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Khan Gs Research Centre: Common Error UPSC NDA (English)

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UPSC NDA (English) By :Priyanshu Sir

1. This hardly won freedom (a)/ should 14. My book, which (a)/I gave it you
not be lost (b)/ so soon. (c)/No error yesterday (b)/is very interesting. (c)/No
(d) error (d)
2. I tried to meet the person (a)/ whom 15. I am entirely agreeing with you, (a)/but
you said (b)/was looking for me. I regret (b)/ I can’t help you. (c)/No
(c)/No error (d) error (d)
3. We looked after the thief (a)/but he 16. I do not understand why (a)/ in spite
was nowhere (b)/but it did not. of my best efforts to please him (b)/ my
(c)/No error (d) boss is so angry at me. (C)/ No error.
4. I hoped that the train (a)/will arrive (d)
on time, (b)/but it did not. (c)/No 17. Although we reached his house on
error time (a)/ he was left (b)/for the airport.
5. Their all belongings (a)/were lost (c)/No error. (d)
(b)/ in the fire. (c)/No error (d) 18. If a thing (a)/ is worth doing at all (b)/
6. He was in the temper (a)/and it i s worth done well. (c)/No error. (d)
refused (b)/ to discuss the matter 19. All the boys (a)/ returned back home
again. (c)/No error (d) (b)/ well in time for lunch. (c)/No error.
7. The decorations in your house (a)/ (d)
are similar (b)/to his house. (c)/No 20. ell me the name of (a)/a country where
error (d) every citizen is law-abiding (b)/ and no
8. Despite of the increase in air fares, trouble is there. (c)/No error. (d)
(a)/most people still prefer (b)/to 21. Considering about these facts (a)/the
travel by plane (c)/No error (d) principal has offered (b)/him a seat.
9. He told the boys that (a)/ if they (c)/No error. (d)
worked hard (b)/they will surely 22. His friends feel that (a)/ he will be
pass. (c)/No error (d) suspended (b)/ unless he does not
10. I shall write (a)/to you (b)/ when I report for duty immediately. (c)/ No
shall reach Chennai. (c)/No error (d) error (d)
11. Neither of these two documents (a)/ 23. One of the most interesting feature of
support your claim (b)/ on the travel in Himachal Pradesh is (a)/ the
property. (c)/ No error (d) large number of travelers ’ lodges (b)/
12. He is school teacher, (a)/but all his provided by the State Government. (c)/
sons (b)/ are doctors. (c)/No error No error. (d)
(d) 24. It (a)/ was raining (b)/cats and dogs.
13. His grandfather (a)/had told him to (c)/No error. (d)
smoke (b)/was a bad habit. (c)/No 25. I prefer (a)/ this book (b)/than that
error (d) one. (c)/No error. (d)
26. Their belongings (a)/were lost (b)/ in
the fire. (c) No error, (d)
27. I courteously asked him (a)/ where (b)/want to watch this movie. (c)/No
was he going (b) but he did not reply. error (d)
(c)/ No error. (d) 44. We have to reach (a)/ there at ten (b)/
28. The memoranda (a)/ is (b)/ on the will you please walk little faster. (c)/
table.(c)/ No error. (d) No error (d)
29. Nandita asked me (a)/ if I was 45. Are you (a)/ through with (b)/ that
working (b)/ hardly these days.(c)/ No newspaper ? (c)/ No error (d)
error. (d) 46. My college (a)/is besides (b)/ the lake.
30. He couldn’t (a)/find (b)/a answer. (c)/No error (d)
(c)/No error. (d) 47. The Department of Fine arts has
31. Whom you think (a)/will be dismissed been criticized (a)/for not having
(b)/first ? (c)/No error. (d) much required courses (b)/
32. All of them (a)/speaks (b)/ good scheduled for this semester. (c)/No
English. (c)/No error. (d) error (d)
33. The peon (a)/has not sweeped (b)/ 48. If I was you, (a)/ I would not go to
the floor today. (c)/No error. (d) film (b)/ in my mother’s absence.
34. Her parents (a)/ has not permitted (c)/No error (d)
her (b)/ to marry Sunil. (c)/No error. 49. Those of us who have a family history
(d) of heart disease (a)/ should make a
35. Emperor Ashoka (a)/have conquered yearly appointment (b)/ with their
Kalinga (b)/ before he embraced doctors. (c)/ No error (d)
Buddhism. (c)/No error. (d) 50. The old furnitures (a)/was disposed of
36. Every student (a)/ should be asked (b)/ and the new ones were placed.
(b)/to give their ideas on the subject. (c)/No error (d)
(c)/No error. (d)
37. CV Raman was one of the greatest
sons of India(a)/ who has earned
everlasting fame for scientific
researches. (c)/No error (d)
38. The box (a)/ is heavy than (b)/the
other one. (c)/No error (d)
39. The writer does not have the freedom
(a)/ to choose his own themes (b),
society thrusts them on him. (c)/No
error (d)
40. How long (a)/ you are (b)/ in this
profession? (c)/ No error
41. The old widower (a)/ living in
remittances from his sons, (b)/ could
not make both ends meet. (c)/ No
error (d)
42. I like to (a)/ listen the song of the
nightingale (b)/ in the evening (c)./
No error (d)
43. Each student (a)/ from amongst the
hundred students in the class

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