1. Your ship is fitted with oil filtering equipment in compliance with Reg. 16(7) of MARPOL 73/78
for the control of machinery space bilges. What would be the oil content allowable?
-15 ppm
2. What should you do with the ashes from the incinerator containing plastics?
-You should retain onboard and discharge to shore facility
3. Which of the following is not included in the definition of oil as per MARPOL 73/78?
-Cooking oil
4. Which of the following conditions need to be satisfied from the engine room of a ship 10k GT
and above while discharging oil mixture from ship into the sea in a special area?
-She must be en route discharge oily mixture process through and oil filtering equipment with
oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15ppm
5. Onboard an oil tanker of 150 GT and above when ever cargo or ballast operation be recorded as
specified in MARPOL 73/78 Annex I?
-The ORB part II shall be completed on each occasion and signed by Chief Officer or OIC and
each completed pages signed by Master
6. What is the most important features of MARPOL Annex 5 that all crew onboard would strictly
-The completed ban of dumping all forms of plastic into the sea
7. Can you identify the purpose of Annex VI under MARPOL?
-To provide control and regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ship
8. You are on a vessel 10nm off the coast of Libya. Are you allowed to dump food waste
-No. Food waste cannot be dumped overboard
9. From January 1, 2020, what is the max limit of the sulfur content allowed in fuel oil used
onboard ship outside ECAs?
-Must not exceed 0.50% m/m
10. You are on West Ph Sea 12 miles away from the coast of Luzon. Can you dump empty glass
bottles overboard?
-You can dump if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through the screen
with 25mm openings
11. During loading operation dunnages were used. How would you classify dunnages under
MARPOL 73/78?
-It is classified as garbage
12. On the following type of vessels can you distinguish which of them does not require to have a
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)?
-A ship less than 150 GT
13. Which IMO instrument guarantees the right to go a coastal state to take necessary action on the
high seas to mitigate, prevent or eliminate danger of oil pollution to its coastline following a
marine casualty?
-Intervention 1969
14. Your vessel is enroute in wider Caribbean area (Inside Special Area). Which of the ff garbage you
can discharge?
-Food waste comminuted can be discharge 3nm from nearest land
15. Plastic falls under what category when you make entry into the GRB?
-Category 1
16. Cargo residues falls under what category when you make entry into the GRB?
-Category 4
17. Crockery falls under what category when you make entry into the garbage record book?
-Category 4
18. Paper products falls under what category when you make entry into the GRB?
-Category 4
19. Food waste falls under what category when you make entry into the GRB?
-Category 5
20. Incinerator ash falls under what category when you make entry into the garbage record book?
-Category 6
21. As per MARPOL 73/78, how would you collect and store generated sewage onboard?
-It must be collected and stored in the holding tank
22. What type of ship be provided with slop tanks for collection of oil residues?
-Ship of 400GT tonnage and above
23. Under MARPOL 73/78 Annex II for certain sea areas identified as “special areas”. In which of
these special areas you should observed a more stringent discharge criteria apply?
-The Arctic area
24. If your vessel is 50 miles off the coast of Libya in Mediterranean Sea. Can you dump glass bottles
-No. Glass bottles cannot be dumped
25. Ship’s produces waste water in two categories, grey waste water and black waste water. Which
statement is correct about black waste water?
-A waste water contains drainage and other waste from any form of toilets or urinals and spaces
containing living animals.
26. How long will you retain onboard the corresponding fuel sample (called MARPOL Sample)?
-It should be retained for one year
27. The MARPOL regulation came into effect from July 1993 stating that the previous instantaneous
rate of discharge of oil content 60 liters per nm be changed to?
-30 liters per nm
28. What you should NOT do if you have an oil spill?
-Immediately use chemical dispersants to oil spill
29. How would you categorize garbage from ships under MARPOL?
-All kind of victual domestic and operational waste excluding fish and parts thereof, food waste
that are generated during normal operations of the ship
30. How would you classify the purpose of Annex VIII under the new MARPOL Annexes?
-To provide control and regulation for prevention of pollution by antifouling paints from ship
31. How long should you keep the bunker delivery note onboard?
-It should be kept for 3 years and ready for inspection
32. Your ship has approved sewage treatment plant, during discharge of sewage off of Cape Henry
you found water color change. What action should you take?
-You should stop the discharge of sewage
33. How would you discharge food waste in a special area?
-Food waste must be comminuted and can be discharge 3 nm from nearest land
34. How would you classify oil under MARPOL Regulation?
-It is a viscous fluid containing petroleum
35. What is the best way to avoid pollution from small oil spills aboard your ship?
-Contain any oil spill onboard the ship
36. Under MARPOL, how would you classify the purpose of Annex III?
-To provide control and regulation for the prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried
in Sea in Packaged Form
37. Which is true about Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)?
-Are man-made chemicals which degrade the ozone layer in the atmosphere and which are
being phased out
38. Which of the following statement is NOT correct on how MARPOL regulation are enforced?
-You are not covered by MARPOL regulation when you are outside territorial water of
participating country
39. As per MARPOL 73/78 Annex II, a substance posing threat of harm to environment are divided
into categories. How would you categorize substances poses greatest threat to the marine
-Category X substances
40. When your vessel is in US port, in the event of oil spill regardless of local regulation where
should you report the oil spill?
-National Response Center (USCG)
41. Under MARPOL, can you distinguish between the following operation that should be entered in
the ORB?
-The discharging overboard of bilge water that has accumulated in machinery spaces
42. How would you classify harmful substance carried in sea packaged form under MARPOL?
-Substances which are identified as marine pollutants in the IMDG Code
43. What category of noxious liquid substance is prohibited to be discharged at sea?
-Substance belong to category X
44. How can you be able to discharge oil or oily mixture into the sea from engine room of a ship of
10k GT and above?
-You can be able to discharge provided vessel is enroute and discharging through an oil filtering
with oil content less than 15ppm
45. Under MARPOL, how often should you record the quantity of residues in the machinery spaces?
-It should be done weekly
46. In which of the following area is an “special area” as mentioned in MARPOL regulation regarding
pollution by oil?
-Caribbean Sea
47. How far from the nearest land outside special area can you discharge sewage which is not
comminuted or disinfected?
-12 nautical miles from the nearest land
48. You are navigating in the Baltic Sea a special area. How many miles from land would you
discharge ground rags, glass, bottles into the sea?
-Not allowed to discharge must be retain onboard
49. As per MARPOL Annex V, how would you dispose medical hazardous waste ashore?
-You must notify receiving terminal 24 hours in advance
50. How far from the nearest land (outside special areas) you can discharge splitted and treated
animal carcasses?
-100 nm from the nearest land
51. As required by MARPOL regulation 31 of Annex 1 the ODMCS should be provided with recording
device for discharging. How long should you keep a record onboard of the operation?
-Continuous 3 years
52. As per MARPOL regulation can you identify which of the following type of ship is required to
carry an International Air Pollution Certificate?
-Ships of 400 GT and above
53. Which of the following is required to have a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP)?
-An oil tanker of 150 GT and above, or other ship of 400 GT and above
54. What is the name of the record book where the handling of cargo and ballast is recorded?
-Oil Record Book
55. Which statement is correct regarding instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content?
-The rate of discharge of oil in liters per hour at any instant divided by the speed of the ship in
knots at the same time
56. As per Annex V MARPOL 73/78 a vessel in a MARPOL designated area 14 miles away from the
nearest shore can only discharge what type of garbage?
-Food Waste
57. For the purpose of regulation of Annex II, noxious liquid substances is divided into how many
-Four Categories
58. You are onboard an oil tanker, what is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast
water pumped overboard?
-Ballast Monitoring Equipment
59. What is the most critical time during bunkering in reference to accidental oil pollution?
-When final topping off is occurring
60. The MARPOL regulation came into effect from July 1993 stating that the oily separator which
that was previously certified for 100ppm be changed to?
-15 ppm
61. What action should be taken after all dirty ballast has been transferred to the slop tank?
-The slops should be allowed time to settle prior to discharge to the oily water separator
62. As per Annex IV when you are navigating outside special areas, how far from the nearest land
can you discharge sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected?
-12 NM from the nearest land
63. Regarding guidance in handling garbage on ships, which statement is correct according to
-All governments should provide reception facilities at port and terminal for reception of
64. How long is the validity of a Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan’s approval period?
-Five years
65. Onboard a tanker what is the most probable place that any oil spill will overflow over the ship
during loading and discharging?
-Aft part of the deck
66. Under the new proposed MARPOL annexes, how would you classify the purpose of Annex IX?
-To provide control and regulation for prevention of pollution by noise from the ship
67. Ground paper products falls under what category when you make entry into the garbage record
-Category Three
68. What should you NOT do if your Oil Water Separator or ODME breakdown?
-Continue discharging to get rid of the oily water onboard
69. What is the existing requirement from the slop tank capacity of oil tanker as per MARPOL
-The capacity must be 3% of the total capacity of the cargo volume
70. You enroute to Peru. How far off the coast you be able to dump a mixture of food waste, glass
bottles and a floating packing material?
-25 nautical miles off the nearest coast
71. Your vessel is a bulk carrier enroute. How far could you be allowed to discharge sewage which is
not comminuted and disinfected from the nearest land?
-Your vessel must be more than 12 nm from the nearest land
72. Your ship changing flag where the Classification Society is not authorizes to issue IOPP. How
would you be sure that the SOPEP onboard need further approval?
-The new flag state has to approved the SOPEP
73. Which statement is correct regarding ashes from your vessel incinerator which had burned
garbage containing plastic?
-Must be retain onboard and discharged to shore facility
74. Which statement is correct regarding all entries in the ORB Part 1 are should be?
-At least English or the national language of the vessel
75. Your vessel is on the Red Sea and Chief cook is requesting to have some food burned in the
incinerator. You have problem with the incinerator so the food waste grounded in the grinder
lump size max 25mm. Can you dispose the garbage into the sea?
-You can dispose it into the sea when you are more than 12 nm from the nearest land
76. Which of the following kind of emission a plasma reduction system is a secondary method of
77. According to Annex VI, which is NOT included in the emission of ozone depleting substances?
78. Under MARPOL, how would you categorize the composition of an oily mixtures?
-It is a mixture with any oil content
79. Under MARPOL, how would you categorize the composition of an oily mixtures?
-It is a mixture with any oil content
80. How can you make it possible to dispose certain types of garbage at sea?
-By processing the garbage in the comminutors
81. How could you discharge a disinfected and commented sewage?
-Your vessel must be enroute and 3 miles away from the nearest land
82. How would you categorize floating dunnages when you make entry into the garbage book?
-Category 2
83. How would you soak up residual products on any deck spillage during the pollution recovery?
-You should use absorbent materials
84. How many miles can you discharge comminuted or ground food waste as per requirement of
Annex V outside special areas?
-The discharged is permitted more than 3 nm and as practicable enroute
85. What type of ship should be provided with a sludge tank for collection of oil residues?
-Ships of 400 GT and above
86. During bunkering operation, it resulted in the collection of waste oil in drip pans and containers.
How would you dispose the waste oil?
-Placing it in a proper disposal facility
87. Which statement is true when heavy fuel oil is spilled at sea?
-Less harmful to sea life than lighter oil
88. Under MARPOL 73/78, How would you categorize the kind of marine pollutant does ANNEX III
-Harmful Substances
89. Under MARPOL, can you identify the purpose of Annex VI?
To provide control and regulation for the Prevention of Air Pollution from ship
90. What type of vessel is required to be fitted with an oil filtering equipment?
-Any ship of 400 GT and above
91. What kind of chemicals are permitted to be discharged with in 12 nm to the nearest land?
-Chemicals are not permitted to be discharged
92. As per definition of MARPOL Annex I, a product tanker is one which can carry?
-Oils other than crude oil
93. On the following guidelines can you identify which is NOT part of the procedures of the Garbage
Management Plan?
-Guideline and Procedure in handling ballast onboard
94. What do you understand about “Special Areas” in connection with conventional tanker?
-Special area is certain area like Red Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean, Gulf area, Arctic area.
95. Under MARPOL, garbages are categorized for making an entry into the garbage record book. In
which category you should enter “Cargo Residues” in the garbage record book?
-Category 4
96. What MARPOL provision cover the control of pollution by sewage from ships?
-Provision for Annex IV
97. How far from land you can discharge packing materials which are biodegradable?
-As per Annex V you can discharge it overboard if your vessel is 25 miles away from land
98. What shall be the disposal category of sludge under MARPOL?
-Disposal prohibited
99. The Bunker Delivery Notes must mention the Sulfur content, grade of oil, IMO number of vessel
and other information. How long will you retain the Bunker Delivery Note onboard?
-It should be retained onboard for 3 years
100. Can you identify the purpose of Annex V under MARPOL?
-To provide control and regulation for the prevention of Pollution by Garbage from ships
101. As per MARPOL Annex I which statement is correct about special areas?
-Special mandatory methods are adopted for the sea pollution by oil prevention
102. How would you categorize the purpose of Annex VII under the new MARPOL Annexes?
-To provide control and regulation for preventing pollution from ships by ballast water
103. Which of the following is an special area as mentioned in MARPOL regulation regarding
pollution by oil?
104. What is the ballast kept in tanks separated from cargo pipes and cargo tanks?
-Segregated Ballast
105. In your opinion which of the following statement is not correct?
-Ocean can absorb anything that is thrown on them
106. As per MARPOL regulation, how would you classify the ships that need to comply with
the Garbage Management Plan?
-Every ship of 100 GT and above and every ship certified to carry 15 persons or more and fixed
or floating flatform
107. As per MARPOL regulation can you identify in which case is the IOPP certificate of an
inspected vessel is NOT invalidated?
-The required OWS malfunction