC, with a digital output to indicate the presence of a signal.
An onboard LM393 comparator is used for condition sensing. Connect the
components as shown in Figure 7.4 and check the workings by uploading the
recipe described in Section 7.5.1.

Circuit diagram for flame sensor interfacing.
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 121

7.5.1 Program for Reading Active “Low” Flame Sensor

import pyfirmata # import library of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import library of time
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # define COM port of Arduino
flame_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:i') # assign pin 6 as digital input
indicator_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # assign pin 7 as digital output
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
flame_pin.enable_reporting() # enable input
while True: # infinite loop
flame_state = flame_pin.read() # read digital input
ifflame_state == False: # check condition
print('No Obstacle') # print string on Pi Terminal
indicator_pin.write(1) # write ‘1’on pin7
wait.sleep(0.2) # sleep for 0.2 sec
print("Obstacle Found")) # print string on Pi Terminal
indicator_pin.write(0) # write ‘0’ on pin7
wait.sleep(0.2) # sleep for 0.2 sec

7.6 Reading an Analog Input with Pyfirmata

A potentiometer is used to demonstrate the workings of the analog sensor
with Pyfirmata. It is connected to pin A0 of Arduino (Figure 7.5). When the
pin gets configured as an analog input pin in a program, it starts sending the
input values to the serial port. If the data can’t be managed properly, the data
starts getting buffered at the serial port and quickly overflows; this situation
can be handled with the program.
The Pyfirmata library has the reporting and iterator methods to overcome
this situation. The enable_reporting() method is used to set the input pin to
start reporting. This method is applied before performing a reading opera-
tion on the pin:

Once the reading operation is done, the pin is set to disable reporting:
122 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram for potentiometer interfacing.

To read the analog pin, iteratorthread is used in the main loop.

This class is defined in the util module of the Pyfirmata package and is
imported before it getting utilized in the code:

from pyfirmata import Arduino, util

# Setting up the Arduino board
port = ‘COM3’
board = Arduino(port)
it = util.Iterator(board) # Start Iterator to avoid serial overflow

7.6.1 Recipe
import pyfirmata # import library of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import library of time
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # define COM port of
POT_pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # assign A0 pin as an input
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
POT_pin.enable_reporting() # enable pin
while True: # infinite loop
POT_reading = POT_pin.read() # read analog pin
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 123

if POT_reading != None: # check condition

POT_voltage = POT_reading * 5.0 # convert levels to
print("POT_reading=%f\t POT_voltage=%f"% (POT_
reading, POT_voltage))
# printvalues on Pi terminal
wait.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 sec
print("No reading Obtained") # print string on Pi terminal
wait.sleep(1)# sleep for 1 sec

7.7 Reading the Temperature Sensor with Pyfirmata

The LM35 series of temperature sensors has an output voltage linearly pro-
portional to the Centigrade temperature. The LM35 device does not require
any calibration or trimming to provide the accuracy of ±¼°C at room tem-
perature and has a sensing range of −55°C to 150°C. The LM35 device draws
a 60-µA current from the supply. The LM35 series devices are available in
hermetic TO transistor packages, while the LM35C, LM35CA, and LM35D
are available in the plastic TO-92 transistor packages. Figure 7.6 shows the
circuit diagram of the LM35 interfacing. The output of LM35 is connected to
the A0 pin of Arduino.

Circuit diagram of LM35 interfacing.
124 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

7.7.1 Recipe
IMPORT pyfirmata # import library of pyfirmata
import time as wait # import library of time
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # define COM port of
POT_pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # assign A0 pin as an input
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
POT_pin.enable_reporting() # enable pin
while True:
reading = switch_pin.read() # read analog input
if reading != None: # check condition
voltage = reading * 5.0 # convert level into voltage
temp = (voltage*1000)/10 # convert voltage into
print('Reading=%f\t Voltage=%f\tTemperature=%f'%
# print value on Pi Terminal
wait.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 Sec
print("No reading Obtained") # print string on Pi Terminal
wait.sleep(1)# sleep for 1 Sec

7.8 Line-Following Robot with Pyfirmata

A line-follower robot follows a visual on the floor or ceiling. Usually, the
visual line is black on a white surface, although a white line on black surface
is also possible. Line-follower robots are used in the production industries
for automated processes. It is one of the most basic robots for beginners. To
understand the designing of a robot with Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno, the
system is comprised of a motor driver L293D, two DC motors, a free wheel (to
be connected in the front of the robot), two IR sensors, and a power supply.

• Connect pins (IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4) of L293D to pins (5, 4, 3, 2) of
Arduino Uno, respectively.
• Connect a DC motor (M1) between pins (OUT1 and OUT2) of
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 125

Circuit diagram for line-following robot.

• Connect other DC motor (M2) between pins (OUT3 and OUT4)

of L293D.
• Connect pins (Vcc and ground) of IR1 and IR2 to +5 VDC and
ground, respectively.
• Connect pin (OUT) of IR1 to pin (7) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin (OUT) of IR2 to pin (6) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect Arduino Uni to Raspberry Pi through a USB.

Figure 7.7 shows the circuit diagram for a line-following robot.

7.8.1 Recipe
import pyfirmata
import time as wait
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB10')
ir1_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:i') # connect IR sensor1 to pin 7 and used
as input
ir2_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:i') # connect IR sensor2 to pin 6 and used
as input
126 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

M11_pin = board.get_pin('d:5:o') # connect first motor pin to 5 and used

as output
M12_pin = board.get_pin('d:4:o') # connect first motor pin to 4 and used
as output
M21_pin = board.get_pin('d:3:o') # connect second motor pin to 3 and
used as output
M22_pin = board.get_pin('d:2:o') # connect second motor pin to 2 and
used as output
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
ir1_pin.enable_reporting() # enable the reporting of IR sensor1
ir2_pin.enable_reporting() # enable the reporting of IR sensor2
while True:
ir1_state = ir1_pin.read() # read IR sensor 1
ir2_state = ir2_pin.read() # read IR sensor 2
if ir1_state == False and ir2_state == False:
M11_pin.write(1) # make pin5 to
M12_pin.write(0) # make pin4 to
M21_pin.write(1) # make pin3 to
M22_pin.write(0) # make pin2 to LOW
print('forward') # print on terminal
wait.sleep(0.5) # delay of 500mSec
elif ir1_state == False and ir2_state == True:
M11_pin.write(1) # make pin5 to
M12_pin.write(0) # make pin4 to
M21_pin.write(0) # make pin3 to
M22_pin.write(0) # make pin2 to
print('Left') # print on terminal
time.sleep(0.5) # delay of 500mSec
Python and Arduino with Pyfirmata 127

elif ir1_state == True and ir2_state == False:

M11_pin.write(0) # make pin5 to
M12_pin.write(0) # make pin4 to
M21_pin.write(1) # make pin3 to
M22_pin.write(0) # make pin2 to
print('Right') # print on terminal
time.sleep(0.5)# delay of 500mSec
elif ir1_state == True and ir2_state == True:
M11_pin.write(0) # make pin5 to
M12_pin.write(0) # make pin4 to
M21_pin.write(0) # make pin3 to
M22_pin.write(0) # make pin2 to
print('Stop') # print on terminal
time.sleep(0.5) # delay of 500mSec
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino

8.1 Tkinter for GUI Design

The basic features for graphical user interface (GUI) libraries include the ease
to install and minimal computations. Tkinter framework satisfies the basic
requirements. It is also the default GUI library with the Python installations.
Tkinter interface is a cross-platform Python interface for the Tk GUI tool-
kit. Tkinter provides a layer on Python while Tk provides the graphical wid-
gets. Tkinter is a cross-platform library that gets deployed as a part of the
Python installation packages for major operating systems.
Tkinter is designed with minimal programming efforts for creating graph-
ical applications. To test the version of the Tk toolkit, use the following com-
mands on the Python prompt:

>>> import Tkinter

>>> Tkinter._test()

An image with the version information will be prompted (Figure 8.1).

If the window (Figure 8.1) is not visible, then reinstall Python.
The Tkinter interface supports various widgets to develop GUI. Table 8.1
describes the few widgets.

8.2 LED Blink

To understand the working of LED with Tkinter GUI, a simple circuit is
designed. The system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, an LED,
and a power supply. An Arduino is connected to Raspberry Pi through a
USB connector. The anode terminal of LED is connected to pin(7) of Arduino
through a 10-K resistor, and the cathode terminal is connected to the ground.
Figure 8.2 shows the circuit diagram to interface LED.

130 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Tk version.

The Tkinter Widgets to Develop GUI
Widget Description
Tk() Root widget need in every program
Label() It shows an image or a text
Button() Execute actions
Entry() Text field to provide inputs
Scale() It provides a numeric value by dragging the
Checkbox() It enables toggling between two values

Circuit diagram to interface LED.
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 131

8.2.1 Recipe for LED Blinking with Fixed Time Delay

import Tkinter
import pyfirmata
import time as wait
# Associate port and board with pyfirmata
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5Sec
led_Pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # connect led to pin 7 and used as output
def call_LED_BLINK():
button.config(state = Tkinter.DISABLED)
led_Pin.write(1) # make led_Pin to HIGH
print('LED at pin7 is ON') # print on terminal
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 sec
print('LED at pin 7 is OFF') # print on terminal
led_Pin.write(0) # make led_Pin to LOW
# Initialize main windows with title and size
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
TOP.title("Blink LED using button")
# Create a button on main window and associate it with above method
button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Press start to blink", command =
TOP.mainloop() Tkinter GUI for LED Blinking with Fixed Delay

Run the program described in Section 8.2.1, and a GUI will appear
(Figure 8.3).
After pressing the “Press start to blink” button on GUI, it will print “LED
at pin7 is ON” for 5 sec and then print “LED at pin7 is OFF” (Figure 8.4).

8.2.2 Recipe for LED Blinking with Variable Delay

import Tkinter
import pyfirmata
132 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Tkinter GUI to control LED with fixed delay.


import time as wait

board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 sec
led_Pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # connect led to pin 7 and used as output
def led_blink_variable_delay():
# Value for delay is obtained from the Entry widget input
time_Period = time_Period_Entry.get()
time_Period = float(time_Period)
led_Pin.write(1) # make led_Pin to HIGH
print('pin7 connected led is ON') # print on terminal
wait.sleep(time_Period) # delay of 5 sec
print('pin7 connected led is off') # print on terminal
led_Pin.write(0) # make led_Pin to LOW
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
TOP.title("enter variable time")
time_Period_Entry = Tkinter.Entry(TOP, bd=6, width=28)
button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="start to blink", command=led_
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 133

Tkinter GUI to control LED with variable delay.

Screenshot for LED ON/OFF with delay. Tkinter GUI for LED Blinking with Variable Delay

Run the program described in Section 8.2.2, and a GUI will appear (Figure 8.5).
Write down the required delay in the blank slot, for example, take value 5.
After pressing the “start to blink” button and delay of 5 sec on GUI, it will
print “Pin7 connected is ON” for 5 sec and then print “Pin7 connected is
OFF” (Figure 8.6).

8.3 LED Brightness Control

Figure 8.3 shows the circuit diagram for LED interfacing where LED is con-
nected to pin (7) of Arduino. Pin(7) is also a PWM pin in Arduino Uno, so
with the same circuit in Figure 8.3, LED brightness can be controlled with a
different program.

8.3.1 Recipe
import Tkinter # add Tkinter library
import pyfirmata # add pyfirmata library
import time as wait # add time library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 Sec
led_Pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # connect led to pin 7 and used as output
def call_led_blink_pwm():
time_Period = time_Period_Entry.get()
134 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

time_Period = float(time_Period)
led_Brightness = brightness_Scale.get()
led_Brightness = float(led_Brightness)
print 'LED brightness control' # print on terminal
led_Pin.write(0) # make led_Pin to LOW

TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
time_Period_Entry = Tkinter.Entry(TOP, bd=7, width=30)
brightness_Scale = Tkinter.Scale(TOP, from_=0, to=100, orient=Tkinter.
button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Start", command =

8.3.2 Tkinter GUI for LED Brightness Control

Run the program described in Section 8.3.1. Brightness can be controlled
with a scale () widget. Once the LED is turned off after the time delay, the
slider can be reset to another position to dynamically vary the value for the
brightness. The slider can be placed horizontally instead of on a vertical
scale. By clicking on “Start,” it will display the message “LED brightness
control” (Figures 8.7 and 8.8).

Tkinter GUI for LED brigtness control.
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 135

Screenshot for LED brightness control.

8.4 Selection from Multiple Options

When the user needs to select from multiple options from the given set of
values, the complexity of the project increases. For example, when multiple
numbers of LEDs are interfaced with the Arduino board, the user needs to
select an LED or LEDs to turn it on. The Tkinter library provides an inter-
face for a widget called Checkbutton(), which enables the selection process
from the given options. The concept can be understood with a simple circuit
of interfacing two LEDs with Arduino and Raspberry Pi using Pyfirmata.
The system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino Uno, two LEDs,
and a power supply. Arduino is connected to Raspberry Pi through a USB.
The anode terminals of LED1 and LED2 are connected to pin(6) and pin(7),
respectively, through a 10-K resistor each, and cathode terminals of both
LEDs are connected to ground (Figure 8.9).

Circuit diagram to interface multiple LEDs.
136 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

8.4.1 Recipe
import Tkinter # add Tkinter library
import pyfirmata # add pyfirmata library
import time as wait # add time library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 Sec
red_led_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # connect led to pin 7 and used as
green_led_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:o') # connect led to pin 6 and used
as output
def start_button_press():
print 'start...' # print on terminal
def stop_button_press():
red_led_pin.write(0) # make pin 7 to HIGH
green_led_pin.write(0) # make pin 6 to HIGH
print 'stop....' # print on terminal
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
red_led_Var = Tkinter.IntVar()
red_CheckBox = Tkinter.Checkbutton(TOP, text="Red_LED_status",
red_CheckBox.grid(column=1, row=1)
green_led_Var = Tkinter.IntVar()
green_CheckBox = Tkinter.Checkbutton(TOP, text="Green_LED_status",
green_CheckBox.grid(column=2, row=1)
start_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Start_button", command =
start_Button.grid(column=1, row=2)
stop_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Stop_button", command =
stop_Button.grid(column=2, row=2)
exit_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Exit_button", command=TOP.
exit_Button.grid(column=3, row=2)
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 137

Tkinter GUI for multiple LEDs.

Screenshot for status window.

8.4.2 Tkinter GUI

To generate Tkinter GUI for multiple LEDs, run the program described
in Section 8.4.1, and a window will appear (Figure 8.10). The GUI has two
Checkbutton() widgets each for the red and green LED. The user can select
the LEDs individually or together to make it start or stop (Figure 8.11).

8.5 Reading a PIR Sensor

A pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor is used to detect motion. A system is
designed with a PIR sensor where two LEDs show the status of motion. If
no motion is detected, the green LED will glow, and if motion is detected, an
alert is generated with making the red LED “ON.” The system is made ON/
OFF with Tkinter GUI. The status of sensor prints on the Python prompt.
The system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, two LEDs, a PIR
sensor, and a power supply. Arduino is connected to Raspberry Pi through
a USB. The anode terminal of LED1 and LED2 are connected to pin (7) and
pin(6) of Arduino, respectively. The pin (OUT) of the PIR sensor is connected
to pin (8) of Arduino, and pin (Vcc) and pin (GND) are connected to +5 V DC
and ground, respectively (Figure 8.12).

8.5.1 Recipe to Read PIR Sensor

# Define custom function to perform Blink action
def blink_LED(pin, message):
138 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram for PIR sensor interfacing.

pin.write(1) # make pin to HIGH
wait.sleep(1) # delay of 1 Sec
pin.write(0) # make pin to HIGH
wait.sleep(1) # delay of 1 Sec
# Define the action associated with Start button press
def press_start_button():
while True:
if FLAG.get():
if PIR_pin.read() is True:
blink_LED(red_led_pin, "motion_status:Y")
print ‘Motion detected’ # print on terminal
blink_LED(green_led_pin, "motion_status:N")
print ‘No motion’ # print on terminal
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 139

def press_exit_button():
import Tkinter # import Tkinter library
import pyfirmata # import pyfirmata library
import time as wait # import time library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # wait for 5Sec
PIR_pin = board.get_pin('d:8:i') # connect PIR sensor to pin8 and as
red_led_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:o') # connect red LED to pin7 and as
green_led_pin = board.get_pin('d:6:o') # connect Green led to pin6 and
as output
# Using iterator thread to avoid buffer overflow
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
it.start() # start iterator
PIR_pin.read() # read PIR sensor
# Initialize main windows with title and size
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
# Create Label to for motion detection
Motion_Label = Tkinter.Label(TOP, text="Press Start..")
Motion_Label.grid(column=1, row=1)
# Create flag to work with indefinite while loop
FLAG = Tkinter.BooleanVar(TOP)
# Create Start button and associate it with onStartButtonPress method
Start_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP , text="Start", command=press _start_
Start_Button.grid(column=1, row=2)
# Create Stop button and associate it with onStopButtonPress method
140 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Tkinter GUI for motion detection.

Status window for motion sensor.

Stop_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Exit", command=press_exit_

Stop_Button.grid(column=2, row=2)
# Start and open the window

8.5.2 Tkinter GUI

To generate Tkinter GUI for motion status, run the program described in
Section 8.5.1, and a window will appear (Figure 8.13). On pressing the “Start”
button, it will give status of the motion sensor as “No motion” or “Motion
detected” (Figure 8.14).

8.6 Reading an Analog Sensor

A potentiometer (POT) is analogous to an analog sensor. The change in
output voltage can be observed on changing the resistance value by mov-
ing the knob. To create a Tkinter GUI for a POT, the system is comprised
of a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, a 10-K POT, and a power supply. Arduino is
connected to Raspberry Pi through a USB. A POT has three terminals: one
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 141

Circuit diagram for interfacing of POT.

terminal is connected to +5 V and other to ground. The wiper of POT is con-

nected to pin (A0) of Arduino (Figure 8.15).

8.6.1 Recipe
# Define the action associated with Start button press
def start_button_press():
while True:
if FLAG.get():
print 'analog values of pot'

# Define the action associated with Exit button press

def exit_button_press():
142 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

import Tkinter # import Tkinter library

import pyfirmata# import pyfirmata library
import time as wait # import time library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
it.start() # start iterator
# Assign a role and variable to analog pin 0
a0 = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # connect sensor A0 pin
# Initialize main windows with title and size
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
TOP.title("Reading POT pins")
# Create Label to read analog input
description_Label = Tkinter.Label(TOP, text="POT_input:- ")
description_Label.grid(column=1, row=1)
# Create Label to read analog input
analog_Read_Label = Tkinter.Label(TOP, text="Press_Start_process")
# Setting flag to toggle read option
FLAG = Tkinter.BooleanVar(TOP)
# Create Start button and associate with onStartButtonPress method
start_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Start_reading",
command=start_ button_press)
start_Button.grid(column=1, row=2)
# Create Stop button and associate with onStopButtonPress method
exit_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Exit_reading",
exit_Button.grid(column=2, row=2)
# Start and open the window
Python GUI with Tkinter and Arduino 143

8.6.2 Tkinter GUI

Run the program described in Section 8.6.1 to create Tkinter GUI for reading
a POT, and a window will appear (Figure 8.16). On pressing the “Start_reading”
button, it will give readings of POT (Figure 8.17).

Tkinter GUI for reading a POT.

Window showing analog values of POT.
Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter

9.1 Basics
The open() method: This function is a most commonly used method
that is available in Python, and it is used to manipulate files.
To open a file command:
>>> f = open('test.txt', 'w')
This command creates a test.txt file in the same folder in which the
Python interpreter is saved or the location from where the code is
being executed.
The modes that can be used with the open() function are discussed in
Table 9.1.
The write() method: Once the file is open in the writing mode, the
write() method is used to start writing to the file object. The write()
method takes input argument only in the format of a string.
>>>F.write("Hello World!\n")
Here “Hello World” is a string, and \n means a new line character.
To write a sequence of strings, the writelines() method is used:
>>> sq = ["Python programming for Arduino\n", "Bye\n"]
The close() method: The close() method is used to close the file, and
the file object can’t be used again. The command is:
The read() method: This read() method reads the data of a file. To use
this method, open the file with any of the reading compatible modes
like: w+, r, r+, or a+:
>>>D = open('test.txt', 'r')
>>> D.read()

146 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Description of Modes
Mode Description
W This mode opens a file only to write. It overwrites an existing file.
w+ This mode opens a file to write and read both. It overwrites an existing file.
R This mode opens a file only to read.
r+ This mode opens a file to write and read both.
A This mode opens a file for appending, starting from end of the document.
a+ This mode opens a file for appending and reading, starting from end of the

'Hello World!\nPython programming for Arduino\nBye\n'

With this method, the entire contents of the file is stored into memory.
To read the content line to line, use the readlines() method:
>>>D= open('test.txt', 'r')
>>>X =D.readlines()
>>> print X
['Hello World!\n', 'Python programming for Arduino\n', 'Bye\n']

9.2 CSV File

CSV files are used to store the data in Python. A CSV writer is used to write
data on a CSV file and the reader to read it with simple commands:

CSV writer
import csv
data = [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['Python', 'Arduino', 'Programming']]
with open('example.csv', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f)
for row in data:
Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter 147

CSV reader
import csv
with open('example.csv', 'r') as file:
r = csv.reader(file)
for row in r:
print row

9.3 Storing Arduino Data with CSV File

The CSV files can be used to store the sensory data from Arduino. To
understand the concept, a system is discussed. The system is comprised of
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, a pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor (digital sensor),
a potentiometer (POT) (as an analog sensor), and a power supply. The objec-
tive is to store the sensory data with CSV files and Arduino interfacing with
Python. Figure 9.1 shows the circuit diagram of the system.

Circuit diagram to interface the PIR sensor and the POT with Arduino UNO and Pi.
148 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

• Connect one terminal of POT to +5 V, the other terminal to
ground, and wiper to pin (A0) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pins (Vcc and ground) of the PIR sensor to +5 VDC and
ground, respectively.
• Connect pin (OUT) of the PIR sensor to pin(7) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect Arduino Uni to Raspberry Pi through a USB.

9.3.1 Recipe
import csv # import CSV library
import pyfirmata # import pyfirmata library
import time as wait # import time library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
it.start() # start iterator
PIR_pin = board.get_pin('d:7:i') # connect PIR sensor to pin 7 as input
POT_pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # connect POT to pin 0 as input
with open('SensorDataStore.csv', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f)
w. writerow(["Number", "Potentiometer", "Motion sensor"])
PIR_Data = PIR_pin.read() # read PIR sensor
POT_Data = POT_pin.read() # read POT
while i < 25:
if PIR_Data is not None:
i += 1
row = [i, POT_Data, PIR_Data]
w. writerow(row)
print "process complete. CSV file is ready!"
Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter 149

9.4 Plotting Random Numbers Using Matplotlib

The installation of matplotlib is an easy process on Ubuntu by a simple

$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib

Click on “yes” when prompted to install dependencies. The matplotlib

library provides the plot() method to create line charts. The plot() method
takes a list or an array data structure made up of integer or floating point
numbers as input. Plot() uses values for the x-axis and y-axis, if two arrays
are given as inputs. If only one list or array is provided as input, plot()
assumes the values for the y-axis and autogenerates the incremental values
for the x-axis:

pyplot.plot(x, y)

To change the style of line and makers with different colors, the plot() method
can be used, e.g., for the solid line style command:

pyplot.plot(x, y, ‘-’)

Figure 9.2 shows the plotting of the random number.

Plotting the random number.
150 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

9.4.1 Recipe
For generating and plotting random numbers:

import random
R = range(0,25)
S = [random.randint(0,100) for r in range(0,25)]
FIGURE1 = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(R, S, '-')
pyplot.title('random integer plot....')
pyplot.xlabel('X Axis for R')
pyplot.ylabel('Y Axis for S')

9.5 Plotting Real-Time from Arduino

The real-time data plotting from Arduino is an important task where sen-
sory data is critical. To understand the concept, real-time POT values are
discussed in this section. The system is comprised of Raspberry Pi, Arduino,
a POT, and a power supply. Arduino is connected to Raspberry Pi through a
USB. One terminal of the POT is connected to +5 V, the other to the ground,
and the wiper is connected to pin (A0) of Arduino (Figure 9.3). To plot the
real-time data, move the knob of the POT and check the results.
The real-time plotting can be achieved by using a combination of the
pyplot functions ion(), draw(), set_xdata(), and set_data(). The ion() method
is used to initialize the interactive mode of pyplot. This helps to dynamically
change the x and y values of the plots in the figure:


Once the interactive mode is set, the plot will be drawn by calling the draw()
method. Now, initialize the plot with a set of blank data, 0, in this case:

pData = [0] * 25

In this array for y values, pData, is used to append values from the sensor in
the while loop to keep appending the newest values to this data array and
redraws the plot with these updated arrays for the x and y values.

del pData[0]
Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter 151

Circuit diagram for the interfacing of POT with Arduino.

The set_xdata() and set_ydata() methods are used to update the x and y axes

l1.set_xdata([i for i in xrange(25)])

l1.set_ydata(pData) # update the data
pyplot.draw() # update the plot

The code snippet, [i for i in xrange(25)], is to generate a list of 25 integer num-

bers that will start incrementally at 0 and end at 24.

9.5.1 Recipe
//from matplotlib import pyplot
import pyfirmata # import pyfirmata library
import time as wait
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
wait.sleep(5) # wait for 5 Sec
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
it.start() # start iterator
POT_pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # connect POT to A0 pin as input
152 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

pData = [0.0] * 25
fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.title('Real time data plot from POT')
ax1 = pyplot.axes()
l1, = pyplot.plot(pData)
pyplot.ylim([0, 1])

while True:
pyplot.ylim([0, 1])
del pData[0]
l1.set_xdata([i for i in xrange(25)])
l1.set_ydata(pData) # update the data
pyplot.draw() # update the plot
except KeyboardInterrupt:

9.6 Integrating the Plots in the Tkinter Window

Section 9.5 describes how to draw a plot for continuous sensory data from
Arduino with the help of a POT. Python has a powerful integration capabil-
ity with the matplotlib library and Tkinter graphical interface. For the same
circuit as Figure 9.3, this integration is discussed. The program uses the
interfacing of Tkinter with matplotlib.

9.6.1 Recipe
import sys # import sys library
from matplotlib import pyplot # import library
import pyfirmata # import library
import time as wait # import time library
import Tkinter # import library
Data Acquisition with Python and Tkinter 153

def start_button_press():
while True:
if FLAG.get():
wait.sleep(1) # wait for 1 Sec
pyplot.ylim([0, 1])
del pData[0]
l1.set_xdata([i for i in xrange(25)])
l1.set_ydata(pData) # update the data
pyplot.draw() # update the plot
def pause_button_press():
def exit_button_press():
print "out from data recording...."
print "completed....."

board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0')
# Using iterator thread to avoid buffer overflow
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
it.start() # start iterator
# Assign a role and variable to analog pin 0
POT_pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # read POT
# Tkinter canvas
TOP = Tkinter.Tk()
TOP.title("Tkinter + matplotlib")
# Create flag to work with indefinite while loop
FLAG = Tkinter.BooleanVar(TOP)
154 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

pData = [0.0] * 25
figure = pyplot.figure()
ax1 = pyplot.axes()
l1, = pyplot.plot(pData)
pyplot.ylim([0, 1])
# Create Start button and associate with start button press method
start_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Start", command=start_
start_Button.grid(column=1, row=2)
# Create Stop button and associate with pause button press method
pause_Button = Tkinter.Button(TOP, text="Pause", command=pause_
# Create Exit button to exit from window
exit_Button.grid(column=3, row=2)

Execute the program, and a window will appear on the screen (Figure 9.4).
The plot can be controlled by using “Start”, “Pause” and “Exit” buttons.
Click on start button and rotate the knob of POT and see the changes in plot.
The process can be paused or close the program with “Exit” button.

Plot for real-time data from Arduino.
Section IV

Connecting to the Cloud

Smart IoT Systems

10.1 DHT11 Data Logger with ThingSpeak Server

The objective of this project is to capture the real-time data of DHT11
by Raspberry Pi and upload to the cloud. DHT11 is a temperature and
humidity sensor. ThingSpeak is used as a cloud server for data forecast-
ing. The process involves three parts: setting up Raspberry Pi, configuring
Adafruit library, and then connecting to ThingSpeak. The system is com-
prised of a Raspberry Pi, a power supply, an Arduino Uno, and a DHT11
sensor. Connect pin (Vcc) of DHT11 to +5V and ground, respectively.
Connect pin(OUT) of DHT11 to GPIO17 of the Raspberry Pi (Figure 10.1).

10.1.1 Installation of DHT11 Library

Install the DHT11 library with following commands:

#git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT.git.... // Enter

the command to clone the library
#cd Adafruit_Python_DHT // Installed directory using this command
#sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev //...Now download the required
modules using the command
#sudo python setup.py install //....Then install the library using the command.

10.1.2 Steps to Create a Channel in ThingSpeak

1. Sign in to ThingSpeak by creating a new MathWorks account.
2. Click Channels >MyChannels (Figure 10.2).
3. Click on “New Channel” and a window will open (Figure 10.3).

158 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram for interfacing of DHT11 with Raspberry Pi.

Window for ThingSpeak.

4. Enter the channel setting values and click on “Save Channel” at the
bottom of the settings.
5. Check API write key (this key needs to write in the program).
6. Write the program described in Section 10.1.3 and check the sensory
data on cloud server (Figures 10.4 and 10.5).
Smart IoT Systems 159

New channel in my channels.

Graph for temperature data.

Graph for humidity data.
160 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

10.1.3 Recipe
import sys # import sys library
importRPi.GPIO as RAJ # import GPIO library
import time as wait # add time library
importAdafruit_DHT as RAJ_DHT
import urllib2 #import urllib library
HUM, TEMP= RAJ_DHT.read_retry(RAJ_DHT.DHT11, 21)
return (str(HUM), str(TEMP))
base_URL = 'https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=%s' % my_API
while True: # infinite loop
HUM, TEMP = sensor_data() # read value of Temperature and Humidity
f = urllib2.urlopen(base_URL + '&field1=%s&field2=%s' % (HUM,
printf.read() # print function value
f.close() # close function
wait.sleep(15) # delay of 15 Sec
print ‘exit from program’ # print string on terminal

# calling main function

if __name__ == '__main_function__':

10.2 Ultrasonic Sensor Data Logger with ThingSpeak Server

The ultrasonic sensor is designed to measure distance between the source
and target by using ultrasonic waves. HC-SR04 is a commonly used mod-
ule for distance measurement for distances from 2 to 400 cm. The time
taken by sound waves between transmission and reception is calculated.
To measure distance, the system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a power
supply, and an ultrasonic sensor. Connect pin (Vcc) and pin (GND) of the
Smart IoT Systems 161

Circuit diagram for interfacing of ultrasonic sensor with Raspberry Pi.

ultrasonic sensor to +5 V and ground, respectively. Connect pin(TRIG) and

pin(ECHO) of the ultrasonic sensor to GPIO20 and GPIO(21) of Raspberry
Pi, respectively (Figure 10.6). Provide a “HIGH” signal to “TRIG” input,
at least for 10-µS duration. This process will enable the module to trans-
mit eight 40-KHz ultrasonic waves. If any obstacle is in the way of the
waves, these are reflected back to the “ECHO” pin. The time taken by
pulse is actually for to-and-fro travel of ultrasonic signals, so time is taken
as Time/2. Distance = Speed * Time/2; here speed of sound at sea level =
343 m/s or 34,300 cm/s. Follow the steps described in Section 10.1.2 to cre-
ate the ThingSpeak server, write the program described in Section 10.2.1,
and check the results.

10.2.1 Recipe
import time as wait # add time library
importRPi.GPIO as ANITA # add pi GPIO library
import sys # add sys library
import urllib2 # add urllib
ANITA.setmode(ANITA.BOARD) # use pi in board mode
162 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

trig_pin = 38 #connect trigger pin of sensor to pin 38 of pi

echo_pin = 40 #connect echo pin of sensor to pin 40 of pi
ANITA.setwarnings(False) # remove warnings
ANITA.setup(echo_pin, ANITA.IN) # set pin 40 as input
ANITA.setup(trig_pin, ANITA.OUT) # set pin 38 as output
ANITA.output(trig_pin, True) # make pin 38 to HIGH
wait.sleep(0.00001) # wait for 10 uSec
ANITA.output(trig, False) # make pin 38 to LOW
whileANITA.input(echo_pin) == 0:
start_time = wait.time() # measure start time
whileANITA.input(echo_pin) == 1:
end_time = wait.time() # measure end time
distance_cm = ((end_time–start_time) * 34300)/2 # calculate distance
in cm
return (int (distance_cm))
def main():
base_URL = 'https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=%s' % my_API
while True:
distance_cm = get_sensor_data() # read sensor
f = urllib2.urlopen(base_URL + "&field3=%s" % int(distance_cm/5))
printf.read() # print function value
f.close() # close function
wait.sleep(15) # wait for 15 Sec
print 'exit from main program' # print string on terminal

10.3 Air Quality Monitoring System and Data

Logger with ThingSpeak Server
Air pollution is the largest environmental issue in the world today. Air pol-
lution leads to many adverse effects on human health, climate, and the
ecosystem. This generates a need for measurement and analysis of real-time
air quality. Air Quality Index (AQI) is an important parameter for air quality;
it is a standard (Table 10.1).
Smart IoT Systems 163

TABLE 10.1
AQI Classification
AQI Range AQI Category

0–50 Excellent
51–100 Good
100–150 Lightly polluted
151–200 Moderately polluted
201–250 Heavily polluted
251–300 Severely polluted

To understand air quality monitoring, a system is designed with air qual-

ity sensors and a camera. Here, a camera is connected to capture the images
of a polluted area. Figure 10.7 shows the block diagram of the system. It is
comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a MQ2 (smoke detector), a MQ7 (CO gas detec-
tor), a DHT11 (temperature/humidity sensor), a camera, a power supply, a
dust sampler (GP2Y1030), and an Arduino Uno.
Connect the components as shown in Figure 10.8. Follow the steps
described in Section 10.1.2 to create the ThingSpeak server, write the program
described in Section 10.3.1, and check the results as shown in Figures 10.9
through 10.12.

Block diagram of the air quality monitoring system.
164 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Circuit diagram for air quality monitoring system.

Humidity data on ThingSpeak server.
Smart IoT Systems 165

FIGURE 10.10
Temperature data on ThingSpeak server.

FIGURE 10.11
CO level data on ThingSpeak server.

• Connect camera to the dedicated port at Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pins(Vcc and ground) of MQ2, MQ3, MQ7, GP2Y1030,
and DHT11 sensor to +5 VDC and ground, respectively.
• Connect pin(OUT) of DHT11 sensor to pin(2) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect Arduino Uni to Raspberry Pi through a USB.
166 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

FIGURE 10.12
Air level data on ThingSpeak server.

• Connect pin(OUT) of MQ2 sensor to pin(A1) of Arduino Uno.

• Connect pin(OUT) of MQ3 sensor to pin(A3) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(OUT) of MQ7 sensor to pin(A0) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(OUT) of GP2Y1030 sensor to pin(A4) of Arduino

10.3.1 Recipe
import sys # import sys library
import urllib2 # add url library
import pyfirmata # add pyfirmata library
importAdafruit_DHT as RAJ_DHT
import time as wait # import time library
importRPi.GPIO as RAJ # import ri GPIO library
frompicamera import PiCamera # import picamera library
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('/dev/ttyUSB0') # USB com number
led_Power = board.get_pin('d:12:o') # connect led_power pin to 12 pin
of Arduino as output
Smart IoT Systems 167

measure_Pin = board.get_pin('a:5:i') # connect senor pin to A5 pin of

Arduino as input
co_Pin = board.get_pin('a:0:i') # connect co sensor pin to A0 pin of
Arduino as input
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board) # use iterator
it.start() # start iterator
measure_Pin.enable_reporting() # enable pin
co_Pin.enable_reporting() # enable pin
RAJ_camera = PiCamera()
photo_Count = 0 # assume initial value
timer = 5 # assume initial value
previous_Dust_Value = 0 # assume initial value
sampling_Time = 0.000280 # assume initial value
delta_Time = 0.000040 # assume initial value
sleep_Time = 0.009680 # assume initial value

co_Measured = 0 # assume initial value

vo_Measured = 0 # assume initial value
calc_Voltage = 0 # assume initial value
dust_Density = 0 # assume initial value
HUM = 0 # assume initial value
TEMP = 0 # assume initial value
base_URL = 'https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=%s' % my_API
defget_Temp_Hum(): # function to get temperature and humidity data
HUM, TEMP = RAJ_DHT.read_retry(RAJ_DHT.DHT11,17)
defget_Dust_Data(): # function to get dust data
led_Power.write(0) #make led_Power pin LOW
wait.sleep(sampling_Time) # wait
vo_Measured = measure_Pin.read()
wait.sleep(delta_Time) # wait
led_Power.write(1) # make led_Power pin HIGH
wait.sleep(sleep_Time) # wait
calc_Voltage = vo_Measured * (5.0)
dust_Density = (0.17) * calc_Voltage - (0.1)
168 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

if (dust_Density< 0):
dust_Density = 0.00

deftake_Picture(): # function to take picture

if (dust_Density != previous_Dust_Value):
wait.sleep(2) # wait for 2 sec
RAJ_camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/image%s.jpg' % photo_Count)
RAJ_camera.stop_preview() # stop camera preview
Photo_Count += 1
Previous_Dust_Value = dust_Density
timer = 5
if( timer == 0):
RAJ_camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/image%s.jpg' % photo_Count)
Photo_Count += 1
timer = 5
timer -= 1
defget_Co(): # function to measure CO
co_Measured = co_Pin.read() # read pin
co_Measured = co_Measured * 1000 # scaling
defget_String_Format(): # format data in string
return(str(TEMP) ,str(HUM), str(dust_Density), str(co_Measured)))
while True: # infinite loop
get_Temp_Hum() # call function
get_Co() # call function
get_Dust_Data() # call function
if (dust_Density>= 0.5):
T,RH,D,CO = get_String_Format()
s&field4=%s' % (T,RH,D,CO))
printf.read() # print function
f.close() # close function
wait.sleep(15) # 15 sec delay
Smart IoT Systems 169

10.4 Landslide Detection and Disaster Management System

Landslides are common in the rainy season in the hilly areas of India. By pre-
dicting landslides, many human lives can be saved. Natural disasters like
landslides and flooding are caused by global warming, which may result in
human and economic losses. A system for landslide detection and disaster
management detects the landsliding and also the presence of human in the
affected area. A buzzer is used to alert for the presence of human, is also
a part of the system. Human presence can be detected with a PIR sensor
and with a camera. The complete system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi,
a Pi camera, a PIR (motion detector) sensor, a BMP180 (pressure sensor), a
DHT11 (temperature and humidity sensor), a rain sensor, an accelerometer
(tilt detector), a buzzer, an Arduino Uno, and a power supply. Connect the
components as shown in Figures 10.13 through 10.17, which show the data
on the ThingSpeak server.

FIGURE 10.13
Circuit diagram for landslide detection and disaster management system.
170 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

FIGURE 10.14
(a) Humidity data. (b) Temperature data.

FIGURE 10.15
(a) Pressure data. (b) Altitude data.

FIGURE 10.16
PIR sensor data.
Smart IoT Systems 171

FIGURE 10.17
(a) Accelerometer x-axis data. (b) y-axis data. (c) z-axis data.

• Connect camera to the dedicated port at Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pins (Vcc and ground) of the PIR sensor, BMP180 sen-
sor, rain sesnor, accelerometer, buzzer, and DHT11 sensor to +5
VDC and ground, respectively.
• Connect pin(OUT) of DHT11 sensor to pin(4) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect Arduino Uni to Raspberry Pi through a USB.
• Connect pin(OUT) of the PIR sensor to pin(2) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(OUT) of the rain sensor to pin(A0) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(OUT) of the buzzer to pin(5) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(SCL) of BMP180 to pin(A5) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect pin(SDA) of BMP180 to pin(A4) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect “x axis” of accelerometer to pin (A1) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect “y axis” of accelerometer to pin (A2) of Arduino Uno.
• Connect “z axis” of accelerometer to pin (A3) of Arduino Uno.

10.4.1 Recipe
import sys # import library
importRPi.GPIO as RAJ
import time as wait # import time library
importAdafruit_DHT as RAJ_DHT
172 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

import urllib2 # add url library

from adxl345 import ADXL345
frompicamera import PiCamera
from Adafruit_BMP085 import BMP085
bmp_sensor = BMP085(0x77)
adxl345_sensor = ADXL345()
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BCM) # use pi pins in BCM mode
RAJ.setup(16, RAJ.IN)

HUM, TEMP = RAJ_DHT.read_retry(RAJ_DHT.DHT11, 4)
pir_sensor=RAJ.input(16) # connect PIR sensor to GPIO 16 as input
bmp_sensor = BMP085(0x77)
pressure1= bmp.readPressure() # read pressure
pressure_data=pressure1/100 # scale pressure value
altitude_data = bmp.readAltitude() # read altitude
axes = adxl345.getAxes(True)
x1_data= axes['x']
return (str(HUM), str(TEMP), str(pir_sensor), str(pressure_data),
str(altitude_data), str(x1_data), str(y1_data), str(z1_data))

count=0 # initialise count
pir1_data=GPIO.input(16) # connect PIR sensor to GPIO16 as input
iflen(sys.argv) < 2:
print(‘print data’) # print string on terminal
print 'process start...' # print string on terminal
base_URL = 'https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=%s' % sys.

while True:
HUM, TEMP, pir_sensor, pressure_data, altitude_data, x1_data, y1_
data, z1_data =
Smart IoT Systems 173

f = urllib2.urlopen(base_URL +"&field1=%s&field2=%s&field3=%
% (HUM, TEMP, pir_sensor, pressure_data, altitude_data,
x1_data, y1_data, z1_data))
printf.read() # read function

if (pir1_data==1):
print "hello" # print string on terminal
RAJ_camera = PiCamera()
wait.sleep(5) # delay of 5 sec
count =count+ 1
RAJ_camera.capture('img/image%s.jpg' % count) # capture image
RAJ_camera.stop_preview() # stop preview
RAJ_camera.close() # close camera
f.close() # close function
wait.sleep(15) # dely 15 sec
print 'exit from main program' # print string on terminal
if __name__ == '__main_program__':

10.5 Smart Motion Detector and Upload Image to gmail.com

A smart motion detector is a system where if a motion is detected, then a
picture is captured and communicated to the predefined “Gmail” address
of the authorized person. The system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a Pi
camera, a PIR sensor, an LED (as indicator), and a power supply. Connect the
components as shown in Figure 10.18.

• Connect the camera to the dedicated port at Raspberry Pi.
• Connect pins(Vcc and ground) of the PIR sensor to +5 VDC and
ground, respectively.
• Connect pin(OUT) of the PIR sensor to GPIO21 of Raspberry Pi.
• Connect the cathode terminal of the LED to the ground, and the
anode terminal to GPIO13 of Raspberry Pi through a resistor.
174 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

FIGURE 10.18
Circuit diagram for smart motion detector.

10.5.1 Configuring Raspberry Pi with Camera and Gmail

Step 1: Update and upgrade the Raspberry Pi with the latest packages
by using following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3 //for Python 3.0

Step 2: Install and configure an SMTP service.

sudo apt-get install ssmtp

sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

Step 3: Enable the permissions for SSH and camera in Raspberry Pi

Step 4: Allow “Gmail” SMTP access with standard authentication by
following the steps:
1. Login to your Gmail account with username and password.
2. Go to “My Account” at the top-right corner.
3. Select the “Sign-in & security” section locate “Connected apps &
4. Turn “ON” the settings for “Allow less secure apps.”
Smart IoT Systems 175

10.5.2 Recipe
importRPi.GPIO as ANITA # import pi GPIO
importpicamera as RAJ_camera # import camera library
import time as wait # import time library
importsmtplib # import smtp library
fromemail.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart # add library
fromemail.mime.text import MIMEText # add library
fromemail.mime.base import MIMEBase # add library
from email import encoders # add library
fromemail.mime.image import MIMEImage # add library
from_addr = "sssss@gmail.com" # change the email address accordingly
to_addr = "rrrrrr@gmail.com"
mail_RAJ = MIMEMultipart()
mail_RAJ['From'] = from_addr
mail_RAJ['To'] = to_addr
mail_RAJ['Subject'] = "Attachment"
body = "Please find the attachment"
led_pin=3 # connect led to pin 3 of raspberry pi GPIO
pir_pin=21 # connect PIR sensor to pin 21 of raspberry pi GPIO

HIGH=1 # assign value

LOW=0 # assign value
RAJ.setwarnings(False) # remove warnings
RAJ.setmode(RAJ.BCM) # use pins in BCM mode
RAJ.setup(led_pin, RAJ.OUT) # set direction of pin to OUTPUT
RAJ.setup(pir_pin, RAJ.IN) # set direction of pin to INPUT

mail_RAJ.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
print data # print data on terminal
print (data) # print data on terminal
attachment_RAJ = open(dat, 'rb')
176 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

mail_RAJ.attach(image_RAJ) # attach image

server_RAJ = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server_RAJ.login(from_addr, "ssss@gmail.com")
text = mail_RAJ.as_string()
server_RAJ.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, text)
server_RAJ.quit() # quit from server

data= wait.strftime("%d_%b_%Y|%H:%M:%S")
RAJ_camera.start_preview() # start preview
wait.sleep(5) # wait for 5 Sec
print data # print on terminal
wait.sleep(1) # wait for 1 Sec
send_Mail(data) # send mail

RAJ.output(led_pin, 0) # make led_pin to LOW

RAJ_camera = picamera.PiCamera()
RAJ_camera.rotation=180 # rotate camera
RAJ_camera.awb_mode= 'auto'
RAJ_camera.brightness=55 # choose brightness level
while 1: # infinite loop
ifRAJ.input(pir)==1: # check the state of PIR sensor
RAJ.output(led_pin, HIGH) # make led_pin to HIGH
RAJ_capture_image() # capture image
while(RAJ.input(pir_pin)==1): # check state of PIR sensor
wait.sleep(1) # delay of 1 sec
gpio.output(led, LOW) # make led_pin to LOW
wait.sleep(1) # delay of 1 sec
Blynk Application with Raspberry Pi

11.1 Introduction to Blynk

There are three major components in the platform:

Blynk App—Allow to create an interface by using various widgets.

Blynk Server—It is responsible for the communication between the
smartphone and hardware. It is an open-source platform.
Blynk Library—Blynk can work with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or on
similar boards.

Blynk works with any model of Raspberry Pi through Wi-Fi/Ethernet.

11.1.1 Installing Blynk on Raspberry Pi

To install Blynk on Raspberry Pi, first install the Blynk libraries. It is required
to have the latest version of Raspbian to install Blynk on Pi.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install git-core // If GIT is not installed, install it
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi // Install WiringPi using GIT
cdwiringPi // go to wiringPi and run the build.
. /build

To install Blynk globally, run the commands:

git clone https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library.git

cd blynk-library/linux
make clean all target=raspberry
Sudo./blynk --token=token num // authentication token

Figure 11.1 shows the window after the execution of the commands.

178 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Raspberry Pi window.

11.2 Creating New Project with Blynk

Blynk application is available for Android and IOS both.

Steps to create Blynk project

1. Download Blynk for Android or IOS, as per the requirement,
and create a new account (Figure 11.2).
2. Create a new project by providing a name, controller/processor,
and internet connection to it (Figure 11.3). The background of the
app can also be selected as dark or light.
3. The Auth token will be sent to the email address. This Auth token
will be used for connecting Raspberry Pi to the new project widget.
4. Open the blank project and add widgets as required for the proj-
ect (Figure 11.4). For a simple project of making a LED ON/OFF
with button by clicking on it. Select a digital pin of Raspberry Pi
to which LED is connected. Here GPIO21 is used to connect LED.
Figure 11.5 shows the button for LED.
5. Add one more LED button connected to GPIO20. Now two LEDs
can be controlled through the designed app (Figure 11.6).
6. Connect Raspberry Pi to the Blynk widget by running the Auth
token command and check the workings.
Blynk Application with Raspberry Pi 179

Creating a new account.

Create a new project.

Widget box.
180 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Button for LED.

Project to control two LEDs.

11.3 Home Appliance Control with Blynk App

The Blynk application can be used to create an interface to control home
appliances for smart control over Internet of Things (IoT). The system com-
prises of a Raspberry Pi, a power supply, two relay boards (if two appliances
needs to be controlled), a transistor 2N2222 (as a switch), and a power sup-
ply. Connect the components as shown in Figure 11.7 and follow the steps
mentioned in Section 11.2 to control two LEDs, as the same project will work
to control two relays.
Blynk Application with Raspberry Pi 181

Circuit diagram for home appliance control.

• Connect the base of the first transistor 2N2222 to GPIO21 through
a resistor and emitter to the ground.
• Connect the base of the second transistor 2N2222 to GPIO20
through a resistor and emitter to the ground.
• Connect the collector of transistor to “L2” of relay.
• Connect the positive terminal of +12V battery to “L1” of relay.
• Connect a diode 1N4007 across “L1” and “L2.”
• Connect one terminal of AC to “common” of the relay and the
other to one of the terminal of AC to the load (bulb).
• Connect the other terminal of the AC load to the “NO” terminal
of the relay.
Cayenne Application with Raspberry Pi

12.1 Introduction to Cayenne

Cayenne has a customizable dashboard with drag-and-drop widgets. It is
easy to set up Cayenne, as it connects with Pi easily. In Cayenne, sensors,
motors, actuators, GPIO boards, and more can be added. It is used to control
the devices remotely. It has four key components: Cayenne-agent software
(responsible for communicating to the server), cloud (processes and stores
the sensory data), online dashboard (provides a graphical environment), and
Cayenne app for Android and IOS.

12.1.1 Getting Started with Cayenne

1. Open myDevices on the Cayenne website and create an account by
clicking on “Get Started for Free” (Figure 12.1).
2. Fill out the registration form and choose a device to work on (Figure 12.2).
3. Download and install myDevices Cayenne on Pi (Figure 12.3), by
using commands:
wget https://cayenne.mydevices.com/dl/rpi_8bf9u0m7hl.sh
sudo bash rpi_8bf9u0m7hl.sh -v
4. Go to the GPIO menu and select as per the requirement of the project
(Figure 12.4).

12.2 LED Blynk with the Cayenne App

The simplest way to understand the working with Cayenne app is with LED.
The system is comprised of a Raspberry Pi, a power supply, and an LED.
Connect the LED to GPIO17 (Figure 12.5). Follow the steps mentioned in
Section 12.1.1 to control. Develop a Cayenne App. Go to the GPIO 17 pin, click
on “input,” and change it to “output.” The status of the LED can be changed
by changing the state of the button to “HIGH” and “LOW.”

184 Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Create an account.

Choose the device.

Installing Raspberry Pi.
Cayenne Application with Raspberry Pi 185

GPIO of Raspberry pi.

Circuit diagram for interfacing LED with Raspberry Pi.

Anita Gehlot, Rajesh Singh, Mamta Mittal, Bhupendra Singh, Ravindra Sharma, Vikas
Garg, Hands on Approach on Applications of Internet of Things in Various Domain of
Engineering. New Delhi, India: International Research Publication House, 2018.
Anita Gehlot, Rajesh Singh, Rohit Samkaria, Sushabhan Choudhury, Aisik De,
Kamlesh, Air quality and water quality monitoring using XBee and internet of
things, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7.2 (2018).
Jan I. Freijer and Henk J.Th. Bloemen, Modeling relationships between indoor
and outdoor air quality, Taylor & Francis Group. Journal of the Air & Waste
Management Association, 50(2), 292–300 (2011).
Neeraj Kumar Singh, Amardeep Singh, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Design and
development of air quality management devices with sensors and web of
things, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7.2 (2018).
Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury, Arduino-
Based Embedded Systems: Interfacing, Simulation, and LabVIEW GUI. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury, Arduino meets
MATLAB…. Interfacing, Programs and Simulink. Sharjah: Bentham Science, 2018.
Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Lovi Raj Gupta, Bhunpendra Singh, and Priyanka Tyagi,
Getting Started for Internet of Things with Launch Pad and ESP8266. India: River
Publishers, 2019.
Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Raghuveer Chimata, Bhupendra Singh, P.S. Ranjith, Internet
of Things in Automotive Industries and Road Safety. India: River Publishers, 2018.
Rajesh Singh, Rohit Samkaria, Anita Gehlot, Neeraj Kumar, Kausal Rawat, Aisik
De, Adil Rehman, Algorithm to read various sensors to detect the hazard-
ous parameters in industry, International Journal of Engineering and Technology
(UAE), 7.2 (2018). doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.6.10060.


Note: Page numbers in italic and bold refer to figures and tables, respectively.

Adafruit, 76 gateway, 5
analog sensor, 104–106 generation, sensors, 17
architecture, 5
Arduino, 29–43
Arduino IDE, 33–37 H
Arduino Mega, 30, 31, 31 heterogeneity, 4
Arduino Nano, 31, 32, 32, 33 home appliance control, 180–181, 181
Arduino Uno, 29, 30, 30


Blynk, 177–181 intelligence, 3

Internet of Things (IoT), 3
IoT levels, 10–11
C IPv6, 7
Cayenne, 183–185 IR sensor, 15
challenges, 20
characteristics, 3
connectivity, 3
criteria, sensor selection for, 17 light-emitting diode (LED), 38–40
CSV file, 146–147 liquid crystal display (LCD), 40–43

data acquisition, 145–154 machine learning, 6
DC motor, 72, 72–74 Matplotlib, 149–150
design methodology, 19 M2M, 11
design principles, 4
DHT11, 83–86, 84
digital input, 66–67 N
digital sensor, 100–103
disaster management system, 169–173 NOOBS, 48, 48, 49
dynamic nature, 3
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
face recognition, 60 model, 6, 6

190 Index

P serial communication commands, 38

servers, 21–26
Pi camera, 59
servo motor, 110–113
principles design, 4
6LoWPAN, 7
protocols, 6–9
Static IP, 52–57
proximity sensor, 16
Pyfirmata, 117–127
Python, 115–127 T
temperature sensor, 15
R terminal commands, 51–52
Raspberry Pi, 45–96 ThingSpeak Server, 157–168
Raspbian, 49–51 Tkinter, 129–143
relay, 70–71 touch sensor, 16

security, 4 ultrasonic sensor, 16
sensors, 13–17 UV sensor, 16

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