Combinepdf Removed
Combinepdf Removed
Combinepdf Removed
1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Combine the two sentences, using a participle
sentences. clause.
0 Having chosen / Choosing a colour she liked, 0 I’m walking around the building. I can see several
Abigail started painting her bedroom. interesting features.
1 We went to the wrong entrance of the art gallery, Walking around the building, I can see several
having received / receiving incorrect information. interesting features.
2 The piano was very heavy, but I lifted it, using / 1 We packed our rucksacks lightly. We walked
having used all my strength. quickly along the mountain trail.
3 Doing / Having done his homework, Oliver _______________________________________
packed away his books and started reading _______________________________________
a comic. 2 I thought I was lost. I quickly looked at the map
4 Knowing / Having known you like chocolate, on my phone.
I’ve baked you a chocolate cake. _______________________________________
5 We booked our holiday and made all the _______________________________________
arrangements, eventually deciding / 3 I was in a hurry. I asked Jeff for a lift in his car.
having decided where we wanted to go. _______________________________________
___ / 5 _______________________________________
4 We decided to leave. We realised it was late.
2 Complete the text with the correct form of the _______________________________________
verbs from the box. Use participle clauses. _______________________________________
check enjoy enter swim think 5 The school failed to build a new sports hall. The
train school arranged to share facilities with a local
0 Having entered the main pool building at 7 p.m. sports club.
by the pool clock, Judith dived into the swimming _______________________________________
pool. 1 _____________________ slowly at first, _______________________________________
Judith started to build up speed. ___ / 5
2 _____________________ about the national
1 Choose the correct option to complete 2 Complete the second sentence in each pair so
the sentences. that it means the same as the first. Use the
0 My brother can’t / might have left his suitcase in word in bold. Write between two and five
the car. Let’s check to see. words.
1 You would / must have taken a wrong turning 0 I wonder where the actors have gone.
back there because we are lost. MIGHT
2 Dad is late. Might he stay / have stayed at the Where might the actors have gone?
office to finish some work? 1 The students had the chance to cheat, but we
3 Delia mustn’t / couldn’t have put any sugar in can’t assume they did.
these biscuits because they aren’t sweet! MIGHT
4 The company was accused of selling the data, The students ____________________________
but they could have lost / lose it in a computer during the test, even though they had the chance.
glitch. 2 I can’t find my wallet. I’m sure I lost it at the
5 We should phone John and tell him the news market.
because he may not / mustn’t have checked his LOST
email today. I can’t find my wallet. I _____________________
6 The babysitter would put / have put the kids to __________________________ it at the market.
bed half an hour ago. There’s no need to check. 3 The fire eaters obviously weren’t at the
She’s very reliable. performance. You would remember them!
7 Don’t be angry with Timothy yet. He might not / BEEN
wouldn’t have broken that window. The fire eaters __________________________
8 Eva looks really scared. She must have seen / at the performance. You would remember them!
see something at the castle. 4 We’re not sure that the last visitors have left the
9 Mum might / would have written this note telling monument. We’d better go and see.
us to buy food. I know her handwriting. Let’s go NOT
to the shop. The last visitors __________________________
10 Pete and Sue mustn’t / can’t have been to the _______ the monument. We’d better go and see.
ruins. They said they would send us a photo and 5 We assume the tour group brought their own
they haven’t. food, so we don’t have to worry about feeding
___ / 10 them.
The tour group ___________________________
___________________________ their own food,
so we don’t have to worry about feeding them.
___ / 5
TOTAL ___ / 15
1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words
sentences. formed from the words in bold.
0 I’m feeling sad. Can you tell me a gag / routine and 0 Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin composed
make me laugh? classical (CLASS) music, which I like best.
1 I’m rubbish at telling jokes. Nobody laughs when 1 There are too many ____________ (CHEESE)
I deliver / send the punchline. jokes in some TV comedies: they are simple and
2 Dragons, wizards and unicorns create a magic / unoriginal.
magical atmosphere in the exciting new fantasy 2 The Jazz Singer was the first talking movie and it
film. was a ____________ (HISTORY) event in cinema.
3 The question that the journalist asked was so 3 Mr Hendry’s retirement dinner is a serious
worthwhile / offensive that the city’s major refused occasion: make your speech ____________
to answer it. (TASTE).
4 The musical versions of even serious stories like 4 Amelia’s dance performance was ____________
Les Miserables are often lively / alive, with a lot of (EXCEPTION). I’ve never seen a better one.
dancing. 5 Rehearsals are ____________ (VALUE) practice
5 I love watching people open presents because of for live actors: they can’t manage without them.
the childish / childlike look of excitement they often ___ / 5
have. TOTAL ___ / 15
___ / 5
___ / 5
6 Complete the text with the correct form of I grew up dreaming of becoming an actor. Hoping
the words in brackets. I’d grow out of this phase, my parents didn’t actively
discourage me from taking part in our school plays
Music has a very 0 powerful (POWER) effect that might have been a bit cheesy in places, but
on our emotions. Not only does it make us were certainly entertaining. When I was in my final
feel good, but it also boosts the year at school, I applied for a place on a performing
1 ______________ (ENJOY) of doing
arts course, as I thought it would give me the
monotonous tasks, such as running. But why chance to learn new skills. I’ll never forget my
does it make us feel this way? father’s face when I told him. He couldn’t hide his
2 ______________ (PRESUME), listening to
surprise as he had thought I’d study accountancy or
pleasant music activates the areas in the business like my friends. He was genuinely
brain which release dopamine, a chemical concerned as he didn’t want me to get a worthless,
substance responsible for feelings of in his eyes, qualification that would lead nowhere
euphoria. Another question is why we are except to a lifetime of worrying about finances.
3 ______________ (PARTICULAR)
However, now both of my parents are proud to tell
impressed by a certain genre of music. In all all of their friends about the latest high profile show
4 ______________ (LIKELY), the roots of our
I’ve danced in!
musical preferences lie very deep in the
brain. Although research into this area is still
in its infancy, it might have important
5 ______________ (IMPLY) for the future of
___ / 5