Youtubers: Warm Up
Youtubers: Warm Up
Youtubers: Warm Up
Expemo code:
1 Warm up
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
2 Focus on vocabulary
1. view (n) a. someone who has chosen, or paid money, to receive content from a
2. found (v) b. an occasion of something being watched online
4. revenue (n) d. the money that a company receives from selling things
5. conduct (v) e. to start to own something because you have bought it or have been
given it
6. host (v) f. to do or organize things such as experiments or surveys
Language tip
Sometimes words look the same but are pronounced differently. Let’s look
at two sentences that use the word conduct:
• You need to think about safety before you conduct science experiments.
• The football player was given a red card for his bad conduct on the field.
Part B: Write the correct word or phrase from Part A in each sentence.
7. Universities a survey and found out that playing video games can be good for you.
1. Listen and write down how many subscribers each YouTuber has and how much revenue they
made last year.
2. Listen again and write notes about what each YouTuber does.
Part 1: Look at the vocabulary and put each item in the correct category.
job industry
Part 2: Now, look at these job descriptions and match them to the correct job title.
Would you be interested in doing any of these jobs or working in these industries?
5 Reading part A
You are going to read the first part of a magazine article called Do you want to be a YouTuber?
Why do you think parents prefer their children to get jobs in more traditional industries?
1. because parents think there are more traditional jobs available
2. because parents aren’t comfortable with technology
3. because parents know that not every child can become famous
1. Think about the average 10-year-old. If you asked technology in their future jobs as video game
one 50 years ago what they wanted to be when they designers, software engineers, web developers, or
grew up, they might have said they wanted to be a even broadcasters. This may cause some battles with
doctor or a teacher. If you had asked them 30 years parents who see their sons and daughters as future
ago, they might have wanted to be an astronaut or a lawyers, teachers, and doctors.
musician. What do you think most kids want to be
4. According to the NSPCC (a UK-based children’s
charity founded over a hundred years ago), one
2. Well, the answer depends on where you live, but problem is that parents don’t know how to develop
a survey conducted by the toymaker, LEGO, has their child’s digital skills. This is often due to a
announced that the most popular future profession lack of knowledge or fears that the internet is not
for kids in the US and the UK is a YouTuber! a safe place to be. However, with more and more
This is supported by the British communications jobs requiring candidates to be familiar with digital
company O2, which asked teenagers the same products, some parents are starting to encourage
question. Both age groups dream of future careers their children to focus more on tech, and this includes
in technology, including in areas such as animation, allowing them to become famous on YouTube.
artificial intelligence, and, of course, video.
Sources: The Independent, BBC
3. Young people today are comfortable with different
types of tech and gadgets and want to use this
6 Reading comprehension
Look at the statements below. Read the article again and decide if the statements are true (T), false
(F), or not given (NG). Find and discuss the answers with a classmate.
3. Parents would prefer their children to follow more traditional career paths.
7. time management (noun) g. the ability to use your imagination or a skill to produce
something new or artistic
8. promote (v) h. very special or unusual
Do you want to be a YouTuber? We spoke to the famous YouTuber Jamie D who gave us some advice.
1. What type of advice do you think Jamie D will give to the magazine’s readers?
2. What skills or qualities will he say you need?
Now, look at this piece of advice from Jamie D about becoming a YouTuber.
Using a maximum of five words, write down what you need to do to become a YouTuber.
You will be given one piece of advice. Read the advice and remember it. Share the advice in groups.
Write notes in the table below with all the advice that Jamie D gives to become a YouTuber.
advice ranking
9 Project/optional extension
Option 1: Imagine you have a world-famous YouTube channel. Write an article (150 words) about
your channel. Include:
Option 2: Look at the topics below and discuss which you would like to do or talk about on your own
YouTube channel.
beauty gaming
fashion stunts
experiments music
dance sports