Assessment of The Vulnerability To Spoofing Attacks of GNSS Receivers Integrated in Consumer Devices
Assessment of The Vulnerability To Spoofing Attacks of GNSS Receivers Integrated in Consumer Devices
Assessment of The Vulnerability To Spoofing Attacks of GNSS Receivers Integrated in Consumer Devices
Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the effects of spoofing unit which is typically interfaced to an application layer, the
attacks on the mass-market positioning and navigation units position information is exchanged to other services or stored
integrated in modern day Android™ smartphones. In order in remote databases. Such an architecture is prone to a wide
to operate spoofing in a real environment, we designed and
implemented a portable, configurable, low-cost GPS spoofer range of spoofing attacks, especially if it is based on products
exploiting a software-defined radio (SDR) implementation and which are low-cost, Commercially available and Off-The-
a low-cost front-end. Such a tool has been exploited to set up a Shelf (COTS). These use the aforementioned satellite-based
test campaign trying to mislead the Position, Velocity and Time positioning services and standard unencrypted communication
computation of different Android™ smartphones. The effects of services. As a consequence, it is worth examining the potential
such simplistic spoofing attack on the smartphone GNSS has
been assessed observing raw measurements and the evaluated effects of intentional interference on the low-cost GNSS units
positions and time. The main findings of this work showed embedded in mass market receivers as well as assessing the
that modern Android™ devices have a remarkable resilience resilience of the receiver itself. Many studies are available on
to simplistic spoofing attacks, highlighting in parallel further defence against civil GNSS spoofing attacks. In [5], Unicorn
potential weaknesses to be protected by means of practical Team showed the spoofing technology using MATLAB® to
defence mechanisms and countermeasures to spoofing.
Record GPS signal by a USRP™ B210 and Replay the signal
Index Terms—Global navigation satellite system, Global Position- by a SDR BladeRF™ to spoof PVT of a smartphone. The
ing System, Smart devices, Radiofrequency interference team presented the vulnerability of smartphones even if the
trial regarded a limited number of devices. In addition, work
developed in [6] showed how easy it is to spoof the navigation
solution in the phone using software radios and additional
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The experimental work presented hereafter provides one of the power which is increased slowly till the receiver has acquired
first investigations on the use of a portable spoofer to threaten and started to track the spoofed signals. In [22], research
Android™ smartphones. The portable low-cost spoofer has conducted sophisticated spoofing scenarios in a multi-layered
been developed, based on open source signal generator and processing architecture. However, this type of spoofing uses
low-cost electronics and radio-frequency equipment and then multiple antennas to broadcast GNSS signals to overcome
used to carry out spoofing attacks on different Android™ standard anti-spoofing techniques. Thus, it is rarely used due
smartphones. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: to its high cost and complexity.
In Section II, background of a spoofing attack, spoofing tech-
niques and the state of vulnerability of receivers are explained.
Section III provides a methodology of the experimental setup B. Spoofing attacks to integrated GNSS receivers in smart-
and test. Results and analysis on the performance of the phones
smartphones under the spoofing attack is discussed in Section Some demonstrations of spoofing against Google Android™
IV. Conclusions and further research are then drawn in Section OS are presented in [23] with realistic spoofing and fake
V. Google Maps™ integration. This work demonstrated that
spoofing might impact the device’s navigation unit affecting
II. BACKGROUND in turn a popular Location Based Service (LBS). Since the
version 7 onwards of Android™ OS gives access to raw GNSS
A. Spoofing attacks measurements, it can be exploited to study and detect the effect
Spoofing methodologies are typically classified on the basis of spoofed signals in applicable smartphones. The raw GNSS
of the difficulty in inducing the attack and on the possibility measurements may include internal clock measurements like
to detect it from a receiver point of view. Compared to a the time of signal reception, clock drift, clock discontinuities,
jamming disturbance to a GNSS receiver, which could signif- etc. and the GNSS receiver measurements such as received
icantly impair the receiver at a signal processing stage, thus, GNSS satellite time, Doppler frequency, carrier phase mea-
allowing easy detection, a spoofing disturbance challenges surements, constellation status, navigation messages, etc. [24]
potential detection as the receiver operation is not interrupted. . More recently, the Google Service Framework™ also provides
Depending on the features of the spoofing and the complexity Automatic Gain Control (AGC) measurements in its Android™
of the attack, it is possible to classify these disturbances location modules with the release of Android™ Android Ap-
into three categories: simplistic, intermediate and sophisticated plication Program Interface (API) 9.0. However, not all the
[19], [20]. GNSS chipsets or software of the different Android™ devices
a) Simplistic spoofing: It is characterised as a transmission are compatible with such measurements and the quality of the
of locally generated RF signals forcing receivers to compute a raw GNSS measurements vary between device to device [25],
fake PVT solution. A lack of synchronisation between spoofers [26].
and GNSS timescale can be often used to detect occurring
attacks. This type of spoofer can be also built by using a
signal simulator which re-transmit fake signal or SDR low-
cost components. A. A low-cost, portable spoofer
b) Intermediate spoofing: the spoofer has a built-in receiver In our experiment we used a low-cost spoofer based on a Great
that collects and tracks the satellite signal parameters in order Scott Gadgets™ HackRF One™ platform and a Raspberry™ PI
to generate a new signal that is consistent with real GNSS 4B. The HackRF One™ is a low-cost, open-source Software-
signals. It receives real time GNSS signals, changes the signal Defined Radio allowing fast and accurate RF signal transmis-
properties based on its need and transmits GNSS signals sion from binary files. This front-end can receive and transmit
synchronised with real GNSS time to the targeted victim signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz with adjustable power and
receiver. An intermediate spoofing hardware might have GNSS channel capacity. The software used to numerically generate
receiver integrated with front-end or conventionally designed the spoofed GPS signal is GPS-SDR-SIM [27], an open GPS
for spoofing purposes. A drawback of Intermediate spoofing L1 C/A signal generator toolbox distributed with a MIT
attack, is that it require certain target information which is licence [28]. A scheme of the device is provided in Figure
difficult to implement. For successfully misleading the target, 1.
different factors must be theoretically evaluated and combine
with experimental verification. Some implementations of in-
termediate spoofing scenario is made of civilian GPS with
L1 Stick
modified software defined receiver integrated with front-end Battery Pack Antenna
Raspberry Py 4B HackRF One RF Coaxial
c) Sophisticated spoofing: also referred to as ’nulling’ trans- Cable
mits a destructive interference signal along with fake spoofed GPS-SDR-SIM RF SMA Interface
USB Cable
signals. Sophisticated spoofing is the most dangerous because Data/Power
USB 3.0 Interface USB 3.0 Interface
it takes control of the target receiver without being detected.
As described in [21], the attack principle is soft-take-over or
time-synchronised transmission. It starts with a low level of Fig. 1. High-level schematic of the low-cost portable spoofer.
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The attack was planned simulating a static position and all the
visible satellites belonging to GNSS constellations and their
signals were transmitted to the SDR equipment. An optional
reference clock can be used to discipline the signal generation
at an increased cost of the overall equipment. For the scope of
the paper, reference oscillator was not connected to the front-
end. Power supply can be provided through a mass-market,
10000 mAh battery pack according to the supply specification
of the Raspberry Pi 4B. The HackRF One can be then supplied
by the Raspberry Pi itself through the USB 3.0 interface. The
spoofing attack can be performed through the portable spoofer
according to the following steps:
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UTC time of February 11, 2020, 14.21.41 and for the first 2.4 SPOOFING TIMESPAN
5 minutes, they received live GNSS signals without any 2.3 SV ID 24
SV ID 25
other interference. Then the portable spoofer was switched 2.2
on, broadcasting spoofing signals over GPS L1 band with
coordinates 45.470111 N, 9.179874 E (Milan, Italy) and UTC 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
time February 10, 2020, 12.00.00 which was 144 km away
from the test location. The spoofing signals were broadcasted Fig. 4. Effect on real satellites (SV ID 24 and 25) during the test
for 5 minutes after which the spoofer was switched off. For the duration.
remaining duration, the smartphones received only live GNSS
signals. The u-blox™ Neo-M8N GNSS receiver was used for B. Fake and Real satellites comparison
cross validation of the test measurements. 14 GPS satellites Figure 5 plots the AGC dB values of the S3 GNSS receiver
were considered in the overall scenario. As seen in Table II, during the test period. It is observed that the effect of turning
the satellites could be divided into three different subsets. The on the spoofer is similar to what in-band jamming or inter-
first subset (Real) consists of the real in-view Satellite Vehicle ference would do. Due to the presence of powerful spoofing
Identifiers (SV IDs) which were received by each device and signals, the receiver reduces the amplification of the incoming
not part of the satellites transmitted by the spoofer. The second sign which, while disturbing real signals, allows fake signals
subset (Fake) consists of the SV IDs which were transmitted to be easily acquired. This is clear when comparing the C/N0
by the spoofer and visible to all the smartphones, but their real of a fake (SV ID 16) and real signal (SV ID 24) in Figure
counterparts were not in view during the test period [8, 16, 6. An important difference captured between the two satellite
27]. The third subset (Common) consists of the overlapping signals is the tT X , whose values in a real signal was within
Satellite Vehicle (SV) IDs which were both in-view real time the standard 100 ms of the tRX throughout the test, while fake
and transmitted by the spoofer as well [10, 20, 32]. The overall signals had tT X and tRX difference values over 105 seconds.
satellite skyplot during the test is shown in Figure 3. This naturally gives a hugely and unrealistic pseudorange
value for the fake satellite. Nevertheless, it has to be remarked
IV. R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS that no effect is experienced on the time provided, since the
This section is roughly divided based on the effect of the connected device is kept synchronised to the communication
spoofing described in Section III-C on GPS L1 GNSS raw network infrastructure (cellular or Wi-FI).
Authorized licensed use limited to: Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Tech - HYDERABAD. Downloaded on August 21,2020 at 11:15:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
be speculated that the smartphones maintain their true position
with the help of multi-constellation, multi-frequency GNSS
capabilities along with network positioning and other sensors.
45 It is interesting to notice that S1 carries the Broadcom™ BCM
40 4774 chipset without dual frequency GNSS capabilities and it
35 is affected the most, comparatively.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Error in ECEF X coordinate
Fig. 5. Effect of Spoofing on AGC.
Error in ECEF Y coordinate
SV ID 16 Error in ECEF Z coordinate
SV ID 24
10 S3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 S2
Fig. 6. Comparison of Fake (SV ID 16) and Real (SV ID 24) satellite’s
C/N0 .
Fig. 8. Effect on Smartphone GNSS Position.
C. Effect on Common satellites
Figure 7 plots the effect of spoofing on the C/N0 , Pseudorange V. C ONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH
and Carrier phase measurements of a Common satellite (SV ID In this work, a portable GPS L1 spoofer was implemented
10) present among the live satellites and in the set of spoofed and a spoofing strategy was proposed for the calculation of
signals. It can be seen that the receiver does not acquire the intentionally misleading PVT solution on a GNSS receiver.
fake satellite signal with the same SV ID during the spoofing Comparative analysis is addressed on the performance of
timespan and only looses acquisition of the real signal. It modern commercial smartphones and it is comprehensively
reacquires the real satellite after spoofing stops as also seen seen that a simplistic spoofing attack is not fully successful on
by the carrier phase measurement. such smartphones in ope -sky conditions. Spoofer transmitted
satellites though acquired, are not used by the smartphone
40 GNSS receivers except in the case of overlapping satellites
SPOOFING TIMESPAN where they are not present in the set of already acquired
10 signals. The spoofer acted more as an interference agent to
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
the smartphones in the L1 band and their GNSS receiver
clocks are not affected by it. The effect of a longer duration
of spoofing than presented in this paper and multi-frequency
(L1 and L5) spoofer implementation are to be seen. This
suggests that a proper attack should implement as well an
initial jamming phase before presenting the fake signals to the
receiver for acquisition. An important follow up of this work
is the development of an intermediate portable spoofer to gain
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
success in spoofing modern day smartphones and then develop
proper counter measures since such spoofers are already a
reality today.
Fig. 7. Common Satellite (SV ID 10) analysis.
D. Effect on smartphone GNSS position estimation.
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