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Architecture Document for Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Project

1. Introduction

This architecture document outlines the design and implementation of the

Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Model. The project utilizes an ensemble stacking
technique, combining multiple machine learning algorithms to improve sentiment
prediction accuracy on Twitter data.

2. System Overview

The system is designed to process and analyze tweet data, predicting sentiment
based on text inputs. It involves several components, including data preprocessing,
feature extraction, model training, evaluation, and deployment.

3. Architecture Components

3.1. Data Collection and Preprocessing

•Data Source: Twitter API

•Data Collection: Tweets are collected based on speci c keywords related to
technology, products, services, and general experiences.
•Preprocessing Steps:
•Text Cleaning: Removing special characters, URLs, and unnecessary spaces.
•Tokenization: Splitting text into individual tokens (words).
•Stop Word Removal: Removing common but non-informative words (e.g., “the”,
•Stemming/Lemmatization: Reducing words to their base or root form.

3.2. Feature Extraction

•Technique Used: TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)

•Convert preprocessed text into numerical vectors.
•Compute the TF-IDF score for each term in the tweet, re ecting its importance
relative to the document and the entire corpus.

3.3. Model Components

•Base Models:
•Random Forest: An ensemble learning method based on decision trees.
•Support Vector Machine (SVM): A supervised learning model used for
classi cation tasks.
•Logistic Regression: A regression model commonly used for binary classi cation.
•XGBoost: An optimized gradient boosting model designed for performance and
•Stacking Classi er:
•Base Models Combination: Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression, and
XGBoost are used as base models.
•Meta-Learner: Logistic Regression is used to aggregate the outputs of the base
models and produce the nal prediction.

3.4. Model Training and Optimization

•Training Process:
•Split data into training and testing sets.
•Train each base model on the training data.
•Use cross-validation to optimize hyperparameters for each base model.
•Stack base models and train the meta-learner on the predictions of the base
•Hyperparameter Tuning:
•Perform grid search or randomized search to nd the optimal hyperparameters for
each model.
•Evaluate performance metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, ROC-AUC) to
ensure the best model con guration.

3.5. Evaluation Metrics

•Metrics Used:
•Accuracy: Proportion of correctly predicted instances out of the total instances.
•Precision: Proportion of true positive predictions relative to the total positive
•Recall: Proportion of true positive predictions relative to the total actual positives.
•F1-Score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall.
•ROC-AUC: Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, indicating the
model’s ability to distinguish between classes.

3.6. Error Analysis

•Analyze misclassi ed instances to identify common patterns and potential model
•Adjust model training or preprocessing steps based on insights gained from error

4. System Flow Diagram

The system ow is illustrated in the diagram below:

5. Conclusion

This architecture provides a comprehensive overview of the Enhanced Sentiment

Analysis Project, from data collection to model deployment. The integration of
multiple machine learning algorithms through stacking aims to improve the accuracy
and robustness of sentiment predictions, making the system a valuable tool for
analyzing public sentiment on Twitter.

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