MAXIMO Investment
MAXIMO Investment
MAXIMO Investment
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed
Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Sandia National Laboratories
All database changes are reviewed and implemented by the developers assigned to the
Maximo database administration role
Define a project code for each new solution, i.e. FAC for Facilities, LNK for Lock and Key,
Use the project code as a prefix for all new fields added for that solution, domains,
relationships, cloned applications, etc.
Clone all applications used by the new solution
Changes moved through Development and Quality for final testing and customer
approval before moving to Production
Bi-weekly production releases
Configuration Management
Multiple environments: Development, Quality and Production
4th environment created for high risk work, i.e. upgrades, new installs, etc.
Strict configuration management process required to prevent mishaps between
Management of IT service requests for each solution
Development Standards - Security
Design intent:
Don’t create one security group per person
Provide flexibility so that a user’s security can easily be changed based
on their role
Define roles, i.e. read-only Facilities user, Maintenance Planner,
Facilities Help Desk, Lock and Key Administrator, etc.
Compartmentalize security groups so that groups can be combined to
comprise a user’s role, for example:
One security group per site, with only site permissions
One security group per role, with only application permissions
One security group per storeroom, with only storeroom permissions
Development Standards - Security
Development Process:
Adding a New Solution
Development Process: Adding a New Solution
High Level Process
Adding a new Solution: Lock and Key NM
Existing solutions: Facilities New Mexico and Facilities California
New solution: Lock and Key New Mexico
Assign project code: LNK
Determine Organization/Site configuration
Data Sharing
Can Items be shared with other solutions? Yes
Can Companies be shared with other solutions? Yes
Can Locations (site level) be shared with other solutions? Yes, LNK could share New Mexico
locations with Facilities New Mexico
Is Work Order auto-numbering (org level) used in other solutions acceptable? Yes
Is the Asset auto-numbering (org level) used in other solutions acceptable? No, LNK needs
specialized asset numbering
Can the data in the new solution be managed with the data in an existing system? No
Can existing domain values be used? Yes, although new values will be needed
Security Controls
Can/should users of the new solution be able to view data in existing solutions? Yes
Can/should users of existing solutions be able to view the data in the new solution? No
Organization/Site Configuration Decision
Existing Organization can be used since Item and Company data can be shared
New Site must be created since the data must be managed separately from the
existing solutions
Adding a new Solution: Lock and Key NM
In the standalone, out-of-the-box environment:
Create Organization/Site: existing Org ORG001, new Site LNK
Determine applications that will be used: Assets, Items, Quick Reporting,
Preventive Maintenance, Master PMs, Service Requests
Clone required applications (but don’t modify screens yet….): LNKASSET,
Identify security roles for the new system and create Security Groups: Lock
and Key Administrator, read-only, etc.
Set up test users with identified roles
Test the user process against the cloned applications
Identify gaps between the needs of the user process and out-of-the-box
Negotiate with the customer how these gaps will be resolved, i.e. new field
added, screen changes, result sets on a start center, etc.
Implement the gap solutions
Obtain stakeholder sign-off on prototyped solution
Migrate the new solution to the Enterprise Development environment to
validate viability in an enterprise environment with multiple solutions
Decision Process: Org/Site
Maximo Organization/Site Configuration
Facilities Facilities Lock & Key Lock & Key Tech Sys
NM CA NM CA CA Complex Eq Systems
Organization 1 Organization 2
Support Team Structure
4.5 members in the Maximo “core” team
Configure Maximo for new solutions
Serve as Solutions Analysts for one or more solutions
Provide production support
Serve as project managers for one or more solutions
1 Solutions Analyst outside of the core team for the Lock and Key New
Mexico solution
Corporate DBA support for backups, Oracle traces, etc.
1 Maximo server administrator
Consulting assistance
Implementation of new solutions
“Thorny” problems
In general, assistance where the core team does not have the expertise or
Customers (varies per customer)
Subject Matter Expert
Functional project management
Overall project management
Cost allocation across Solutions
License costs
Corporate CIO office funds the core product and industry solutions
Additional licenses beyond existing license base or for new products are funded by the
Maintenance support costs
Developed cost algorithm
Identified major support components of Maximo, i.e. integrations, reports, cloned
applications, etc.
Identified number of each support component used by each solution, i.e. number of
integrations supported for Facilities NM
Assigned a weighted factor to each of the support components, i.e. integration support
has a higher weight than cloned applications
Multiplied the number of each support component by the weighted factor for each
solution and added up the results for each solution
Determined percentage of Maximo used by each solution
Multiplied the percentage by the total cost for the support team to determine the
amount each solution needs to contribute to the maintenance support for Maximo
Upgrade costs
Funded by each solution based on the percentage of Maximo used
New development costs
Determined on a project by project basis
Cost Allocation Example
Challenges – continued…
What worked well!
Solutions Analysts
Customer Point of Contact
Development standards
Teamwork within the Maximo IT Team
Teamwork with our customers
Implementation of new solutions
Lessons Learned
Resist customization
Tried it, didn’t like it
Upgrades more difficult
You can change your mind (configuration “mistakes” are not
Multiple site to single site
Configuration Management
Define CM process before you start
Be rigorous in documenting configuration changes
Multiple Industry Solutions do not play well together
Test, test, test
Current and Future Work
Current work:
New development for existing solutions
Phase 3 for Complex Equipment Systems
Maximo-Tririga interfaces
Fire extinguisher operations and maintenance for Facilities New Mexico
E-Signature implementation for Lock and Key issues/returns
Corporate dashboard for assets
Development of Maximo IT Service Requests
Production support
Future work:
New development for existing solutions
Phase 4 for Complex Equipment Systems
Mobile Work Manager for craft for Facilities New Mexico
New solutions
Operations and maintenance of Technical Systems assets for California
Operations and maintenance of Technical Systems assets for New Mexico
Operations and maintenance of Facilities assets for the Tonopah site
Upgrade to 7.5
Multiple solutions work in a single
Maximo instance!