This is to certify that, this research work has been read and approved having
satisfied the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in
marketing, Benue state Polytechnic, Ugbokolo.
_____________________ __________________
______________________ __________________
_______________________ ___________________
_______________ _________________
This project is dedicated to God almighty who in his infinite mercy and grace has
seen me through at the course of this program and also to my beloved Mother, Mrs.
Raphael Veronica and my Brother, Mr. Raphael Innocent Oche who have sacrifice
their time and money for me
I thank God for the special grace and strength in writing this project. It is by his
grace that this research work became reality. May God reward those who assisted
me in this project worked. You are all worth mentioning, for that I say indeed, I am
My special gratitude goes to my supervisor Mrs. Adoyi Janet for painstaking going
through every stage of the project and for being there through this research work.
i. Certification
ii. Dedication
iii. Acknowledgement
3.1 Research Design- - - - - - - - - -21
3.3 Samples and Sampling Techniques- - - - - - -22
5.2 Implication of the Study - - - - - - - - -46
References - - - - - - - - - - - -50
Appendices - - - - - - - - - - -51
In the world of business today, for a business to boost sales, a substantial number
of customers must choose one’s product over and above that of its competitors on a
substantial number of occasion. One of the surest ways of ensuring that this
happens is to come up with strategies that will induce customers to patronize a
particular brand (product or service) over its competitors. Promotion is a form of
communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers or listeners to take some
actions, it usually includes the name of a product or service and how that product
or service could benefit consumers by persuading potential consumers to purchase
or to consume a particular product/goods (Adeyemi, 2019)
In recent time communication gets hard and harder as more and more company’s
glamour to get the consumers increasingly divided attention. To reach target
markets and build brand equity; holistic marketers are creatively employing
multiple sales promotional strategies to maintain and increase their customer
loyalty and patronage (Adrian, 2019)
Sales would increase if more customers are attracted to shop, if non-brand users
are attracted and if brand user’s are encourage to buy more (Aderemi, 2019).
According to Ademola (2018) customers are more likely to choose their preferred
products and/or service over its competitors on a consistent basis. Indeed, customer
patronage has been proclaimed by some as the ultimate goal of marketing (Richard
and Ben, 2019). Hence, this concern led to the study of sales promotion as it relates
to customer patronage. Sales promotion is inevitable for any type of organization
that wants to stimulate sales.
Aashish (2021) opined that sales promotion is a part of the promotional mix where
the business uses many short-term customer-oriented strategies to stimulate the
demand for its product by making it look more attractive and/or worthy.
Therefore, how can manufacturing firms in Nigeria particular G-World
Enterprises, Benue State improve its customer patronage without the appropriate
sales promotion been put in place?
The above has created a vacuum which sparked off the interest of the researcher to
investigate on the impact of sales promotion on customer patronage.
iv. Is there any significant relationship between trade show and customer
The following null hypothesis were formulated to guide this research study:
This research work can stand as reference for future research in the field of
marketing and it will help the researchers to widen their knowledge about how to
evaluate sales promotion in the manufacturing and distributing of consumer
The choice of G-World Enterprises, Benue is for the ease of access and availability
of data. G-World Enterprises, Benue was chosen as a result of customer traffic in
patronage and product usage. The research believing that the find will equate those
of other manufacturing firms and cities in the North Central State.
The following terms were defined by the researcher according to the context of
their usage in the research study.
Sale Promotion: It consist of any consumer or trade programs that add tangible
value to brand of that consumer or trade program in order to stimulate sale and
create more awareness of such program.
Consumer: It is a person that buys goods from the producers, wholesales and or
retailers for final consumption.
Patronage: This is the attention/purchase of a consumer (potential) given to a
particular brand/service based on the abstract or physical benefit he/she intend to
derive or have derived from the product
2.0 Preamble
This chapter was designed with the focus on the review of relevant literature
(Conceptual Review, Theoretical Review, Empirical Review and Summary of
Review Related Literature) related to the topic under investigation. The goal is to
gather perspectives of earlier researcher and to establish conceptual and theoretical
perspective for the current study.
In line with conceptual framework, the conceptual model guiding this study is
depicted in figure 2.8 (Khalid, 2021)
Sales promotion:
Customer Patronage
Product sampling
Trade show
Independent variables Dependent variables
target market. These activities include advertising, public relations, personal
selling, sale promotion, exhibitions, brochures and demonstrations etc (Mbaga
2021). Jobber (2019) simple captures sales promotion as a package or incentive to
consumers or the trade that are designed to stimulate purchase.
and he said that schemes that reach consumer through retailer are trading status
point of purchase pop, display in short demonstration, product packaging.
The term sales promotion refers to several types of selling incentives and method
concave to yield immediate sales effects (Totten and Block, 2016). There are many
sales promotional tools. The job to selecting sales promotional tools reflects on the
decision made, knowledge about the strength and weakness of the various tools.
Buy-One-Get-One-Free: “Buy one get one free” is one of the promotion method
of sales promotion in which an extra product is offered to the customers at national
price but with greater improve in package. The customers could easily influence to
purchase the product because there is no condition of any additional price and it
should be more valued by the customer to perceived (Sinha and Smith 2017)
Price Off (Price Reduction): Consumer price off saves the customer money when
he or she purchase the product. This provide a quick defensive response to offset a
competitor’s promotion (Ebue 2014) the customer is given a leaflet (coupon) or
voucher which enables him to buy a product at a cheaper price. Coupons are used
for product trial convert, tries to regular users and to attract many prospects to the
product (Burnet, 2016).
Trade show and exhibition: The motivational aspect of trade show cannot be
underestimated. The exhibiter is given an opportunity to know more about the
competition and to learn the exhibitor’s strategy (Barton, 2018). Furthermore,
Onuoha and Egbuta (2012) emphasized that the sales promotional tools can be
classified into three consumer, trade and sales force promotion.
Consumer promotion: it is promotional activity directed towards the consumer in
form of premiums offer in pack on pack, contest, money refund offer, coupon,
price offs, sample and trading stamps.
Sales force promotion: The sales personals are the target of this class of sales
promotion. It came in a way sale rallies, increase commission, content and
competition and bonuses.
i. To increase sales of product, especially at the time when normal sales are
sluggishly to periodically (e.g. annually or semia-annually).
ii. Clear goals in a warehouse before new inventory taking and restocking
iii. To introduce new product to afford the opportunity of being accepted
into the market.
iv. To encourage the purchase of large size unit
v. To generate trials among non-users
vi. To persuade retailer to carry new items and higher level of inventory
vii. To encourage of session buying and building brand loyalty
Promotion is one of the seven aspects f the promotional mix. ( The other six parts
of the promotion mix are Advertising, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing,
Publicity/Public Relations, Cooperation Image and Exhibitions) media and non
media marketing communication are employed for a pre-determined limited time
to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product
availability. Examples include contests, coupons freebies loss leaders point of
purchase displays, premium, price, product sample and rebate.
b. Merchandise allowance: Which grant the middlemen a reward for simply
stocking manufacturer’s goods
c. Display allowance: Which goes a little further than merchandise allowance?
Display allowance recognizes and reward special effort meant to attract
display product in the middlemen outlets.
d. Spiffs or Premium: Money in which middlemen are offered which may be
cash or gifts for vigorously selling product of a manufacturer over a stated
iv. Special advertising: These are promotional gifts to middlemen bearing
the manufacturing name and/or logo as a general or specific recognition
of their effort.
i. Sales contests: These are deliberately designed to reward which
could be in forms of expensive gifts, merchandise goods or cash.
ii. Dealer Listing: This is an advertising arrangement in which a
manufacturer in promoting his product also promote the relevant
retailer by informing the customers where they could be bought.
iii. Cooperative advertising: This is an understanding where the
middlemen are repaid up to a point on their advertising cost, on the
manufacturers products.
iv. Customer’s forum: This is a time to time arrangement whereby a
manufacturer summon his various major middlemen for a cordial
edit-chat and cross fertilization of ideas.
ii. Sale promotion activities have temporarily and short life. They can only
last within three to four month, then the demand will fall down.
iii. Too much sales promotion affect brand image.
iv. There is a feeling in the mind of the consumers that sales promotion
activities are used to sell inadequate and second grade products.
v. It is expensive and lead to vise in the price of product.
vi. Discount or rebates are allowed by boosting the price of the goods with
view to sell with gain which is not real.
Sales promotion in Nigeria today are usually bedeviled by the following problems
(Burett, 2013)
Short term: The duration and in fact patronage of sales promotion are ephemeral.
It is seemed by the business as a stop-gap. Consumers play along with products
simply to win or earn sales promotional incentives. In order words, consumers are
lured to product only for the duration of the promotion. This is an unfortunate
development to any organization involved.
Credibility problem: There is hardly any sales promotional effort in Nigeria today
that consumers will not cry wolf about. It is believed that the incentives are either
not given out at all, or are given to favored, pre-determined person.
Sole Economic Appeal: How consumers can benefit from reduced price are more
customer’s savings. This may be understood given the notions of economic traits
but this promotion may do better than simple and solely stressing economic
Kotler (2014) pointed out that sales promotion activities have grown rapidly in
recent years, at least in the last one and half decades as a result of a number of
factors especially in the consumer markets. This could be attributed in the internal
and external environment factors.
a. Internal factors
i. To management, internal factors have long become favorably
disposed to it as an effective means to stimulate sales.
ii. More product managers are now qualified to use sales tools by virtue
of their training initiative actions and handle some competently.
iii. Marketing managers, product managers and sales managers as the
case may be are constantly under intense pressure to deliver value to
top management.
b. External Factors
i. Multiplicity of brand necessitates, sustains promotional activities in
order to hold forth the organization market share.
ii. Competitors more than ever has become promotion minded and
conscious. In virtually all markets competitors produce similar
product sometimes superior with greater value and at some other time
of lower lesser value.
iii. Inflation and recession has made consumer more deal oriented/
iv. Political instability amongst others is capable of stagnating an
economy where by consumers and even be the business class will not
be sure the next development in the policy.
v. Trade pressure for more manufacturer deals has grown tremendously.
vi. There is also believed that advertising efficiency has decline because
of costs, media cluster and government control.
vii. Sales promotion remains a vital tool, the process of sales forecast. A
number of organizations make certain assumptions about certain
environment variable (consumer changing habits, government
interventions and international development etc).
According to the concise Oxford English Dictionary (2008), the word customer or
consumer patronage mean a person or thing that eats or uses something or a person
who buys goods and services for personal consumption or use. People patronize
organization product/services at one time or the other. In the context of this study,
we may use customer patronage and loyalty inter-changeably because customer
patronage precedes loyalty. There is a strong relationship between patronage and
loyalty. Patronage is burn out of desire to be committed to an organization either
based on it service quality or perceived service qualities. Hence, the extent to
which a customer will patronize the service of a bank depends on how the
customer perceives the bank physical environment (service cape) and how the
customers also thinks and feels that the condition of the service environment is
consistent with his/her personality.
Culmore, 1987 as cited in Ogwo and Igwe, 2012). Attitudinal measures have an
advantage over behavioural measures (actual or repeat patronage) in that they can
provide understanding of the factors associated with the development and
modification of patronage (Oiva, Oliver and MacMiliaqn, 2012).
consumer’s perception of promotion as a ‘loss’ or ‘gain’ is a function of the type of
the promotion. They proposed that non price promotions such as premium offers
which segregate the promotional gains. On the other hand, price promotions such
as price off, which integrate the promotional gain with the purchase price will be
viewed as reduced losses.
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is one of the most widely cited and applied
behavior theories. It is one of a closely inter-related family of theories which adopt
a cognitive approach to explaining behavior which centre’s on individual attitudes
and reliefs. The TPB (Ajzen 1985, 1991, Ajzen and Madden 1986) evolved from
the theory of reasoned action fishbein and Ajzen (1975) which posited intention to
act as the best predictor of behavior. The theory of planned behavior suggested that
behavior is dependent on one’s intention to perform the behavior. Intention is
determined by an individual’s attitude (beliefs and value about the outcome of the
behavior) and subjective norms (beliefs about what other people think the person
should do or general social pressure) (Godin & Kok, 2017; Bandura, 2014 Pery,
Barnowski & parcel, 2011). Behavior is also determined by an individual’s
perceived behavioral control, defined as an individual’s perceptions of their ability
or feelings of self-efficacy to perform behavior. This relationship is typically
dependent on the type of relationship and the mature of the situation. In the test
food industry consumer’s perception of the image of a restaurant will determine
their behavior towards the restaurant. This could be positive or negative.
This section cover other researcher study on the area of this research work or
interrelated work as it will give important to this review of related literature, the
researcher summarized the following under the empirical review.
Chukwunma (2013) a researcher in the field of marketing who studies the title
“Assessing the impact of sales promotion as a tool for effective marketing of soft
drink” (a study of Nigeria Breweries, Enugu). The researcher discovered that the
company is lagging behind in marketing soft drink products due to improper
management of sales promotion program. The sample size of this research work is
154 and covariance sampling method was used to sample the respondents. The
researcher source data through secondary and primary means, the researcher
finding include the following; that sales promotion influence the level of customer
demand, improving of organizational work force has direct contribution with
performance and finally sales promotion is relevant in the marketing of soft drinkl
products. According to Solace (2015) a researcher in the discipline of marketing,
who carried out a study on “measuring the effectiveness of sales promotion in
improving marketing share” (A study of Nigeria Breweries Plc). The basic of this
study is to determine the effectiveness of sales promotion over the other
promotional tools in improving market share of firm. The sampling size is 274
respondents while a simple random sampling technique was employed by the
researcher and data were sourced through primary and secondary means.
In this section, Preambles, research design, scope of the study, selection of data,
secondary sources, collection of primary data, design and administration of
questionnaire, population of the study, sample size determination, sampling
techniques, method of data collection, reliability of instrument, validity of
instrument, method of data analysis will be discussed among other.
Data for this study were gathered from primary and secondary sources.
Primary sources
The primary data were sourced through the use of questionnaire, interview and
observation, the researcher constructed a research questionnaire that captures the
core objectives of the study and which help in addressing the research problem. To
support the research questionnaire, the researcher interviewed some respondent as
Secondary sources
On the other hand, the secondary data were sourced from existing related works
done by previous scholars and researchers. This consists of empirical and
theoretical studies of previous research. The major sources were journals,
newspaper, books, magazine, bulletins, business websites, and the internet.
In the first part of the questionnaire, a letter of introduction stating the aim of the
researcher and outline the purpose of the questionnaire proper by completing and
returning it to the researcher.
The second part of the questionnaire is the question paper has section A and B.
section “B” centers on the questions. However, the questions were designed with
sample and unambiguous sentences to elicit proper understanding the respondents
were given two weeks to complete the questionnaire after which the researcher
called for retrieval appendix at the end of the study.
The respondent were asked to rate their response on a 5-points scale (1=:”strongly
agree” to 5=”strongly disagree”). Which is a modified form of 5-point likert scale.
Researchers have made a case for higher-valued scale and claimed that 5-point
item scale was the optimum size scale compared with five-point likert-type scale
(Bryman & Bell,2007)
In the course of the research, the sampling technique that was adopt is the random
sampling techniques. In this type of technique, the random sampling will be used
by dividing the population into sampling points or strata.
The use of random sampling techniques is to give all the customer of G-Word
Enterprise, Benue equal opportunity of being selected. This is designed to avoid
prejudice and to remove bias.
Since the population of the study of the study is intact, the sample size was
determined using the Cochran (1963) Formula for unknown population.
For the purpose of this research two main sources of data collection were solicited:
The primary data and secondary data collected method. I read through textbooks
both on retailing and marketing, newspaper and magazines. Also some
unpublished materials were used.
The instrument was tested for content and face validity by the project supervisor
and other marketing and research experts. It was adjust to be suitable for meeting
the research objectives. Again, the fad or bading on the table 3.1 are strong
evidence that the instrument is valid. Since the value are above 0.50 (50%).
The method used to test for reliability was the Conbach Alpha. This was the 200
copies of the questionnaire administered within two days interval to G-World
Enterprises, Benue for a pilot study.
In the process of this study, the research made use of secondary source of data
collection. These include:
i. Text Books
ii. Lecture Notes
iii. Dictionary and Encyclopedia
iv. Magazine, King
v. Internet
Secondary data: this method is wed for the purpose of these research works
because it base on existing information, which is useful for the purpose of
specified surveys.
This method is very cheap because information is being collecting for existing
Collected data were analyzed in this study using both descriptive and inferential
statistics. Tables, simple percentage, charts, mean and standard deviation were
utilized at various stages of data presentation. Stated hypothesis were tested using
simple regression (Bivariate) analysis in SPSS version 21.
variables in each hypothesis ( coupon, product sampling, premiums, trade show)
stands as the independent variables (X) while represented by (customer patronage)
stand as the dependent variable (Y).
Y = a+ bx = ei
∑ Y =b ∑ X
∑ Y =b ∑ X
n ∑ Y XY =∑ X ∑ Y
n ∑ X 2−¿ ¿
However, our analysis was performed in the SPSS using 5-point Likert scale for
satisfaction and 5-point Rating Scale promotion application
Decision Rule
Using the value of R2, the P-Value and F statistic, the null hypothesis would be
rejected at 0.05 level of significance if the P-Value (Significance) is above alpha
(0.05) and vice versa. Again, the value of Y can be weak, strong or very strong.
In this chapter of the study, collected data were analyzed, presented and interpreted
for easy and fast adaptation by users using tables and simple percentages. On the
other hand, the simple Regression was applied for the test of hypotheses in SPSS
version 21. It should however, be noted that only those data that are applicable in
addressing the objectives of the study, helpful in answering the raised research
questions, and significant in testing the stated hypotheses were analyzed in this
chapter: Moreover, this chapter was arranged in five different sections as follows:
The research instrument used in this study were copies of structured questionnaire
administered on randomly selected customer of G-World Enterprise, Benue State
under study. Table 4.1 below how the 200 copies of the questionnaire were
distributed retrieved.
Table 4.1 shows that out of the 200 copies of the questionnaire distributed to
customers of the firm, 176 (88%) copies were retrieved while 24 (12%) copies
were lost. Also, of the 176 copies retrieved, 24 (14%) copies were incompletely
filled and therefore were discarded. However, 152 (86%) copies were completely
filled and found useful for analyses. Thus, further analyses in this study were based
on the 152 copies retrieved and found useful.
In this section, all the demographic questions in the questionnaire were analyzed.
This section covers responses to questions 1, 2 3, 4 and 5.
Table 4.2 shows that 82 (54%) respondents and 70 (46%) respondents were males
and females respectively. Also, it was further that 30 (20%) respondents, 35(23%)
respondents, 50 (33%) respondents and 37 (24%) respondents were in the age
brackets of 18-25, 26-35, 36-45 and 46 respectively. Again, item three in the table
revealed that 20 (13%) respondents, 49 (32%) respondents, 48 (32%) respondents.
30 (20%) respondents and 4(3%) respondents, 48(32%) respondents, 30 (20%)
respondents, 62 (41%) respondents and 12 (8%) respondents were married, single
and others respectively. Moreover, it was revealed that 60 (39%) respondents, 51
(34%) respondents and 41 ( 27%) respondents had consumed the products of the
company for a period of 0 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years and 11 years and above,
Table 4.3 show that out of the 152 respondents, all the respondents, representing
100% voted that premium and coupons as one of the promotional activities
adopted by NBC. Also, 132 (87%) respondent 117 (77%) respondents, 112 (80%)
respondents and 150 (99%) respondents voted in favor of price-off, trade show,
cash discount and product samples as some of the promo tools used by G-Word
Enterprise Benue.
Table 4.5 shows that out of the 152 respondents, 128 (84%) respondents, 16 (11%)
respondents, 5 (3%) respondents, 2(1%) respondents and 1 (1%) respondent
strongly agreed, agreed, had not decided, disagreed and strongly disagreed
respectively that there is a significant relationship between coupon and customer
From the table (4.6), a total number of 134 (89%) respondents, 9 (6%) respondents,
5 (3%) respondents, 2 (1%) respondent strongly agreed, agreed, had not decided,
disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively that whether there is a significant
relationship between product sampling and customer patronage.
Table 4.7 shows that a total of 145 (89%) respondents, 5 (3%) respondents, 2 (1%)
respondent , 0 (0%) respondents strongly agreed, agreed, had not decided,
disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively that sale promotion activities
encourage customers to recommend the brand to others.
From the table (4.8), a total of 131 (86%) respondents, 14 (9%) respondents, 4
(3%) respondents, 2(1%) respondents and 1 (1%) respondent strongly agreed,
agreed, had not decided, disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively that there is
a significant relationship between premiums and customer patronage.
Table 4.1: Distribution and Retrieval Of instrument
Married 78 51.00
Single 62 41.00
Others 12 08.00
Length of consumption of
the products:
0 – 5 years 60 39.00
6 – 10 years 51 34.00
11 years and above 41 27.00
Source: Field Survey, 2023
Table 4.3” Responses to promo tools adopted by PZ Cussons Plc, Benue State
Table 4.4: Responses to the extent sales promotion activities influence your
Table 4.7: Responses to whether sale promotion activities encourage
customers to recommend the brand to others
c. Does government effectively implement it polices on G-World Enterprise by
its appropriate agencies?
d. Is Otukpo Local Government contributing to the development of G-World
Enterprises, Business?
e. Does the State and Federal Government Aid to Business effectively co-
f. How do you think that G-World Business should be run?
g. Do you experience any problem of economic constraints?
a. Which of the following attributed to economic constraints?
b. Do you experience any shortage in finance?
a. Which of the following factor attribute to financial shortage?
b. What means can be employed to check the cause of financial shortage?
c. Link the following ways to causes of the problem of financial shortage?
d. Which of the following do you think are the survival strategies of retail
business firms?
In this section of the chapter, all the four hypotheses stated in chapter one were
tested using the simple regression analysis in SPSS version 21.
This hypothesis was tested using information as contained in tables 4.5 and the
SPSS output is as follows:
Model Summaryb
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted value 1.4885 4.9511 4.7632 .59707 152
Residual -95109 .78020 .00000 .22500 152
Std. Predicted -5485 .315 .000 1.000 152
Std. Residual -4213 3.456 .000 .997 152
Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
0 0 2
-6 -4 -2 4
Regression Standardized Residual
The R value in the model summary table shows a simple correlation of 0.936
which shows a very strong of positive correction. The R2 value shows how much
of the total variation in the dependent variable (sales promotion – coupon) that can
be explained by the independent variable (customer patronage). The table shows
that 87.5% variation in the sales promotion can be explained by the customer
patronage. This is equally high with a sig (p-value) of (0.000) which is less than
Alpha (0.05) and at value of 32.501, the overall regression model, therefore, is a
good fit. That is, predicts the outcome of the variables.
Since the p-value (0.000) is less than Alpha (0.05), that is 0.000<0.005, and t
calculated (32.501) is greater than t tabulated (1.960), we therefore reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis which implies that there is a
significant relationship between coupon and customer patronage.
Hypothesis two was tested using information as contained in tables 4.5 and 4.7.
Model summary
Total 61.474 151
Residuals Statisticsa
a. Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Regression standardized Residual
The R value in the model summary table shows a simple correlation of 0.826
which shows a strong of positive correlation. The R2 value shows how much of the
total variation in the dependent variable (sales promotion – product sampling) that
can be explained by the independent variable (customer patronage). The table
shows that 68% variation in the sales promotion can be explained by the product
sampling. This is equally high, with a sig (p-value) of (0.000) which is less than
Alpha (0.05) and a t value of 17.951, the overall regression model, therefore, is a
good fit. That is, it statistically predicts the outcome of the variables.
Since the p-value (0.000) is less than Alpha (0.05), that is 0.000<0.05, and t
calculated (17.951) is greater than t tabulated (1.960), we therefore reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis which implies that there is a
significant relationship between product and customer patronage.
Hypothesis three was tested using information as contained in tables 4.5 and 4.8.
The SPSS output is shown below:
Model Summaryb
Mode 1 R R Square Adjusted R
1 .968a .937 .936 .16113
a. Predictors: (Constant), customer patronage
b. Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Residuals Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Mean = -2.9E-15
Std. Dev. = 0.997
N = 152
The R value in the model summary table shows a simple correlatioin of 0.968
which shows a strong of positive correlation. The R2 value shows how much of the
total variation in the dependent variable (sales promotion – premiums) that can be
explained by the independent variable (customer patronage). The table shows that
93.6% variation in the sales promotion can be explained by the customer brand
loyalty. This is equally high. With is equally high. With a sig (p-value) of (0.000)
which is less than Alpha (0.05) and t value of 47.094, the overall regression model,
therefore, is a good fit. That is, it statistically predicts the outcome of the variables.
Since the p-value (0.000) is less than Alpha (0.05), that is 0.000<0.05, and t
calculated (47.094) is greater than t tabulated (1.960), we therefore reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis which implies that there is a
significant relationship between premiums and customer patronage
H1: There is a significant relationship between trade show and customer patronage.
This hypothesis was tested using information as contained in tables 4.5 and 4.9.
Model Summaryb
Residuals Statisticsa
Dependent Variable: Sales Promotion
Mean = -9.71E-17
Std. Dev. = 0.997
N = 152
The R value in the model summary table shows a simple correlation of 0.834
which shows a strong of positive correlation. The R2 value shows how much of the
total variation in the dependent variable (sales promotion – trade show). The table
shows that 69.5% variation in the sales promotion can be explained by the trade
show. This equally high. With a sig (p-value) which is less than Alpha (0.05) and a
t value of 18.482, the overall regression model, therefore, is a good fit. That is, it
statistically predicts the outcome of the variables
Since the p-value (0.000) is less than Alpha (0.05), that is 0.000<0.05, and t
calculated (18.482) is greater than t tabulated (1.960), we therefore reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis which implies that there is a
significant relationship between trade show and customer patronage.
This study sought to study impact of sales promotion on consumer patronage using
customers G-World Enterprise Benue State makes use of such promotion tools as
premium, coupons, price-off, minimum credit line, cash discount and product
samples. Also, these promo tools have a very great influence on customer
patronage. This is in support of the findings of Olaekan, Ibidolapo, Folasade
(2017) which found out that promotional activities influence consumer patronage.
Also, the study revealed that sale promotion had significant relationship with all
the variables on customer patronage as used in the study. That is, there is a
significant relationship between coupon, product sampling, premiums and trade
show and customers ability to patronize a firm.
4.0 Preamble
From the study carried out, the following findings were made:
Firstly, our study offer the opportunity to refine and validate the concepts and
constructs that emerged from our inductive analysis. For example, the idea of a
personal knowledge ability infrastructure will need further refinement and
elaboration in terms of both its component elements and its internal dynamics.
One could also ask whether and to what extent it is possible to identify different
ideal types of retail business, so that a typology of managerial forms of
knowledge ability can be constructed. The study could also be extended in
longitudinal and comparative ways. For example, here we have hypothesized
that the problem of retails business will adapt their styles and practices of
knowledge mobilization in relation to career development and experience.
Further research could elaborate on this point, providing precious information
to selection panels and training bodies. Further research could also take a
historical perspective and ask if the last work of top retail business executives
has significantly changed in the last several decades, including a significant
shift in skills an attitude (and if it should have occurred). Again, this would
provide valuable information to those tasked with selecting or developing top
managers in the future.
Base on the contents and finding of this work the following conclusion can be
drawn that the problem associated with establishing of retail business are
economic constraint, competition, social cultural environment, technological
environment, political/legal environment, basic infrastructure and demographic.
Furthermore, that the rate of failure in retail business firm is as due to poor
management, financial shortage and inadequate self-financing. That
government strongly supports and aid development of retail business firms in
the local government and that government also gives special attention by giving
financial and to these firms. It has also seen that the major problems faced by
retail business firms are encounters with stiff completion. Hence, their products
or services cannot compete effectively with these competitors. It is also
envisaged that the best survival strategies to employ by retail business
organization is to ensure it has a good management and able to liaise with
outside environment. Most firms wish to dominate the market in which they
operate. This they want to achieve by exploring all possible avenues in shell,
sales promotion is one promotion tool which most firms use to induce customer
patronage, customer repeat purchase intention, customer brand loyalty ,
increase in sale volume, contribution to the growth of the firm and attain their
desired position in the industry they operate. However, it should be noted the
though sales promotion is an invaluable tool in achieving increase in customr
patronage and brand loyalty in the short run, this increase does not linger after
the sales promotion campaign.
Deducing from the forgoing, that is the finding and conclusions read from the
data analysis and hypothesis tested, the researcher makes the following
The researcher suggests that further studies be conducted on this topic using other
towns and companies.
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