Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - May21
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - May21
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - May21
Mobility is transforming the Automotive Achieving trust at the right cost is one of the
Industry hardest challenges facing automotive players
factor market
• Introducing new features increases the pressure
on time to market and costs
Why us?
Validation of driving automation systems is Capgemini engineering steers and delivers your
becoming a crucial challenge for OEMs and tiers, ADAS Digital verification and validation journey
with the rocketing complexity and new safety with a network of experts in ADAS V&V, ADAS
regulations. In addition, the complete function development, Connectivity V&V, and
development becomes data driven process. AI & Data Management.
Capgemini engineering provides global and fully
automated V&V platform, and a full training A global footprint and strong local presence
journey solution thanks to its Global training
Center to upskill and train engineers. We support
are dedicated to ADAS/AD
as well function development, on turnkey mode
and as an integrator partner.
functional development
Function Development
• Data collection campaigns operated in more
than 60 countries
aligned with core and non-Core strategy from the
Our team leverages our experience from
Modular Platform architecture
Innovation (R&I) program.
A global team with knowledge of the specific
Driving Automation System Validation market, at the state of the art, fostering internal
R&I and University collaborations.
solution for ADAS and AD validation. From data
Integration, Automation and AI
The high level of automation achieved associated
Associated with an hybrid cloud infrastructure, with advanced AI allows to accelerate the
DASV allows the automate of the activities for V&V. developments, with the Tool chain integration,
and a scalable infrastructure to cope with large
Global Training Center amounts of data.