2024-05-15 Ellenberg Letter To Attorney Gregory Rolen Re Cease & Desist-Brown Act Violation
2024-05-15 Ellenberg Letter To Attorney Gregory Rolen Re Cease & Desist-Brown Act Violation
2024-05-15 Ellenberg Letter To Attorney Gregory Rolen Re Cease & Desist-Brown Act Violation
Gregory J. Rolen
Haight Brown Bonesteel
555 South Flower Street
Forty-Fifth Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
I represent the Office of the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools. This Cease and Desist
Notice for a Brown Act violation is hereby submitted pursuant to Government Code Section
54960.2. In addition to this notice being submitted to you as legal counsel for the Santa Clara
County Board of Education, it will be submitted to Maimona Afzal Berta, President, and Don
Rocha, Vice President, as provided in Section 54960.2.
For the May 15, 2024, meeting of the Santa Clara County Board of Education, two closed session
items have been included in the agenda that violate Government Code Section 54954.5(e). Those
two agenda items are:
As provided in Government Code Section 54957, legislative bodies may meet in closed session
only for the purpose of considering the discipline, dismissal, or release of its own employees, or
to hear a complaint against one of its employees by another person or employee. The Santa Clara
County Board of Education does not have any employees and it is not authorized by either the
California Constitution or the Education Code to employ certificated or classified employees. By
law, it is the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools who is exclusively authorized to
employ certificated and classified employees.
Gregory Rolen
May 15, 2024
Page 2
Moreover, the California Attorney General has determined that county boards of education are not
authorized to employ employees and that all certificated and classified employees are employed
in county educational programs by the county superintendent of schools. 72 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen.
25 (1989). Consistent with this opinion, the Attorney General determined that a county board of
education may not meet in closed session to discuss collective bargaining because it is not a “public
employer” under the Educational Employment Relations Act. 85 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 77 (2002).
By extension, this Attorney General opinion means that county boards of education may not meet
in closed session to consider any employment issues.
You and the members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education are now on notice that the
two previously referenced closed session agenda items violate the Brown Act. There is no lawful
basis for the County Board of Education to meet in closed session to consider any issues related to
employees it does not have. Therefore, this letter constitutes a demand that the Santa Clara County
Board of Education not meet in closed session to discuss employment matters. Further, I draw
your attention to the potential statutory consequences for Board members knowingly attending a
closed session in violation of the Brown Act.
Please confirm that the Santa Clara County Board of Education will not be discussing employment
issues in closed session on May 15, 2024, and thereafter, and that these two closed session agenda
items will be withdrawn.
Steven A. Ellenberg