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Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

SUB. NAME: Mechanics of Fluids SUB.CODE: MET32

Year/Sem : II/III Duration :2
Department: Mechanical Engineering Marks : 50

Course Outcomes:

 CO1 – To enable them to determine the static forces on surfaces and analyze
the stability of submerged and floating bodies
 CO2 – To teach the fundamental laws mass-momentum and energy
equations governing the fluid flow

Knowledge Level: K1-Remember, K2-Understand, K3-Apply, K4-Analyze, K5-


PART A (10*2=20 MARKS)

Answer All the Questions Ms B.T L
1 Define Fluid and Fluid Mechanics. 2 CO1 K1
2 Define specific volume and specific gravity. 2 CO1 K1

3 State Newton’s law of viscosity and also define Kinematic viscosity. 2 CO1 K1

4 Define surface tension and capillarity. 2 CO1 K1

5 What is meant by gauge and absolute pressure? 2 CO1 K2

6 Define different types of manometer 2 CO2 K1

Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter when the
7 2 CO2 K4
inside pressure is 2.5 N/m2 above atmosphere pressure.
8 Define rate of flow (or) discharge. 2 CO2 K1

9 What is Piezometer? 2 CO2 K1

10 What is meant by stream line and path line? 2 CO2 K2

PART B (3*10=30 MARKS)

Answer any three questions Ms B.T L
11 The space between two square flat parallel plates is filled with oil. Each 10 CO1 K4
side of the plate is 60 cm. the thickness of the oil film is 12.5 mm. the
upper plate which moves at 2.5 m/s requires a force of 9.81 N to maintain
this speed. Determine
i). the dynamic viscosity of the oil in poise.
ii). the kinematic viscosity of the oil in stokes if the specific gravity of the

Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

oil is 0.95.
The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for lubrication between a shaft and
sleeve is 6 poise. The shaft is of diameter 0.4m and rotates at 190 r.p.m.
12 10 CO1 K4
Calculate the power lost in the bearing for a sleeve length of 90mm.The
thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm
A Differential manometer is connected at the two points A and B of
two pipes as shown in Fig. The pipe A contains a liquid of sp. gr. =
1.5 while pipe B contains a liquid of sp. gr. = 0.9. The pressures at A
and B are 1 kgf/cm2 and 1.80 kgf/cm2 respectively. Find the
difference in mercury level in the differential manometer.

13 10 CO2 K4

The diameter of a small piston and large piston of a hydraulic jack are 3 cm
and 10 cm respectively. A force of 80 N is applied on the small piston. Find
the load lifted by the large piston when
14 10 CO2 K4
a.) The piston are at the same level
b.) Small piston is 40 cm above the large piston.
Take density of liquid in the jack is given as 1000 kg/m3.


Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

Subject : Mechanics of Fluid (MOF) Subject Code

: MET 32

Year&Sem: II & III

(Answer all the questions)
1. Define Fluid and Fluid Mechanics.
Fluid is a substance that can flow and take the shape of its container. It includes liquids
and gases, distinguishing them from solids.

Fluid mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behaviour of fluids, both liquids
and gases, and the forces acting on them. It involves the study of fluid motion, viscosity,
turbulence, and the interactions between fluids and solid boundaries.
2. Define specific volume and specific gravity.
Specific Volume of a fluid is defined as the volume of a fluid occupied by a unit mass or volume
per unit mass of a fluid is called specific volume. Mathematically it is expressed as,
Volume of a fluid 1 1 m
SpecificVolume= = = ( )
Mass of a fluid Volume of a fluid ρ kg
Mass of a fluid

Specific Gravity is defined as the ratio of weight density of a fluid to the weight density of a
standard fluid. Mathematically, it is expressed as,
Weight density of fluid ρfluid
SpecificGravity= =
Weight density of std . fluid ρwater

3. State Newton’s law of viscosity and also define Kinematic viscosity.

Newton’s Law of Viscosity: It states that the shear stress on a fluid element layer is
directly proportional to the rate of shear strain. The constant of proportionality is called
coefficient of viscosity. Mathematically, it is expressed as
τ =μ

4. Define surface tension and capillarity.


Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

Surface Tension is defined as the tensile force acting on the surface of the fluid in
contact with a gas or on the surface between two immiscible liquids such as the contact
surface behaves like a membrane under tension. It is defined as the Greek letter σ

p(liquid droplet )=
( )
4σ N
d m2

d (m )
8σ N
p( hollow bubble ) = 2

d (m )
2σ N
p(liquid jet ) = 2

Capillarity is defined as the phenomenon of rise or fall of a liquid surface in a small tube
relative to the adjacent general level of liquid when the tube is held vertically on the
liquid. The rise of liquid surface is known as Capillarity rise and the fall of the liquid
surface is known as Capillarity depression. Mathematically,
4 σ cos θ
5. What is meant by gauge and absolute pressure?
Gauge Pressure is defined as the pressure which is measured with the help of pressure
measuring instrument, in which the atmospheric pressure is taken as datum. The
atmospheric pressure on the scale is marked as zero.
Absolute Pressure is defined as the pressure which is measured with reference to
absolute vacuum pressure.

6. Define different types of manometer

Manometers are defined as the devices used for measuring the pressure at a point in a
fluid by balancing the column of a fluid by the same or another column of a fluid. They
are classified as

Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

Manomete Differential
rs Manometers
U tube single
piezometers manometer column U tube
s manometer differential
s manometer
Single Inverted U
Column tube
manomet differential
ers manometer
Inclined Single

7. Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter when the inside
pressure is 2.5 N/m2 above atmosphere pressure.

8. Define rate of flow (or) discharge.

Rate of flow (or) discharge is defined as the quantity of fluid flowing per second of a
pipe or a channel. Mathematically,
Q= A × V (m / s )
9. What is Piezometer.
It is the simplest form of manometer used for measuring gauge pressures.
One end of this manometer is connected to the point where the pressure
is to be measured and other end is open to the atmosphere. The rise of the
liquid gives the pressure head at that point. If at a point A, the height of
liquid say water is h in piezometer tube, then pressure at A is
¿ ρ × g ×h ( 2

10. What is meant by stream line and path line?


Continuous Assessment Test - I (2023)

Stream Line:
 Stream line is an imaginary line that represents the instantaneous direction of the fluid
velocity vector at any given point.
 At each point along a streamline, the velocity vector is tangent to the streamline.
 Streamlines help visualize the flow pattern and direction of floud particles at a specific
moment in time


 A pathline is the actual trajectory followed by an individual fluid particle as it moves

through space over a period of time.
 Unlike streamlines, pathlines provide information about the complete history and path
of a specific fluid particle.
 Pathlines may change with time and show how a fluid element has moved and deformed
as it travels through the fluid.

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