This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
Application No. 61/527,486 filed Aug. 25, 2011, incorpo EMBODIMENTS
rated herein by reference in its entirety.
In the preferred embodiment, the lubricating oil formula
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10 tion comprises the following components: (1) hydrofine par
affinic distillate in an amount 10%-30% V/vi, (2) castor oil in
The invention relates generally to the field of lubrication, an amount 0%-40% V/vi, (3) linseed oil in an amount 0%-40%
and more generally, to the field of lubricating oil formula V/v; (4) aliphatic alcohol in an amount 10%-20% V/vi, and (5)
15 chlorinated paraffin in an amount 10%-30% V/vi, wherein the
component (2) and the component (3) together are present in
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION an amount 5%-40% V/v. In other words, the amount of com
ponent (2), added to the amount of component (3), is 5%-40%
A typical lubricating oil formulation (e.g. standard motor of the formulation V/v. Preferably, the castor oil and linseed
oil) has lubrication as its primary function, but it also per oil are present in a 1:1 ratio (by volume). The following table
forms a number of other functions that are vital to the life and shows three example formulations:
performance of fuel combustion engine. For example, in
applications such as the internal combustion engine (“ICE)
oil dissipates heat and makes parts run cooler; it helps to Component % Example 1 % Example 2 % Example 3
reduce engine noise; it combats rust and corrosion of metal 25 Hydrofine 2O 30 30
Surfaces; it acts as a seal for pistons, rings, and cylinder walls; Paraffinic
it combines with the oil filter to remove foreign substances distillate
from the engine. Castor oil
Linseed oil
When combustion occurs, temperatures can reach 2000 Aliphatic alcohol 2O 2O 2O
3000° F (1093-1648° C.), while pistons can easily reach a 30 Chlorinated 2O 10 2O
temperature of 1000° F (537° C.). The high heat load travels paraffin
down the connecting rods to the bearings. Oil in the crankcase
can reach 250 F. (121°C.) after warm-up and is supplied to Regarding the castor oil and linseed oil components, it will
the bearings at these temperatures. be appreciated that the polarity of ester molecules and acidic
There are a number of patent and non-patent references that 35 oils causes them to be attracted to one another and to other
describe the current state of the art of lubricating oil formu polar species, which has a direct impact on their performance.
lations. These include:
These substances exhibit low vapour pressures, low volatili
ties and high flash point. Because of their polar nature, they
U.S. Pat. No. 4,178,258 December, 1979 Papay et al. are excellent solvents, and are attracted to metal oxide layers
U.S. Pat. No. 4,360,438 November, 1982 Rown et al. 40 on the Surfaces of ICEs and the like, making them good
U.S. Pat. No. 4,846,983
U.S. Pat. No. 5,744,430
July, 1989
April, 1998
Ward, Jr.
Inoue et al.
boundary lubricants and friction modifiers. These molecules
U.S. Pat. No. 6,855,675 February, 2005 Yamada, et al. also have ester linkage with excellent thermal stability and
U.S. Pat. No. 6,884,761 April, 2005 Godici, et al. resistance to oxygen molecule attack under relatively high
U.S. Pat. No. 4,844,825 November, 1987 Sloan, et al. temperatures. They also have low viscosity, and high viscos
U.S. Pat. No. 4,131,551 December, 1978 Thompson 45 ity indices.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,228,021 October, 1980 Lenack Typical properties of these molecules are:
Synthetics, Mineral Oils, and Bio-Based Lubricants, Viscosity at 40°C. (cst) 4-30
Leslie R. Rudnick, CRC Press, 2005. Viscosity at 100° C. (cst) 1-6
Synthetic Lubricants and High Performance Functional 50
Viscosity Index 150-230
Fluids. Leslie R. Rudnick and Ronald L. Subkin, CRC Press Pour Point ( C.) -35 to +25
1999. Flash point (C.) 180-220
Chemistry and Technology of Lubricants, R.M. Mortier, S. Oxidative Stability Good
Biodegradability Excellent
T. Orzulik, Springer 1997.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Their Small sizes, combined with high polarities, make
them effective solvents. Blending them with polyolefins (e.g.
What is desired is a lubricating oil formulation showing hydrofine paraffinic distillate) improves solubility and causes
improvement in at least one of the following areas: lubricat the blend to act as a seal Swelling agent. Specifically, the
ing power, oxidation resistance, non-toxicity, boundary lubri 60 blend diffuses into the elastomer of seals in ICEs, causing
cation, friction modification, cooling and engine wall protec moderate expansion that improves seal performance. As well,
tion. castor and linseed oil molecules, having a high polarity and
Therefore, according to the invention, there is provided a thus a higher affinity for metal oxide surfaces, have a greater
lubricating oil formulation comprising the following compo tendency than less polar fluids (like mineral oils or synthetic
nents: (1) hydrofine paraffinic distillate in an amount 10%- 65 hydrocarbons) to form adsorbed layers. Thus, castor and lin
30% V/v; (2) castor oil in an amount 0%-40% V/vi, (3) linseed seed oil have lower boundary friction coefficients. In the
oil in an amount 0%-40% V/vi, (4) aliphatic alcohol in an preferred formulation, the polar head of these molecules is
US 9, 169,454 B2
anchored to the metal of surface of the ICE or other lubricated
object, while the hydrocarbon tail is left solubilized in the Specific Viscosity Vapor Flash Pour
lubricating oil formulation. Boiling Gravity (a) 20° C. pressure point Point
Type point C. (a)20° C. cSt (a100° C. o C. o C.
A benefit of the preferred form of the lubricating oil for Exxal 7 176 O.826 9.2 78 mmHg >60 <-65
mulation is that it does not impede the functionality of elas Exxal 8 193 O.833 13 27 >60 <-65
tomers with which it comes in contact. Thus, it does not make Exxal 9 215 O.836 17 16 >60 <-65
the elastomers soluble and prone to breakdown or loss of Exxal
224 O.838 21 8 >93 <-65
functionality, either by shrinkage or over-swelling. Exxal 254 O.844 38 5 >93 <-65
In one embodiment, the castor oil component comprises 10 12
Exxal 266 O.848 49 3 >93 <-65
87%-90% ricinoleic acid w/w, 5%-7% oleic acid w/w, 13
1%-3% linoleic acid w/w, 1%-2% palmitic acid w/w and 1%
Stearic acid w/w. In one embodiment, the linseed oil compo
nent comprises of 6% palmitic acid w/w, 3.5% stearic acid Aliphatic alcohol is added as an antioxidant, metal scav
wfw, 0.5% arachidic acid w/w, 19% oleic acid w/w, 24% 15 enger, anti-foaming agent and emulsion stabilizer. It also acts
linoleic acid w/w, 47% linolenic acid wifw. as a solvent with lubricating properties.
Optionally, the formulation may include one or more alkyl
The presence of paraffin oils (e.g. hydrofine paraffinic dis benzenes, such as Xylene or toluene, in an amount 0.1%-1%
tillate) in combination with polar based oils (such as castor V/v. It has been found that this additive functions to reduce
and linseed oils) offers greater oxidation resistance, reduced soot buildup inside the combustion chamber of the ICE, and
carbon sludge, effective operation at high temperatures, clean engine cylinders and Surrounding Surfaces.
increased lubricity, higher film strength and consequently, It will be appreciated that regarding the percent ranges
reduced wear friction. These paraffin oils compliment the given in relation to any component or ingredient, the compo
natural fatty acids in the polar oils by increasing the Viscosity nent or ingredient may be present in any specific amount
index of the lubricating oil formulation. Also, paraffinic oils 25 falling within that range, or within any Sub-range falling
are generally more compatible with elastomers and seals, and within that range.
offer greater resistance to water emulsification (e.g. if water The invention claimed is:
were to undesirably enter into an ICE). It has been found that 1. A lubricating oil formulation comprising the following
hydrofine paraffinic distillates sold under the FAXAM 22TM components: (1) hydrofine paraffinic distillate in an amount
trademark are well-suited for use in the formulation. 30 10%-30% v/v; (2) castor oil in an amount 0%-40% V/v; (3)
linseed oil in an amount 0%-40% V/vi, (4) aliphatic alcohol in
Preferably, the chlorinated paraffin ranges from Cs to Co. an amount 10%-20% V/vi, and (5) chlorinated paraffin in an
This component serves as a lubricant additive to improve the amount 10%-30% V/vi, wherein the formulation includes both
performance of the lubricating oil formulation under extreme component (2) and the component (3), present in a total
pressure in an ICE or the like. Preferably, the chlorinated 35 amount 5%-40% w/v.
paraffin component comprises mixed chlorinated paraffins 2. A lubricating oil formulation, wherein the chlorinated
blended in mineral oil, which improves the shelf life of this paraffin component comprises mixed chlorinated paraffins
component. CereclorTM brand has been found to be well from Cs to Co.
Suited for use in this formulation, and its typical properties are 3. A lubricating oil formulation of claim 1, wherein the
as follows: 40 castor oil and linseed oil are present in a 1:1 ratio by Volume.
4. A lubricating oil formulation as claimed in claim 1,
wherein the castor oil component comprises 87%-90% rici
Grade noleic acid w/w, 5%-7% oleic acid w/w, 1%-3% linoleic acid
A. B C D
w/w, 1%-2% palmitic acid w/w and 1% stearic acid w/w.
45 5. A lubricating oil formulation as claimed in claim 1,
Chlorine (% wt) 40 42 48 49 wherein the linseed oil component comprises of 6% palmitic
Density (a 25°C. 1.11 1.16 1.24 1.19 acid w/w, 3.5% stearic acid w/w, 0.5% arachidic acid w/w,
Viscosity (a)25°C. 0.7 25 28O O.8 19% oleic acid w/w, 24% linoleic acid w/w, 47% linolenic
(poise) acid wifw.
Viscosity (a)100° C. (cS) 4 32 70 4 50 6. A lubricating oil formulation as claimed in claim 1, the
Pour Point Approx. C. -40 -30 -15 -30 formulation further comprising one or more alkylbenzenes in
Stability 4 hour O.2 O.2 O.2 O.15 an amount of 0.1%-1% V/v.
(a)175° C.
(% HCl released) 7. A lubricating oil formulation as claimed in claim 6,
where the one or more alkylbenzenes comprise Xylene, tolu
55 ene, or a combination thereof.
Regarding the aliphatic alcohol component of the formu 8. A lubricating oil formulation as claimed in claim 1,
lation, it has been found that ExxalTM brand, produced by wherein the aliphatic alcohol comprises aliphatic alcohol
ExxonMobil, is well-suited for use in this formulation. Typi having a viscosity of 49 cSt at 20°C.
cal properties of aliphatic alcohols are: k k k k k