Kindergarten q1 Week4 v2
Kindergarten q1 Week4 v2
Kindergarten q1 Week4 v2
Quarter 1: Week 4 Learning Experiences
CO_Q1_Kindergarten_Week 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1: Week 4 Learning Experiences
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this learning resource are
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team
Writer: Geraldine U. Alvez
Editors: Imelda M. Almiran, Roselene Tabilon, Gilda G. Bancog, Elaine F. Perfecio, Lilia R. Ybañez, Juditha O. Mapue
Reviewers: Exequiel J. Cifra, Cerelina S. Llerin, Mitchell Dave M. Cabuguas, Joan G. Mari, Maurita F. Ponce
Illustrator: Christian G. Yocte, Mitchell Dave M. Cabuguas
Layout Artist: Rio M. Emping
Management Team: Salustiano T. Jimenez, Cristito A. Eco, Maria Jesusa C. Despojo, Maurita F. Ponce, Cesar A. Restauro Jr.
Table of Contents
Ask: Do you want to be healthy all the
time? (Yes. I want to be healthy.)
Aside from those movements, you can also move your body
through dancing, running, jumping, skipping, balancing, singing
and many other movements.
Yes. We can possibly do these movements every day. As we do
these, our body parts are being used, namely: our arms, hands,
feet, legs, shoulders and head.
With this, it would help us feel energetic and alert, ready to learn
new things.
But before we proceed, we will take a break for a while.
Snack Time:
• Washing of hands before and after eating These can be done also during meal time.
• Thanksgiving prayer
• Eating etiquette
Say: Let’s sing and while singing we will Materials: Guide the learner in
do some action.
doing the action.
What’s more Ask: Are you familiar with the song ‘If
Lyrics of the song
You’re Happy?’...
Say: We will sing it and do the action
together. Let’s begin.
Activity 2: Let’s Move Our Body
(If You’re Happy and You Know It)
If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands (2x)
If you’re happy and you know it,
then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands.
*Repeat the song and replace the
underlined with:
• stomp your feet
• sway your hips
• nod your head
Ask: How did you feel after doing the activities? (I feel better and
What body parts were used during the activities? (Our hands, feet,
legs, hips and head were used in doing these activities.)
What I have learned What did your hands do? Your head? Your hips? Your feet? (I do
hand clapping, waving, and snapping. I do head stretching. I do
hips swaying. I do feet stomping and hopping.)
What else did we do? (we were also singing while doing the
Say: Yes, our body can do different movements using our body
Now let us do more!
Let the learner do any body movement with music. Allow him/her
to perform any dance steps as the music plays.
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of similarities and differences in what he/she can see.
Performance Standards: The child shall be able to actively listen to the sounds around him/her and is attentive to make judgments and
respond accordingly
Most Essential Learning Competencies: Identify the letter, number, or word that is different in a group.
Content Focus: I learn similar and different letters, numbers or words in a group.
Ask: Am I right? (Yes) Provide the child’s name tag or copy of
his/her first name.
What is your complete name?
example: Micah
Say: Perfect!
Activity 3: Letter Search
Procedure: • old newspapers, Provide old newspapers/ magazine, flyers
flyers or or brochures
1. Give the learner old newspapers, flyers
or brochures.
• bond paper
2. Let the learner do the following:
• pair of scissors Guide the child in cutting the letters.
What’s new • cut letters that are same with the
• glue or any
beginning letter of the word “Mama” available pasting
from the materials given material
• paste all the cut letters on a bond paper
• count the letters that were pasted on the
bond paper.
Say: You are correct! The name of the letter is still the same even if
they have different forms and sizes.
Before we proceed to another activity, we will have a 10-minute
• place the card on the left side if Mm Nn
found different
Say: Show me the cards with the same letters and tell me the name
of the letter.
What I have learned
Show me the cards with different letters and tell me the names of
the letter.
Ask: What is the sound of letter Mm? (/m/); Aa? (/a/); Nn? (/n/)
On the letters we have mentioned, what are the letters that are also
found in your name?
(answer is dependent on the name of the learner)
What are other objects which names begin with /m/?
(Facilitator shows more pictures with the name that begin with /m/)
Say: Well done! You have learned three letters today. You have
learned also that each letter has its own sound.
We will do another exciting activity.
Let’s go.
Let the learner look for objects with the names that start with the Encourage the learner to help in doing the
letters Mm, Aa & Nn taken up in Activity 4. Do this inside the other household chores.
house only.
What I can do
Free Play
• Play familiar games in the house.
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of similarities and differences in what he/she can see.
Performance Standards: The child shall be able to actively listen to the sounds around him/her and is attentive to make judgments and
respond accordingly
Most Essential Learning Competencies: Identify the letter, number, or word that is different in a group.
Content Focus: I learn similar and different letters, numbers or words in a group.
Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator
What I need to know I can identify the same and different letters in a group.
Say: I have here pictures. Let’s see if you
can name them.
Ask: (Show a picture of an atis). What is
the name of this picture? (atis)
What is the beginning sound of the word
‘atis’? (/a/)
Say: Excellent!
Now, we will have another exciting activity.
Let’s begin.
3. Let the learner form additional sets of
letters Aa and Mm following the
pattern below:
• Aa. Aa Mm. Mm
• M M. m. m
• M m A a
• Mm Aa Aa
4. Let the learner identify the set of
letters that are the same or different.
Can you name objects which begin with letter Aa? How about letter
Mm? Can you tell which set of letters are the same? Which set of
letters are different?
What is it • Aa Aa Mm
•M M M M
• Mm Aa Aa Prepare picture or realia of atis, ark,
• Aa Aa Aa ambulance, avocado and others.
Say: You have learned again another set of the same and different
the learner one at a time).
Snack Time:
• Washing of hands before and after eating These can be done also during meal
• Thanksgiving prayer time.
• Eating etiquette
Activity 6: Telling Same and Different • 2 small boxes (an
old shoe box, or
• If pictures are not available, you
any box available
Procedure: draw objects that start with
• picture of objects
What’s more 1. Put the boxes labeled with Mm and Aa letter Mm and Aa using the old
that start with letter
on the table. folders/cardboards.
Mm and Aa
2. Arrange the pictures alternately on the • Provide at least 8 examples per
• pencil or marker letter. (based on the child’s
table or on the floor following the
suggested set below. mother tongue and can be found
3. Let the learner do the following: in the house)
• sort out the pictures that are the
same and different in each set
• produce the beginning sound on the
name of each picture
• put the pictures in the correct box
Say: Please say their names again and their beginning sound.
Ask: What about the box labeled Aa? How many pictures in there?
Please say their names again and their beginning sounds.
Say: Excellent!
• Practice writing letter Mm and Aa on the air, then in a piece of
• Identify names of objects in the house that starts with letters Mm
and Aa.
What I can do
Free Play: Encourage the learner to help in
doing the simple household chores.
• Let the learner play with toys of interest.
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of similarities and differences in what he/she can see.
Performance Standards: The child shall be able to actively listen to the sounds around him/her and is attentive to make judgments and
respond accordingly
Most Essential Learning Competencies: Identify the letter, number, or word that is different in a group.
Content Focus: I learn similar and different letters, numbers or words in a group.
Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator
What I need to know I can identify similar and different numbers or words in a group.
Say: Hello kid! I hope you are well today. Optional: Start with a prayer. Use
any prayer familiar to the child.
Last time, you were able to sort similar and
different objects/ pictures and learned the
sounds of letters Mm and Aa.
Then sing any familiar localized
song with the learner before the
Today, we are going to learns more about
What I know similar and different.
Let’s begin!
Activity 7: Which is Different • sets of word-cards Use simple set of words written in
• marker: stones/seeds/ the mother tongue.
bottle caps
mat man mat Assist the learner while doing the
1. Prepare sets of word-cards. (see sample
on the next column) activity.
2. Put them on the floor or on the table. net not net
3. Let the learner:
• mark the word that is different within
ten ten tan
the set by using stones/seeds/bottle
• sound out the beginning letter of the sat sit sat
What’s new words.
cat cat cut
• sets of word-cards
• marker: stones/seeds/
bottle caps
Discussion (Informal Conversation) about the Activity
Say: First, I will read to you the words in each set. Next, we will read
them together. Then, you will sound out the beginning letter of each word.
What’s more
Snack Time: These can be done also during
meal time.
• Washing of hands before and after eating
• Thanksgiving prayer
• Eating etiquette
Activity 8: Mark the Different
• set of number-cards
Procedure: • marker: stones/seeds/
bottle caps, etc.
1. Prepare sets of number cards (see
sample in the next column)
2. Put the sets of number cards on the
table or on the floor.
3. Let the learner:
• mark the number that is different
in each set by using a stone/seed/
or bottle cap
• read and count the same numbers
in the set.
Ask: How many different numbers you have identified in all of the given
set? (There are 6 numbers.)
What are these numbers? (2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 1)
In this set, what numbers are the same? (answer is dependent on the
What I have learned number card shown)
How about this set of numbers, what number are the same?
*Repeat the question for the rest of the number cards.
What are those numbers that are the same from every set? (1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 4)
Department of Education. 2017. Kindergarten Teacher's Guide. Vol. 1 & 2 . Pasig: DepEd.
—. 2015. Standards and Competencies for five-Year-Old Filipino Children. Pasig: DepEd.
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