BloomTaxonomy of Learning Objectives
BloomTaxonomy of Learning Objectives
BloomTaxonomy of Learning Objectives
As a student did you ever sit in a class and wonder, “Why is she
talking about this?”
Therefore, if you think with that end in mind (the outcome), what
will you do today to lead your students? On the following pages
are some teaching guides and ideas, based upon Bloom’s
Psychomotor Domain
Learning Outcomes Related to Skills
Affective Domain
Learning Outcomes Related to Attitudes, Behaviors & Values
Remember Arrange, Count, Define, Describe, Draw, Duplicate, Analogies, Audio, Charts, Examples,
Recognizing, Identify, Label, List, Match, Name, Order, Point, Illustrations, Lecture, Timelines, Video,
Recalling Quote, Read, Recall, Recite, Recognize, Record, Visuals Quiz, Definition, Fact, Worksheet,
Repeat, Reproduce, Select, State, Write Test, Label, List, Workbook,
Reproduction, Vocabulary
Comprehend Associate, Classify, Compare, Compute, Contrast, Discussion, Learner Presentations,
Interpreting, Convert, Describe, Differentiate, Discuss, Questions and Answers, Reports,
Exemplifying, Distinguish, Explain, Express, Extend, Generalize, Summaries, Recitation, Summary
Classifying, Give Examples, Identify, Indicate, Locate, Listing, Collection, Explanation, Show and tell,
Matching, Paraphrase, Predict, Recognize, Report, Example, Quiz, List, Label, Outline
Inferring, Restate, Review, Rewrite, Select, Sort,
Comparing, Summarize, Tell, Translate
Apply Add, Apply, Calculate, Change, Choose, Classify, Demonstrations, Exercises, Microteach,
Executing, Complete, Compute, Demonstrate, Determine, Practice, Projects, Role Play, Simulations,
Implementing Develop, Discover, Divide, Dramatize, Employ, Sketches Photograph, Illustration,
Examine, Formulate, Graph, Illustrate, Interpret, Sculpture, Presentation, Interview,
Manipulate, Modify, Multiply, Operate, Organize, Performance, Diary, Journal
Perform, Practice, Predict, Prepare, Produce,
Relate, Schedule, Shop, Show, Sketch, Solve,
Subtract, Translate, Use
Analyze Analyze, Appraise, Arrange, Breakdown, Calculate, Case Studies, Critical Incidents,
Differentiating, Combine, Compare, Contrast, Criticize, Design, Discussion, Problems Graph,
Organizing, Detect, Determine, Develop, Diagram, Spreadsheet, Checklist, Chart, Outline,
Attributing Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish, Estimate, Survey, Database, Mobile, Abstract,
Examine, Experiment, Extrapolate, Formulate, Report
Identify, Illustrate, Infer, Inspect, Inventory,
Outline, Point Out, Question, Relate, Select,
Separate, Subdivide, Test, Utilize
Evaluate Appraise, Argue, Assess, Attack, Choose, Appraisals, Case Studies, Critiques,
Checking, Compare, Conclude, Contrast, Criticize, Critique, Exercises, Projects, Simulations Debate,
Critiquing Defend, Determine, Estimate, Evaluate, Grade, Panel, Report, Evaluation, Investigation,
Interpret, Judge, Justify, Measure, Predict, Rank, Verdict, Conclusion, Persuasive speech
Rate, Revise, Score, Select, Support, Test, Value,
Create Arrange, Assemble, Categorize, Collect, Combine, Case Studies, Constructs, Creative
Generating, Compile, Compose, Construct, Create, Debate, Exercises, Develop Plans, Problems,
Planning, Derive, Design, Devise, Explain, Formulate, Projects, Simulations Film, Story, Plan,
Producing Generate, Group, Integrate, Manage, Modify, New game, Newspaper, Media product,
Order, Organize, Plan, Prepare, Prescribe, Advertisement, Painting, Song
Produce, Propose, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Relate,
Reorganize, Revise, Rewrite, Specify, Summarize,
Synthesize, Tell, Transform
Adapted from San Joaquin Valley College Student Earning Outcomes Toolkit