As Sing Ment
As Sing Ment
As Sing Ment
First and for most, thanks for God and The group members, suggestion and helpful comments
during the preparation of research proposal. Finally, the like to thanks all group members contributes
their support on one or the other way to accomplish this research proposal paper.
1 .1 Back ground of the study.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 statement of the problem.......................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective of the study............................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective...............................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................................2
1.3. 4. significance of the study...................................................................................................................3
1.4 scope OF the study................................................................................................................................3
1.6. Organization of the paper.....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER – TWO..........................................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................................................................5
2. THEORETICAL LITERATURE......................................................................................................................5
2.1 Financial performance analysis..............................................................................................................5
2.2 Definition Of Financial Statement..........................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Financial statements of the company.............................................................................................6
2.3 Standards for Financial Performance Analysis.......................................................................................7
2.4 Financial Statement Analysis.................................................................................................................9
2.4.1 Horizontal Analysis.........................................................................................................................9
2.4.2 Vertical Analysis..............................................................................................................................9
2.4.3 Trend Analysis...............................................................................................................................10
2.4.4. Ratio Analysis...............................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER - THREE......................................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................15
3.1. Area of the study................................................................................................................................15
3.2. Research design..................................................................................................................................15
3.3. Population and sampling...................................................................................................................15
3.4. Data type and sources........................................................................................................................16
3.5. Method of data collection..................................................................................................................16
3.6. Method of analaysis...........................................................................................................................17
3.7. Method of data presentation.............................................................................................................17
3.8. Time Budget.......................................................................................................................................17
3.9. Cost Budget........................................................................................................................................18
The three fundamental accounting statements are the income statements, the balances sheets and the
statement of retained earnings. The analysis of these statements combined with the preparation and
analysis of related financial statements is called financial statement analysis.This type of analysis
allows managers investors, creditors as well as potential investors and creditors to reach conclusions
about the recent and current financial status of a corporation (Raymond p. Neveu 1985).
We must measure what we expect to manage and accomplish. Without measurement, we have no
reference to work with and thus, we tend to operate in dark. One way of establishing references and
managing financial affairs of an organization is to use ratios. Rations are simply relationships
between two financial balances or financial calculations (Matt H. Evans, 2000).
Analyzing financial statements involves evaluating three characteristics of a company. Its liquidity,
its profitability and its solvency. When the company lends its money it should consider the ability of
the borrower to pay obligations when they come due for safety of a loan. Profitability and solvency
indicate the firm’s ability to survive over a long period of time (Wey Gandt, Kieso, Kimmel, 1998).
understandable. The users of financial statements were managers, investors, lenders and
governmental bodies are forerunners (pinches, 1994).
Correct decision making depends on accurate information but information is not enough by
themselves and need to be analyzed. Since the motives of any business organization is seeking
profit, it is important to show the company’s profit over the past few years and identify those
problems affecting its profitability. The company’s current assets are the primary source of funds
needed to repay current and maturing financial obligations, lack of liquidity implies inability to meet
its current obligations and that leads to lack of credibility among suppliers and creditors. Asset
management is the coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets. And it
involves the balancing of costs, opportunities and risks against the desired performance of assets, to
achieve the organizational objectives. If too many funds are tied up in certain types of assets that
could be more productivity employed elsewhere, the firm is not profitable as it should be. This
research proposal are going to address the knowledge gap that means most of the previous
researches were done only aggregate levels of the organization performance due to this the
researcher will focuses at the particular levels of the organization in order to address the financial
performance analysis of the specific company that is Harar brewery company.
• To evaluate how well the company is managing and utilizing its assets.
• Does the financial performance of Harar brewery Share Company show improvement over
the past five years?
Indentify financial strengths and weaknesses and evaluate financial performance in relation to
the industry performance as a whole, and acquire useful information concerning competitors.
Historical financial ration analysis can be used as an effective preliminary step in preparing a
budget or in making a forecast.
Evaluating a proposal sale, merger, or acquisition. Determine the financial strengths and
weaknesses of the company and ultimately the transaction.
A greater awareness of financial statements and their interrelationship can led to improved
profitability and cash flow. Leah @ Bently CG.Com
2.2 Definition Of Financial Statement
Financial statement is a formal record of the financial activities of a business, parson or other entity.
For a business enterprise all relevant financial information presented in structured manner and
inform easy for understand are called financial statement. It study and addresses the way in which
individual business and organization raise, allocate and use in monetary resources over time taking
in to account the risks entailed in their project. So financial statements is a collection of data
organized according to consistent accounting procedures, which provide information about the
business for outside users and managers (pinches 1994).
Balance sheet provides a summary of the financial position of a company at a particular date. It lists
a company’s assets, liabilities and owner’s equity. Assets and liabilities are usually classified as
either current or long term.
The income statement shows the major sources of revenue generated and the expenses associated
with those revenue. The difference between revenues and expenses is net income/Net loss.(Albrecht,
Karl Stice, Stile, Skousen, 2002).
A financial statement outlining the changed in retained earnings for a specified period is statement
of retained earnings. It is prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). The statement of retained earnings reconciles the beginning and the ending
retained earnings for the period, using information such as net income from the other financial
statements. Investopedia explains this statement can appear as a separate statement or as an
inclusion on either a balance sheet or an Income statement. It can be known as statement of owners
equity or statement of stock holders equity (www. Investopedia.Com).
Shareholders and Investors: These parties use financial information to help decide on portfolio of
securities that meets their performance for risk return, dividend yield and liquidity.
Managers and Employees: Although managers make operating and financial decision based on
information that is much more operating, detailed and timely than information found in financial
Lenders and suppliers:- Financial statement plays several roles in the relationship between the
company and those who supply financial capital. Commercial lender (Bank, insurance company and
pension fund) use financial information to decide the loan amount, contractual provision to the
borrower to maintain a minimum level of working capital interest coverage or other key accounting
variables that provide a safety net to the lender.
Customers: repeated purchases and product guarantees create continuing relationship between
company and its customers.
Government and regulatory agency: uses financial ratios information for various purposes:
This standard deals with the comparison of a company’s financial measures or ratios over a period
of time. Such comparison will give the analyst at least some basis for judging whether a measure or
ration is improving or deteriorating. It may also be helpful in showing future trends. However
because trends reverse at times, predictions about them must be made with care.
Another problem with basing an evaluation on historical or past performance is that performance
that was adequate in the past may not be adequate in the present or in the future. The researcher used
this standard to analyze the financial performance Harar Brewery Company.
Industry norms is one way of making up for the limitations of using past performance or historical
standard. Such norms tell how a company’s performance compares with the average performance of
other companies in the same industry. Although it has the above advantages over the historical
standard it has limitations. First, two companies that seem to be in the same industry may not be
strictly comparable. Second, most large companies today operate in more than one industry. Third,
companies with similar operations in the same industry may use different acceptable accounting
These standards saw financial ratios as that the management of a given company set as goals. These
are plans of the company and standards against which actual financial ratios are compared.
This standards deals when financial key ratios are employed by many financial analysts,investors
and lenders. Although such measures may suggest areas that need further investigation, there is no
proof that the specified levels are the best for every company.
2. To quantify many aspects of a business and are integral part of the business financial
statement.(www.enotes .com)
2.4 Financial Statement Analysis
Financial statement analysis involves the examination of both the relationships among financial
statement numbers and the trends in those numbers over time. One purpose of financial statement
analysis is to use the past performance of a company to predict how it will do in the future. Another
purpose of financial statement analysis is to evaluate the performance of a company with an eye
toward identifying problem areas. Financial statement analysis is both diagnosis, identifying where a
firm has problems, and prognosis, predicting how a firm will perform in the future.(Albrecht, Stice,
Karlstic, Skousen, 2002)
Tools of the financial performance (statement) analysis that are widely used are horizontal analysis,
vertical analysis and Ratio analysis.
2.4.2 Vertical Analysis
In vertical analysis, percentages are used to show the relationship of different part to a total in a
single statement. The analyst sets a total figure in the statement equal to 100% and computes
each components percentage of that total. (The total figure would be total assets or total
liabilities and stockholders’ equity on the balance sheet, and Net revenues or net sales on the
income statements). The resulting statements of percentages is called a common-size statement.
Vertical analysis useful for comparing the importance of specific components in the operation of
a business. Also, comparative common-size statements can be used to identify important changes
in the company’s financial statement components form one year to the next. Common-size
statements are often used to compare the operating and financing characteristics of two
companies of different size in the same industry.
2.4.3 Trend Analysis
A variation of horizontal analysis is Trend analysis in which percentage changes are calculated
for several years instead of two years. Trend analysis, with long-run view, is important because it
may point to basic changes in the nature of a business. In addition to comparative financial
statements, most companies present a summary of operations and data about other key indicators
for five or more year. Trend analysis uses an index number to show changes in related items over
a period of time.
calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
B. Quick or Acid test ratio: is a very stringent than current ratio. It is calculated by
deducting inventories from current assets and then dividing the remainder by current
and sundry debtors.
The inventory period is the period that elapses between the purchase of raw materials and the
sale of finished goods. And the Accounts receivable period or sundry debtors’ period is the
period that elapses between the dates the (credit) sales and the date of realization on the sale
The Accounts payable period is the time that elapse between the date the raw materials are
received on credit and the date when the payment is made.
Operating cycle is therefore, equal to the inventory period plus the accounts receivable period.
D. Fixed Assets Turnover ratio: this ration measures how effectively the firm uses its plant
and equipment. (Satish B. Mathur, 2003)
E. Total Assets Turnover ratio: It measures the turnover of all the firm’s assets it is
calculated by dividing sales by total assets.
12 Profitability ratios
Profitability ratios show the combined effects of liquidity, asset management, and debt on
operating results:
A. Profit margin on sales: The profit margin on sales, is calculated by dividing Net income
by sales, give the profit per dollar of sales.
B. Operating profit margin : This ratio shows the amount that the firm remained with some
percentage of Net sales after covering it cost of goods sold and all operating expenses.
C. Net profit Margin ratio: It show the amount of Net income that the firm earned per birr of
Net sales.
D. Return on total assets ratio: This ratio measures the return on total assets (ROA) after
interest and taxes.
E. Return on common equity ratio: It measures the return on common equity or the rate of
return on stockholders’ investment.
Managers: These employer ratios to help analyze, control and thus improve there firms
Credit analysts, such as bank loan officers or bond rating analysts, who analyze rations to
help ascertain a company’s ability to pay its debts.
Stock analysts, who are interested in a company’s efficiency, risk and growth prospects.
Advantages of Financial Ratio Analysis
Ratios are easy to compute
Rations provide standards of comparison at a point in time
Ration can be used to analyze company’s time series in order to discover trends, shifts in
trends and value.
Rations are useful in identifying problem areas of a company.
Ration are tools to evaluate the company’s financial performance
Limitations of Financial Ratio analysis
1. They provide very little information that is useful
2. They do not identify the causes for difficulty that the company faced
3. Ratios can be misinterpreted
4. Firms sometimes employ “window dressing” technique to make their financial statements
look longer.
5. Seasonal factors can destroy (distort) a ration analysis.
6. It is difficult to generalize about whether a particular ration is “good” or “bad”
7. Different accounting practices can distort comparisons
8. Many large firms operate different divisions in different industries and for such
companies it is difficult to develop a meaningful set of industry averages for comparative
purposes: (Brigham, Gapenski, Michael,)
9. A firm may have some ration the look like good and other look bad making it difficult to
tell whether the company is on balance strong or weak.
All individual of interest to research are called population (Alan & kaufman 2005). Population is also
define as the entire collection of individual from which the researcher collects data. It is the entire group
that the researchers is interested in (Jackson,2008). The target population in this research is all the
consumer of harar beer residing in harar city.
3.3.2. Sampling
Harar has 19 sub cities out of this 3 subcities will select by using lottery method which means all the
items of the population are numbered on separate slips of paper of same size and they are folded and
mixed up in a container. The required numbers of slips are selected at random for the desire sample size.
Since, its impossible to cover all the sub cities this method will use , Aratagna, shewabar and Jin ’ella will
select for the research. And due to time and money constraints the researcher selecte randomly 3 bars and
restaurants from each sub city, which means totally 9 bars and restaurants which were considered as
having high customer flow and which will manageable for the researcher..
Sampling is the selection of fraction of total number of units of interest for the ultimate purpose of being
able to draw general conclusions about the entire body of unit (Parasuruman, 2004). In this study a non-
probability convenience sampling will adopt, where customers who happen to come to the bar &
restaurant with in the surveying period will select.
3.6. Method of analaysis
After the quantitative data will collect from the company financial statement, in order to describe
the real financial performance of the company, the researcher used descriptive analysis, because
of it describes, summarizes and presents the quantitative. Additionally different accounting tools
such as ratio analysis including liquidity, leverage, profitability and asset management ratio,
horizontal and vertical analysis.
1 Topic Selection X
2 Preparation of X
3 Collection of X
useful material
4 Data Collection X
5 Data Analysis and X X
writing of final
6 Submission of X
7 Presentation of X
final research
(birr) (birr)
1 Paper 90 2 180
2 Pen 3 25 75
3 Binding 1 6 6
5 Internet 4hr 10 40
8 Miscellaneous expense - 200 200
Total 921
7. Credit And Collections Management And Theory, Beckham And Foster, 1969
9. Www.Enotes.Com