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Upavasa Chikitsa

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The Sanskrit word 'Upavasa' is derived from the verb 'vasa' (dhatu
meaning to dwell or to stay) and 'ghnya' pratyaya.
It starts with the prefix 'Upa' (upa+vas+ghnya), meaning towards, near
to, by the side of. Thus, the word 'upavasa' means to abide by a state
of abstinence and abstain from food.

● Ahoratrabhojanaabhava: Lack of food for the whole day and
● Sarvabhogavivarjana: Abstaining from every single delight of
senses, mind, and body.
● In general, upavasa denotes abiding in a state of abstinence and
one should refrain from food and other psychological
tendencies like desires(ichcha), anger(krodha), grief(shoka),
greed(lobha), fascination(moha) etc.

1. Upavasa 9. Uposhanam
2. Upasa 10. Auopavratam
3. Aupavasa 11. Vrata
4. Anasana 12. Vratopavasa
5. Laghu bhojana
6. Bhojanapratiyaga
7. Upavastam
8. Uposhitam
1. Nirahara : without taking any food
a) Sajala - with water
b) Nirjala - without consumption of water
2. Phalahara : taking fruits only
According to naturopathy practices : 3 types
1. Laghu upavasa (1-3 days)
2. Madhyama upavasa (4-6 days)
3. Dirgha Upavasa (7 to 30-40 days)

Upavasa is one of the types of Langhana. The word Langhana, is

majorly used to indicate Upavasa (Fasting) whereas it has a broader

अत्किन्चित ् लाघवकरं दे हे तत ् लङ्घनं स्मत

ृ म ् || (च.स.ू २२/९)

The procedure which makes the body lighter is langhana. Here the
word Lighter, not necessarily indicates weight reduction but is then
considered more accurately as the feeling of being lighter.

PREREQUISITE : Following factors should be considered before

practicing upavasa
1. Prakriti 7. Agni
2. Vaya 8. Desha
3. Rogibala
4. Vyadhibala
5. Kala
6. Satmya

कुत्वाशौचादिकं प्रातः लघु भञ् ु जीत भोजनम ् |

स्निग्धं सम
ु धरु ं रुच्यं मद
ृ अ
ु न्नं साधु साधितम ् ||
Next day of fast, After evacuating the bowel and bladder one should
consume unctuous, sweet, tasty, soft and satvika food.

a) Do not overindulge oneself in over eating, abstain from quick

eating and food should be chewed properly and thoroughly, gradual
changes should be made after a few days.
b) Therapeutically, this is depicted in the samsarjana krama after
shodhana therapy; wherein it starts with peya[ a low calorie intake]
and ends with kruta mamsa [a high calorie intake].
c) This gradual withdrawal and adaptation enhances the digestive
capacity and helps the body become accustomed to regular food

INDICATIONS OF UPAVASA : Following disorders with mild

intensity are treated with upavasa.

वन्यतीसारहृद्रोगविसच् ू यलसकज्वराः ||२०||

Vami[vomiting], Atisara[diarrhea], Hrud roga[ heart disease], acute
intestinal irritation [cholera], alaska [sluggish bowels], jwara[fever],
arochaka[anorexia], kapha-pitta rogas.

a) Patients with disease from elevated vata dosha should abstain
oneself from fasting.
b) Those who have unrestrained thirst ,hunger, aged and children,
pregnant ladies and sick people should avoid fasting.
c) Vataja disorders, chronic diseases and fever
d) In people with anger, jealousy and psychological disorders.


1) Upavasa makes the body light by relieving heaviness and clears

the channels. So, during fasting our body, as well as mind, feels
2) During upavasa agni, previously busy with digestion, becomes
free; hence it digests the undigested food already present in the
3) Fasting increases vayu and agni mahabhuta in the body, this in
turn dries up the mildly vitiated dosas.


पण्ु यप्रदो ह्यामदोषहरो अनलकरः सदा |

स्फूर्तिदश्चोपवासो वै इन्द्रियाणां प्रसादकः ||
प्रायो व्रतोपावसो हि विधेयः शास्त्रसम्मतः ।
धर्म स्वस्थ्यं च लभ्यते वयःस्थौ सवि ु चारिभिः |
The above mentioned sloka explains the overall benefits of fasting.
It means, ‘fasting is auspicious, cures ama dosha, enhances agni,
gives enthusiasm, clarity of sense organs & fasting is a pious rule
according to texts. It enhances virtuousness, health, life span and
good thoughts.
1) Diagnosis of the disease : The desire to fast may be used as a
diagnostic criterion for vata occlusion by excessive kapha dosha.
लङ्घनायासरूक्षोष्णकामिता च कफावत ृ े।
2) In management of diseases :
● Jwara
(ज्वरे लङ्घनमेवादावप ु दिष्टमतृ े ज्वरात ्||१३९|| )
● Raktaja roga
( कुर्याच्छोणितरोगेषु रक्तपित्तहरीं क्रियाम ्।
विरे कमप ु वासं च स्रावणं शोणितस्य च ||१८|| )
● Diseases originating from the amashaya can be treated through
(शान्तिरामाशयोत्थानां व्याधीनां लङ्घनक्रिया |
ज्वरस्यैकस्य चाप्येका शान्तिर्लङ्घनमच् ु यते ||३१|| )
● Raktapitta especially urdhwaga raktapitta through the upper
orifices (eyes, mouth, and nose)
(मार्गों दोषानबु न्धं च निदानं प्रसमीक्ष्य च।
लङ्घनं रक्तपित्तादौ तर्पणं वा प्रयोजयेत ् ||३०|| )
● Visuchika ( non infectious gastroenteritis)
(विसचि ू कायां स्वेदनवर्तिप्रणिधानाभ्यामप ु ाचरे दप
ु वासयेच्चैनम ्)
● Mild aggravated dosha can be managed by fasting therapy in
case of atisara
(लङ्घनंचाल्पदोषाणांप्रशस्तमतिसारिणाम ् ||१९||)
● In all the disorders of rasa dhatu and the conditions affecting
mouth and oral cavity( रसजानां विकाराणां सर्वं लङ्घनमौषधम ्|)
● Disorders due to over nutrition (santarpanajanya vikara)
● In the prodromal stages of all varieties of visarpa
● Amajeerna
● Fissure in ano associated wit ama
(लङ्घनं पाचनं सामे रूक्षोष्णं लघभ
ु ोजनम ्।)
● Grahani roga, Akshi roga, Udara roga, Pratishyaya, Vrana
● Fasting can improve or even cure diseases related to
cardiovascular system, circulatory system, digestive system,
locomotor system, respiratory system.
3) In the preservation of health :
● To maintain equilibrium of dosha in the body, winter time is
favorable for fasting( hematha, sishira).
(शिशिरे लङ्घनं शस्तमपि वातविकारिणाम ् ||२४||)
4) It's a kind of spiritual therapy ( daiva vyapashriya chikitsa). So,
in prajnaparadha janya vyadhi which may be compared with life
style disorder, the upavasa procedure can be very helpful.
5) It can make the body light by relieving heaviness and also helps
in all the kapha and kapha associated with pitta diseases.
6) It removes toxins(ama).
7) Reducing fat
8) Excellent remedy for physical, mental, and spiritual upliftment.
9) The physiological effect - lowering of blood sugar, lowering of
cholesterol, lowering of systolic blood pressure.
10) Restoring youthfulness and longevity.


Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long

period for a specific purpose.
The word is derived from the old english, ‘feast an’ which means to
fast, observe ,be strict
It is defined as complete voluntary abstinence from taking any kind
of food for particular time, in order to give rest to the digestive
1. According to duration - 3 types
a) Short duration : 2-5 days mainly with water & fruits
b) Intermittent : 1-2 days with satvika diet
c) Long duration : more than 10 days
2. Depending upon the purpose of fasting - 3 types
a) Political
b) Religious
c) Therapeutic
3. Depending on the method of fasting - 5 types
a) Dry fasting - without drinking water
b) Water fasting - for acute diseases
c) Juice fasting - acidic : in obesity & respiratory disease
- alkaline : in kidney disorder diabetes
d) Fruit fasting - weak person
e) Mono diet fasting - only one type of diet in meal
4. Depending on the condition - 3 types
a) Fasting in healthy
b) Fasting in acutely ill
c) Fasting in chronically ill
It is safe to prepare a system for the fast through low protein diet,
rich in positive minerals or raw food diet.
● Fasting is considered not from the last meal ,but after the meal
has been digested
● One should drink water whenever he feels hungry .Daily from
sunrise the faster should be without food for every 6 hrs or
more ,until natural hunger is experienced & then take light
meals with positive food.
● If one takes 2 meals per day, it is ideal
● Chronically ill patients are unfit for fasting.
● Even fasting daily for a few hours & for a few days in a month
can also be indicated.
● One should drink water whenever he feels thirsty.
a) The patient should get as much fresh air as possible and should
drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty.
b) Fresh juices may be diluted with pure water.
c) A person is assumed to be fasting after 8 -12 hrs after intake of
d) Post-absorptive state : Metabolic shifts of fasting begin as
absorption of a meal is complete (typically 3-5 hrs after a
e) Diagnostic fast refers to prolonged fasting ( from 8-72 hrs
depending on age ) conducted under medical observation.
Signs of elimination of toxins during fasting -
a) Formation of gas, due to disintegration of old putrefied matter.
b) Cotton mouth and expulsion of morbid matter in mouth.
c) Bad breath, due to expulsion of morbid matter through the
respiratory tract.
d) Elevated body temperature.


● Small quantity of light food,which can be digested easily like
dilute fruit juices, tender coconut water, vegetable soup & thin
butter milk should be taken.
● Later when digestive power increases, heavy foods can be
consumed. After recovery, always consume positive food in
the required quantity.


Many of the fasting changes we experience are related to the body’s
cycles incurred during the fast.
1. Elimination cycle -
Headaches, Dizziness,Inability to focus, Fatigue, Depression,
White strands of mucus found in stool, Runny nose, Watery
eyes, Loss of sexual desire
2. Reparation cycle -
From day 3 to 14 depending on diet, there is a feeling of a
certain ‘ burst’ of energy, High stimulation, The body will
eliminate dead or dying cells, Excess fatty tissue & trans-fatty
Acids, Hardened mucus from the lungs and sinuses, Toxins in
the bloodstream, spleen, liver, kidneys, cells and tissues.
3. Replenishing cycle -
It is important that we replace vital minerals in the body during
this period.
Replenishment occurs around day 15 until you break the fast .
These minerals will gear the body into an adjustment mode
that helps to strengthen cell walls, restore the immune system,
and prevent the body.

● Glycogen, a polymer of glucose, is stored in the liver and
during non- availability of food, certain enzymes break it down
into glucose, which provides energy to the body. If one never
fasts, this enzyme system that breaks glycogen into glucose
may not remain effective.
● Therefore, periodical fasting is considered beneficial to the
body. Once the glycogen reserve is exhausted, the adipose
tissue comes to the rescue of the fasting person.
● During fasting, firstly, blood glucose is used for energy. Next
to that, glycogen stored in hepatocytes is utilized. This
increases the breakdown of adipose tissues which is stated as
lipolysis. As a result of which, more fatty acids and glycerol
are formed and released into blood.
● Ketones are produced in our body. Fatty acids are transported
to hepatocytes, then get metabolized to produce
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) and acetoacetate. This induces
mitochondrial biogenesis.
● Ketones are carried into cells with high metabolic activities
like neurons, muscles etc., converted into acetyl coenzyme A.
It enters into the Tricarboxylic acid cycle where ATP is
generated. Glucose is the primary source of energy, but it gets
shifted to fatty acids and ketones during fasting.
● Prolonged fasting is not advisable, as fasting for extended
periods makes the fat cells pathological. Further, during fasting
the cell membrane lining the intestine undergoes a
reorientation program to achieve maximum efficiency. The
membrane cholesterol level goes down; hence, the membrane
becomes free and absorbs more during fasting.
● Fasting also has an inhibitory effect on cell proliferation and
eliminates pre-neoplastic cells.

● According to chandogya upanishad, life is made of water, so
one can fast on water alone, but not too long a time. Sunlight,
air & ether help to sustain life during fast.
● Body gets rid of the flesh tainted with toxic filth.
● The person feels weak as the body is in the process of
eliminating foreign material. It is a temporary weakness.

1. To dissolve and eliminate toxins, congestion that has formed in
any part of the body.
2. To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
3. To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.
4. To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in joints
and muscles.
5. To relieve pressure & irritation in nerves, arteries, blood
6. To build a healthy blood stream.
7. To keep youth & elasticity regardless of age.

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