ITGY403 Lesson 1
ITGY403 Lesson 1
ITGY403 Lesson 1
Data analysis is the process of identifying, cleaning, transforming and modelling data
(structured or unstructured) in order to get useful insights to support the critical decision-
making process.
• Every day we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data - 90% of the data in the world
today has been created in the last two years alone.
• This data comes from everywhere: sensors used to gather climate
information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase
transaction records, and mobile phone GPS signals to name a few. Such data
has been described as the “oil” of the 21st Century digital economy.
• It’s a common misconception that data analysis and data analytics are
the same thing. However, the generally accepted distinction is:
• Data analytics is the broad field of using data and tools to make business
• Data analysis, a subset of data analytics, refers to specific actions.
• Data analytics includes all the steps you take, both human- and machine-
enabled, to discover, interpret, visualize, and tell the story of patterns in
your data in order to drive business strategy and outcomes.
Data analytics can help you:
• Find trends
• Uncover opportunities
• Predict actions, triggers, or events
• Make decisions
What is Data Analytics?
Data analytics is systematic, consisting of many computational and management steps.
Experts stress the word “systematic”. Being systematic is vital because data analytics uses
many different activities and draws on all types and sizes of data sources.
• Many subject areas comprise data analytics, including:
• data science,
• machine learning, and
• applied statistics.
• One tangible result of a data analytics practice is likely well-planned reports that use
data visualization to tell the story of the most salient points so that the rest of the
business who are not data experts can understand, develop, and adapt their strategies.
• Think of the many ways data analytics can highlight areas of opportunity for your
• Using facts, not guesses, to understand how your customers engage might mean you change your
sales or marketing processes. A bakery might use its data to realize its demand for bread bowls
increases in the winter—which means you don’t need to discount the prices when demand is high.
• An increase in cyberattacks might mean you need to take proactive preventative measures.
• Data from a variety of IoT devices in a certain environment, such as your server room, a
power station, or a warehouse, could indicate whether you are providing the safety
and reliability you need at the lowest cost possible.
Processes in data analytics
The data analytics practice encompasses many separate processes,
which can comprise a data pipeline:
• Collecting and ingesting the data
• Categorizing the data into structured/unstructured forms, which might also
define next actions
• Managing the data, usually in databases, data lakes, and/or data
• Storing the data in hot, warm, or cold storage
• Performing ETL (extract, transform, load)
• Analyzing the data to extract patterns, trends, and insights
• Sharing the data to business users or consumers, often in a dashboard or via
specific storage
Processes in data analytics
What is data analysis?
• Data analysis consists of cleaning, transforming, modeling, and questioning data
to find useful information. Consider data analysis one slice of the data analytics
pie. (It is generally agreed that other slices are other activities, from collection to
storage to visualization.)
• The act of data analysis is usually limited to a single, already prepared dataset.
You will inspect, arrange, and question the data. Today, in the 2020s, a software
or “machine” usually does a first round of analysis, often directly in one of your
databases or tools. But this is augmented by a human who investigates and
interrogates the data with more context.
• When done with analyzing a dataset, other data analytics activities are used to:
• Give others access to the data
• Present the data (ideally with data visualization or storytelling)
• Suggest actions to take based on the data
• A vital point of data analysis is that the analysis already captures data, meaning
data from the past.
Type of data analysis
There are many types of data analysis techniques. Here are the most well-
• Text analysis. This is also referred to as Data Mining. This method discovers a
pattern in large form data sets using databases or other data mining tools.
• Statistical analysis. This analysis answers “What happened?” by utilizing past data
in dashboard form. Statistic analysis involves the collection, analysis,
interpretation, presentation, and modeling of data.
• Diagnostic analysis. This analysis answers “Why did it happen?” by seeking the
cause from the insights discovered during statistical analysis. This type of analysis is
beneficial for identifying behavior patterns of data.
Type of data analysis
• Predictive analysis. This analysis suggests what is likely to happen by utilizing
previous data. The predictive analysis makes predictions about future outcomes
based on the data.
• Prescriptive analysis. This type of analysis combines the insights from text,
statistical, diagnostic, and predictive analysis to determine the action(s) to take in
order to solve a current problem or influence a decision.
• The next big paradigm shift will be towards Cognitive Analytics which
will exploit the massive advances in High Performance Computing by
combining advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
techniques with data analytics approaches.
Data Analysis Approaches
• Several people said that they aren’t concerned if us non-data experts use
the terms interchangeably.