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Test Your Level

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Test your level 1. A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant. A dog is smaller than a mouse.

A dog is the biggest. 2. Sangay is English but Teresa isn't; she's American. Teresa is English. Sangay isn't American. 3. He is the oldest man in the world. He is not as old as my grandmother. There are no older men anywhere. 4. You can't come without a ticket. You can come if you have a ticket. You don't need a ticket to come. 5. Andrea is looking after the children. She can see the children. She is looking at the children. 6. They only have one car for the family. They only like cars. They do not have two cars. 7. What does Vonica like? What are her favourite things? Does she look like Vonica? 8. He hopes to go home, but he may go to work. He'll be at home before the office. He's allowed to go to work. 9. I want you to clean the car when you come back. You want to clean it. I don't want you to forget to clean it. 10. She used to smoke cigarettes. She is used to cigarettes. She usually smokes cigarettes. 11. Shall I take you to the station? Would you like me to take you to the station? Will it be necessary to take you there? 12. They should talk more slowly. They talk too quickly. They might have slower talks. 13. Mirana remembered to phone the doctor. She remembered phoning the doctor. She didn't forget to phone the doctor. 14. Madame Traiviey has lived nearly 115 years. She was very old. She died when she was nearly 115. 15. She can hardly see it. She sees very hard. She cannot see it very well. 16. Yeuk Yee had her house painted white yesterday. She had to paint her house white yesterday. They painted her house white for her yesterday. 17. Either teacher knows the answer. No teachers know the answer. All the teachers know the answer. 18. I'd rather be a millionaire. I've been a millionaire. I'd prefer to be a millionaire. 19. You don't have to do this test. You can choose not to do this test. You can't do this test. 20. If Muriel had come, she would have won. If she hadn't won, she'd have come. When Muriel came she always won. A dog is very big. An elephant is bigger than a dog. Sangay isn't English. Teresa and Sangay aren't English. Many men are older. He's older than some other men. You mustn't go with a ticket. You cannot buy a ticket outside. She is taking care of the children. The children are in front of her. They do not like any other cars. They have a big family. How is she? Does he like Vonica? It is possible that he will go to work. He always goes home after work. We will clean it together. I want to clean the car. She smoked before, but she doesn't now. She used two cigarettes. Must I take you? Did I take you before? They would like to talk more slowly. Talking is not fast. Mirana forgot to remember to phone. She remembered that she phoned her. She is very old. Madame Traiviey has many more years. She is hard with it. It is hard to see her. Her house was not blue last week. She painted her house yesterday. Both teachers know the answer. Any teacher can answer. I'd better be a millionaire. You have more millions than me. You mustn't do it. You have no desire to do it. Muriel didn't win because she didn't come. She didn't come, but she won anyway.

Entry Test 1 I haven't got ................. cigarettes. some 2 any little few

My teacher ................. English. are am speak is

................. you go to the cinema yesterday? Have Do Did When

The teacher said: " Simon, please ................. the window ". you close closing opened close

................. you like a cup of tea? Would Could May Does

She ............... coming to dinner tomorrow. will is shall can

The examination is ................. Tuesday. in by on at

She's going to Spain ................. March. on in at by

This pen isn't yours. It's ................. mine your me to him

10 He ................. to America 5 years ago. goes is going has gone went

11 If you ................. to Paris, you'll see the Eiffel Tower. will go went go would go

12 He's been living in London ................. ten years. ago since for during

13 He came into the room while l ................. T.V. watched was watching am watching watch

14 "I am going to a film this evening." He said he ................. to a film that evening. had been went was going did go

15 You ................. stop smoking or you will get ill. ought should can better

16 Peter ................. golf since he was 16. has been playing was playing will be playing plays

17 I ................. English since last December. will be learning have been learning am learning learn

18 Whisky is ................. in Scotland. done made make doing

19 Shakespeare is ................. to understand than Agatha Christie. difficult most difficult more difficult the most difficult

20 She's seeing him tomorrow, ................. ?

is she

isn't she

will she

won't she

21 He ................. a shower when the telephone rang. was having had will have has had

22 Peter ................. in London when he was a little boy. lives used to live had lived was living

23 After he ................. to his girlfriend, he telephoned his mother. would speak to was spoken had spoken has spoken

24 I ................. Mary recently because she has been on holiday. haven't seen didn't seen haven't spoken wasn't seeing

25 This time tomorrow, I ................. an exam. will take will be taking am going to take would take

26 If you came to the party, you ................. it. enjoyed will enjoy would enjoy had enjoyed

27 Portuguese ................. in Brazil. speaks is spoken speaking will be spoken

28 "Have you got a light?" She asked if I ................. a light. have had would have had had

29 After the accident, he ................. to the doctor but instead he continued to play football. ought should have gone must have gone ought have

30 He ................. go to the theatre tonight, but he hasn't decided. has to might shall will

31 When I was little I ................. a bath every night. used to have was having did have would be having

32 If I ................. him, I would have told you. have seen saw had seen would have seen

33 Peter ................. his breakfast when the letter arrived. eating ate had eaten has eaten

34 Would you mind ................. me a lift home, please? give giving to give having given

35 "I went to the theatre last night." He said he ................. to the theatre that night. went was going would have gone had gone

36 There is a bottle of milk ................. from the fridge. missing short of running out lacking

37 He's the man ................. dog was run over last week. which who is whose whom

38 I wish I ................. to Spain last year. went had gone will go am going

39 That man ................. too much because he is driving very dangerously. must drink must be drunk must have drunk should

40 He ought to stop drinking, ................. ? ought he oughtn't he should he shouldn't he

41 She ................. her nails. I can't stand that habit of hers. always bites is always biting bites will be biting

42 I like him because he always makes me ................. laughing to laugh laugh laughter

43 When they came into the kitchen they were dirty because they ................. in the garden. had played were playing had been playing played

44 If we had arrived at the station five minutes earlier, we ................. the train. caught would catch would have caught had caught

45 Supposing you ................. her again. What would you say? will meet met meeting will have met

46 He regrets ................. his mother about his new girlfriend. to tell having been told having told tell

47 He might have come though, ................. ? might he mightn't he hasn't he shouldn't he

48 You look tired. Why don't you try to get ................. for a few days. away up back through

49 Never ................. such a beautiful painting. have seen saw have I seen did I see

50 Don't put cream on my strawberries, I prefer them ................. simple ordinary plain usual

51 A baker is a person who ................. bread. is baking bakes baked will bake

52 He ................. to go to the office at ten o'clock to see his boss. has have must should

53 He's going to come here................. ten o'clock. to 54 ................. any apples? Have you got Do you You have Is there at on in

55 I .................my homework at the moment. study am doing am making studied

56 ................. she play football? do does is are

57 ................. aren't any books in the classroom. They There Here These

58 I tried to phone you but you................. not at home. were was are did

59 I ................. watch T.V. last night. didn't doesn't can't don't

60 I'm thirsty. I ................. a drink. am like have need

61 There is ................. butter in the fridge. a few some much many

62 How ................. people are there in the classroom? much many little a lot

63 She's the girl ................. always comes late. which she who who's

64 She looks rather ill. Perhaps she ................. to the doctor. had better go had to go would better go better go

65 This room ................. last night. was cleaned has been cleaned is cleaned was cleaning

66 He ................. to go to the dentist because he has toothache. ought should would have

67 If I were you, I ................. smoking. would stop will stop would stop

68 John ................. sent the letter because we have not received it. can't have must have should have has

69 The train ................. when we arrived at the station. has left had left is leaving was left

70 I have not made my bed ................. just ever already yet

71 Martin is very ................. by football. boring bore bored bores

72 He went to the Post Office ................. some stamps. for buying buy to buy buying

73 If he'd come on time, he ................. the lesson. wouldn't miss would have missed would miss wouldn't have missed

74 He ................. for 3 hours when I met him. was walking has been walking had been walking has walked

75 My house ................. at the moment. is being redecorated is re-decorated re-decorates was re-decorated

76 He will be coming, ................. ? will he won't he doesn't he does he

77 John fell ................. the window. out off out of down

78 What about ................. to the theatre tonight? go going to go we go

79 Would you mind if I ................. the window? open opened opening had opened

80 "Don't write on this page." He told me ................. write on the page. not don't not to to not

81 Not only ................. French, but he also speaks Arabic. he speaks he is speaking does he speak he spoke

82 Before ................. the ring, he asked her to marry him.

to buy



he has bought

83 They ................. the Olympic City by 2010. had built build will have built are building

84 The thief ................. by the time Mr & Mrs Smith returned from holiday. was arrested had been arrested is arrested arrested

85 You won't pass unless you ................. harder. work will work are working worked

86 ................. he is overweight, he can run quite fast. In spite of Even though Even In case

87 I'd rather you ................. now, because I have a lot of work. leave left will leave had left

88 He said that he ................. the news in time. hasn't been given isn't given hadn't been given isn't giving

89 ................. being well over 95, he still rides a bike every day. In case Even though In spite of Instead of

90 I'm thinking of going to Spain this year ................. France. rather instead of unless although

91 If I ................. you, I would take up karate. had been were was am

92 The office had been burgled, but the safe showed no signs of ................. having touched being touching having been touched touching

93 "Shall we meet at the theatre?" He ................. they met at the theatre. invited said suggested asked

94 She ................. the children instead of spending the evening in the pub. should have looked for should have been looking after into should have looked should have been looking into

95 She went to the Passport Office ................. collect her passport. in order to so that in order so as

96 Sally ................. to the bank yet. wasn't didn't gone hasn't been wasn't going

97 The shop ................. for an hour when they arrived at six o'clock. had been closed was closed has closed is closed

98 Sue ................. to him earlier that morning. had spoken speaks were speaking is spoken

99 The reason given does not ................. your behaviour. apologise excuse forgive obliterate

100 You ................. go to the doctor if you don't feel well. had better ought would better might've

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