Haemoglobin - Structure - Function BCH 425 Share-1
Haemoglobin - Structure - Function BCH 425 Share-1
Haemoglobin - Structure - Function BCH 425 Share-1
Alain J. Marengo-Rowe
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emoglobin has played a spectacular role in the history Furthermore, as knowledge accumulated, it became evident
of biology, chemistry, and medicine. is paper, written that the structure-function relations of various hemoglobins in
primarily for the clinician, is a brief outline of the com- stereochemical terms could be related to clinical symptomatol-
plex problems associated with abnormal hemoglobins. ogy (4, 5).
e thalassemias have been intentionally omitted and will be
presented in a separate publication. STRUCTURE OF HEMOGLOBIN
Hemoglobin is a two-way respiratory carrier, transporting Hemoglobin comprises four subunits, each having one poly-
oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and facilitating the return peptide chain and one heme group (Figure 1). All hemoglobins
transport of carbon dioxide. In the arterial circulation, hemoglo- carry the same prosthetic heme group iron protoporphyrin IX
bin has a high affinity for oxygen and a low affinity for carbon associated with a polypeptide chain of 141 (alpha) and 146
dioxide, organic phosphates, and hydrogen and chloride ions. (beta) amino acid residues. e ferrous ion of the heme is
In the venous circulation, these relative affinities are reversed. linked to the N of a histidine. e porphyrin ring is wedged
To stress these remarkable properties, Jacques Monod conferred into its pocket by a phenylalanine of its polypeptide chain. e
on hemoglobin the title of “honorary enzyme.” If we call heme polypeptide chains of adult hemoglobin themselves are of two
its active site, oxygen its substrate, and hydrogen ions its in- kinds, known as alpha and beta chains, similar in length but
hibitors, then hemoglobin mimics the properties of an enzyme. differing in amino acid sequence. e alpha chain of all hu-
erefore, it became evident that unraveling the properties of man hemoglobins, embryonic and adult, is the same. e non-
hemoglobin was necessary to understanding the mechanism of
hemoglobin function as it pertains to respiratory physiology. From the Department of Pathology, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas,
In 1937, Dr. G. S. Adair gave Dr. Max Perutz crystals of Texas.
horse hemoglobin (personal communication, Max Perutz, Corresponding author: Alain J. Marengo-Rowe, MD, Department of Pathology,
1966). is started Dr. Perutz on the path that led to the elu- Baylor University Medical Center, 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75246.
50 100
Partial pressure of oxygen (mm Hg)
Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of oxygen equilibrium curves of the lug
Figure 1. Model of the hemoglobin molecule. Two identical white (alpha) poly- worm, man, and hemoglobin Scuba. The effect of hydrogen ions, 2,3-bisphospho-
peptide chains and two identical black (beta) polypeptide chains form a complete glycerate, and carbon dioxide (H+ + BPG + CO2) is to promote a right shift. If man
molecule. The hemes are shown as discs. O2 marks the oxygen binding site. had the hemoglobin of the lug worm (left shift), he would die of anoxia.
Reprinted courtesy of Dr. Max Perutz.
the ferrous atom than oxygen does. Once carboxyhemoglobin is
alpha chains include the beta chain of normal adult hemoglobin formed, oxygen cannot displace carbon monoxide to any extent.
(α2β2), the gamma chain of fetal hemoglobin (α2γ2), and the is forms the molecular basis of coal gas poisoning.
delta chain of HbA2. In some variants, the gamma genes are In the body, the adequacy of the oxygen transport system
duplicated, giving rise to two kinds of gamma chains. depends on the adequacy of oxygenation of blood in the lungs,
Oxygen binds reversibly to the ferrous iron atom in each the rate and distribution of blood flow, the oxygen-carrying
heme group. e heme group that has become oxygen bound capacity of the blood (hemoglobin concentration), and the
varies with the partial pressure of oxygen. e sigmoid shape affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen so as to allow unloading
of the oxygen equilibrium curve shows that there is cooperative of oxygen in peripheral capillaries. Hence, the availability of
interaction between oxygen binding sites. Hence, as oxygen- oxygen to the body may be altered by abnormalities at any
ation proceeds, combination with further molecules of oxygen point in this physiological pathway. In this paper, only the role
is made easier. e oxygen equilibrium (or dissociation) curve of hemoglobin affinity for oxygen will be considered as variant
is not linear but S-shaped and varies according to environments forms of hemoglobin are discussed.
and species (Figure 2). At a partial pressure of oxygen of 100
mm Hg, the hemoglobin in the red cell is fully saturated with SICKLE CELL HEMOGLOBIN
oxygen. e dissociation curve is plotted as percentage of oxygen Sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) has existed in humans for
saturation against partial pressure. thousands of years. Dr. Konotey-Ahulu, a Ghanaian physician,
e structure of hemoglobin has been extensively studied reports that among West African tribes, specific names were
by x-ray analysis (6). e arrangement of the subunits—which assigned to clinical syndromes identifiable as sickle cell anemia
is known as the quaternary structure—differs in the oxy- and (7). However, sickle cells were first described in the peripheral
deoxyhemoglobin. blood of an anemic patient from the West Indies by the Chicago
In human hemoglobin, the fit between the polypeptide physician Robert Herrick in 1910 (8). While homozygous sickle
chain is critical because the gap between two of the polypeptide cell anemia is the most common and severe form of sickle cell
chains in the hemoglobin molecule becomes narrower when ox- disease (SCD), other sickling disorders combining HbS with
ygen molecules become attached to the ferrous atoms. is has beta or alpha thalassemia, hemoglobin C, hemoglobin D, and
been likened by Max Perutz to a molecular form of paradoxical other hemoglobins share a similar pathophysiology with com-
breathing: unlike the lungs, the hemoglobin molecule contracts mon as well as distinguishing clinical features.
when oxygen enters and expands when oxygen leaves. HbS results from a single base-pair mutation in the gene
Compounds other than oxygen, such as nitric oxide and car- for the beta-globin chain of adult hemoglobin. An adenine-to-
bon monoxide, also are able to combine with the ferrous atom thymine substitution in the sixth codon replaces glutamic acid
of hemoglobin. Carbon monoxide attaches itself more firmly to with valine in the sixth amino acid position of the beta-globin
physical stress and has to be able to deform in arterioles in order
to travel through the microcirculation. e insoluble Heinz
bodies are torn out of the red cell during passage in the micro- Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of the heme pocket
circulation of the spleen, which is ≤3 microns across (47). In formed by amino acids. Oxygenation can occur only between the
such circumstances, Heinz bodies are pitted out of the red cell non–heme-linked histidine and iron.
along with some membrane, leading to the presence of “bite
cells” in the peripheral smear. Other disturbances such as K+
and Ca++ changes are secondary to the physical damage caused Table 4. Examples of hemoglobin M variants
by Heinz bodies.
e first report of a child with idiopathic congenital non- Hemoglobin Substitution presentation Reference
spherocytic hemolytic anemia associated with cyanosis and Gerald and Efron,
splenomegaly is attributed to Cathie (48). e patient was a HbM Boston α58 (His→Tyr) Cyanosis at birth
1961 (50)
small boy. His spleen was removed and, several months later, Stavem et al,
the red cells were found to contain numerous Heinz bodies. In HbM Saskatoon β63 (His→Tyr) Cyanosis
1972 (51)
1966 Carrell et al described the amino acid substitution giving Hayashi et al,
HbM Iwate α87 (His→Tyr) Cyanosis at birth
rise to an unstable hemoglobin (Hb Köln) as the cause of this 1966 (52)
anemia (42). Hutt et al,
HbM Hyde Park β92 (His→Tyr) Cyanosis
e clinical findings in patients suffering from unstable 1998 (53)
hemoglobin disease include neonatal jaundice, anemia, cya- Hain et al,
HbFM Fort Ripley α92 (His→Tyr) Cyanosis at birth
nosis, pigmenturia, splenomegaly, and drug intolerance. e 1994 (54)
severity of the disease is highly dependent on the degree of
instability of the abnormal hemoglobins. e disorder is clearly
expressed in heterozygotes, and it seems likely that with most “heme pocket” to the amino acid residue histidine—the proxi-
substitutions or deletions, homozygosity would be lethal. Heinz mal histidine. Another histidine is situated on the other side of
bodies are usually not seen until the spleen has been removed; the pocket. is second histidine is not directly linked to the
they can be detected in the peripheral smear by supravital stain- ferrous atom and is called the distal histidine. Normally oxygen
ing. Unstable hemoglobins are detected by their precipitation is able to slip freely between the distal histidine and the ferrous
in isopropanol or after heating to 50°C. HbA2 and HbF may atom during oxygenation and deoxygenation (Figure 3). In the
be increased. Hemoglobin electrophoresis reveals that most normal individual there is a balance between the spontaneous
unstable hemoglobins migrate like HbA or HbS. Complete process of methemoglobin formation and a series of protective
characterization includes amino acid sequencing and gene mechanisms that reconvert the pigment back to hemoglobin.
cloning and sequencing. Methemoglobinemia may be caused by the ingestion of
Not for the first time, observations made on patients suf- nitrites and nitrobenzenes, enzyme deficiencies such as met-
fering from certain abnormal hemoglobin have provided the hemoglobin reductase or diaphorases, and certain abnormal
stimulus for basic scientific work. hemoglobins. In 1948 Hörlein and Weber (49) described a
German family in which some members had been cyanotic from
HEMOGLOBIN M AND METHEMOGLOBINEMIA birth and found that the abnormality was associated with the
For hemoglobin to combine with oxygen, its iron atoms must globin and not with the heme. Hemoglobin M has subsequently
be in the ferrous state. Should oxidation (or de-electronation) been recognized as a perfect example of a molecular abnormality.
of the hemoglobin molecule occur, the ferrous iron is converted Such abnormal hemoglobins, collectively called hemoglobin M,
to ferric iron and methemoglobin is formed. Methemoglobin is all have amino acid substitutions involving either the histidyls
valueless as a respiratory pigment. Every day about 1% of the themselves or amino acids lining the heme pocket (Table 4).
total circulating hemoglobin concentration is converted into Carriers of hemoglobin M are often cyanotic and suffer from
methemoglobin. e iron is itself attached on one side of the anemia. e anemia is more significant than the hemoglobin