The Derivations Of The Lie Algebras: Tδhoku Math. Journ. 23 (1971), 21-36
The Derivations Of The Lie Algebras: Tδhoku Math. Journ. 23 (1971), 21-36
The Derivations Of The Lie Algebras: Tδhoku Math. Journ. 23 (1971), 21-36
23(1971), 21-36.
Some results have been given by several authors as to the derivations of Lie
algebras. Namely, E. Schenkman and N. Jacobson [1] proved that every non-zero
nilpotent Lie algebra has an outer derivation. The author [4] sharpened this
theorem and showed that every nilpotent Lie algebra over a field of characteristic
0 possesses an outer derivation in the radical of its derivation algebra. On the
other hand G. Leger [2] has given a necessary and sufficient condition for a Lie
algebra to have an outer derivation, and in [3] he has shown that if a Lie algebra
has no outer derivations and its center is not zero then it is not solvable and its
radical is nilpotent and is not quasi-cyclic. Moreover, S. Togo [6] proved that
such a Lie algebra coincides with its derived algebra and he proceeded the studies
concerning to the Lie algebra which has outer derivations. The purpose of this
paper is to add some results to them.
In § 2 we shall introduce the notion of the free nilpotent Lie algebra, and
interpret a nilpotent Lie algebra as a quotient algebra of the free nilpotent Lie
algebra by a suitable ideal. We shall also investigate the relationship between the
derivations of the former and of the latter. In § 3, we shall study some applications
of the results by Leger [2]. As it is well known, every semi-simple Lie algebra
has no outer derivations. It is also known that there exists a solvable Lie algebra
with null center which has no outer derivations. However, it seems to the author
that it is unknown whether there exists a Lie algebra with non-zero center which
has no outer derivations. In § 4 we shall give an example of such a Lie algebra
of dimension 41 and with one dimensional center.
^i x (eh ® — ® ejn) = 0.
Next, when the product a x b has been defined already for an element azV and
for every element b of V, we define the product (e ® a) X b by
(tf®<z) χ j = e ® ( α x i ) - f l x ( e ® έ ) ,
To prove this it is enough to show (1) in the case where a, b and c are
homogeneous. W e will prove this by mathematical induction. So we assume that
a = e®a1 for ez U and our assertion holds for aλ. Then,
= e ® ((#! x b) x c) — (a x b) x {e ® c)
— ax x ((e ® b) x c) + (e ® b) x {ax x c)
Hence we get
axb = —b X a mod W.
= ax (b x c) — b x (ax c) +c X (ax b)
We call the Lie algebra N the free nilpotent Lie algebra of length n
generated by U. Assume that a and b are any monomials in V. W is spanned
by the elements of the following types :
PROOF. We may prove the first half samely as the preceeding proposition.
So we shall prove the latter half. We denote by σx or σ a linear mapping from
U into N which maps et to f or f + gt respectively, and we take the inverse
transformation σf of σx in U. We denote by σλ again the extention of σλ to an
endomorphism of N. Because of
+ Uk+1 + + Un) = Uk
, ΓΛ, [ ,Γ/wΛJ ]
= fΛ> ΓΛ, [ , [/ιM, A J ] mod £/* + C/*+1 + + £/»,
PROOF. Let fl9 ,fm be linearly independent, and N= {fl9 ,/ m ) 0 [N, N].
Then /i, ,/ m generate the Lie algebra N. This may be proved similarly as in
the proof of Proposition 3. Hence the set fl9 ,/ m is a minimal system of
generators of the Lie algebra N. We extend the linear transformation r from U
to N which sends et to f, to the one from V to N as follows :
Then we may prove the fact τ(a x b) = [ra, τb\ samely as in the proof of
Proposition 1. Therefore r maps W to zero and r induces a homomorphism from
N onto N.
We can understand the latter half of this assertion as follows. The above-
mentioned derivation E of N is an /-multiple of the unit transformation on U\
therefore E belongs to Ί)u as A is homogeneous. Hence E induces a derivation
of N, and we denote this again by E. E and the el am ants of © are commutative
with each other in the space U of generators of N, and therefore on the whole
space N. On the other hand, E is an outer derivation as it is not nilpotent.
Now we consider in the sequel that the maximal semi-simple subalgebra ©
of Ί)(N) is imbedded in the maximal semi-simple subalgebra © of
b = bx + b2 + + bn, btsUι.
B= (BO ( [ / ι + 1 + . .+[/n))ΘC.
Among such decompositions, there exists the one such that for an arbitrary q
(l^q^p) the ideal generated by ρa{B) (Bq) does not contain any Pj(Bi) but
for the case either j = a{Bι) or p5{Bi) = 0.
A = Cι 0 0 Cn_! + Cn, Ci = Gi 0 Ci + i.
LEMMA 4. Let the Lie algebra L be decomposed into the direct sum of
ideals in the form L = L x © L 2 . Then the derivation algebra ®(L) of L may
be expressed in the following form :
Here, ®(LX) is the collection of trivial extensions of all the elements in %[Li)>
and 3)(L,, Lό) is the collection of all the linear transformations which send
Li into the center Z{L0) of Lj9 and send [Lu Lt] and Lj to {0}. Moreover it
L2), ®(L 2 , Lx)1 c g(LJ c
9i<» c
As 8t(L,) and 3Ϊ(L2) are solvable, for sufficiently large k, ^ ( L , ) " ' = 9ΐ(L2)<« = 0 .
Hence it follows that
PROPOSITION 10. The Lie algebla has no outer derivations if and only
if any derivation of R which is commutable with all the elements of adRS
is an inner derivation.
Let 3>(22) be the derivation algebra of a solvable Lie algebra 22, and ©(22)
be its maximal semi-simple subalgebra. If there exists an outer derivation which
is commutable with all the elements of ©(22), we call that 22 belongs to the class
D. It is easily seen that this definition is independent of the choice of ©(22).
By the above-stated, we can find many examples of Lie algebras with outer
derivations. But there has not been found a Lie algebra with non-zero center
which has no outer derivations. In the next section we shall give an example of
such a Lie algebra. For the purpose of this we need to construct a nilpotent Lie
algebra which does not belong to the class D.
= =
|_#i, X2\ — # 5 l_#l> #4] — # 7 L#2> #4j #8
= = =
L#i> # 3 j #6 L#2> # 3 j — #7 #5 L#3> #4J #5
= X = =
\X\9 XQ] = Xg \\ L#3> #8J #15
L#l, ΛΓ7J = #10 L#2> #8J — #12 L#4> #6J = #14
[#1> #8J = #11 L#3> #βJ — #13 [#4> #7] = #15
[ # 2 , Xβ] = # 1 0 [#3, # 7 ] = # 1 4 [#4, # 8 ] = #16
We set C7 = [xu x2, X3, x*} - After the long and tedious calculation, we may
verify that the multiplication stated above satisfies Jacobi's identities. Using the
facts U7 = 0, [C/2, U2] = 0 and that ^:5 belongs to the center of N, we can abridge
the calculation a little.
Now we take the following linear endomorphisms of U :
Then © = [s0, su s2} forms a simple Lie algebra. We are going to enlarge s0, sϊ9 s2
to derivations of N. This is possible because N is decomposed into the direct
sum of the ©-invariant irreducible modules as follows :
Now we will prove that the nilpotent Lie algebra N does not belong to the
class D. Let ΰ be a derivation of N commutable with the elements of ©.
There is no direct summand of N which is ©-isomorphic to {xu x2] or {xs, x^}
but for themselves. Therefore by Schur's lemma, D must have the following
form :
i = axι
Dx2 = CCX2 +
i] = (a + /3 + 2γ
36 T. SATO
xQ = [xlf x3] -> [ax1 -f yx3f x3] + [xu βx3 + fcrj = (Λ + β)x6
0 = fo, ^ β ]
Hence we have
γ = δ = 0,
ct = β = y = δ = O, namely D = 0.
[ 1 ] N. JACOBSON, A note on automorphisms and derivations of Lie algeras, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc., 6(1955), 281-283.
[ 2 ] G. LEGER, A note on derivations of Lie algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 5(1953),
[ 3 ] G. LEGER, Derivations of Lie algebras, III, Duke Math. J., 30(1963), 637-645.
[ 4 ] T. SATO, On the derivations of nilpotent Lie algebras, Tόhoku Math. J , 17(1965), 244-249.
[ 5 ] S. TOGO, On the derivation algebras of Lie algebras, Canad. J. Math., 13(1961), 201-216.
[ 6 ] S. TOGO, Outer derivations of Lie algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 128(1967), 264-276.