Labour Welfare Notes Chapter 3
Labour Welfare Notes Chapter 3
Labour Welfare Notes Chapter 3
ACHIEVEMENTS (2009-2010) UP TO 31.12.2009
A. Development / Translation of Instructional Material
1. So far this institute has developed, printed and published 186 titles covering
26 trades in English.
2. 233 titles have been translated and published into Hindi, and other Regional
B. Development of Question Bank
7 trades completed & implemented, 6 trades are ready for trade testing and 5 trades
are under progress.
C. Awareness Training Programme
7 Awareness Programme have been conducted during the year 2009-10.
D. Revenue generation
395 lakhs revenue generated from sale of NIMI IMPS.
A. Development / Translation of Instructional Material
1. During this financial year 128 modules were developed.
2. So far this institute has developed, printed and published 31 titles covering
07 sectors and 29 titles covering 05 sectors are under progress in English.
3. 70 titles have been translated and published into Hindi, and other 6 Regional
A. Development / Translation of Instructional Material
134 titles have been developed and published. 101 titles have been developed and
ready for publication.
B. Development of Question Bank
258 courses have been developed.
C. Development of Terminal Competencies
374 courses have been developed.
D. Development of Video Instructional Programme
540 titles have been completed.
E. Translation of Instructional Material into Hindi & Other Regional Languages.
32 titles have been translated into Hindi and other Regional Languages.
TARGET FOR 2010-11
§ Instructional material development for 17 trades.
§ Translation into Hindi and other regional languages for 50 titles.
§ Development of Question Bank for 5 trades.
§ 8 Awareness Training Programme for 240 participants.
§ Development of Digitization of Instructional Material for 150 titles.
§ Development of E-Learning instructional Material for 6 trades.
§ Instructional material development for 36 modules.
§ Translation into Hindi and other regional languages for 50 modules.
§ Development of Question Bank for 6 sectors.
§ Development of Digitization of Instructional Material for 150 titles.
§ Development of E-Learning instructional Material for 6 trades.
§ Instructional material development for 69 courses.
§ Translation into Hindi and other regional languages for 50 Courses.
§ Development of Question Bank for 250 courses.
§ Development of Terminal Competencies for 424 courses.
§ Development of Video Instructional Programme for 30 courses.
§ Development of Digitization of Instructional Material. 200 courses.
§ Development of E-Learning instructional Material for 15 Courses.
The Income & Expenditure for the Corporation under various Major Heads and
budgeted outlay for the year 2010-2011 are as follows:
21. NET EXCESS OF 238362.72 (*) 168380.15
12 Staff strength
1 Medical Personnel 18402 19333 19817
2. Others 16882 17726 18169
Monitoring Mechanism :
A well developed monitoring mechanism exists in the Corporation both for financial and
physical target/outlay for variour items of the work as indicated below :
Monitoring in respect of item indicated at Sl. No. 1 is done by Joint Director (P&D) under
the control of Insurance Commissioner.
Monitoring in respect of item indicated at Sl. 5, 6, and 7 is done by Jt. Director (Construction)
under the control of Chief Engineer.
Monitoring in respect of item indicated at Sl. No. 8, 9 and 12 is done by Dy. Medical
Commissioner under the control of Medical Commissioner.
As it is evident from preamble of the Act, it has been made to provide for the
institution of provident funds, pension fund and deposit–linked insurance fund for employees
in factories and other establishments, the Act belongs to the class of labour and industrial
legislations. It has been enacted by the Parliament to achieve the objectives set in the Directive
Principle under Article 38 of the Constitution of India that state shall strive to minimising
the inequalities in income, status, facilities and opportunities; and under Article 43 that
“state shall endeavour to secure by way a suitable legislation or economic organisation or in
any other way, to all workers a living wages, conditions of work, ensuring a decent standard
of life and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities.”
Imbibing the spirit of the above referred constitutional provisions; the Act aims at
improving the social and economic conditions of the workers and also at promoting the
welfare of the labour force contributing to the national productivity.
1. To make the benefits available to all the eligible employees in all the covered
establishments in the proper manner and at the proper time.
4. To grant advances to the subscribers from their credit in the E.P.F. for certain
specific puroses in times of need.
5. To keep each subscriber informed about the amount at his credit in the Provident
Fund by furnishing to him every year a statement of Provident Fund accounts.
estimated to be received in respect of
unexempted establishment (Rs in crores)
Gross 23142.70 25887.58 27894.24
5. Settlement of P.F. Claims in respect of
unexempted estts.
a) No. of claims settled (in lakhs) 34.73 36.00 40.00
b) Amount Paid ( Rs in crores) 10038.57 11000.00 12000.00
6. Non-refundable advances (unexempted
a) No. of advances sanctioned (in lakhs) 3.22 4.00 4.50
b) Amount paid ( Rs in crores) 1642.48 1750.00 1900.00
7. Amount paid from Special Reserve
Fund (Recoverable) to
members in respect of defaulting
establishments (in lakh) 0.59 0.80 1.00
8. Arrears of (unexempted estts.)Provident Fund
a) No. of cases-RRC issued during the year 19111 20000 21500
b) Total amount of arrears at the end of 212.84 250.00 300.00
the year (in crores)
c) Amount recovered/likely to be 1354.10 1450.00 1550.00
recovered as a result of (b)
above (in crores)
d) Prosecution launched under Section 1280 1325 1400
9. Investment of Provident Fund
accumulation (exempted
and unexempted estts.) including
redemption and interest (in crores)
a) Unexempted 21473.69 26031.81 27104.66
b) Exempted 7536.51 8500.00 9000.00
10. No. of statements of accounts issued 584.93 650.00 725.00
(in lakhs)
(B) Employees' Pension Scheme 95
(Rs. in crore)
Sl. Description Actual for Estimates Estimates
No. 2008-09 for 2009- for 2010
10 11
1. Contributions Received
a. Employers Share (in crores) 9320.56 10500.00 12000.00
b. Govt.'s Share (in crores) 1167.22 *2185.14 1671.07
2. Amount Paid to the Beneficiaries
a. No. of claims settled (in lakhs) 26.59 28.00 30.00
b. Amount paid (in crores) 4790.78 5176.00 5539.25
* includes Estimated Current Year Contribution : Rs. 1462.18 Crore &
Arrears as on 31.03.2009 : Rs. 722.96 Crore
(C) Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 1976
Sl. Description Actual for Estimates Estimates
No. 2008-09 for 2009- for 2010
10 11
1. Contributions Received
Employers Share (in crores) 368.40 398.40 433.60
EPF Scheme, 1952 [including EPS, 1995]
(Rs in Crore)
Sl. Description Actual for Estimates Estimates
No. 2008-09 for 2009- for 2010
10 11
1. Income (Revenue Receipts) 1828.65 2129.11 2314.56
2. Expenditure
i. Revenue Expenditure 801.57 1397.65 1364.71
ii. Capital Expenditure 10.23 90.80 136.13
TOTAL (i + ii) 811.80 1488.45 1500.84
EDLI Scheme, 1976
(Rs in Crore)
Sl. Description Actual for Estimates Estimates
No. 2008-09 for 2009- for 2010
10 11
1. Income
Revenue Receipts 103.01 125.70 127.60
2. Expenditure
Revenue Expenditure 8.10 14.12 13.78
V.V.Giri National Labour lnstitute (WGNLI), an autonomous body of the Ministry
of Labour, Government of India, which was set up in July.1974, has grown into a premier
Institute of labour research and education. Since its inception, the Institute has endeavoured
through its research, training education and publications to reach out to diverse groups
concerned with various aspects of labour in the organised and the unorganised sectors. The
focus of such endeavours is the concern to transfer academic insights and understanding for
application to policy formulation and act on so as to ensure a just place for labour in an
egalitarian and democratic society
Research occupies a primary place in the activities of the Institute. The subject of
research comprises a broad spectrum of labour related problems in both the organised and
unorganised sectors. While determining the topics of research, care is also taken to identify
subjects and issues of current topical concern and policy relevance. The Institute continues
to place greater emphasis on the problems and issues of labour in the unorganised sector in
general and the more disadvantaged among these such as child labour, women labour, mi-
grant labour and rural labour in particular. Research activities also explore the basic needs
of different groups of trainees such as trade union leaders and organisers in both the organised
and unorganised sectors, managers of public and private sectors, labour administrators, and
volunteers of non-governmental organisations.
The Institute continued to bring out regular publications namely the Awards Di-
gests, Shram Vidhan, Labour and Development. In addition, several publications were also
brought out.
The Institute has been sanctioned Plan Grants-in-aid of Rs. 5.00 crores for the
year 2009-2010.
The training programmes use an appropriate mix of audio-visual presentation, lec-
tures, group discussions, case studies and behavioural science techniques. Apart from the
Institute’s faculty guest faculty are also invited to strengthen the training programmes.
The training activities of the Institute have increased substantially in the recent past
with the number of training programmes rising from 66 in 2000-2001 to 120 in 2008-2009.
A comprehensive resource bank on reading material has been set up and standarised reading
materials for all training programmes have been developed. The Institute offers education
and training to the following groups:
v Labour Administrators and officials of the Central and State Governments,
v Managers and Officers of the Public and Private Sector Industries,
v Trade Union Leaders and Organisers of the organised and unorganised sectors, and
v Researchers, Trainers, field workers and other concerned with labour issue.
During the year 2009-2010 the Institute has taken following initiatives:
v Networking with State Labour Institutes/other Institutes in conducting training
The Institute has taken a number of steps to institutionalise the networking mecha-
nisms with State Labour Institutes, CBWE and other institutions with similar objectives to
adequately attend the entire problems of labour giving due attention to Regional and Sectoral
disparity of the Labour Market. In view of this, the Institute in collaboration with Maharashtra
Institute of Labour Studies, State Labour Institute, Orissa, West Bengal,Tamil Nadu Insti-
tute of Labour Studies has been conducting training programmes on subjects like Labour
Law Enforcement, Convergence of Services on Child Labour etc.
v Emphasis on Health Issue Programmes
This is growing evidence which indicates that HIV/AID epidemic is having a significance
impact on the world of work. To evolve strategies for a wider participation of social partners
in the effort towards addressing these issues, the Institute has initiated organising training
programmes on Health Issues in the World of Work for various target groups such as trade
union leaders, NGOs and other social partners
v Emphasis on Capacity Building programmes
The Institute has initiated organising training programmes on Capacity Building of Re-
source Persons in the area of Child Labour, Leadership Development and Rural Labour.
The objective of these programmes are to prepare the resource persons who in turn would
impart training to their cadre so as to have multiplier effects.
v Exclusive programmes for North-east region.
The Institute lays great emphasis on these programmes, as there are inadequate training
faculties available in this region. It has been observed that in the area of Rural Development,
no major organised efforts have been made in this region. To fill this gap, the Institute has
decided to include these programmes every year in the training schedule.
v Customised In-house Programmes for large public and private sectors
The institute has been conducting inhouse training programmes for various public and
private enterprises. These programme are specifically designed for the client organisations
after assessing their training needs.
v Workshops/Seminars
VVGNLI has a dynamic publishing programme for dissemination of various labour
related information in general and its research findings and experiences in particular. In
Details of Training Programmes organised by the Institute during
April 2009- December 2009.
order to fulfill this task, the Institute brings out journals, occasional books and reports.
Some of the important periodicals are:
Labour and Development
Labour and Development is a bi-annual journal published by the Institute. The journal is
dedicated to advancing the understanding of various aspects of labour through theoretical
analysis and empirical investigations. The journal publishes articles of high academic quality
in the field of labour and related areas with emphasis on socio-economic, historical as well
as legal aspects and also publishes research notes and book reviews on themes particularly
in the context of developing countries.
Awards Digest : Journal of Labour Legislation
Awards Digest is a monthly journal which brings out summary of latest case laws in
the field of labour and industrial relations. It includes articles, amendments of Labour laws,
know your labour laws consumer price index for industrial workers and other relevant
information of labour.
Shram Vidhan
Shram Vidhan is a bi- monthly Hindi journal which bring out on the basis of Awards
Digest with almost same contents.
A bi-monthly Newsletter (English & Hindi)
NLI Research Studies Series
The research output of the Institute is disseminated mainly through NLI Research Studies
Series. The research Studies brought out as NLI Research Studies Series during the period
April 2009 to December 2009 .
86/09 Working Women in Urban India: Concerns and Challenges – Shashi Bala & Seema
· Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
· Bibliographical Service
· On-line Search
· Article-Indexing of Journals
· Reprographic Service
· CD-ROM Search
· Audio/Visual Service
· Lending Service
The NRDRCLI also houses a separate Documentation Centre on Child Labour.
Group A
Director 1
Faculty 9
Officers 3
Group B 7
Group C 17
Group D 25
Total 62
The training courses for development of leadership qualities among the workers
are being conducted at the Regional /Sub-Regional Directorates. During the period under
report, 63 Personality Development Programmes were conducted in which 1506
activists of trade unions participated.
Unit Level
During the period 2009-2010 (April 2009 to Dec., 2009) 2086 workers were
trained in 77 sessions of unit level classes.
Quality of Life Programmes
The quality of life programmes of 2/4 days duration in organized sector has
been conducted for the workers and their spouses to change the attitudes, for better
relations between them and also to develop/create awareness in their lives about
importance of health, hygiene & nutrition, environmental cleanliness and productivity
consciousness so that the workers are prepared to accept the changes.
During the session April 2009 to Dec., 2009 under report 41 quality of life
programmes were conducted and 1438 workers were trained in organized sector.
Need Based Seminar
The Board is conducting Need Based Seminar of 2/5 days duration at the Re-
gional /Sub-Regional Directorates for the workers as per the specific needs of the indus-
tries for the improving the productivity and the work culture within the industry. During
the period April 2009 to Dec., 2009 the board has conducted 359 Need Based
Seminars and trained 9979 workers.
Self Generation of Funds Progrmmes
During the period under report (April, 2009 to Dec, 2009) the Board has trained
10853 workers in 555 courses of one /two/three days duration through at regional
Special Programmes/Seminars
As a Special components for North East Region, 13 Programme for
the Trade
Union Activists of North - East Region were conducted in which 375
participants were trained among them 51 participants to generate the awareness
about HIV-AIDS.
Programmes for Small Scale/Unorganised Sector /Weaker Sections Workers
The workers belonging to unorganised sector and small scale industries, by and
large, are unaware of their rights and entitlements under the various labour laws, their
corresponding obligations for organization, protective provisions at work place such as health,
safety and welfare, minimum wages etc. Since these workers are scattered in small industrial
units, their organizations are weak so as to have the required collective bargaining strength.
The Board has been organizing two-day/four-day camps for the workers of
unorganized / small scale sector and weaker sections since 1979. The participants of the to
unorganized / small scale sector camps belong to industries such as Handloom, Powerloom,
Khadi and Rural industries, Coir, Small Scale Industries, Industrial Estates, Handicrafts,
Sericulture, Beedi making, Glass, Brass and Slate Making Industries etc. Similarly the
participating weaker section workers belong to Women Workers, Child Workers, Young
Workers, Handicapped Workers, Construction Workers, Head Load Workers, Rickshaw
Drivers, Stone Quarry Workers, Contract Workers & others. The objective of these
programmes is to create awareness in the workers about their rights and obligations, their
problems, protective labour laws at work place, various welfare schemes of Govt., combating
social evils etc. and to help them to find out solutions to their problems and to equip them
in developing their own organizations.
During the year 2009-2010 (By Dec. 2009) 417 camps were conducted in
which 16781 workers participated. These camps were conducted at the places having
Regional and Sub-Regional Directorates or at Semi-Urban places after identifying the
functional needs of the target group. The Category wise break up of the workers
trained in these camps is given below :-
Workers Trained in Unorganised Sector During 2009-2010 ( By Dec. ,
Camps for Workers in Stone Quarries and Stone Crushers
In response to the judgment of the Supreme Court of India, the Regional Directorate,
Faridabad conducted educational camps for stone quarries and stone crusher workers in
Faridabad region. From April, 2009 to Dec., 2009, the board organized 12 such
camps for 478 workers.
Courses for Workers of Weaker Sections
The Board conducted 42 programmes for 1595 for the workers belonging to
weaker sections during April to Dec., 2009. The course content were flexible and each
course was formulated taking into account the functional needs of the particular group of
workers. Stress was laid on creating awareness in the participants about rights and
obligations. Importance of organization, functional upgradation, schemes for betterment
including welfare legislation, combating social evils, family budget were some other
topics discussed in these courses. The Category-wise break-up of the workers trained
these programmes areas under :
Category - wise Break-up
Rural Sector
The Board has started Rural Workers Education Programmes since 1977. It covers
landless labour, tribal workers, agricultural workers, marginal farmers, fisheries labour, ru-
ral artisans, forest labour and educated unemployed youth in rural areas.
During the period April 2009 to Dec., 2009 the board has conducted 871
programmes for 34375 workers through Rural Awareness Camps of 2 days duration
and Empowerment Camp of 4 days duration and One day Re-training Programme in
Women Workers
During the period under report 90722 Women Workers have been trained in
different training programmes of the Board.
Literature & Visual Aids
During the year 2009-2010 by Dec. 2009 the Board has brought out 2
booklets in Hindi/ English and Regional Language as per the details below :
1) Reading & Analysing a Balance Sheet
2) Industrial Welfare
Pictorial Booklets
(Hindi/English & Regional Language)
During the year 2009-2010 by December 2009 the Board has brought out 2
Booklet in different topics in Hindi/ English and Regional Language as per the details
below :
1) Minimum Wages (in six languages :
(Gujarathi/ Tamil/ Telugu/Bengali/Assamese and Manipuri)
2) Why Safety ( in Hindi/English)
Cover designs/illustrations for all booklets, Annual Report, Quarterly Journals and
other publications brought out by the Board during the period under report were pre-
CBWE News and Samachar
The CBWE News in English for the month of November and December,2009
have been uploaded on the website of CBWE.
The Board gives financial assistance to the extent of (90%) of the total admissible
expenditure to the registered trade unions and societies for conducting short-term programmes
of 3-7 days duration. Since introduction of Grants-in-aid Scheme i.e. from 1960 till
Dec., 2009, an amount of Rs. 24,290,501.62 was paid by the Board to 1389 unions/
institutions which trained 672163 workers. During the period under report (By December
2009 the Board paid Rs. 6,01602 as grant and the grantee organizations trained 4719
Financial requirements : (Rupees in Crores)
Actual Budget Estimates Revised Budget Estimates
Expenditure 2009-2010 Estimates 2010-2011
2008-2009 2009-2010
Plan 9.71 9.00* 15.95 29.83
Non-Plan 28.00 25.08 53.68 43.69
* Rs. 9.31 (Rs. 93050000) has been incurred over and above the actual receipt
of grants under Non-Plan from the Ministry up to December 09. The excess amount of
Rs. 9.31 crore has been barrowed from the SGF account of the CBWE and needs to be
recouped immediately on receipt of Revised Estimate Allotment from the Ministry. Actual
receipt upto December 2009 is Rs. 18.76 crore which includes Rs. 75 lakhs received in
the month of March 2009 as working balance for making payment of salary for the
month of March 2009 paid in April 2009.
Actual Estimated Likely Achievements Proposed
Programmes Achievements Stage 2009-2010